Dual Embrace: 3 (Shadowpeak Wolves) (31 page)

Read Dual Embrace: 3 (Shadowpeak Wolves) Online

Authors: Lorna Jean Roberts

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Dual Embrace: 3 (Shadowpeak Wolves)
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“The problem is that you kissed some asshole. You let him touch you.”

“Brynn,” she sighed in exasperation. “You’re acting like a moron.” She expected this kind of thing from Cain, not devilish, smooth Brynn.

“A moron!” he yelled, obviously outraged.

“Brynn, you know it was an act.”

He relaxed a little. “I know. That doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

He sounded like a sulky little boy.

“And I’m going to spank you for it when we get home.”

She looked at him in exasperation but just shrugged. She wasn’t going to change his mind.

And anyway, she didn’t really want to.

They arrived home to an empty house. Dusty made a quick call, reporting in to Cooper then Cain who was still on duty.

Dusty stepped into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She soaped herself up, washing the scent of booze from her. After drying herself off, she moisturized her whole body. Naked, she walked into the bedroom, knowing Brynn was in there, waiting.

Yum and he was naked.

“It won’t work, you know,” he said huskily as she leaned over the bed, kissing his erect cock.

“What won’t work?” she asked before licking up his shaft.

“Distracting me.” His voice was strangled. “It’s not going to work. I’m still going to spank you.”

“So do it.”

She yelped as he moved suddenly. He sat on the side of the bed, laying her across his lap. Massaging her bottom cheeks, he pulled them apart so he could run his finger down the crease of her ass.

When the spanking started, it was light, teasing—taps that barely burned yet heated her whole body. It wasn’t long until she was writhing on his lap, searching for more. Then they became harder, so heavy tears stung her eyes. They set her body on fire, the world narrowing to the two of them.

He stopped, flipping her so she sat on his lap. He kissed her desperately.

“I do not like anyone else touching you,” he whispered fiercely. “No one but me or Cain.”

“Yeah, I kind of got that.”

A heavy smack landed on her thigh this time, surprising her, and she yelped. He shifted her legs so they lay on either side of his hips.

“Pass me a condom.”

She reached over and grabbed one from the bedside table, helping him put it on.

“Hands over your head.”

She raised her hands, looking at him questioningly as he pushed her back until she was arched over his lap.

“Rest your hands on the floor.”

She used her hands to brace herself as he entered her in one quick push.

“Oh,” she cried out. Blood rushed to her head, making her dizzy, but it only added to the heat he was firing in her womb as he thrust inside her.

“Brynn, please.”

“No one. No one touches you. I find that I’m very possessive over those I love and neither you nor Cain will even look at someone else or you’ll see how angry I can really get.”

He tickled her clit. She tried to stop the rush, to slow herself down, but it was as impossible as stopping a runaway train. It raced over her, sweeping her away.

She was so lost in bliss, she barely heard him shout as he found his own release. He lifted her, lying back on the bed with her sprawled on his chest, both of them gasping for breath.

Dusty raised herself up, staring down at him, wondering if he’d try to deny what she’d heard.

“Did you mean it?” she asked.

“Yes I did,” he said, his eyes deepening to a midnight black. “I’ve never loved anyone before. Oh I felt some love toward my father and my love for Cassie is growing. But what I feel for you and for Cain is truly indescribable.”


“Good?” he asked, clearly outraged by her response.

She clasped his cheeks and kissed. “Really good. Because I love you too.”

“Don’t tell Cain,” he said.

“What? Why not?”

“Because I know he doesn’t feel the same about me.”

“That’s silly, he—”

“Hush. You can’t make him feel things he doesn’t feel. I’d settle for him trusting me.”

Dusty opened her mouth but he swooped down, kissing her, stealing any protest she would have made.

* * * * *


Two days later, Dusty hid her worry as the other enforcers left for the airport with Tina disguised as Laney. She didn’t know if it was Cain’s misgivings rubbing off on her or her own instincts, but either way she didn’t have a good feeling about this.

“I don’t have a good feeling about this,” Laney spoke up from the hallway where she was sitting on a cushion, hidden from view.

“Everything will be fine,” Dusty said with fake cheerfulness.

“You don’t do cheerful well, Dusty.”

Dusty sighed. “I know.”

“Although you seem happier. Mind you, I’d be smiling too with two hunks in my bed.”

Dusty shook her head and moved into the living room to sit on the couch.

“You don’t want Cooper to hear you say that.”

Laney gave an exaggerate shudder. “Oohh no, he’d spank me for that.”

Even from here, Dusty could see the light of devilish delight in the petite blonde’s eyes and chuckled.

Laney sighed, all merriment dying. “I wish I could have gone.”

“Me too.”

“It’s good that Brynn’s with them. They may need his help.”

The others didn’t know Brynn. She worried about how they would take having him with them. But he wasn’t going to be left out. He wanted to catch these bastards as much as the pack did. And Cooper had agreed, knowing they could use his help.

“How long has it been?”

Dusty looked at her watch. “Fifteen minutes. You should be safe to move now. But I’ll check in with Liam, see if there are any problems.”

She activated her earpiece. “Liam, status report.”

Static was her only reply.

“Liam?” she said harshly. “Liam, answer me.” She looked over at Laney, whose eyes were saucer wide.


“Jesse, you there?”

Static assaulted her ear.

“Fuck, fuck.”

Dusty reached for her gun and phone, searching through her contacts until she found Rye’s number.

“Do you hear something?” Laney asked. Dusty stilled, turning.


“Outside, I think I hear someone.”

Dusty tossed Laney her phone.

“Call Rye, tell him what’s going on. I’ll go out and check. Ahh, which direction do you think the noise is coming from?”

Laney’s eyes filled with surprise but she answered quickly. “West.”

Dusty nodded and opened a corner window in the living area, climbing out to drop as gently as she could onto the ground. Her leg collapsed and she landed jarringly on her butt, biting back a hiss of pain. Ungracefully, she rolled onto her feet, adrenaline helping her ignore the protesting pain in her leg.

Unfortunately, there weren’t many places for her to hide. There were no bushes or trees close to the house. If anyone was watching with a rifle, she was a dead woman. She drew her gun from the shoulder holster and moved toward the western corner of the house.

As she slipped around the corner, the man standing there turned and snarled, eyes flashing amber. Okay, not a man, a werewolf. She looked from him to the contraption he’d attached to the side of the house.

He appeared almost nervous as he stared between her gun and the bomb. “You haven’t got much time.”

“Dismantle it. Now.”

He shook his head and took a step backward.

Dusty spotted Brynn over the man’s shoulder. And in that split second of inattention, the bomber leaped at her, knocking the gun from her hand.

“Get the bomb out of here!” she screamed at Brynn before her attacker punched her. Dusty brought her head up, smashing her forehead into his nose, grinning at the satisfying crunch.

He placed his hands around her throat, choking her. Big mistake. That left both her hands free. Dusty gouged her thumbs into his eyes. As he reared back in pain, she jabbed her elbow into his throat.

His hands loosened around her throat as he struggled to take a breath. Dusty reached into her boot, drawing out the knife she kept in a leather pouch there. The hilt was made of rubber. His hands tightened around her throat again. Black encroached on the edges of her vision as she raised her hand and pierced his side with the silver knife.

Her attacker yowled and she threw him off, raggedly drawing in a breath. She heard a shout. Looking up, she saw Josiah and Marcus descend on the guy, their eyes flashing dangerously.

“The blade is silver,” she called out. Marcus and Josiah grabbed the guy, tying his hands with Marcus’ belt before Josiah removed the knife.

He wiped it clean before handing it back to her.

Cain raced toward them.

“I’m okay,” she called out as he reached her. His gaze was intense as he ran his hands over her body before helping her stand. She could see the concern in his eyes but he remained quiet, standing back slightly as Cooper and Rye ran toward them.

“What the fuck happened?” Rye asked.

“This bastard tried to blow the house up,” Dusty replied.

The others stiffened, staring around urgently.

“Brynn disappeared with the bomb,” Dusty said, worried. Surely he should have returned by now. She wondered how much had been left on the timer.

“Right. Josiah, Marcus, take our prisoner away.”

“Where do you want him?” Marcus asked coldly.

Rye frowned. “Put him in the small storage shed by the creek.”

“Inside for a debrief,” Cooper ordered. “I don’t want Laney coming out here.”

Dusty took a step forward but her leg collapsed beneath her, shards of fiery pain swimming through her body. She swore as Cain grabbed her around the waist, steadying her.

Dusty threw him a pained smile, letting him take most of her weight as they followed the others.

“Are you really okay?” Cain asked quietly as Josiah and Marcus loaded their prisoner into a car and drove off with him.

“I’m fine.”

She was sweating and shaky by the time she got inside, but was determined to make it without being carried. Laney was in the living room, pacing. When Dusty limped in, Lacey ran over, hugging her. Dusty patted her on the back.

“Everyone sit,” Laney bossed, pushing Dusty into a chair. Concern flashed in Laney’s eyes briefly. Damn, she must look in worse shape than she thought. Cain moved toward his normal spot, but Dusty grabbed his hand before she’d even thought about it. He looked at her in surprise.

“Sit with me?” she asked.

His sudden grin filled her with warmth and he perched on the wide arm of her chair, his arm resting across the back.

Brynn appeared in the doorway. His eyes were immediately drawn to hers and finally the knot in her stomach eased. He was safe. They were all safe.

“Brynn,” Cooper greeted him. “You got rid of the bomb?”

Laney took in a sharp breath. “Bomb?”

Brynn nodded. “It’s been dealt with.”

“Good. Dusty, report.”

Dusty took a deep breath. “Shortly after you left, I tried to get hold of Liam— Oh shit, Liam, I couldn’t raise him or Jesse.”

Rye immediately turned to Tina and Cain. “Go,” he barked.

Dusty looked over at Brynn. He nodded. “I’ll help.” He disappeared as Cain and Tina took off at a run.

“We’ll wait until the others are back to hear your report,” Rye said to Dusty, who nodded. Cooper kissed Laney’s forehead as she worried at her bottom lip.

“Why is someone trying to hurt me?” she whispered quietly.

“We’ll figure it out, baby. I promise.”

Suddenly, Dusty longed for her men’s arms around her. And she didn’t care what anyone else saw or thought. Leaning on her men didn’t make her weak. It simply meant she was loved.

Brynn reappeared. “They’re alive.”

Dusty and Laney let out simultaneous sighs of relief.

“They’re unconscious. Looks like a tranquilizer. Cain and Tina are transporting them to your healer.”

Twenty minutes later, the enforcers, except for Josiah, Marcus and those who were injured, were all assembled.

Cain had resumed his former position on the arm of her chair while Brynn rested against the wall across the room.

“Dusty, tell us what happened,” Cooper ordered. Dusty retold everything in detail. Everyone was silent for a moment.

“So have we finally found the guy who’s been threatening me?” Laney broke the quiet. “But why? Who is he?”

Rye frowned. “Dusty? Did his scent match the one you picked up when the bookstore was bombed?”

Dusty froze, unable to think of a good excuse. Shit! She was going to have to tell them her secret. This was it.

“Dusty?” Cooper asked.

“I-I don’t know.”

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