DREAM (5 page)

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Authors: Mary Smith

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“Actually, I didn’t. Dad did, and I read the file.”

“And…” he presses just as I had.

“It stated you had a brother, and you started your company from the ground up at twenty-five. Plus, you’ve only had one long-term relationship and there really hasn’t been anyone since them. So, what happened to her? Did she get too old?” I quip at him.

“No and I can’t believe that’s all you found.” His voice is firm.

“I told you I didn’t find it, Dad did.” I tell him, again, in the same tone he used on me.

“Is there anything you want to know?”

“Who was the girl? Why isn’t she your wife?”

He pushes his plate away and rubs his chin. I can tell he’s thinking deeply on how to answer and it makes me more curious about her.

“She was someone I deeply cared about, but our lives went in different directions.”

“What a boring and politically correct statement. What’s the real story?” I know then there’s more to it.

“That is the story.”

“Growing apart?” I watch him, but he doesn’t divulge anything else. “Fine, if that’s what you want to stick with.” I pick at my food some more.

“What’s your story?”


“Yes. Have you had any long term partnerships?”

I think back over the course of the last few years of my dating life. It’s nothing to write a novel about. “There have been a few guys, but nothing long-term or serious.”

“But, you have had boyfriends, right?”

“Yes.” I’m confused on where this line of questions is going.

“Tell me about the sports you’ve played.” He quickly changes the subject.

“Volleyball, mainly, and I was involved in cheerleading and dance in high school. Did you play any?”

“Football in high school and a little in college. I did it for the scholarship, really.”

“Your parents didn’t help you with school?”

He laughs. “You should fire whoever did your research.”


“Because everyone knows I come from a poor family. My parents were never able to afford college for me. I’ve worked for everything I have.”

“I didn’t know.” I hung my head. Maybe I should think a little bit before I start smarting off to him.

“It’s fine and now you do.”

Misha comes back in and takes the plates away before bringing a dessert to us. It’s apple pie with a scoop of ice cream.

“Are you trying to make me fat?”

Gable cocks his head to the side. “What do you mean?”

“Exactly what I said. Do you have a three-course meal every night?”

He takes a large bite of his pie. “No, not usually.”

“Then it’s because I’m here?”

“Yes.” He continues to eat.

“You don’t have to. I’m fine with a simple dinner every night or even going out to eat.” I dig into the pie. I know I shouldn’t have the calories, but it looks too good not to eat it.

“Okay, I’ll remember that. Do you cook?” he changes the subject.

“Does microwaving mac-n-cheese count?”

“I think it would qualify.” He grins at me.

“Then I cook.” I can’t seem to stop eating the pie. It’s deliciously warm and addicting. I’m practically inhaling it.

“I’m going to guess you like it.” I hear the humor in his tone.

“Maybe.” I lick my lips and smack them together. I know I should have remembered my manners, because I instantly see the lust in his eyes.

“Is there anything else you want to know about me?”

I study his face and I know that he’s changing the subject.

“I think I know the basics. I mean, you’re forty-three, a billionaire, and currently married.” I grin at him.

“True to all. I know you’re twenty-three and also newly married.”

“True to all.” I repeat his words.

Misha comes back in and picks up the plates. “Do you need anything else this evening, Mr. Butler?”

Gable shakes his head. “No, my wife and I are done. Thank you.”

Misha slightly nods, cuts me a quick look, and goes back toward the kitchen. I can tell she and I aren’t going to be the best of friends.

“Let’s head to the media room.” Gable stands.

“I don’t believe I saw it on my tour.” I follow him to the elevator.

“I saved the best for last.” He flips the switch and instead of going up, we go down a floor.

“There’s a ground floor?”


“I bet you have a secret passage way too, don’t you?” I narrow my eyes.

“Possibly.” He smiles and I notice his dimple. It makes him look young and cute.


Get with it, Dream. You’ve had one dinner with this guy. Wait…my husband. Gable isn’t some guy who asked me out on a date. We’re married.

We step off the elevator and right into another gigantic room. This time it looks like a movie theater. There’s a concession stand stocked full of popcorn, candy, and a soda machine.

“Do you want anything?”

“No thanks. I’m still full from dinner.” I tell him and continue to follow him past the aroma of sugar and salt into the theater.

The screen is as big as one in an  actual theater. There are about thirty recliner-like seats. They’re all white leather and fluffy looking. The walls are a muted beige-ish color. It’s the first room I’ve seen which isn’t stark white.

“Why isn’t this room white?”

“It’s a media room. Too white would be blinding against the wall.”

“What are we doing here?” I ask, still looking around.

“I thought we could talk.” He holds his arm out to one of the seats in the back row.

“You thought this was a more comfortable setting?”

“Actually, yes, because my other idea was the bedroom, and I didn’t think you would have gone for that.” We both take a seat.

“You’re correct.” I bask in the softness of the chair. I could easily fall asleep in this chair. “What do you want to talk about?”

“I know you want to go to your house tonight, but I would like you to start staying here.”

I had already thought about this. I knew if we were going to be married, sex or no sex, I would have to stay here.

“I will not give up my house.” I firmly state.

He holds his hands up in surrender. “I didn’t think you would, but I want you here. I made a commitment to you and this marriage. I want it to work.”

I roll my eyes more dramatically than I usually do. “Please, Gable. You know, as well as I do, this is a sham. I mean, I wanted to save JE and you…well, I guess you wanted arm candy. A man your age must be having a mid-life crisis or something of that nature.” I’m not sure at what age something like that hits a man, but I’m sure he’s having one.

“I promise you it’s not the case. I’m well aware of why you married, but my reasons have nothing to do with a crisis in my life.”

“Then tell me the real reason. If we’re going to be open and honest then I want to know.”

He stares at me for a beat and studies my face. “After hearing your father talking about you, and then seeing you for myself, I thought that we would make a great team.” He faces forward in his chair, looking at the darkened screen in front of us. “I thought, a long time ago, I had someone who would be by my side forever, but things changed. You’re correct in saying I’m not a ladies man. I like to date and have sex, but I’ve been busy the past couple of years taking my company into a whole new level. I haven’t dated in a while.”

“And because of those reasons, you thought we should get married?” The whole thing is a bit confusing.

“Not entirely, but somewhat. I’m forty-three and I hate playing relationship games. I’m too old for that shit. I want something open, honest, and someone I know will communicate with me. That’s you. I’m well aware of why you married me. I know it was for the money, but I hope over time that we can be a truly married couple.” Gable turns back to me, and I can see the sincerity in his eyes.

This man is pouring his heart to me, well somewhat, and I’m not sure how to handle him this way. I like the fact he wants an honest relationship. Trust me, I’ll communicate with him when he messes something up, but a
real marriage?
I don’t think that’s something I can give him. My life would have been much easier if my dad hadn’t sent JE into a downward spiral. Nonetheless, I’ve been dealt this hand of cards, and I need to make the most of it and turn it into a royal flush.

“I can’t make you any promises about a real marriage, but I give you my word about being truthful with you and communicating with you.”

“I respect that, Dream. Also, I give you my word not to push you into anything that you don’t want to do.”

“Thank you.” I tell him honestly. I mean it, too. I’ve never been one to be too sexually active…in fact, I’ve never had sex, and I’m not going to do it with a guy because I’ve been forced to marry him. Now, I’ve done some
with my former boyfriends, but I haven’t crossed
line. I’m not a prude; I’m just not one to bed hop with guys and I haven’t had a lot of time for a social life. I probably should tell Gable I’m a virgin. Then again, I’ve never hidden the fact and, after all his research, he may already know.

“Are you going to stay here then?”

I sigh deeply. I told him I would communicate with him. “I’m not keen on the idea, but yes I will. However, Leo stays on the payroll. He’s like an uncle to me, he’s been with me forever, and I won’t lose him.” I look Gable dead in the eyes.

“I know that Leo means a lot to you. Will you stay tonight?” he asks me again.

“I don’t have clothes.” I shake my head.

“Well, if you won’t get mad, I already contacted Leo and he brought an overnight bag for you, it’s in your closet.”

I should be mad at this. I know I need to be, but I’m not. As long as he doesn’t try to sneak into my room, I’ll be fine. “I’m not upset.”


I shake my head. “No.”

“I’m a little shocked, but I’m glad that you’re not mad.”

“I make no guarantees for the future though. I don’t like being kept out of the loop.” I point my finger at him and my lips are tight. It’s the reason I’m in this mess; Dad didn’t tell me everything that was going on. “If we’re going to have a
real marriage
, then I need to know everything.”

“You have my word. Now, would you like to watch a movie?” He brightens up a bit and doesn’t look as stern.

I relax a little bit more because I can feel he’s telling the truth about keeping me in the loop. “Fine, but then I have to get some work done.”

“As do I.” He picks up a tablet from the side of his chair and the lights go down and the movie screen becomes illuminated.

I’m not sure why he didn’t ask me what I wanted to watch. He must assume whatever he picks I will like. When the title of the movie comes up, my heart stops, because it’s one of Dad’s favorite movies. It’s an old black and white love story. I feel the tears on the brim of my eyes remembering how many times I watched this with Dad. I close my eyes and push away the pain of loss. I can’t dwell on it.

We sit through it, and he never tries to make a move on me. I snuggled deep into the white leather and laugh at the funny parts and cry at the end. Next to me, Gable stares at the screen with no emotions.

When the movie is finally over, I tell Gable I need to work. He leads me out of the media room and to my bedroom. When he drops me off at the door, I thank him.

“You’re most welcome. If you need anything I’ll be in my office.”

I nod and shut the door. Could this day get any crazier than it has been?

Chapter 6


“Good morning, Mrs. Butler.”

“Good morning, Misha.” I sit at the breakfast bar in the middle of the room, not sure how I like being called by my married name.

“I’m sorry I don’t know what you usually have for breakfast, but I can make anything.” She gives me a small smile.

Last night she seemed to want to cut my head off and now she’s smiling at me. It doesn’t seem right, but I let it go.

“Coffee would be great.”

“No problem.” She nods and heads over to the machine.

“Is Gable up yet?”

Misha shakes her head. “He always sleeps in on Saturdays. He should be up soon though.”

“Have you worked here long?” I should get to know her before I judge her.

“About three years.” She moves around the kitchen, her blonde mane lowing around her. Today, she’s dressed all in black again. I’m not sure if that’s a uniform or her normal wear. “Mr. Butler saved my life, and I owe him a lot.”

“He did?” The surprise in my voice came out louder than I’d anticipated.

“Yes.” She turns toward me. “Bagel? Toast?”

“Neither, just coffee. How did he save you?” I wonder if it’s some super heroic moment. I can see Gable being the type to swoop in and save the day like some Superman-like figure. However, I see him more like the villain.

“He just did.” Her smile is tight this time, and I can see right away she doesn’t want to talk about it at all.

I let the subject go and figure I will learn more later. I turn on the iPad that Leo packed for me and catch up on the latest gossip that’s been going around. I’d removed my social media apps from my phone because there were too many notifications and I’d gotten tired of them.

I open Twitter first, since that is my ‘go-to’ social site. You can figure out a lot about a person in one hundred and forty characters. As my finger slides through the people wanting to know the details of the wedding and why didn’t I tell anyone, I become bored with it quickly and turn it off.

I turn my attention to the emails, which seems to be piling up again in my inbox. Some are spam, a few are from Mrs. Stones, and one catches my eye.

The Wall’s Ball is coming.

I don’t mind Mr. and Mrs. Wall, but they really need to figure out a new name for this charity event. The Wall’s Ball sounds like a porno title more than a charity event.

It’s actually one of the biggest events in the state and everyone who is anyone is invited. Mr. Wall and my dad had done a lot of business together and were friends. I had been getting an invitation since I was a teenager.

I have a lot of memories from those events. I had my first kiss there, my first drink of champagne, and my first break-up.

Ah, all the joys of being a teenager.

“Your coffee.” Misha sits the cup in front of me.

“Thank you.”

She nods and leaves the kitchen.

I sit stirring the sugar into the cup and think about the Wall’s Ball. I will have to take Gable, that’s a given. However, his behavior last night is still on my mind. I did enjoy myself, overall. I like that he was a gentleman to me and he didn’t try to push himself on me. I have to give him credit for that.

I send a quick message to Mrs. Stones to make sure she has RSVP’d for me to go. She instantly sent a text back and says she already did and includes another message.

I have also added all of Mr. Butler’s events into your calendar as well.

I scroll through my calendar and Gable has a long list of parties and events he attends. I quickly think about my closet and the fact most of my dresses are from last season. I’m going to need and go do some shopping and soon. I know I’m going to be in a lot of photos and even though this marriage is a sham, we need to keep up appearances.

“My dear wife.”

I turn to see Gable walking into the kitchen and my mouth drops in shock. Actual shock. Gable is in a pair of black silk pajama bottoms and no shirt. He’s shirtless near me and it’s a sight. He has strong, large arms and defined abs. I knew he had been built like a football player, but I didn’t realize he looked like a model too. He has chest hair, but it’s not overly thick, like some type of wooly mammoth. It’s sexy and hot.

“Something wrong, Dream?”

“What?” I squeak. “No, nothing is wrong. I was…thinking.” I’m thinking about how your hard forty-three year old body would feel against mine.

“Anything I can help you with?”

I shake my head. “I’m fine.” I don’t need to be thinking this way. I don’t know him, nor do I like him. We’re married; nothing more, and there will be nothing more.

He opens his mouth to say something but is cut-off by Misha coming back into the kitchen.

“The usual, Mr. Butler?”

“Please, Misha.”

She nods and quickly goes to work in the kitchen.

“What are your plans for today?”

I shrug. “I have work to do and need to do a little shopping. Mrs. Stones reminded me of the Wall’s Ball event and she RSVP’d for the both of us. Unless you’re not available next weekend?”

“I already have it on my calendar. Also, I had Joy send over all the events for me.”


“My secretary. The blonde that sits in front of my office.”

“Joy. Of course, okay.” I try to act as if I know already and it’s no big deal.

His dimple is shining at me. “We can go shopping today.”

“We?” my eyes grew wide.

“Yes, we. I need some things, too.”

“You want to go shopping with me?” I’m perplexed because I’ve never had a man go with me. Dad would give me his credit card and send me on my way.

“Yes. Is there a problem?” Misha sets a plate of eggs in front of him with a bowl of fruit.

“No, but you need to know I like to shop, and that means it’s not going to be a

He chuckles and leans over to me. “I don’t do too many things

I roll my eyes as my body heat increases through my blood. He’s flirting with me. “I’ll get ready and we can leave in a little bit.” I hop off the barstool and over to the elevator. I need to get away from his sculptured body, blue eyes, and his brainwashing.

About an hour later, we’re in the car and heading to Wright Hills. This is the place to shop. Every single high-end fashion designer and store is located at Wright Hills. There’s nowhere else to shop but there.

Gable opens the door for me and takes my hand to guide me into the building. I know he’s only holding my hand because someone will see us together and we
married. His grip is firm, but not too tight.

“Where to first?”

“Oh, that’s simple.” I smile at him. “Prada first.”

“Wow, you seem happy about shopping?”

“I am. The last was when Dad…” I trail off. I can’t say the words. I haven’t been since Dad and I flew over to London and did shopping over there a couple months ago.

Gable squeezes my hand. “Prada it is then.”

Store after store, dress after dress, and lots of pairs of shoes later, I have a whole new wardrobe. I…well, Gable purchases everything I like. I did protest the first few times. Since paying off all my debt, my credit cards and trust fund were available to me without fear. However, Gable insisted he’d take care of his wife and paid for it all.

Bruce, the driver whose name I learned this morning, helps Gable with all of my bags. Some of the dresses will be sent later on after some alterations, but I am taking almost everything home now.

“I may have gone overboard.”

Gable laughs. “I don’t care. You seemed happy and relaxed, and I like seeing that side of you.”

“Considering you paid for it,” I step up on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek. “Thank you. You didn’t have to though.” I’m not sure why I kissed him. It might have been the brainwashing or the fact we had a good day. He seems relaxed and even though he’s still in his black pants, black shirt, and red tie, he seems a little different.

“You’re my wife, and it’s my job to spoil you.” I notice his cheeks are redder. He’s blushing. “Now, how about we order some lunch? After five hours of shopping, I’m famished.”

“Yearwood’s?” I suggest.

“Perfect.” He opens the SUV door for me and I slide into the Mercedes.

Our lunch is delicious, however, we aren’t able to talk much because people keep coming up and congratulating us. Gable is the doting husband and I try to keep up with the same play, but he does it much better than I do.

Once we’re home, and Bruce helps lug all the bags to my room, I start to unload everything in my vast closet.

“Misha can help you if you want.”

“I’m fine.” I tell Gable as I organize my shoe boxes.

“Your father didn’t have a lot of staff did he?”

“We had a cook for a little while, but Dad liked to cook so he got the man another job. Leo is about the true
that we had, but he’s more like family to me.”

“What about a maid?” Gable takes a seat on my purple couch, but he seems stiff when he sits down, like he doesn’t want to be there.


“Who cleaned your home?”

I take a deep breath. “My father and I did it together. However, if we were going to throw a party or have a dinner event, than he would hire someone to come and do a deep clean.”

“You? Clean?”

I whip around and narrow my eyes at him. “Yes, I might be a spoiled brat in your eyes, but Dad taught me how to survive on my own, too. I know how to mop, dust, do laundry, and even wax a floor. Just because I have a manicure and a thousand dollar heels doesn’t mean I don’t know about hard work. Dad was the hardest working person I know.” I’m mad and Gable knows it. Dad raised me right with manners, good morals, and a loud voice.

He stands and steps over to me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t any disrespect to your father or you. I’m surprised, that’s all.”

“Maybe you should have done better research.” I use his words against him.

“Maybe.” He looks me up and down. “I’m going to leave you alone. I’ll be in my office if you need me.”

I nod and watch him walk out the door. I know what people think about me and I let them, but the truth is I’m as hard of worker as Dad is…
. I was his pride and joy, but he didn’t let me get away with too much.

Family and Jackson Enterprise are all that you need in your life.

That’s the code that I live by.




“Would you care to explain to me why I came home and had to hear that you were married from a blog?”

I smirk at the cell phone. Larissa Dapont has known me since we were kids. I call her a friend because we’ve known each other for so long, but I’ve never confided too much to her. Her father is the District Attorney, her grandfather a retired judge, and her new stepfather is the police commissioner. She’s a good person and I like her, but she’s out of all proportion. Larissa believes in the code of the law and every comma and period that comes with it. She walks a fine line; goody-two-shoes is her nickname.

“You know how I love to surprise people,” I answer.

“I do, but Gable Butler. I mean, shit, Mr. Hot-Ass-Billionaire. Good job.”

I smirk. Oh, if you only knew the truth. “Thanks.”

“Will you be throwing a party or anything?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” Damn, I should ask Gable if he wants to do something.

“You don’t know? I’m sorry I thought I was talking to Dream Jackson. I thought you liked parties.”

“If you haven’t heard, I have company to run now, and my time isn’t as flexible as before.” I inform her with a harsh tone.

“Whoa, easy tiger, this is me you’re talking to. I’m kidding around. You have to understand the whole world is still in shock that you’re married with no massive party, and no one even knew you were dating. Not even one selfie. Come on, Dream, you know that’s strange.”

I roll my eyes. I know it’s strange and I know what people are saying. I’ve been trying to figure out a way to calm the water a bit, but then again the attention is good for JE.

“Listen, I have to go. We’ll do lunch soon.”

“Okay.” She laughs in her annoying high-pitch tone and I end the call.

I tap my fingers on the desk and think about Larissa’s words. I look up my Instagram account and see I have over two thousand pictures. I know most of them are selfies, and some are with my dad. There are a lot of the shoes and purses I’ve worn or bought and monuments in my last bit of traveling. . Every part of my life is documented there.


I swipe on the iPad and search my name and Gable’s. Site after site there is more and more speculation about our marriage and the sham it is. There’s even a few calling out JE and the financial troubles.


I need to make this positive. Think Dream. You’re married, now and it’s time to think like a mature women. I’m Dream Jackson. I’m the CEO of JE and I sure as hell don’t need Gable. Oh wait…yes I did, for the money until I figure out a way to get away from him.

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