Dragon's Lair (2 page)

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Authors: Seraphina Donavan

BOOK: Dragon's Lair
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“This is where members store their toys. Most items are in boxes. Some items that are too large for the storage chests are individually tagged,” he said, gesturing toward another area of open shelves.

Lilly glanced at those items. One in particular caught her eye. It was a large wooden bench on a rocker. She studied it for a moment before realizing that the protrusion in the center of the bench was not a handle, but a phallus. The bench boasted a built-in dildo. Blushing, she turned away quickly.

“You will not have to retrieve the larger items. For that, either Philippe or I will escort the members back here to retrieve the items themselves. If they wish for their storage chests, they will give you their numbered key for their locker. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she replied. She knew that her anxiety had to be rolling off her in waves. There was something vaguely predatory about Remy, and she didn’t doubt for a moment that he could sense her unease.

“You have to nothing to fear,
We take very good care of our people.”

“I don’t know… I’ve never… I didn’t even know places like this existed,” she finally managed to murmur.

Her innocence was both shocking and alluring at the same time. Some part of him that had managed to hang onto a shred of morality forced him to say, “I can get you a job somewhere else. I can have you waiting tables in a restaurant on Royal Street. The work will be hard, the pay will be shit, and you will be fighting off leering drunks grabbing your ass. If you work here for me, you will see things you have never even dreamed of… and you will be perfectly safe. You have the opportunity to be a spectator in a sexual arena where you can explore your darkest and wildest fantasies without ever having to do a thing.”

Remy watched her shiver in response. Her nipples pebbled beneath her dress, and he could smell her growing desire. It was tempting, far too tempting. He wouldn’t be able to resist her for long.

“And if I decide I want a more active role in exploring my fantasies?”

Remy’s smile shifted as darker, more predatory, and infinitely sexier thoughts filled his head. He leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of her head, pinning her to the lockers. She was everything he wanted, but patience would make taking her even sweeter. “I take good care of my people,

“What do I wear for work? I don’t have to be naked, do I?”

Remy laughed at the scared rabbit look on her face. Her breath shuddered from between her parted lips, a blatant testament to both her fear and her desire. He was not a man to be toyed with it and it pleased him that she recognized it. Granting her a small reprieve, he crossed to a small closet and reached inside. He pulled out a simple garment. It was Grecian in style, two pieces of fabric that tied together at the shoulders and again at the waist. It would only cover her to the middle of her thighs. “The members will begin to arrive shortly. Put this on, and we will get started.”


* * * * *


By the end of the night, Lilly’s feet ached. It was worth it though. She was going home with a healthy two hundred dollars in tips, plus the base pay Remy had talked about with her earlier. With what she had in savings, she had made enough money in one night to cover the rent on her tiny apartment for the next month. Of course, it hadn’t been all sunshine and rainbows. There had been a few moments when she had thought she just wanted to run away. There were no rules at Dragon’s Lair. Couples, groups, every combination of genders, and even transgender individuals were there. Some were into bondage; others were into voyeurism. She’d seen every manner of restraint, sex toy, and position that was possible in the first hour of her shift. Of course, that wasn’t entirely accurate. Every time she thought there couldn’t possibly be more, there was. But Remy had been true to his word. No one touched her other than to take their toy chests from her and pass her a generous tip. She was invisible to them, nothing more than hired help.

Glancing at the clock over the bar, she noted that it was just after three. The club had closed less than ten minutes ago and had already emptied out. Patrons had stumbled out in various states of undress to collapse into waiting limos with their lovers. The bartender was the young man she’d seen in the hallway. She still had no idea who the woman was that he’d been with. She had been the only waitress. He smiled at her, and she smiled back automatically.

“Good night?” he asked, gesturing to the black leather pouch at her waist that held her tips.

“It’s good for me. Not sure what the normal tips are, but it’s more money than I’ve ever made in a night.”

“Tips are good here. Folks are real generous when they’re having this much fun,” he said. The grin quickly faded from his face, and he cleared his throat. Lilly didn’t have to ask or look to know that Remy was behind her. She smelled the faint spiciness of his cologne and felt the heat coming off him.

“Lilly, you did very well tonight. Many of our patrons sang your praises,” Remy said softly.

“I just tried to be unobtrusive and make sure everyone had what they needed,” she said. It was the story of her life. She’d been doing it ever since her parents’ accident.

“Well, it was successful. Philippe will see you home now.”

“Oh, that isn’t necessary! I only live a few blocks away and—”

Remy held up his hand, forestalling further protests. “Lilly, Philippe will see you home. It is the middle of the night, and you are carrying a significant amount of cash. Do not be foolish.”

With it put so bluntly, Lilly couldn’t argue. The idea of walking home in the dark held little enough appeal to begin with. “Of course. You’re right…I’ll just go and change.”

“There’s no need. You’ll be quite safe with Philippe.” Remy offered her his arm and led her to the front door of the club where Philippe awaited them, standing sentry as the last of the impossibly drunk club members moved out the door toward their waiting stretch Hummer. Remy watched him move, the grace and preternatural strength calling to him.

“Philippe, please see Lilly safely home.”

Philippe walked over and took her arm from Remy’s. Remy thrilled at the brief touch of Philippe’s hand on his arm and at Lilly’s indrawn breath when she saw the contact. He knew the look that passed between them carried a wealth of meaning and could also have set the place on fire. Unable to resist, Remy fisted his hands in Philippe’s hair and tugged him in for a hot kiss. He could feel Lilly’s eyes on them as she watched their tongues meld and their lips caress one another.

When the kiss broke, both men were breathless. Remy smiled at Philippe. “I’ll wait up for you, but there’s no need to hurry. I’ve a couple hours of work ahead of me here.”

Philippe’s nod indicated he had understood the thinly veiled command in that statement. Remy’s smile deepened as he imagined what was to come. Philippe would seduce Lilly to begin the process of claiming her. Remy knew that Philippe was hardly opposed to the idea. Lilly was a divine creature, her lush and sinful body a charming contrast to her seemingly innocent nature.

Philippe’s voice was gruff with desire when he replied. “I understand.”

Remy nodded and sent them off. Philippe would come back to him smelling of Lilly’s sex. The very idea made his engorged cock pulse. He wanted her, as did Philippe, but she was not ready for what they had in mind. Tonight, Philippe’s seduction of her would be an initiation. Watching them leave through the front door of the club and climb into the sleek Mercedes, he tried to focus on the work that waited for him. Knowing it was futile, he unzipped his pants and took his cock in hand. He thought of them together, of Philippe’s hard body covering Lilly’s softer form and the sweet moans that would escape her beautiful lips when Philippe thrust his cock into her. It took only a few quick strokes for him to come. The hot liquid jetted from his cock over his hand, his body shuddering with the release. It wasn’t what he wanted, but it would tide him over.


* * * * *


Lilly sat in the passenger seat of a car that cost more than the house she grew up in. She was totally silent, having no idea what to say to the man next to her. Had she misread his interest in her? Had his banter at the door earlier in the day been just harmless flirtation? She hadn’t anticipated that he and Remy were a couple. As hot as their kiss had been, she couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed that two such gorgeous men weren’t playing co-ed.

“Which house is it?” Philippe asked as he turned onto one of the narrow streets in the Marigny area.

“It’s the carriage house actually, behind number 834.” Lilly gestured toward the appropriate driveway, and Philippe steered the car down the rutted lane and shifted it into park.

The neighborhood was not the best in New Orleans, but it was hardly the worst. “I don’t like the idea of you walking to and from the club and having to pass through such dangerous territory. This isn’t the best neighborhood. I’ll walk you in. It isn’t safe out here.”

He was out of the car and walking around to her door before Lilly could even utter the protest that had formed on her lips. Muttering under her breath about domineering men, she dug her keys out of her purse and allowed him to escort her to the door. Once there, he promptly took the keys from her hands and, unlocking the door, ushered her inside. When the door closed, she realized that he was right behind her. She could feel the rough texture of his jeans as he brushed against the backs of her thighs. She wished that she’d changed into street clothes as her “uniform” left so much of her skin bare, exposed to the slightest touch.

“A cup of coffee would be nice,” Philippe said, “but you’ve been on your feet all night. Sit and I’ll make it for us.”

Lilly swallowed convulsively. “Oh…well, alright. The kitchen is right through there.”

Philippe moved into the small kitchen. Everything in the tiny apartment was ultra feminine. He felt like a bull in a china shop. Still, he managed to make the coffee without breaking anything. She had true chicory coffee, and once it was brewing, he returned to the living room. He paused in the doorway, simply drinking in the sight of her.

Lilly had sat down on the couch and removed her sandals. The silk of her toga had parted and revealed the gorgeous curves of her legs from her hip all the way down to her dainty toes with their hot pink polished nails. As she leaned over to massage her feet, the toga gaped, revealing the curves of her breasts, and her hair fell enticingly over her shoulders. His cock, already hard, leapt at the display. He knew, even as he approached, there was a real possibility she would turn him down. The kiss with Remy would either have turned her on or repulsed her. He just had to find out which, and that meant pulling out the secret weapons.

With his goal in mind, Philippe moved to the couch and settled himself on the opposite end from Lilly. “Let me help you with that,” he said, and lifted her feet into his lap.

He didn’t know if it was exhaustion or the temptation that he provided, but she didn’t protest, and he seized the opportunity. His large hands dwarfed her feet as he used his thumbs to apply just the right amount of pressure. Her neck arched, and a loud moan escaped her before she could stop herself. She blushed at his answering chuckle, and it only intensified his body’s response to her.

Philippe watched the pink blossom on her cheeks and smiled. “Like that, do you?”

“It feels heavenly, but I really shouldn’t let you do this. I can’t imagine what Remy would say.”

Philippe shrugged, never breaking the rhythm of his hands as he worked the tension from her ankles and her lovely feet. “Remy and I have been together for a long time. We both pursue our own interests on occasion.”

“I don’t want to offend you, but I honestly had no idea when I met either of you… and my gaydar is pretty accurate most of the time.”

“Perhaps that’s because we’re not gay.”

“But you’re lovers?” she asked.

“Yes, but you might say that we have varied interests. Both Remy and I love women.”

“And other men?”

“No, I’ve never had any desire to be with a man other than Remy.” He didn’t add that he and Remy weren’t exactly “men”.

He didn’t want to talk, and he didn’t want to answer any more questions. There were things he wasn’t ready to tell her yet. To still further questions, he pressed his thumb against a particularly sensitive spot on the inner arch of her foot. Her head feel back, and she let out an earthy groan. In spite of the arousing effect, he felt her pull away. He sensed her embarrassment as she pulled her feet from his lap.

“I feel much better now. Thank you.”

“I can make you feel even better,
,” he offered.

“The coffee should be ready,” Lilly replied as she headed for the kitchen.

Philippe was stunned. She had actually gotten off the couch and walked away from him. He had never had a woman walk away from his foot massage before. Curious, he rose from the couch and followed her into the kitchen. She had placed two mugs on the counter, but he caught her hand before she reached for the coffee pot. He tugged her to him, pressing her chest against his. He felt the tight buds of her nipples pressing against his chest and the softness of her belly yielding to the bulge of his aching cock.

“I don’t really want coffee, darlin’. I want you.”

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