Down the Shore (24 page)

Read Down the Shore Online

Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Down the Shore
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"How ‘bout some pizza? I'll run out and get us a few slices."

I nodded. I was starving. I was afraid to go with him, to leave the safety of his room. My parents had no idea how to find me. I didn't want to risk going outside. He quickly pulled his pants and shirt on, and headed out the door to get our dinner. Before I knew it, he was calling me downstairs. I heard the sound of different voices, and knew his friends were back. I threw my sundress over my head, pulled my hair back, took a breath and headed downstairs. I couldn't help but think about this afternoon—would they know? Could they tell just by looking at me?

I nervously crept down the steps, my head down, carefully peeking through my bangs, looking for any sign. I saw Colin first, his hands on his hips, his head tilted, watching me come toward him. I was sure the smile on both our faces would surely give our afternoon romp away.

Liam was the first to speak, “Well, lass, I see you have a new addition.” He grinned and pointed to my left hand.

Colin didn't say anything, just stood there smiling. I liked Liam. He reminded me of my brother; he was cocky and quite handsome. He was nineteen, had the most adorable brown eyes, and curly light red hair. I held up my hand to remind myself of my newest piece of jewelry.

"Yeah, it is,” I said sheepishly.

I walked over to Colin. He pulled me over to him laughing, and wrapped himself around me.

"The future Mrs. Murphy! Isn't she gorgeous? Ireland will never be the same.” He laughed, kissing the back of my neck.

"That she is, your ma will love her,” Liam agreed.

There were a few girls there. I had seen them once or twice before, lingering around the house. They all stood there staring at my hand.

I also couldn't help but think of the comment Colin made—Ireland will never be the same. He expected me to move with him, and why wouldn't he? I agreed to marry him and he solved our problem. I wanted so badly to be with him, but part of me was unsure of my future. I was enrolled in college, I couldn't let that just go away. I wanted a career. I wanted to be able to provide for myself. I wanted a husband and children someday, but I couldn't help but think this was way too soon.

I glanced down at my watch—it was just after eleven. I ate two slices of pizza, grabbed a soda and excused myself.

"Want company, love?” he asked. I shook my head telling him I wanted to be alone. He didn't follow.

I sat on the upstairs deck leading out from his room, gazing at the stars, wondering what my family was thinking. I heard him below, on the other deck, laughing. I smelled the cigarettes, and heard the beer bottles opening. He was excited; he couldn't stop talking about me and our future together. I pulled my legs into my body and wrapped my arms around them, closing my eyes, listening quietly. After a while the noises went away. The voices faded, and they were all going out. I knew Colin would be joining me soon. I stayed outside, waiting. I saw him coming toward me. He was only wearing the pants he had thrown on earlier. He reminded me how breathtaking he truly was, and he was all mine. I had left the patio door open, and he came out to join me.

He squatted down next to me. “What's wrong? You should be happy, Abby, but you look so sad,” he said.

I leaned my head against his chest. “I'm just scared. I have so many questions. Do we even know what we're doing?” I paused. “My family is going to freak out. Ireland? My parents will never let me go."

"Love, you just agreed to marry me. It's not a life sentence. We don't have to rush, we have all the time in the world,” he assured me. He tilted my head back to look at him. “Abigail, if you changed your mind, I would understand. I didn't mean for this to hurt you. I thought we both couldn't live without each other?” He spoke in an uneven, soft tone, unsure of himself.

His eyes were sad, his expression even worse. I couldn't bear to hurt him.

"No, I didn't change my mind. I love you, I want to be your wife, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm just not ready yet,” I whispered. “What about college?"

He look at me, puzzled. “There are colleges in Ireland. I can't stay here, Abby. I have to go home, I have obligations. I thought you understood that,” he said blankly.

I released his grip. “You want me to move to Ireland? Forever?” I asked.

"Not forever. I have one year at University left, then I'm done. We can come back,” he hesitated. “You could do an exchange program or something."

I walked back into the room, sitting on his bed.

"I have a lot to think about, I guess.” I put my head into my hands. He kneaded my shoulders, trying to loosen me up.

"We don't have to figure this all out tonight, love. No worries.” His lips crushed mine, and I could tell by the ferocity of his kiss he was trying to make me forget. As he undressed me, I did forget for the rest of the evening.

I was over the moon when I woke. The most amazing man lay next to me, still embracing my naked body from the night before. I didn't want to move. I wanted the world to stop, and leave the two us here, alone. Unfortunately, the world had a different idea. The weight of his arm around my waist was heavy. I slowly tried to peel his arm back, to release his grip on me. When I finally made some leeway, he pulled me back in closer than before.

"Don't go, not yet.” he pleaded, with his eyes still closed, rubbing his nose between the strands of my hair.

"I have to call my mom. She's gotta be freaking out by now,” I reminded him.

He sighed. “Ten minutes, please,” he begged.

He knew I couldn't say no. I had to laugh—before he wouldn't touch me, and now he couldn't stop.

"Fine, ten minutes, but that's it,” I joked.

Now that we were comfortable with each other, it seemed like second nature to not let go of each other, to enjoy each other for the little time we had left. As always, he breathed in the fragrance of my neck, and pulled me back into our little piece of heaven.

I pulled my phone out from my bag. It had been turned off since the day before. The amount of missed calls from my mother made me shiver. She had tried to reach me thirty times since the evening prior. I had one text from Mike.

"Abs, call. They're completely freaked. They think you're gone. Please call asap,” it read.

I didn't even have time to think. My fingers dialed frantically, not knowing what I would say. I didn't want Colin to listen to the conversation. I wrapped a blanket around myself, opened the door and went out on the deck connected to his room.

She picked up before the first ring was even finished.

"Abby?” she sounded frantic.

"Mom, it's me. I'm fine, really,” I assured her. “No, really, stop worrying."

"Abby, where the hell are you?” she demanded.

I could hear my father yelling in the background, but I couldn't make out what he was saying.

"Mom, I'm eighteen. You can't force me to come home with you, and you know that,” I said.

There was silence, I could almost hear her brain thinking of what to say next.

"Can you just let us come get you, please?” she begged.

"No, Mom. I'm staying.” My voice was shaky. “I'm staying here with Colin. He's leaving in less than two weeks, and I just can't leave him, not now,” I said.

I heard the frustration in her voice.

"Abigail Hardy, you need to come home with us right now,” she yelled.

"Mom, I love you, but don't push me. You won't win,” I mumbled.

I was so wrapped up in our conversation, I didn't notice Colin standing behind me, listening intently.

"Abby, please be serious. This boy isn't anything more than a summer fling. That's all you mean to him. You've had your fun, now let's end it, okay?” she pleaded again.

I couldn't tell her, not yet. It would crush her, and my father's hopes and dreams. I wanted so badly to yell back, tell her he loved me, we were getting married someday, but deep down I knew it would be best to hold off a while.

"Okay, Mom. Let me finish my two weeks and then I'll be home, I promise.” Colin's hands were suddenly on my bare shoulders, his fingers pressing into my collarbone.

"That's what you said last night, Abby. How can we trust you again?” she asked pulling the oldest guilt trick in the book.

"Don't worry, he's leaving. He has to go home too, Mom,” I snapped.

There was a pause.

"Abigail, if you don't come home now it will never be the same.” My father was on the phone now, yelling in a tone I had never heard.

I couldn't hold back the tears; I adored my father. I hated what I was doing to him. I knew eventually he would come around, and love Colin as much as I did.

"Daddy, I'll see you in two weeks,” I paused. “I'm so very sorry, you just don't understand,” I whispered.

"Make me understand, Abigail.” He kept at me.

"Daddy, go home. I'll explain everything later. I promise.” I pulled the phone away from my ear, and closed it.

Colin came to my side quickly, holding me, letting me cry, letting me saturate his shoulder with my tears. It was harder than I thought, and my emotions had gotten the best of me. I couldn't stop crying. I shut down, saddened by what just happened. I knew they would be furious, possibly even unforgiving.

He pushed my hair away from my face.

"Do you want to go home?” he asked, almost whispering, afraid of my answer.

"No, I want to be here with you,” I told him.

"Would it help if I went to talk to them? I could explain for you,” he offered.

I placed my hand against his cheek.

"You're sweet, but no. I want to tell them, but I don't want them to know just yet,” I added.

He sighed. “Abigail, you're supposed to work today, lunch shift.” He reminded me. I turned my back away from him. I couldn't go to work.

"Would you like me to call Joe, explain? Get someone else to work for you?” he added.

I nodded.

"Yes, please.” I curled up into a ball and cried. He stayed with me for a while, but he was having a hard time watching me go through this, so he kissed me goodbye on my forehead.

"I'll be back a little later. Rest, okay?” he whispered into my ear. He disappeared for quite some time, and after a few hours or so I started to wonder where he could have gone. When at last he returned, I was so happy to see him, but I was also happy to see the clear bag full of sandwiches, chips and soda. He slowly walked back into the room, staring in my direction, looking to see how I was feeling.

"Are you okay, love?” he asked nervously, waiting to see if I were going to break down and cry again.

I nodded. “Better, yes. I promise I'm done crying. You must think I am such a baby."

He came and sat beside me.

"I could never think that.” He hesitated, leaning over. “Abby, are you sure this is what you want? I can't stand what this is doing to you. If I had known, I wouldn't have.” He paused, and looked down at my left hand, gazing at the ring he placed on my finger.

My brain was in a state of fog from all that was happening.

"What do you mean?” I asked.

"Me, are you sure about me?” he asked, playing with the ring that was now mine.

I quickly answered. “Absolutely! I love you more than you know. I could never be without you. I thought you knew that.” I took his hand and placed it against my face.

He pulled me in, cradling my body to his.

"We'll figure this out.” He kissed me softly, but only for a brief moment.

"I was thinking, maybe you could head to school like expected, and then come do an exchange the second semester?” He looked at me. “I quite like that idea."

"What about after, what would happen next?” I asked, curiously.

He sat straight up, excited, “Well, then I would be done, and I could maybe come back with you or we could stay in Ireland. We'll see how it plays out."

I thought quietly for a minute, but his enthusiasm was contagious.

"Sounds perfect.” I pulled him back down to me, kissing every part of his beautiful face, playfully.

"Would you do something for me?"

"Anything,” he answered.

"Don't worry about me anymore, ‘cause I'll be fine. I know exactly where I belong,” I assured him.

He couldn't hold back his smile, he was grinning from ear to ear. I couldn't help but think how amazing he looked when he smiled. It always took my breath away.

"Ah, Abigail, I love you, you know that.” He pulled me on top of him, cradling the back of my neck with his hands, smiling.

I leaned down to kiss his lips.

"I know, I wouldn't be here and doing all this if I even doubted it for one second."

"What are you thinking about, right now?” he asked.

"I'm thinking that I like your plan. But four months, that's a long time. I'll miss you!"

He rolled me over so my body was now underneath his.

"Four months isn't so bad. It's not too much to give up, when we have the rest of our lives to share,” he tickled my neck with his lips. “Agreed?"

I kissed him, nodding in approval. I felt the need to tell him again. “I love you,” I whispered.

He grinned. “And I you."

His hands moved fast and passionately down my spine, his lips wonderfully warm and inviting. I felt like I could do anything when he held me in his arms. The entire day went by too quickly. The pull that he had on me, always made me forget.

* * * *

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My first call after my little piece of heaven was over was to Makenna. She answered right away.

"Abs, oh my God, your parents are so mad."

I wanted to scream, scream at the top of my lungs. What the hell had gotten into them? I needed to tell her.

"Are you sitting down?” I asked her.

"I am now. Why?” She wondered.

I took a deep breath.

"I can't believe it all myself, but I'm marrying Colin!” I announced. “He's asked me to marry him.” There was silence. “Mac, did you hear me?"

"Oh my God, Abby. Are you pregnant?” she whispered through the phone.

"No,” I snapped.

"Okay, are you sure about this? I mean, you're only eighteen."

"I am sure. I really love him. I've never met anyone like him."

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