DREAM (8 page)

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Authors: Mary Smith

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“Um…” I look at Gable.

“Jacob, you may want to be a little more forthcoming with Dream. She’ll need details if you want to hire her.” Thankfully, he says what I’m thinking.

Never in my life has someone, especially a man, ever intimidated me. Right now, I’m about to run out of the room and hide.

“I’m not a very
person, Gable.” Jacob’s eyes narrow slightly at him.

“In this situation, you will be. She’s my wife and can be trusted.” Gable gives it right back to him.

Jacob glances over at Gideon and I see him nod, before Jacob brings his eyes to me. He rubs his chin for a moment before saying anything.

“Fine,” he picks up his knife and fork again, sawing into the steak. “I received this business because money was owed to me by the owners. Since they couldn’t pay, I took their business in exchange. Now, since it’s my reputation on the line, I want this place to be the best. Right now, they’re mediocre. I want you go in and turn it around.”

He took this company from its owners. How is that even legal? Says the girl who married a man for his money to keep her company.

“I’ll have to go over my schedule and see which team is available-”

Jacob cuts me off by laughing loudly. “Oh no, you misunderstand me. You will be the one to go in and fix the problem.”


“That’s what I said.”

“I’m not able to. I mean I have the best business minds working for me. They’re the ones on the ground while I run the company and oversee them.”

Jacob shakes his head. “I don’t trust people very well, Mrs. Butler. I’m sure you can understand.”

That’s because you’re a criminal and I don’t want to do business with you.

“Then, I’m sorry you wasted your time.” I tell him.

“Are you saying ‘no’?” Gideon jumps in with in shock.

“Yes, I am. I’m not able to do what you need to be done.”

“Even if I paid you ten million dollars?”

I gasp. What an obscene amount of money to hire me? “Are you serious?”

“He doesn’t joke about money.” Gable leans over to me.

“If the business can stay up and running for the next two years, I’d be able to quadruple the money I’m paying you.” Jacob smiles and I see him shoot another glance at Gideon, who’s smiling.

I look over at Gable. He squeezes my hand and nods.

“What kind of business is it?” I ask, and I can feel myself caving. That’s a lot of money, and it would help in paying off Gable.

“It’s a company that makes copies, banners, flyers, and all sort of crap.” Jacob explains, finishing his steak and glass of red wine.

“You know, I have to ask one question.” My heart jumps in my throat.

Jacob stills for a moment. “You probably shouldn’t believe everything you read in the papers or see on TV.” He knows the question that is coming. I’m sure many other people ask him the same thing.

“I wouldn’t ask you had you not just told me you received the company under duress,” I say firmly from courage I don’t know I had.

Gable chuckles next to me and Jacob smirks.

“I’m a legitimate business man, Mrs. Butler. Because I’ve made a lot of money, people are quick to assume it’s because of wrongdoing and not hard work. Gable’s even taken a couple of shots from these horrible, unfounded rumors.”

I look over at Gable and he shrugs. “There are those out there do nothing but look into people’s past, generate rumors, and portray our success as the result of criminal activity.”

I know he’s talking about his time as a teenager on the wrong side of the law and I look back over at Jacob. I am afraid that deep in the pit of my soul this is a massive mistake but Gable is here and appears to trust Jacob. I want JE back at the top, but doing it with criminals would make my father turn over in his grave. I tap my finger against my chin a few times and quickly think of how this money could strengthen JE’s bottom line and make the company stronger.

If this is real business, then it shouldn’t be major deal to go in and do a little cleaning up. It should take very little time; I can be in and out quickly. I know how to restructure businesses and I know how to manage people. Although, at this point, I’m not sure who’s managing whom.

I take a deep breath. “When do you need me to start?”

Chapter 9


“I’ve never told your father how to run JE, but Dream…” Mrs. Stones shakes her head but doesn’t finish her thought. She doesn’t have to because I know what she’s thinking. That same one bounces around my head.

“How does Gable know this kind of riff-raft?”

“When I asked him he told me they grew up together and didn’t explain any further.” I have tried this whole week to get more information out of him, but nothing has come of it.

“Well, I sent the contracts over, but I’m not happy about this, Dream.” Mrs. Stones stands and heads toward the door. “Leo is waiting downstairs.”

I nod and gather up everything to take home. Day after day, I end up doing the same thing over and over again. Work, take work home, sleep, repeat. I can’t even remember eating last night. Gable ended up staying over at his office for a meeting with a company in Japan and I went to bed instead of eating.

Another late night for me. Lunch together tomorrow?
Gable texted me. I’d been so busy myself that I didn’t see it text until two hours after he’d sent it.

Sounds like a plan.

And then I smile because I know exactly how I’m going to spend my night.

Every once in a while, when I was in high school, college, or when I was stressed, I would take a night to just unplug and relax. No phones, no computer, no people, nothing. I would pig out on food and watch a movie. I would do it to reenergize myself and I need that tonight.

When I get in the SUV, I tell Leo to head to Angelo’s and I purchase a large, greasy, yummy cheese pizza and then he takes me home.


When had Butler Mansion become home?

I drop the pizza off in the media room then go to my room and change into a pair of fuzzy pajama bottoms with cute penguins and pink bowties on them and a black sweatshirt. I toss my hair into a messy bun and race back to the media room. I grab some paper towels and a couple bottles of water before getting comfortable in the leather recliner.

I scroll the screen of the massive remote until I find the perfect movie. It tugs on my heartstrings as I click play and the movie screen turns on, but I need it right now.

Gone with the Wind

My parents weren’t even born when this movie was made. Dad told me it was Mom’s favorite book because she was forced to read it in one of her literature classes in college. She instantly fell in love with it and often quoted from it.

I open the pizza box, placing it on my lap, and positioned a paper towel on my chest. I crack open a bottle of water and put in the cup holder, just as Scarlett O’Hara appears on the screen.

The cheese is hot, but tastes amazing while I eat and watch the magic unfold on the screen. I quote the lines of my favorite scenes and roll my eyes at the silliness of Scarlett’s behavior.

I take another large bite of pizza as Rhett and Scarlett, dressed in her curtain made dress, have it out in the horse stall when something to the right catches my eye. I look over and Gable is grinning at me.

“Hi,” I say with my mouth full of food.

“Hi. I take it you’re enjoying your Friday night.”

I finish the food in my mouth and press pause on the movie. “I’m vegging out. I needed a break from the real world for a few hours,” I tell him honestly.

“Sounds like fun. I didn’t mean to intrude. I was letting you know I’m home.” He starts to leave.

“Do you want to stay? I haven’t eaten all the pizza, yet.” I look down and realize I’ve had four pieces, and I should stop before I eat it all and have a carb hangover. “There’s still a lot left of the movie, too.”

“I’d love to.” Gable loosens his red silk tie before taking a seat next to me.

I hand him a few paper towels, the other bottle of water, and the pizza box. I hit play and settle back into my seat.

“How was your day?” I ask Gable.

“Aren’t you supposed to be quiet during a movie?”

“Nah, not this part. She’s about to run off and marry this guy for his money.” I can’t stop myself as I burst into laughter.

“Is that funny to you?”

I shake my head, wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes, and hold onto my side. “Scarlett O’Hara just made me realize I’m not much different from her.” I’m finally able to catch my breath.

“You’re not really like her, you know.”

“Aren’t I?” I counter. “I did marry a man for money to save my hide. She did it for the same reason.”

“You did it to save JE and your employees, not yourself,” he points out.

“A spade is always a spade even if you call it something different.”

“What do you mean?” Gable sits the pizza box down on the floor beside him and turns to me.

“I may have saved the company, but don’t think part of my reasoning was on a selfish level. You were right when you told me I had no other options; I didn’t. I’ve never been on my own. I’ve never accomplished anything on my own. My safety net had always been my dad and then you came along in your white Mercedes and saved the day.”

It must be all the carbs pumping through me to confess all those words. I did not intend to say anything of sort, but now I’ve opened the floodgates.

“I don’t think that’s entirely true.”

“Really?” I scoff at him.

“I’m serious, Dream. Look what you’ve done since you’ve taken over JE, and you have several new clients. I know Jacob’s money is going to help you a lot, too.”

“I can trust him, right?” My voice sounds smaller than I’d wanted it too.

“Look,” Gable takes my hand in his. “I’m not saying
of Jacob’s businesses are on the up and up, okay?”

I nod.

“But, I would never put you in danger. I promise you, Dream.” He kisses the back of my hand.

It’s the first time that Gable’s ever kissed me. I had kissed his cheek once, but we’ve never been any further.

“I believe you.” In my heart I trusted him because his eyes held all the truth in them. I remember how he was when Gideon confronted me, and that was his brother.

Gable kisses my hand again and turns back around to the screen, holding onto my hand. I crouch deeper into the plush leather and watch the movie.

It’s not much longer before I feel the carbs taking over, sending me into a deep sleep. I close my eyes for a moment, but it’s hard to open them back up. I give in and let them remain closed, letting the noise of the movie surround me.

I don’t know how long I’d been asleep when I feel someone lifting me up. I put my hands on something hard and the smell of the Miller Harris cologne comforts me. I hear the ding of the elevator in a distance and then my body relaxes into the softness of the covers.

“Stay with me.” I think to myself. I had a great evening with him, even if it had been brief. His promises to keep me safe and not push me into anything still warm my heart.

I feel my cover move and the bed sink and a set of arms wrap around me. I drift into a dreamless sleep.




It’s a fat-jean day.

I had one too many slices of pizza last night and I’m still feeling it. I reach far back into my closet where I hide the jeans that are one size bigger than my normal jeans and grab an oversize sweater as well.

I flip my hair up high on my head and slather on a layer of makeup. I look okay, besides I don’t feel like dressing up today.

I walk across the bathroom and knock on Gable’s door. I hear him yell for me to come in. I go in and he’s standing by his dresser in his black pants, shirtless. I’m enjoying him without a shirt.

A bit too much.

“You know you could have stayed in my bed.”

I watch him stop for a second, before he pulls out a t-shirt from the drawer.

“I figured you wouldn’t remember.”

I smile. “Well, I thought I remembered what happened, but it wasn’t until I curled up with the pillow that I had proof. It smells like you.”

I barely remember asking him to stay with me. I know he did and I hadn’t awakened that relaxed in a long time. I walk up to him and touch his bare arm. I don’t know where all these emotions are coming from, but I like them. Gable makes me feel...safe.

“Thank you for last night. I mean that.”

“You’re welcome.” He clears his throat and heads toward his closet. I watch his strong back muscles stretch and contract as he puts on his black dress shirt and red silk tie.

I feel like I should leave, but I don’t want to. Gable isn’t hard on the eyes, and I could stare at him for a while. He continues to look in the mirror, but I know he knows I’m staring at him. He’s trying to hide his smirk.

“Gable.” Gideon comes bursting through the door and stops when he sees me. “Oh, sorry.” He looks me up and down.

“What do you need, Gideon?” Gable comes out of the closet toward him.

“I got it. I put it in your office. It cost a pretty penny, but it’s here.”

“Thanks. We’ll leave in thirty minutes.”

Gideon nods and leaves.

“I have something for you.” He takes my hand. “It’s a surprise.” Gable leads me out of the bedroom toward the elevator, and we head to his office.

“Close your eyes,” he whispers in my ear.

I do, trusting him to guide me into the room. He turns me to the left and brings me to a stop,

“Open them.”

I do and gasp, covering my mouth with my hands. In front of me is the
Gone with the Wind
movie poster and next to it, in a plastic case, the signed book. A hot tear rolls down my cheek. He bought this for me because he knew how much it meant to me.

I turn to him, and without thinking, throw my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his nose in my neck.

“Gable.” I choke out his name. “Thank you. I know it was a lot of money.”

“It’s worth it.” His deep voice and soft breath cause me to shiver.

“I think I need to apologize to you.” I’m still holding him and I feel his hands running up and down my back.

“What for?” Gable doesn’t pull back.

“It’s been over a month since we’ve been married. I have to tell you when I first thought about this, I was concerned that you were going to be some type of tyrant and you’re not. I’m sorry for thinking that way.”

“You’re not the first person to think that, Dream. I’ve had a lot of people call me a tyrant.” He leans back a little and brushes a strand of hair from my face. His touch is soft and I release the breath I had been holding.

“Does that mean you accept my apology?”

“I do.” Gable smirks. “As much as I enjoy this, we do have a lunch appointment.”


Gable releases me, takes my hand, and heads out to the waiting Mercedes. Bruce is driving and Gideon is in the front seat. I don’t understand why he’s coming with us, but I remain quiet.

Gideon and Gable discuss the Japanese business venture. Gable is sure he’ll be able to close the deal this week. He says the Japanese are holding out to check the stock market first.

“Why?” I ask.

“Because I purchased another company last month, and it’s going public this week.” Gable explains.

“Oh.” I didn’t know this. “What type of company?”

“It handles recyclables and the largest in the States,” he continues.

“All part of the Gable Butler plan to save the world. His motto is one plastic bottle at a time.” Gideon teases his brother.

I am angry with Gideon for making fun Gable’s dream. Gideon enjoys the luxuries of Gable’s money; I can see his Rolex watch gleaming in the sunlight.

“I think it’s a great motto.” I turn to Gable. “You should think about copyrighting it and sell it on natural fiber t-shirts.”

Gable smirks, showing me that dimple I like to see.

“What a fantastic idea,” he winks. “I’ll take care of it on Monday.”

“Good grief,” I heard Gideon mumble.

“Then I want the first t-shirt.” I rub my thumb back and forth ove, his knuckles.

“I’m getting a cavity from all the sweetness going on back there.” Gideon groans loudly.

“Enough,” Gable says sternly and Gideon doesn’t say anything else for the duration of the ride.

Soon, we pull up in front of a nice, ranch style home with a large yard. It’s a beautiful home.

“Where are we?” I ask Gable.

“My mother’s,” he answers, getting out of the SUV.

My mouth drops when he comes around and opens my door.

“What? Look how I’m dressed. I thought we were going to lunch.” I whisper yell at him.

“You look great. She’ll love you.” He softly tugs on me, and we follow Gideon into the house.

I’ve met other boyfriend’s parents, but the settings were much different. Usually, it’s in a fancy restaurants or elegant parties. Most of the time, I already knew them because they were in my father’s same social circle. I don’t know anything about Gable’s mother except what he’s told me and that was nothing.

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