Drive Me Crazy (2 page)

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Authors: Marquita Valentine

Tags: #alpha male, #marquita valentine, #going the distance series, #small town, #nascar, #love story, #bad boys

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What the hell had just happened? Oh right, he’d just hired Melanie to be his new assistant. Glancing at the clock, he uncrossed his arms and ambled over to the fridge. Opening it, he grabbed the first bottle and twisted off the cap.

It’s five o’clock somewhere,” he muttered, then toasted the framed print of The Intimidator. “Cheers, Dale.”

Chapter Two

He hired you? Just like that?” Zoe Ambrose asked with a snap of her fingers. Astonishment shone in her dark green eyes.

Pleased with herself, Melanie nodded. “Just like that.”

A grin curved the corners of her best friend’s mouth. “Good for you.” Zoe’s grin fell. “Carter wasn’t mad at me for telling you, was he?”

Nope,” Melanie lied. Well, it wasn’t exactly a lie. Carter hadn’t looked mad. He’d looked like he normally did when she talked to him— sexy as hell. Lately, that look had turned into sexy as hell and oh-crap-she’s-here-again. And for a woman who’d been in love with him for as long she could remember, it stung. “Anyway, I report for duty at nine o’clock sharp.”

Then you’d better be there at 8:45,” Zoe said, snagging a breadstick and tearing it in half. “He’s a stickler for punctuality.”

You sure you’re related to him?”

Giggling, Zoe said, “Fairly certain. Anyway, will it interfere with taking care of Mr. Henry’s dog and house?”

Shaking her head, Melanie dipped her own breadstick into marinara sauce. “I’ll let Cody out at seven, then check the plants, tidy up the kitchen and be back home in time to get a shower and be at Carter’s by 8:50 at the latest.”

It’s so sweet of you to help Mr. Henry out like you do,” Zoe said. “Cody is a menace to society.”

Cody was a yippy, two-pound Chihuahua that thought himself to be a one hundred and fifty pound attack dog. “You mean it’s so sweet to let eighty-five year old Mr. Henry ogle my butt for twenty bucks a day?” Melanie asked, innocently batting her lashes.

Well, when you put it that way…”

Melanie snorted. “I swear, you should hear the beeps of his heart monitor when I walk in. One day, I’m going to forget to
bend at the waist to pick up Cody and the man’s gonna keel over from a heart attack.”

At least he’ll die with a smile on his face.” Zoe pulled out her phone, then looked at the screen and sighed. “Another rejection. Maybe I should give up this writing thing?”

I’m sorry, Z. One day you
get a yes.” Melanie pushed Zoe’s wine glass closer. “But in the meantime, have another drink.”

After taking another sip, her best friend eyed her. “Is that what you hope will happen with Carter?”


Zoe’s face fell. “But I thought—”

Melanie snorted, then wriggled her eyebrows. “I want more than one
from him. In fact I want a lot of yeses followed by oh God and more.” Really, who wouldn’t want six foot two and two hundred pounds worth of a man on top of them? Who wouldn’t want to run their fingers through dark brown hair and stare into sexy emerald-colored eyes? A man with a gorgeous face
a hot body that filled out jeans as well as he did boxer briefs in major ad campaigns.

Despite being majorly squicked out at the thought of my brother saying those words to anyone, I totally support your efforts.”

You’ve always supported my efforts.” Melanie laughed, brushing a loose chunk of hair over her ear. “It’s why we get along so well.”

When we were little, it was the only time I got in trouble,” Zoe reminded her, tucking her phone back into her purse.

Yeah, yeah. Melanie Ann Smith, Troublemaker Extraordinaire. That’s me,” she grumbled. “I’m surprised your momma ever let us be friends in the first place.”

Zoe rolled her eyes. “She’d hoped I would be a good influence on you.”

Bless your momma’s heart,” Melanie sighed dramatically, placing her hand on her chest. “Her hopes have been dashed to pieces by now.”

The owner of Jack’s Fine Italian Dining, Jack Macpherson, strode to their table, smiling at Zoe, then giving Melanie a pointed look. “Smoke break’s .”

Melanie pushed up from the table and grabbed her tray. “Yes sir!” She gave him a salute.

The sound of dishes breaking in the restaurant kitchen captured her boss’s attention. “What the—”He stomped to the kitchen, yelling at everyone in his path. Good thing it was a very slow Monday night. Three out of twenty tables were filled.

She frowned. That wasn’t good at all. Tips would be scarce and she always managed to give back the tip Zoe left for her. It didn’t feel right taking money from her best friend, even if Melanie had earned it.

When did you start smoking?” Zoe asked as an extra cheesy portion of the ziti fell from her fork onto the table.

Never.” Melanie grinned, tossing the tray back and forth between her hands. “Figured it was the only way I could get a break like Darlene and Kelsey. Fair’s fair, you know.”

Her best friend laughed. “Just don’t get fired, okay?”

Melanie drew a little x over the pocket on her white shirt and walked away. “Promise,” she said over her shoulder. And she meant it. She couldn’t afford to lose another job. Two out of the three things she wanted most in life cost money that she didn’t have. It was part of the reason why she asked Carter for a job. She knew his personal assistant position paid well, even if it was temporary.

Only one problem with that: Melanie didn’t want temporary with Carter.

She wanted forever.


Melanie tossed her keys onto the counter and sat down at the small kitchen table.

Her dad’s snores drifted in from the living room, along with the evening news. Louis had passed out in the recliner, a couple of beer cans on the table beside him.

Only two tonight? Must’ve been a good day,” she said, taking off her shoes and messaging her aching feet. Then she stood and shuffled to the recliner, grabbing the remote and clicking off the television.

Ever since her momma had died from breast cancer, Melanie had been raised by her dad. Although some might argue she was using that term loosely. Louis had let her run hog-wild and fancy free, until a well-meaning (nosy as heck) woman had taken an eight year old Melanie under her wing one summer during Vacation Bible School.

It hadn’t helped, but Melanie did get a best friend out of it: Zoe Ambrose.

Louis muttered something in his sleep and Melanie smiled. She snagged an orange and brown afghan from the sofa and covered him with it, brushing back his grey hair. “Sleep tight.”


Melanie froze, her heart pounding in her chest. There was only one Raylene in Holland Springs and she was married. Worse, she was married to Carter and Zoe’s uncle, who just so happen to be their momma’s favorite brother. “No, it’s Melanie.” She knew her daddy had been doing some odd jobs around Raylene and John’s house. And she pleaded with God that Raylene wasn’t one of those jobs.

Louis shifted in the recliner, his brown eyes blinking open. “Hey, sugar. How was work?”

Fine.” She stared at her father for a moment, then said, “Are you messing around with Raylene Alfred?”

Don’t see how that’s any of your business, young lady,” he said and her heart plummeted to her toes. Any time he called her young lady, he was lying to her or trying to justify himself. “My private life is private.”

Not around here it’s isn’t.” She fisted her hands on her hips. “Everyone knows how you like messing around with married women. Love ‘em and leave their marriages in shambles.”

It’s different this time.”

You say that every time!” She held up her hands. “I don’t care if you think you’re in—”

in love. Besides, John doesn’t treat her right and she’s miserable,” Louis countered, sitting up in the recliner and pushing the bottom half down.

If she’s not happy with John, then she needs to leave him before y’all make a go of it. I’m getting tired of having to defend you and your affairs.” She really was, but she wouldn’t stop sticking up for her dad. Louis was the only family she had and she loved him.

Who’s saying she’s not leaving him?” Louis said as he stood. “Who’s to say that Raylene and I don’t have plans?”

Her mouth fell open. “Are you kidding me?”

Nope. We—”

She shook her head, moving toward her room. “I don’t want to know about your
. But for once in your life, can you think about the consequences?”

How many times had they been through this before? Louis Smith fell in and out of love like a thirteen year old girl. He always had plans, always knew that his latest was The One, and he was The One to save her from her loveless marriage.

Yet another reason why she needed to get her own place. Not knowing for a fact what her daddy was up to would take a lot of stress off of her.

Shutting the door behind her, she dug into the front pockets of her apron and started straightening and laying out her tips on her dresser. Sixty bucks wasn’t too bad for a slow Monday night.

Biting the side of her lip, she considered the two jars in front of her. One labeled Trip Money and the other, House Money. One day she would have a home that didn’t have wheels, that she couldn’t be evicted from and a bed that was actually hers.

Most people thought she was flighty, unable to hold down a job or even finish college. But she had a plan and had been pre-approved for a loan. And it was all documented on her ancient computer. Still, she couldn’t in good conscience buy that tiny cottage on three acres without some savings in the bank or a five thousand dollar down payment.

Plus, she wanted to travel, to see the world outside of Holland Springs. Her life so far had consisted of a hundred-mile radius. Pretty boring and pathetic.

So, the sensible thing to do would be to split the tips eighty-twenty in favor of the House Money Jar. But sometimes a girl needed a little excitement.

Smiling, she opened the Trip Money jar and put all but ten dollars in it.

Just as she put both lids back on, there was a knock at her door. “Sugar, can you spot me some money for the rent? I promise to settle up with you on Friday.”

I gave you my half last week,” she said, opening her door. “Right before you went down to Biloxi with...”

Her dad looked away, his hand running through his hair.

She sagged against the door frame and placed her palm across her forehead. “You couldn’t stay away, could you?”

I thought I could make things easier on us.”

By gambling away our rent money?” Tears pricked at the back of her throat as she walked to her dresser and opened up her House Money Jar. “How much?”

Nine hundred,” he mumbled. “Rent’s twelve.”

What!” The lid slipped from her grasp, falling to the floor. It landed on the carpet with a thud. Digging through the jar, she pulled out her money and counted out the amount he needed. Her heart pinched at the sight of a month’s worth of tips from her House Jar. Who knew if she’d ever get it back? Louis wasn’t exactly a stickler for keeping his word. And settling up on Friday could mean this Friday or twenty Fridays from now.

Wait a minute.” She turned to face him. “You told me my half was three.”

Yeah, well, I’m still your dad.” He walked inside her room and picked up the lid, then set it back on the jar. “Knew you’ve been trying to save up and all.”

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