Doubt (The Connected Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Doubt (The Connected Series Book 1)
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“I’m happy here.” his eyes darken as he looks over my body, causing my nipples to pebble, clearly visible through my vest and lack of bra.


“More than happy here.” he smiles, making no secret of the fact he is ogling my chest.


“So I see.” reaching up and grabbing a hoodie.


” he groans “Don’t spoil my evening by covering that fantastic chest.” 


“It’s cold...” I shrug, slipping the hoodie over my head.


“Well, seeing as I don’t have a top to wear, I don’t see why you should have one either...”


He lunges towards me, tackling me to the bed and thrusting his hands under my top, finding my still erect nipple he runs his finger back and forth making me gasp.


“Doug...” he leans down, kissing me, so lightly I can barely feel him.


Trailing a path of kisses from my mouth to my ear he pinches my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, causing my hips to buck. He pauses, looking me straight in the eyes before finally, slowly sipping his fingers between my legs. My back arches and I can’t help myself from rubbing against his finger tips.


“Are you still cold?” he grins against my neck.


“What do you think?” I grab his head, needing his lips on me.


“I think... You’re a
.” he nips at my bottom lip.


“I think... you know
what you are doing...” he runs his tongue under my upper lip, taking it into his mouth and sucking.


“I think... I’m going to fuck you now....” he pulls my lounge pants and knickers down my legs, still teasing my mouth with his tongue.


“And I think..... “I’m going to make you come
hard, you won’t be able to stop yourself from screaming my name!” Shivers run down my spine, I was panting now. Desperate to feel him inside me. The door buzzes, startling us both. 


think...” I tease reaching down to pull my clothes back on, “The pizza is here...” I leap up off the bed and go to let the pizza delivery in. I can hear Doug’s muffled moans from the bedroom as I do.






We are sat eating pizza on the sofa while watching re-runs of
. Doug is lounging on the sofa, feet propped up on the table, looking relaxed and content. 


“You know, I’ve seen this episode more times that I can remember.” I laugh, watching them all play American Football.


“So why are we watching it?” Doug looks confused, reaching for another slice of pizza.


“Well, because there is
else on, and because, I
get tired of it!” 


“Do you know what I never get tired of...?” he asks wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, dropping his pizza and moving towards me. 


“Pizza?” I squeak as he pulls my legs off the sofa and crawls in-between them.


“Nope... “He reaches for my waistband and eases them down my legs, along with my knickers.


“Beer....” I groan as his hands slide up my thighs.


“Nope... “He nuzzles the inside of my thigh and inhales.


...” it’s barely a whisper.


, Sophie. I never get tired of
.” he dips his head and licks me. One long, delicious, slow lick, right up the centre of my sex. 


“OH!” his probing tongue takes me by surprise as it dips inside me. His fingers delve inside me while his tongue laps and teases at my folds. 


“Remember what I said earlier? Get ready to scream my name.” 


and the pizza lay forgotten about for the rest of the evening.







Saturday brings a cold, wet day. As I really
want a dress for tonight and I don’t have anything edible in the flat, we get up, shower together and head out for a little breakfast and shopping.

We go to one of our favourite places for breakfast. It’s light and airy and the staff are so friendly. I order my usual of blueberry buttermilk pancakes, smoked streaky bacon, maple syrup and a coffee, while Doug goes all man on me and has the full English an orange juice
a coffee. We chat about the night ahead and what I need to get today. When our breakfast arrives, we happily tuck in, Doug like he hasn’t eaten for weeks.


“You’re hungry this morning.” I nod at his quickly vanishing food.


“I wonder why that is?” the corner of his lips quirk up. 


“Well, if you will leave half your dinner uneaten...” I try to pretend I’m not remembering last night and again this morning in the shower. 


“I think I ate plenty last night, pizza, followed by your delicious...” I hold up my hand halting that thought.


“Don’t you
finish that sentence!” I look around hoping no one has heard. He just laughs and continues eating. 


Walking hand in hand we head out to find my outfit for tonight, Doug looks thoroughly bored as I drool over yet another handbag.


“Sophie” he sighs looking at his watch “Are you actually buying a bag?” 


“No.” I smile walking to another display.


“Then why are we looking?” he is exasperated. 


“Because they are beautiful.” I coo running my hand over a particularly beautiful deep purple beauty. After a few more minutes I  decide I’ve taken long enough, I grip the dress and shoes I’ve chosen and go to pay. Clutching the bags in my hand I go on the search for Doug, I see him over by the menswear on his phone.


“I don’t want to rush things either, this is too important for that. I can come over on Thursday afternoon? Would that work?”


He is speaking softly but as I approach him I can hear his conversation. He has his back to me, so I reach around, wrapping my hands over his eyes. He tenses, spinning around to look at me.
, I mouth at him. He shakes his head and smiles.


“Okay, that’s great. I shall see you Thursday.” with that he hangs up and takes my hand.


“Ready?” he asks putting his phone back into his jeans pocket. 


“Yes. Who are you meeting with on Thursday that is so important?” I ask, squeezing his hand. 


“Just a new client.” He opens the door to the street and we step out. It’s raining heavily and we don’t have an umbrella.


“Stay here, I’ll go get the car.”


I stay sheltered in the door way, watching him run down the street. A few minutes later he is in front of me with the passenger door open.


“Hop in baby!” he smiles letting the sound of the
American Authors
blast out of the car.



His smile is infectious and I grin as I hop in. Doug is singing happily on the drive home, it is such a joy to see and I sit back, soaking up the happiness that surrounds me. Right now, life couldn’t be any better. 







We get ready for the night at Doug’s, he looks unbelievably hot wearing black jeans and a black and grey striped jumper. He oozes sex and it makes me wet just looking at him.


“Are you ready?” he interrupts my ogling.


“Ready.” I grab my bag and we head out to meet Miley and Jonathan.


After a delicious meal, Jonathan leaves before us to get to work while we finish up our drinks. 


“See you soon birthday girl” he leans down kissing Miley. 


“So, do you like your present?” I ask, looking at her beaming smile.


“I love it, it is so beautiful!” she gushes, “Thank you, both of you.” she blows us kissed from across the table.


We spent ages choosing the right present for Miley. We finally decided on a charm bracelet. It was elegant and beautiful and perfect for Miley. 


“I’ll always think of you both whenever I wear it.” she clutches her wrist to her heart, tears shining in her beautiful eyes. I reach over and hug my best friend.


“You’re so welcome.” I whisper into her ear “I love you so much.” tears glisten in both our eyes and we giggle.


“Enough with the tears, it’s your birthday.” I laugh, wiping my thumbs under her eyes.


“Which means I can cry if I want to.” She pouts.


We finish our drinks and head on over to
, Miley is bouncing in the back seat of the cab and I think she might just explode. 


“I haven’t been dancing in forever!” she exclaims. “I am so excited!”


“I think we can tell..” Doug quips amused.


We arrive at
and Doug pays the driver while Miley and I head in. It’s still raining and it’s getting cold. The bar is packed, if we didn't have a reservation, I am pretty sure we wouldn't have got in. Everywhere I turn there are people. I can't see a space anywhere.


"How are we going to get up to the second level?" I shout to Miley, she looks around and smiles.


"Here's how." she winks.


I turn to look where she is looking and spot Jonas. Jonas is one of the doormen here and is huge, all man and gorgeous. An ex navy SEAL, he just has to look at you and you would do whatever he asks. 


“Ladies,” he smiles his all American smile, "Follow me.”


Watching everyone’s reaction to Jonas is something else, he walks forward and the crowd parts before him, people seeming to vanish into thin air. With our path clear, we all follow him up the stairs. Doug is behind me, I add a little extra swing to my hips, wiggling my butt in his face. When we reach the top, He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me into him.


“Are you wearing knickers?” his mouth is at my ear, his breath hot. 


“No... I can’t with this dress...” I hear him growl in response.


“This dress is way too short for you not to be wearing underwear, don’t bend down.”


I keep walking, mentally congratulating myself, it will drive him crazy. Miley is beaming, she loves dancing, and she is in heaven right now. 


“Sophie, you’re
gorgeous tonight, isn’t she Doug.” she yells throwing her hands around my neck.


It took no time to find my dress earlier today, even if I did torture Doug for ages after finding it. Within five minutes I had found the dress I wanted. If ever in doubt, black is the way to go. My dress is a black lace, off the shoulder number. It is higher up my thighs that I normally go for, but teamed with the black heels I am wearing, it makes my legs look fabulous, and Doug likes my legs. Actually Doug likes my arse, my boobs, my tummy, any part of me, he isn’t fussy.


“She always looks gorgeous.” he smiles planting a kiss on the top of my head.


“What do you lovely ladies want to drink?” he raises an eyebrow and looks at us both.


“I’m thinking, something with bubbles!” Miley smiles.


“I’ll get a bottle, Sophie?”


“I’m happy with that, can I have a glass of water too though, please?” Doug nods and goes to place our order with the waitress. 


“Come dance with me Soph!” Miley is tugging on my hands and try to balance in the heels is a workout in itself.


“I’m coming, quit tugging me!” I scowl.


As we make our way onto the packed dance-floor
David Guetta and Flo Rida
start to many yells of appreciation. Miley and I immediately start to dance. There are so many bodies around us, all losing themselves to the music. 


“This is what birthdays are about!” Miley smiles “Relaxing with your best friend and dancing!”


She closes her eyes smiling. I look around and notice, her moves and generally jaw dropping gorgeousness has drawn a lot of male eyes. Every guy is watching her move and every girl too by the looks of things, looking back to her, she is totally oblivious. Flawlessly, the DJ goes into the next song, one of my favourites, I yell and really begin to dance. I feel hands on my waist and lean into Doug. 


“Nothing is sexier than watching you dance.” His voice is heated, his hands grip me tighter, grinding his need into my backside. I roll my hips into his, a growl reaches my ears in response.


“Your sex really does take me to paradise.” he smiles against my neck, dancing with me, pulling me closer. 


“So cheesy, Doug!” I laugh moving with him.


“It’s true. I love this dress, when can we leave?” He pushes his erection into me again, while his hand rests on my lower stomach.


“We’ve only just got here, we aren’t leaving any time soon!”


I turn to face him, leaning in, I pull his face to mine, shoving my tongue into his welcoming mouth, stroking his and groaning at the taste of his.


“You’ve had whisky.” the smoky taste surrounds my taste buds. We’re lost in each other when I hear the familiar chords of
Blurred Lines
begin, leaning back I grin. 


“You’re still not over this song yet?” He laughs, taking my hands and twisting me out before pulling me back into his arms and beginning to move again.


“It’s fucking brilliant! Why would I be over it?” I shake my head incredulously. His hands twist me round, sliding up my side and around to my waist, slowly shifting higher his hands slowly brush against my nipples, making them harden instantly. 

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