Read Dystopia: The Long Road Online
Authors: DJ Cooper
Dickie said, “Gotcha,”
The Jeep sped up the dirt road to the camp, lights shining across the camp's occupants. John immediately knew something was wrong and ran to the Jeep.
Ray poked his head out the window as he ran alongside saying, “We’re leaving… Right NOW!”
John ran ahead to the tent and told everyone to pack up and get ready to pull out in minutes.
Roger was on the tower and came running asking, “What’s going on?”
Ray said, “Packing up, need to DiDi and do it RFN. Explain later but make sure we have everyone there will be no going back because there will be nothing to go back for.”
In less than five minutes all of the gear was stowed and everyone was in a vehicle as they sped out of the encampment and made their way to route 53, the route they mapped out earlier.
“Shallow men believe in luck or in circumstance. Strong men believe in cause and effect.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
They were well on their way and headed south on route 53 by morning, the horror of what they learned spread through the vehicles horrifying some but most just felt anger. Mandy cried and was almost inconsolable at the thought of such a fate for her parents. Julie tried to convince her that her parents were probably just off with family somewhere, but Mandy was sure they would have happily accepted the FEMA offers for help.
John figured she, of all people, knew her parents and was likely right about their fate, but also that they were lucky in the sense that it was a better fate than that of being lunch. Shaking his head, he shrugged off the mixed feelings of anger and disgust. Fear lurked in the back of his mind of the distance they still had to go. It had only been little more than a month and already people had resorted to cannibalism. It suddenly occurred to him that it had been over a month and they had made it little more than half way.
Much of the day was spent in slow progression south, avoiding roadblocks, vehicles and other things in their path. John, who was in the lead vehicle, pulled over at the on ramp as leading onto interstate 22.
Jumping out he said, “Hang tight, I’m going back to talk to the others about the highway.”
He reasoned that taking the highway might be just the same as the back roads, but would get them to their next route quicker. Everyone agreed they might give it a chance. Cautiously, they proceeded up the on ramp to the interstate. There was apprehension because they knew if there were trouble on a highway there were few places they could escape it.
The road was clear all the way to route 219, where they began to move south. It too was a highway, but was eerily void of any vehicles. On route 22 there were a number of broken down vehicles on the roadway, but none on route 219 at all. They saw nothing along the route, no sign of people anywhere, just the roadway. No one said anything, but all were feeling uneasy about the ease of travel and the lack of abandoned cars.
Finally, Amy said, “It is funny that only a few months ago we would be angered by traffic and obstacles in our path and now we feel uneasy about how clear the road is.”
They all laughed a little and eased the tension as they came upon the interchange for I-70.
Pulling over, John said, “I think we should take a lunch stop and see about looking at the map again. It will be good to get our bearings and plan the next leg of the trip.”
He hopped out of the Jeep and headed back to talk to the others about it.
When he returned, he said, “We talked and think it would be best if we move forward through the town, then stop in an area where we can have more cover.”
Climbing in, he smiled over his shoulder, for the first time in a long time feeling hopeful. A few miles beyond the interstate they found a small dirt road leading to a dried creek bed, beyond it was a small pine clearing. After checking the area surrounding the little nook for any threats, they were all permitted to get out of the vehicles. Everyone began to murmur about the quick exit the night before.
Most of them got the quick version during the trip, but everyone wanted to hear about Julie and Mary. Renee and Kimmie were clamoring for the attention of the newcomers being overly friendly, when Roger came over to the group.
Looking disgusted at the pair then back to the newcomers, he said, “Excuse me Julie, John would like to talk to you if you feel up to it.”
Julie appearing to welcome the relief from the questions said, “Sure, who is John?”
Roger said, “Follow me, I’ll show you.”
Glaring as Julie and Roger walked away Renee scowled. She made her way back to the vehicle mumbling how much she hated him, Kimmie was hot on her heels agreeing with her making animated gestures in his direction.
Julie watched them as she followed Roger and asked, “What is wrong with them?”
Roger shook his head saying, “They’re just dead weight, don’t pay any attention to them.”
John held out his hand to greet Julie saying, “Hi Julie, I’m John and this is Amy.” Motioning to Amy as he introduced them.
Julie reached out and shook both of their hands, thanking them for all the help the group had given them in escaping Ruth and the others.
John said, “Dickie has already filled us in on what happened so there is no need for you to go over it again. I’m very sorry to hear about your husband.”
Julie nodded, saying, “Thank you.”
John asked, “Where is it you are hoping to get to?”
Julie responded, “My uncle lives just west of Zanesville, My dad’s side of the family are all there.”
John nodded and said, “Ok, let me talk with the others to see what we can do about helping you get there.”
Julie nodded to him and turned, walking back the way she came.
The sun was getting low on the horizon, the clearing they were in afforded them some cover from the road and the stress of their escape was just setting in. Settling in for the evening would give them some time to assess the area and look over the map.
Small pockets of conversation could be heard as Roger walked through the encampment. He was looking for Jenny to see if she wanted to eat with him. Standing near the end of the truck he leaned on the tailgate. Glancing around, he lit up a swisher sweet that he had been saving since the last scout. Inhaling deeply and blowing out a huge smoke ring, he watched as Jenny excused herself and walked in his direction.
In the brush behind him, he heard a rustling and immediately turned to investigate. The sun was setting and the twilight made it hard to make out what it was, he squinted to see. Watching a moment he realized that the figure moving through the brush was only Kimmie. It was clear that everyone was feeling uneasy, the events of the previous night had them all slightly edgy.
Smiling at Roger as she approached, Jenny said, “Are you hungry?”
Roger turned to look at her saying, “Starved, how about you?”
Jenny nodded in agreement and poked her hand through his arm, practically escorting him to the meal. Amy and Laurie had cooked a large stew with some cast iron corn bread. Almost everyone was seated around the fire talking about the past few day’s events and what might be ahead for them. John and Dickie were talking with Ray about their next direction and how far was left for them to go.
Mark asked Ray, “Do you think it is safe to continue on the main roads and highways?”
Ray said, “Honestly Mark, I’m not sure any roads are going to be safe at this point. People are getting desperate, I think things are worse than we really know. We haven’t had any real news for quite some time, I think we need to get some Intel soon.”
Laurie came over to the group saying, “Danny said maybe we should look for an antenna.”
Ray looked up, with an almost shocked look. He got up and headed over to where Danny was lying. Danny’s fever was lower and he was awake. The antibiotics and lancing of the wound seemed to have had a positive effect, he was already looking better.
Approaching Danny he saw Jules as well and asked her how she was feeling.
Jules said, “Not too bad for a girl who just got shot and has morning sickness.”
Ray laughed, saying, “You’re quite the trooper.”
Jules hopped up off the chair and saluted saying, “Yes sir.”
Ray shook his head and said, “Knock it off. Can you ask your husband to come and chat with Danny and me?”
“Yes, sir.” She quipped as she marched off to find Dickie.
Roger stood nearby watching the brush where Kimmie had gone, he thought it was moving on a few occasions but could see nothing.
Turning to Jenny he asked, “Care to go for a stroll? I’d like to make a check on the perimeter before everyone settles in for the night.”
Jenny said, “Yes, I would like that. I would like to know more about what you guys are always looking for. Then I could help too.”
Roger acted uneasy, something was bothering him, although he said that he couldn’t put his finger on just what yet. They checked the perimeter and all seemed clear.
Arriving at Jenny’s tent he said, “Don’t wander far from your tent ok?”
Jenny nodded and went into her tent. Roger headed back up to where Ray was still talking to Danny.
Mark walked up to Roger saying, “All clear?’
Roger nodded, saying, “Yea, I guess. I haven’t seen anything as yet. Who’s on first watch?”
Mark replied, “You’re looking at him.” Smiling and pointing his thumb at himself.
Roger looked around anxiously, turning abruptly to Mark he said, “Something doesn’t feel right, I’m going over to speak to the others but be on guard.”
Mark nodded his head saying, “I’ve been feeling it too.”
Roger made his way back to where Danny and the others were, looking nervously around the camp as he walked.
“The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn’t look like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, he’s going to keep digging, he’s going to keep trying to do right and make up for what’s gone before, just because that’s who he is”
-Joss Whedon
November 2
Amy and Laurie were already preparing the morning meal when John came walking up with Roger and Dickie. Roger grabbed a cup of coffee, Dickie his Tea, and continued to move throughout the camp, making sure everyone was packing up the gear and preparing to head out.
Roger was telling them of his uneasy feeling the night before, when Mark walked up saying, “I had the same feeling, almost like someone was watching us.”
Roger said, “Yes! That is exactly what it was. I felt like I was being watched.”
Dickie looked around them and said, “I’m not sure if it is just residual fear that had set in from the run in with Frank and Ruth’s group, but I too feel like we should getta move on pretty soon.”
A chill shot down John’s spine and he shivered, trying to shake it off. Just thinking about that group made him cringe. Telling them to get everyone packed and rounded up for breakfast, he turned and walked to the vehicles.
In less than thirty minutes everyone was packed up and sitting around the campfire eating the morning meal.
Renee remarked, “What is John in such a snit about this morning?”
Mark glared at her saying, “It is not a SNIT, and John is concerned for your safety and wanting to get back on the road as soon as possible.”
Melinda gasped, “Is everything ok?”
Mark replied, looking around to everyone, “Yes, everything is fine. We just want to pick up the pace is all. There is still a long way to go.”
Mark got up and went over to where Dickie was talking to Ray and Roger asking, “When do you want me to start getting them to load up?”
Dickie said, “Let’s say about ten minutes.”
Looking at the others who were nodding in agreement. They all refilled their cups with the fresh pot of coffee Amy brought over and stood with the map stretched across the hood of the Jeep.
John said, “It looks like if we just take the highway straight west we will hit West Virginia within a few hours. I think we should go for it.”
Dickie nodding said, “We need to make some better time and I too think it is a good idea to just high tail it down the highway.”
“Ok then.” Ray said, “Let’s get loaded up and head back to the on ramp and get moving.”
Dickie said, “Question for everyone.”
John replied, “Shoot, what is it?”
He responded, “Do any of the vehicles have issues with doing a higher speed? We are going to be on the highway and it is mostly clear. I think we should put the slowest vehicle in front and just go!”
John was rubbing his beard looking at each of the vehicles when he responded, “You’re right! Let's put Mark’s truck in front with the Jeep in the middle and my truck bringing up the rear.”
Amy was standing nearby and said, “We should make sure those in the back of the trucks are comfortable with the speed and just in case it should also be able to shoot well.”
John nodded in agreement and said, “Look here at the map.” Pointing to where they were camped.
He continued, “If we head back up this road and take the highway, there are no real cities till almost Pittsburgh.”
Ray standing over the hood of the Jeep pointed to a southern route, saying, “After looking at this I’m wondering if the southern track might be a better choice. Pittsburgh is too big a city to get that close to, even if we skirt around it there will be more people in the outlying areas.”
John asked about Julie and how they could still help her get closer to her family. They talked for a few minutes studying the map and thought that once they got to the Morgantown, West Virginia area they could head south and over route fifty towards Parkersburg. She would have a much better chance even though it was south of where she was going. It would get her past most of the cities she would encounter.
Roger said, “We also have another issue.”
“What is that?” asked Ray
“Mark’s truck only has a quarter tank of fuel and the other two are under a half. All of the gas cans are empty now and we haven’t seen another tanker.”
John said, “Remember that pile up of cars at the off ramp? Most vehicles we see abandoned are because of fuel but these might still have fuel in them.”
Nodding his head Ray said, “You’re right Roger, let’s check it out.”
Ray and Roger took Mark’s truck and all the gas cans back the two miles to the crash scene.
John and Dickie began to get seating arrangements figured out. Both trucks would hold shooters in the back and the Jeep the children in the center.
The Jeep would be driven by Amy with Jules riding shotgun. In the back was Matty, Georgia, Aaron and Mary. They knew Julie would object to Mary in a different vehicle, but it would be safest.
Front vehicle would be Mark’s truck it was the slowest vehicle and also the one that regularly needed fuel first. This vehicle would seat Mark driving with Mandy riding shotgun. Kimmie and Renee would ride in the jump seats with Dickie and Ray in the back
Leaving everyone else in John’s truck, he would drive with Jenny shotgun. Laurie, Melinda and Julie in the rear seat Roger and Danny would ride in the back. John tried to seat Danny in the front, but he objected, saying he needed to help. His leg would not interfere with him sitting in the back.
By the time Roger and Ray returned everyone was ready. The vehicles all had fuel, they were able to fill Mark’s truck and gather an additional thirty five gallons of fuel. Filling up the Jeep and the other truck and still left a full five gallon can and another half full.
Setting out, they followed the route they planned and for the first two hours they saw nothing, no one anywhere. It wasn’t until they reached the outskirts of Morgantown when they began to see evidence of people. Some of what they saw made them anxious.
One whole section of the city was completely burned and further up the highway, they heard shots being fired in the distance. They needed to get to route fifty, and right now John was wishing they stayed on the original route two-nineteen that would eventually meet up with route fifty. They had covered a greater distance than they had in weeks but now he was wondering if it was worth it.
They reached route fifty and it too was a highway, they stayed on the highway and kept up their speed right around Morgantown, down route seventy-nine and were about an hour’s worth of travel along route fifty. They would reach Parkersburg within the hour. With the exception of a new bullet hole in the side of John’s truck they made it without any confrontations.
Traveling along route fifty, John almost forgot that the end of the world as they knew it had really happened. Watching the trees whizzing by like they were off on vacation, his thoughts were elsewhere. The sun was high in the sky meaning it was barely even past noontime, John began to listen to his stomach and started thinking about lunch. Passing a sign for McDonalds he thought, wow, would a Big Mac taste really good right now. His thoughts on almost anything but the travels and the reason for them.
Suddenly, WHAM! Something hit them from behind. Roger and Danny were firing their rifles in rapid succession, poking through the open rear window Melinda was also firing at the big black pickup. The tailgate of John’s truck was caved in more and more with each hit. The truck behind them had a beefy brush guard that was delivering devastating damage with every hit.
John began sounding the horn loudly for the others in front to go full speed. Jenny was hanging out the side window waving at the Jeep in front of them to go faster who in turn had Jules doing the same to Mark’s truck. Speeding along at over ninety-five miles per hour the truck following dropped back.
John sped ahead and indicated for them to follow him, something told him this was not over yet. Taking a quick left onto Dutch Ridge road they found themselves in a mostly residential area. Following it around to Mill Run road brought them into a wooded area, on the left they found a smaller unnamed road the turned onto it. Following it to the end they found they were in a quiet wooded area and could stop and assess their situation.
They didn’t realize that they too had been shot at, John’s truck was leaking badly. They checked it to find it was a hole in the radiator.
Looking at the other vehicles John said, “These shots were fired from the sides and in front of us.”
Ray nodded, saying, “I think that was supposed to be an ambush.”
The others said they agreed and thought they should hold up for a few. Check to see if they could fix John’s truck and have a bite to eat.
John and Dickie ventured out on foot, to see if they could find some parts while the others rested and prepared some food.
They followed the road back to Mill Run road and went in the opposite direction from where they came in. Sticking to the heavy brush along the road they made their way along until they found themselves in another residential area. They didn’t see any sign of people living in the homes, but stayed out of sight just to be safe. They found it difficult to see any vehicles creeping through back yards and moved out into the open on the street, ducking behind any cover they could find.
Just as John was about to run for the cover of a hedge Dickie grabbed his arm, put his finger up to his lips and pointing to the house diagonal from them. It looked unkempt and abandoned, but it had one of the huge antenna’s Danny was talking about.
Dickie said, “I just saw the curtains move in the house with the antenna.”
John looked at the house, saying, “Do you think someone is in there?”
Dickie said, “Hopefully, maybe we can make contact with the group and make sure there is even anyone there.”
John nodded and stood straight up, Dickie gasped saying, “What the bloody hell are you doing?”
John responded, “If there is someone there, then we don’t want to go creeping up on them, might as well just stand up and flag em down.”
Dickie said, “Yea? Well… what if they start shooting?”
John responded, “Then we’ll know they aren’t real friendly then won’t we?”
John began to wave his hand like he was saying hello to a long time neighbor. Dickie watched and saw the curtain move aside in the same window, he saw movement before.
John continued to wave and eventually the figure came into full view. John put his hand to his ear like he was talking on a phone and pointed to the ham radio tower. The man waved them to come closer where they could talk.
John and Dickie walked up to a spot right behind a car and John said, “Is that a ham radio tower? I would like to know if we can find out about some friends in Kentucky.”
The man was guarded, but said, “What do you want me to do?”
John said, “We would like to know if they are still at the location and let them know we are ok.”
The man motioned them inside, which shocked Dickie. He was apprehensive about going inside but knew it was better than shouting in the street. Once inside they could see why the man was not afraid to let them in, there were fifteen odd guns trained on them.
The man held out his hand, saying, “I’m Gerald and you are?”
John shook his hand, saying, “I’m John and this is Dickie.”
“Who do you wish to contact and where are they?”
John replied, “His name is Matt and they are south of Richmond near Berea, Kentucky.”
Gerald told him to hold on while he pulled out a book and began looking something up.
John asked, “Can you help us?”
Gerald barely glancing up from his book and looking over his glasses said, “Likely.”
Gerald was older with gray hair and coveralls on. Not at all what you might think of living in this area. It was upper scale houses, new construction all looking nearly identical. It felt like forever until Gerald told them to come into the radio room. “I have a few fellow hams listed in this area, I will try and find one that knows of your friend. Are there other names they might recognize?”
John said, “Dez, I mean Destiny but she goes by Dez.”
Gerald began turning dials and listening, asking his hams to find someone who knew these two. After a few minutes Gerald was amazed that one did know about them. He told John that he had found someone who knew ole’ Arthur, they were pretty sure he knew them.
John was ecstatic asking multiple questions all at once, “Are they ok? Still at the same location? Can I talk to them?”
Gerald said, “Hang on, hang on, we still need to raise Arthur. This could take a little bit.”
Looking over his shoulder into the room they were just in he called out, “Rosie can you fetch us the scotch? I think these gentlemen need a little snort.”
Gerald continued to listen to his headset waiting for a response. He turned to them pushing one of the earpieces behind his ear and said, “Are you the group that left out of Massachusetts?”