Doubt (The Connected Series Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Doubt (The Connected Series Book 1)
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“I hope this isn’t a favourite.” I smile against his mouth, pushing his shirt off his shoulders. 


“Not anymore.” he smiles back thrusting his tongue into my mouth. I can feel him, right where I need him, hot and wanting. 


“Put me down.” I plead.


“No, why?” he looks at me quizzically.


“I need to take off my jeans and you need those trousers gone.”


He lowers me, forcefully onto the floor and his hands fly to his belt, within seconds, he is naked and standing in front of me. Looking at him, I am reminded just how lucky I am. He really is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. Pushing my jeans and knickers off my hips, he reaches forward and tugs them from my legs, lifting me back up in one swift move.


“Hey there.” We’re nose to nose and I can feel his heat, naked against me now. 


“I can feel you’re ready, so wet for me Miss Bennett.” 


“Alwa...” my words are lost as he reaches between us, finding my core and slipping one finger inside. 


“I’m not waiting any longer, Soph, I’ve been thinking of this all day. Ready?” he doesn’t give me time to reply, thrusting up into me making me yell out in pleasure.


Something that I think is
roars from his lips, and suddenly we’re moving. He sinks to the floor, steadying my waist.


“Ride me, Sophie, I want to see you.”


His eyes are glazed and his cheeks flushed, he reaches forward and teases a nipple

in-between his finger and thumb. I lean forward, dipping my head to meet his, needing to kiss him. The feel of his mouth against mine, hot, sweet, tasting slightly of beer is amazing. Sitting back up, steadying myself on his chest, I really begin to move.


Oh it feels
good, I raise myself almost completely off him, slamming back down making him close his eyes, lifting his hips to meet me again. I start to climb and reach down between my legs to find that sweet bundle of nerves and chase my release. It doesn’t take long, and I am exploding around him, yelling words, I can’t understand. My whole body is trembling. Doug sits up, cupping my arse, nose to nose, faster and faster he moves inside me.


“I’m.... so... close...” with a roar, his body tenses and he comes hard inside me, I can feel him pulsing, filling me.


“I love you.” he whispers leaning in, rubbing his nose against mine.


“I love you too.” 







I’m not sure how much time passes, but I’m lying on our pile of clothes on the floor, half asleep. 


“I’ll run you that bath.”


“Ummmm” is about all I can manage.


The lure of Doug walking naked isn’t even enough to make me open my eyes. I hear the water start running, I guess I should get up.
Thom Yorke
is still singing about
Karma Police


“Do you mind if I change the music?” I shout, I have nothing against
, but I want to listen to something a little lighter. 


“Of course you can, nothing girlie though!” he shouts back.


Nothing girlie? I scroll through my iPod before selecting
, and clicking it into the dock. Perfect. I walk into the bathroom, welcomed by the scent of orange blossom and steam rising from the bath, Doug has lit candles - it looks fabulous. The bath sits by the huge window, I can sit in the bath and look out over London, how many people can do that? Taking the hair band I keep on the side of the bath, I pull my hair up into a messy bun on the top of my head and slip into the bubbles closing my eyes, sighing as I feel my muscles relaxing instantly. 


“Is there room in there for me?” I open my eyes and Doug is standing at the side of the bath holding two glasses.


“That depends...” I raise an eyebrow at him.


“On….?” he asks raising his too. 


“What’s in that glass and if you’re going to rub my feet...” I pull my best

how can you resist this face

face and wait.


“Peach Bellini and yes, now move over.” 


“Oooooh, you know the way to a girls heart Mr. Roberts.” I shift forward and Doug slides in behind me. 


“Can I have my glass please?” turning round expectantly.


“Did I say one of them was for you?” he brings each glass up to his lips and takes a sip.


“Oh. Bad move Mr. Roberts.” I glare at him, splashing him in the face with water. 


“You can get out now.” Leaning forward I raise my hand and wave him on. 


“Well played, Miss Bennett!” Doug laughs, passing me my glass... that now has bubbles in.


“Damn, I so didn’t think that through did I?” I moan, placing my glass on the side. 


“Good job I bought the bottle with me.” Doug leans over, tipping the contents of my glass into the ice bucket and re-fills my glass.


“You’re forgiven.” I close my eyes as I take a sip, soft bubbles hit the back of my throat as I swallow, the sweetness of the peach, absolute perfection. I lay back, resting on Doug, 


“So how was your day?”


“Crazy as I predicted. I really shouldn’t leave the office for so long in the future.” his whole body tenses while he talks and I regret bringing it up, I reach down to take his hands in mine.  


“I am guessing yours wasn’t much better?” he lifts our hands together, looking at our locked fingers.


”No. But its over now.” I try to change the subject to a less tense one “Shall we go out for dinner tomorrow?” 


“Ummm, I like the sound of that, where do you want to go?” I smile, on safer ground. “I really fancy Italian. Can we go for Italian?” 


“Sounds like a plan. Are we still shopping on Saturday?” his wandering hands are now slowly massaging my breasts, slippery from the bubbles. 


“Yes, I’d like to find a dress for Saturday night.” 


“You have
of dresses, why do you need a new one?” Mr Wandering hands is edging his way lower. 


“I don’t
a new dress, I’d just
one.” Sinking further into the bath, I relax into Doug’s arms. Content to stay here all night and I just might. 


That idea loses its appeal once the water starts to get cold and my fingers and toes look like prunes. Stepping out of the bath first, Doug gets one of his extra fluffy, giant towels and wraps me like you would a small child, arms trapped, before lifting me out of the bath and placing me on the bathmat. 


“Thank you, but I do have legs you know.” 


“Yes, but with no arms, how would you balance yourself?” he winks and grabs a towel for himself, wrapping it around his waist. It slips just a little riding dangerously low, exposing his very lickable V. 


“Dinner?” Doug smirks as he catches me openly ogling him, 


“Yes.. What are we having?” 


“Chinese, okay?”




I wander into the lounge, flopping onto the sofa, turning off the iPod and switching on the TV. Flicking through the channels, I am delighted to find that
Dirty Dancing
is on. A classic, one of my favourite films. I snuggle down to watch. 







I couldn’t be more comfortable, I’m snuggled under a blanket, resting my head on Doug’s chest, tummy full of Chinese and some comedy show on the TV. I’m not really watching it so I have idea what’s going on. I’m drifting off to sleep when I hear a phone ring. 


“Leave it.” I groan, snuggling back in. The phone stops ringing, and then starts again. 


“I better see who it is, I’ll be right back.” I listen to Doug pad across the lounge and into the kitchen where his phone is.




Who is calling at 10 o’clock at night? Doug’s voice is muffled, he must have gone into the office. Work then I’m guessing. I lay there, listening to some guy make jokes about another guy who never takes his wallet anywhere, there is laughing and joking and it all seems terribly funny, just not to me, I’m fast entering the land of nod and nothing is going to keep me awake. I’m jolted awake when I’m placed in a freezing cold bed.


“What the hell?” its pitch black. “Doug?” I ask into the darkness. 


“Who else?” he chuckles. 


“Why is it so cold?”


“Because you fell asleep under the blanket and wrapped in a towel downstairs, come here, I’ll warm you up.” I wriggle closer, feeling the heat radiating off him as I get closer, 


“How are you always so warm?” finally coming into contact with the warm mass of muscle, I wrap myself around him. 


“Warm heart, warm body.” 


“That isn’t the saying Doug.” 


“Well it is to me.” he chuckles


“You are so full of crap, you know that right?” I yawn.


“Charming, go to sleep, its late.” he tucks me into him a little more and kisses me. 


“What time is it?”
“A little after 1am, so time to sleep, I have to be up in less than five hours.” he groans pulling me closer still. 


“What were you doing all that time?” 


“Working, which I have to do in a few hours, can we go to sleep?” 


“Okay, night Doug.” 


“Night Sophie.” 

Chapter Five




I’m barely awake when Doug leaves in the morning. 


“Stay as long as you like, in fact, never leave…” he grins, sliding his nose against my chin, “God you smell good in the morning.”


“I’ll shower and then I’ll go. I’ve got a busy day.” I yawn, stretching my hands up,
oh, that feels good.


“What are the plans for tonight? Am I picking you up? Are we meeting there?” he pulls away.


“I don’t really know. What did you want to the plans to be?” I close my eyes, snuggling deeper into the covers.


“Sophie!” Doug pulls the covers down, exposing my naked body to him. His eyes bulge as if he just remembered I was naked.


“Yes...” I ask innocently letting my hands slide over my body and letting them come to rest on my thigh.


“Um....yeah.... we…..” he is staring at my naked body.


“Tonight, you were asking me about tonight.” I laugh snapping my fingers in front of his face.


“Right.” he drags his eyes away from my body and to my face.


“I’ll meet you here. Then we can go to dinner.” I rise out of bed, stretching my arms above my head, fully aware of what it does to my breasts.


“See you later then.” I turn my back to him and walk towards the bathroom, stopping just inside the door, I turn to peek at him. “You don’t want to be late now do you?” I ask winking.


As I close the door I hear his groan. 


Knowing how I left Doug this morning makes me smile most of the morning. His poor, tortured little face. He will enjoy my surprise later though. Sitting at the breakfast bar eating my toast I hear a key in the front door, thinking that Doug has come back from work, I groan, he has spoiled my surprise. When I hear footsteps that sound nothing like Doug's coming towards the kitchen I start to panic a little. My heart rate picks up. When a middle aged, brown haired women steps round the corner, I sigh in relief.  Oh, it's Alison, Doug's housekeeper.


"Oh, morning Sophie. Mr. Roberts didn't say you would be here." She smiles warmly at me and places her bag on the counter. 


"He didn't know I would be, still doesn't actually. I am planning on surprising him this afternoon." I smile back reaching for my orange juice.


"Oh that's lovely. You are sweet. How are you?”


"Very well thank you. How are you? Is Steven well?"


Alison is in her early fifties and is married to Steven who is a mechanic. She has a son who was currently at university.


"We're both well. Sean is doing well at university. He is actually coming back home for a visit this weekend!” she beams, clearly excited about having her son back home for the weekend.


"So you'll get to spend the weekend washing his clothes and feeding him." I laugh.


"I'm looking forward to it!” she beams at me.


Alison is such a wonderful motherly person, I loved her the minute I met her. She takes fabulous care of Doug, shopping for food so he has something to eat after a long day, stocking his cupboards with his favourite treats like chocolate fingers and fruit pastilles and always keeping his coffee bean supply stocked. I slip off the stool, taking my breakfast things to the dishwasher.


"I've got to get a few things ready, I shall let you get on.” I say walking to the stairs. Alison waves to me before heading to the pantry. 


As I reach the bedroom I am reminded that I still need to phone Caroline, Doug's PA, to make sure she managed to clear his afternoon from lunch time for a couple of hours. Dialling Doug's direct office number, I walk into the wardrobe.


"Mr. Roberts’s office, how may I help you?" Caroline answers the phone sweetly.


"Caroline, it's Sophie.”


"Hi Sophie, are you calling about today?" She asks, I can hear her tapping away at the computer.


"Yes, did you manage it?”

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