Dystopia: The Long Road (24 page)

BOOK: Dystopia: The Long Road
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About the Author

DJ Cooper is the author of the Dystopia series and other short works.  Currently she is a student at Southern New Hampshire University studying for her Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing/English.  Working on a double major in fiction and media

Often writing humor, or research articles for her blog titled surviving dystopia and others, she keeps up on things for her post-apocalyptic fiction. She can be found in front of a computer somewhere, favoring the outdoors when writing.  When asked about what kind of writer she is, she says, “The starving kind. Believing that writing is an ART, often times one must sacrifice to maintain the artistic integrity of the works.”

She works in and around the Cincinnati, Ohio area flipping houses and spends much of her time in the areas of Kentucky she writes about in the Dystopia books.


Works by the Author

Dystopia : Beginning of the End

Dystopia : The Long Road

Dystopia : The Dark Days

Surviving Dystopia.com









Turn the page for a special preview of the next book in the Dystopia Series.

Dystopia: The Dark Days


The Dark Days

Copyright © 2016 D.J. Cooper

All rights reserved

ISBN – 13: 978-1535480802
ISBN – 10: 1535480807


Copyright © All rights reserved worldwide.  No part of this document may be reproduced, stored, transmitted by any means, for profit or gain, without the expressed permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously.  Any resemblance to actual events, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This is a work of fiction. No techniques are recommended without proper safety measures and training.  The author nor publisher assumes no liability for your actions.


Chapter 1
“Dark days loom ominous”

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”

-Ayn Rand


Racing into town with Ryan in the jeep, Dickie sat shotgun while Jeremy and Charleigh sat silently in the back.  All were worried about the fate of those sent to the infirmary.  No one knew if Dez was even alive, Dickie worried about Georgia and the fate of those at the farm as yet unsure. Though the battle brief each knew it would not be the last.  Morgan had a vendetta and now Matt’s loyalty was in question.   Dickie sat wondering if he intended to shoot Amy to save Morgan or if it was an accident.  Jeremy’s face showed an anger while Charleigh was sheer worry.  Each in their own thoughts that were clearly shown in their facial expression the rode into town.

Back at the farm Laurie and Sarah patched up Amy and the others not badly wounded.  John asked some of the others to sit and discuss defenses.  Tawny and Sam volunteered to work on that for a meeting in an hour. The children were settled into a movie in the barn with Janice keeping an eye while she made some coffee.  Most worried it would be a long night.  Toni recruited Lynn and Rebecca for the task of settling in the new additions to their group.  Everyone seemingly had a task… Except Matt.

John sat with Matt across the picnic table outside staring into his friend’s eyes, a look questioning if he had indeed, seen what he thought he saw.  Asking him the simple question garnered a response he was not prepared for.

John asked Matt, “What is up with you and Morgan, and don’t lie because I have already heard a lot.”

Matt replied, “She is none of your concern.”

John said, “The hell it isn’t, we have been through hell.  She and another killed Kevin and Rita.  Following us here she just shot Dez… remember? Your girlfriend?  I’d say she is everyone’s concern right now.”

Matt sat resolute in his refusal to discuss Morgan saying, “I’m not going to discuss her.”

John sneered, saying, “We know more than you realize and your own son saw what she did.  I’ll kill you with my bare hands if I find that you intentionally shot Amy to save that piece of shit.”

John got up, leaving Matt at the table, he paused to talk to Connor, and stormed into the barn to check on Amy.

Connor sat staring at Matt with a look of contempt, the word had already gotten around the farm that it was Matt that shot Amy and the uncomfortable stares in his direction made Matt fidget. The farm was busy like a bee hive working on security, triage and preparations for the defense of their homestead.  All were involved, some carrying in supplies and food, others digging trenches into the hillside.  All determined they would not be caught unaware and off guard again

Arriving at the infirmary Dickie leapt from the jeep before it was even stopped and sprinted into the building.  Finding a nurse asked about the condition of his daughter and Dez.  To his relief Georgia would be fine, although, she would have to spend some time there recovering.  They were all told that Dez was in surgery and there was no word yet.  Quickly ushered to the area being used for the nursery they found that Kayleigh was fussy.  She had an IV for fluids and lying in an incubator the nurses were having a difficult time getting her to eat. 

Dickie explained, Her mother Jules had been an insulin dependent diabetic and that Kayleigh had been producing insulin for her mother while inside her. It would take a week or so for her little body to adapt from this beautiful symbiotic relationship between mother and baby.

Jules had basically slipped into a diabetic coma after the procedure and died peacefully in the arms of her family, Kayleigh would have to be forced to take formula even just a little until she adjusts. 

Charleigh having found Ariel already, volunteered to take care of feeding Kayleigh. Cooing at her she gently picked up the tiny infant and she immediately began to quiet. Offering her the bottle of formula she readily rooted looking for the nipple.  The nurse explained that the doctors felt optimistic about her chances in spite of all the adversity.

They all sat waiting for word on Dez, except Jeremy, who could not stop pacing.  He would sit a moment, then something would trigger him to stand and walk about. 

Dickie asked, “Ants in ya pants?”

Jeremy said, “I’m gonna kill that bitch myself.”

Dickie nodding, said, “Your have to take a number mate.”

Jeremy looked at Dickie, asked, “Do you believe Matt shot Amy on purpose?”

Dickie said, “I dunno, but I do know there is a lot of things that aren’t felling right.”

Jeremy changed his look to one of confusion, saying, “I can’t believe he would have anything to do with that skank.”

Dickie looked at him hard, saying, “Whoever this spy is at the farm, I will kill them.  We didn’t kill Morgan after she killed her husband and what they did to Rita, I won’t make the same mistake twice.”

Jeremy looked up with realization, and said, “Rita? She is here.  Where is she?”

Dickie looked back and forth and spotting a nurse rose to ask her about Rita.  Walking over to the nurse, who was talking to a man in camo.

Dickie said, “Excuse me, sweetheart?” In his best English Accent,

Looking at him, she said, “I heard you talking, and yes she is here.  She is being treated for some injuries and you will be allowed to see her very shortly.”

Dickie nodded and said "Cheers love".  As he walked back to Jeremy the man in camouflage followed and approached them.

Reaching out to shake hands, he asked, “You’re friends of Rita?”

Dickie responded, “Yes, we thought she was dead.  You know her?”

The man put his handout to Dickie, saying, “I’m her husband, my name is Rich Davidson.”

Shocked, Dickie looked at the man asking, “Husband eh?”

The man stammered saying, “Yes, It is a long story and one I’ll leave up to her to tell you.”

Dickie shook his hand, inviting him to join them waiting for word on their friends and family.  Sitting he introduced himself to Jeremy and asked if he was waiting to see Rita also.

Jeremy said, “Yes, I am but I am also waiting to find out if my mom is ok.”

Rich asked, “Did she get hurt?”

Jeremy said, “She was shot.”

Rich, raising his eyebrows asked, “What happened? I hope she is going to be ok.”

Jeremy and Dickie began to tell him, about Morgan, who knew Matt, who was incidentally Rita’s ex and her son’s father, explaining all the details of how it all worked.

After the long explanation, Dickie blurted out, “She shot her.”

Rich stood exclaiming, “Morgan? She is who we followed here to find her son Matty.  She shot your mom?”

Jeremy sitting silently, nodded in affirmation.







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