DREAM (7 page)

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Authors: Mary Smith

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I scrub the makeup off and wash my hair and body. The hot water relaxes me, but still fuels the fire under my skin and my boiling blood. I need to think straight. I rest my head against the tiles and start from the top. I take a deep breath in and out and this helps.

I married Gable for the money and to save JE. I hate Gideon and the fact he provokes me to lose my cool. I need to remain focused on getting JE back into the black on my own and figure out a way to start paying Gable back. I know that isn’t part of the deal, but if I pay him back then divorcing him would be easier.

Divorce? Do I want that? Hell, I didn’t even want to get married. Why am I worrying about divorce?

I think about Gable. I like him. He’s not pushing me, being a jerk, and actually treating me…well…like a wife. He didn’t have to buy me those clothes. I could have done it myself; and I planned on buying the book and poster myself, not him. However, I can’t let my emotions take control of me. My plan has been to show the world the strong, independent Dream Jackson…um…Butler. No, Jackson.

I’m Dream Jackson and the CEO of JE.

That’s who I am.

Chapter 8


Gable knocked on the door a few times through the night, but I didn’t answer. Finally, he left me alone and I’m glad. I needed to cool off and get myself in check. That’s what I’m doing today. I call Leo and have him come take me to the office.

“Are you okay, Dream?” Leo asks as we head off.

“From now on, I want you to take me to and from work.”

“That’s not a problem. Is everything okay?”

“At this time, yes.” I don’t say anything else and stare out the window.

I spend the day in the office, making sure that the new companies JE’s taking over have their contracts in order and that the process is running smoothly for each one of them.  I email the department heads to coordinate schedules and begin preparing for the takeovers; each completed task struck from my to-do list makes me feel that much more in control.

I stare at the two pictures still on my dad’s desk. I know this is my office now, but it’s still my dad’s stuff. I don’t think I can change anything in this office yet; I’m not ready to do it.

“I wish you were here.” I rub my finger over my parent’s wedding picture. I’ll never have what they had. I didn’t even put on Gable’s ring.

I rub my temples because I can feel a headache coming on. I need some fresh air, because Gable’s brainwashing is working, but he isn’t even really doing anything to me. Maybe it’s because he isn’t pushing me. Shouldn’t he be?

I call Leo and head out of the building. I don’t have to tell him where to go. Leo has known me long enough to head for the park.

I get out and stroll through the grass to the other side of the park and find an unoccupied bench. I watch the people run by, mothers with their children, and it makes me think more about my future.

Family and Jackson Enterprise are all that you need in your life.

I don’t have a family, except Leo and Mrs. Stones. JE is set, but that’s because of Gable. Have I ever done something on my own besides school? Did I really do school by myself? The answer to both is: no. I’ve always had Dad to fall back on, and then when he died, Gable became the safety net.

I drop my head in my hands. Gideon’s right; I’m a spoiled brat. I’ve not accomplished anything.

“I talked to Gideon.”

I lift my head up, and Gable is standing in front of me.

“I told him that he either stops bothering you or he finds another job.” He takes a seat next to me on the bench. “I’ve never talked to him like that before.”

“He’s your brother. I’m well aware he’s more important than I am.”

“Gideon,” he takes a deep breath. “He’s the type of person who doesn’t like change. He’s still getting used to us.”

“Aren’t we getting used to it? I mean it’s not even been two weeks. Everything is moving fast, and I’m trying to catch up. In a matter of three months, I graduated college, buried my father, and got married to someone because I wanted to save my company. It’s a whirlwind.” My voice cracks a bit.

“You’re right. I’m trying my best to make you comfortable, too. This is new for me. I’ve never been married. When you’re father and I discussed this, I don’t think I thought of everything that came after the actual ceremony. I’m forty-three and I feel like I don’t know anything about being married or being in a relationship. The one thing I promised your dad was I wouldn’t push you, and I would let you set our timeline.”

“You did?” I gasp.

“I gave him my word. I also told him I would always protect you, too.”

My heart swells at Gable’s confession. He’s keeping his promise to my dad.

“Thank you, Gable.”

“You’re welcome, Dream.”

We sit on the bench for a few moments with only the sounds of the park around us.

“I’m sorry I’m an emotional mess, but I’m not going to apologize for yelling at Gideon,” I finally say.

“I think you’re handling everything well, and I understand why you said what you did to Gideon. I’ve talked to him and he understands where I stand and he won’t treat you like that again. Now, can we agree to move forward from this point on?”

I nod. “Yes.”

“Will you come home?”

“I will.”

Gable takes my hand. “You’ve worked all day. How about we go and grab some dinner?”

“Perfect. Yearwood’s?”

“Nope.” He stands and pulls me with him. “Somewhere better.”

We walk together hand-in-hand to the waiting SUVs. Leo hops out and I can see that he’s concerned.

“Dream,” he comes up to me.

“I’m going to go with Gable, but our arrangement stands.” I answer him.

“What arrangement?” Gable looks at us both.

“Leo will be taking me back and forth to work from now on.” I inform him.

“Oh.” He looks between us. “All right. Come on.”

I smile at Leo and as Gable holds the door open for me, I slide in. Bruce takes off toward the other side of town. Gable still holds my hand as the car stops at a Mexican restaurant.

“This is the best food in town,” he says, opening the door.

“I’ve never been here. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever visited this side of town.” I look around at the dilapidated buildings.

“Trust me.” Gable tugs on my arm, and I follow him in.

We walk into a small restaurant that smells of cheese and grease. It’s not appealing; the colors on the wall range from yellow to green to red. There are more pictures, trinkets, and knick-knacks around the room than I’ve ever seen before. There are only small tables that are as mismatched as the chairs.

Gable pulls a seat out for me and I take it. He points to what I thought was a placemat that is actually a menu.

“I’m getting the taco meal.” He shows me on the menu.

“Three tacos, rice, and beans.” I read the description. “That sounds good.”

A waiter came over and Gable orders for us, in Spanish.

“I didn’t know that you spoke other languages.”

“I do.”

“Just Spanish?”

“Yes, although I’m thinking about learning Japanese. Do you speak any other languages?”

“I learned French in high school, but I don’t remember much of it. What are we doing here?”

Gable looks around. “I want you to know me better and maybe this will help.”

“All right.” That didn’t answer my question and I’m not sure what he’s looking at.

“I grew up on this side of town. My dad worked at the tire plant for over thirty years. My mother stayed home and would hem and alter clothes to make some side money. My parents worked hard for a little bit of money and I swore that I wouldn’t be that way.”

His blue eyes connect with mine.

“I’ve done a lot of things in my life I regret, but I do a lot to make amends for it. Gideon and I ran the streets, with shady people all the way up through our teenage years. I changed my life around when I was fifteen and was arrested for shoplifting. I promised myself I would be a better person. I started working harder and taking my schoolwork more serious and then…” He stretches out his hand as if this where it lead him to.

“Why are you telling me?”

The waiter brings out food and refills our water glasses.

“I’m telling you because I think you need to know this. We’re married, and we need to know each other.”

I nod. “Okay, but I need to warn you about something.”

“What’s that?”

“This,” I point to the plate. “I’m not going to be lady-like eating these bad boys.”

Gable laughs. “Duly noted.”




We spent the rest of the weekend in the media room, watching movies. I learned that Gable loves comedies and he learned my love for romance. I forced him to watch a couple and he held my hand when I cried during them.

When Monday rolls around, I’m more comfortable now that Gable and I have gotten to know each other better. I’m going to stick with the plan of paying him back; I know it will take some time, but I will.

Misha has my coffee ready for me as I sit at the breakfast bar. She seems to be warming up to me. Maybe she’s like Gideon and doesn’t like change. At this point, I’m not too fond of it, but it keeps happening to me. My phone alerts me that Leo is here, and I head off to work.

As always, Mrs. Stones is at her desk typing away, looking serious. I smile at her as I head into my office. The day is full of meetings with the employees one-on-one and making sure that we’re all on the same page working toward JE’s future. I know the majority of them actually travel to the businesses and work with them through the transition. However, we need to look further out and plan more strategically. I also meet with Ronnie. I want to stay on top of the books. I can’t fall into any more holes like what happened to Dad.

“Looks like the day is about done.” Mrs. Stones takes a seat in a chair across from my desk.

“I don’t think I’ve talked so much in my entire life.” I take a drink of the water that’s sitting on my desk.

“You got through every manager, assistant manager, and Ronnie. I say you’re done.” Mrs. Stones gives me a small smile. “However, Mr. Butler called and you have a dinner meeting.”

“With him?” It’s a strange way to ask me out. I roll my eyes, we’re married; he doesn’t need to ask me out.

“No, he told me it was an
dinner meeting with a potential client, but gave me no more information than that.”

“Why didn’t he call me?”

“He said he tried, but he kept getting your voicemail.”

I grab my phone from my desk drawer and realize I hadn’t checked it all day. There were several messages I missed from him including a few texts.

“Leo’s downstairs and ready to take you to him.”

“All right.” I sigh, gather up everything to take home with me, and head out to the SUV where Leo is standing there waiting for me.

“You look tired.” He greets me.

“I am. Would you mind taking this to the house?” I hand him my laptop bag that had everything in it. “I’ll ride home with Gable.”

“Not a problem.”

Leo drives me over to Yearwood’s and I rush in because there’s a chill in the air and I don’t have my coat with me.

The hostess greets me as I walk through the door. “Mrs. Butler, your husband and company are this way.” I didn’t have to tell her my name; then again Gable and I have been in the papers a lot these past two weeks. I follow her to the back toward the private dining areas.

When she opens the door, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Something isn’t right and I see two, large men in black suits standing in the corners of the room. I scan my eyes around the table and see Gable, Gideon, and another man with his back toward me.

“Dream.” Gable stands and comes over to me, taking my hand. He pulls me to the table and I face the man. I notice two more large men in the same suits standing at the other two corners of the room.

My mouth goes dry as I’m staring into the face of a known, but never convicted, thug, drug dealer, and overall bad guy named…

“Please meet Jacob Matherson.”

Jacob stands and holds out his hand. “Mrs. Butler, I’ve heard so much about you from Gable and Gideon. It’s nice to meet you.”

I take his hand and gingerly shake it. I study his face. I know he’s around Gable’s age, but he’s well known for his illegal activities. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen him on TV being arrested, but none of the charges ever stick. Something always happens; like evidences go missing or potential witnesses end up in the river.

Gable pulls my chair out and I sit, scooting closer to him. I feel as if Jacob’s karma will jump off him and into me if I’m too close.

“Nice to meet you as well,” I lie to him.

“I ordered already for us.” Gable adds in quickly. “Jacob’s on a time limit, but he wants to discuss a few things with you.”

“With me?” What could he possibly want with me? How the hell does Gable know this guy?

“Yes.” Jacob straightens the yellow tie that he’s paired with his navy blue suit. “I’ve recently acquired a new business and I know JE is the best business management company around and I would like to hire you.”

“Hire me?”

“I know you typically purchase the companies and sell them. However, I’m mainly looking for someone to come in and, let’s say,
clean house
.” He smirks at me as the light shines off his dark beard and shiny black hair.

I try not to fidget and am thankful the waiter comes in with our food so I can do something with my hands. It’s not every day you sit at the same table with a known killer. Well, allegedly, anyway.

“It’s a small business, but the people weren’t doing things up to par, so to speak. I came in and helped them out.”

“So, you want to keep the employees?”

“I could care less.” He cuts into his steak. “I have my own people who are coming in, but the former owners will stay on the payroll. Whether they actually work or not is of no concern for me.”

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