Dystopia: The Long Road (22 page)

BOOK: Dystopia: The Long Road
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Mark gasped saying, “Someone has been watching us all this time?”

Dickie continued, “I made sure to ask a few questions of our observers.  They are under the impression we are going to a compound that is easy pickins and flowing with milk and honey, all the supplies they could ever need.”

John looked puzzled saying to no one in particular, “I don’t know why they would think that.”

Dickie said, “Me either, until I went to check the camp and see for myself.  I found something very interesting sitting right there in front of the fire.”

Ray said, “Something?”

Dickie responded, “In a manner of speaking. Ok, so I can see but not hear the camp.  I see sitting right up front and center the Morgan bitch.”

They all gasped as Dickie continued, “She was busy spinning some kind of tale and they were all sitting around listening to her.  So of course I had to get a closer look so I could listen. She was telling them of the compound where Matt and Dez are, and that they would be able to have all they need and go on raids from the secret location. I learned a few things listening, she is not alone, and that other bitch we tossed with her is along as well.”

John said, “Cindy.”

Dickie pointed in his direction, saying, “That’s right, her.”

Roger asked, “Is there anything else?”

Dickie said, “Yeah, they don’t know how we have been keeping ahead and losing them. So they don’t know about our helpers. Someone in this camp is definitely feeding them information.  I know from listening how she hates each of us here now, which is why I know all listening right now are trustworthy.”

Dickie took a long drink of his coffee, pulled another face, while he gathered his thoughts and continued, “They plan to ambush us right before arrival, so this little ride we are getting should help, but not for long.  She has someone on the inside there that has been getting CB messages relayed.”

Ray showing his anger said, “There is another in the camp we are going to?”

Dickie said, “Yeah, but I don’t think these guys will be able to stand up to them and us, they aren’t that big.  There is maybe twenty of them, including women and some children.  I am worried that they could attack us so soon after arrival that no one could get prepared.”

John stood and said, “Ok, let’s adjourn this and get moving. Roger and Ray, will you police the site and a good twenty paces out in a perimeter, I am sure there is a note. This one we definitely have to find. Mark, get the others moving so they don’t see what we are doing in the camp or realize we are looking for the note.”

Dickie stood and said, “John, the bodies of their guys need to be hidden.”

John agreed and he and Dickie began to collect the three bodies.  They moved them to the other side of the easement where they piled them up, covering them in pine boughs and leaves.

John was right, Roger did find a note that simply said, “
Follow the blue ribbons.”
John considered leaving the note and once they found the ribbons, sending them off in another direction, but he thought it was too risky to leave such a clue if he failed to get to the ribbons.  It wasn’t long before the area was left as though no one had been there and they caught up to the group. It seemed to take forever, but in reality it was less than five miles to the blue tower.  The ribbons to the path were quickly found and the group exited the easement and struck out into the woods.

Dickie made a big show about scouting on ahead of them to check it out and took off in a trot following the ribbons.  When he was out of sight, he immediately doubled back to end up behind them and just out of sight.  He quietly collected the ribbons after they passed by, making sure that they were leaving no trace for their followers.

By nightfall they all arrived safely, Dickie was sitting on the back stoop when John approached saying, “Where did you take off to when we were getting here?”

Dickie grinned up at him and reached into his pocket, pulling out a handful of the blue ribbons.

John laughed and said, “I sort of figured it would be something like that.

John went up the stairs to go see if they were settled into that little house with the blue shutters.  Walking into the kitchen, he saw here was food on the counter and a note that reminded them not to have contact with anyone. John thought back to the beginning of their journey and how they thought they had enough. He mused at how truly ill equipped they actually were and was thankful for their friends.

The two days passed quickly and most just took the time to catch up on some sleep or reading. In the evening of the second day there was a knock at the door. The inhabitants of the little house sprang to alert as John cracked the door open.  Taped to the outside of the door was a note, again reminding them to have no contact but to prepare for transport, another knock would come when the bus arrived.

When the bus arrived, the driver was wearing a full hazmat suit including a respirator.  It made the group feel strange and the children were frightened of the man.  As they boarded the bus the man said to the kids that there was candy in the box back there for them, his voice told them he was smiling despite his face could barely be seen.

Once everyone boarded the bus the gentleman stood to talk, He removed his mask to speak and said, “Precautions, you understand.”  Everyone nodded as he continued, “This is not a long trip and you will be briefed when you arrive.”

Chapter 26
“Reality of life now”

“We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality."

-Ayn Rand


In less than an hour they were pulling up to a house, it was dark inside and looked like it had been abandoned for some time.  The front window was boarded up and a number of bullet holes riddled the siding.  John stared out the window as they pulled around the drive, wondering what place this was.

Suddenly Matty jumped up running to John’s window exclaiming, “We’re here!”

John looked at him asking, “Where are we?”

Matty looked at him quizzically saying, “This is my dad’s house, him and Dez are here.  We made it!”

The bus stopped and again the driver stood to address them, saying, “Inside you will find some items left for you, as you can see the group is no longer here.  There is a Walkie talkie in one of the boxes.  You need to contact Arthur with it and let him know you are here.”

Questions came quickly and all at once, the man put his hands up for them to quiet and John asked, “Is this the same Arthur that we contacted from Pennsylvania?”

The man nodded and said, “Everything is fine, your journey is over, but you have to remain in quarantine until we are sure there is no threat of Ebola.”

John nodded and thanked the man instructing everyone to disembark.  They gathered their belongings and began to exit the bus.

The man spoke to John again, saying, “Contact Arthur immediately, he has the ability to contact your friends. He will get a hold of Ryan, the local militia leader and get the ball rolling for getting you to your friends.”

He then put his gloved hand out for John to shake which John said, “Thank you for everything, I hope you don’t think I’m rude if I don’t shake but, I think it is important that we maintain the quarantine.  We have had no contact with anyone in over two weeks.”

The man laughed tossing him a haphazard salute, saying, “Excellent, I’ll let them know as well. Good luck and welcome.”

John mimicked the haphazard salute and nodded as he entered the house.  Matty already made himself at home, knowing the house from all his visits.  He brought Georgia to his room saying, “Some of my stuff is still here, come on, let’s go in my room and see what we can do.”  Georgia happily followed and the two of them sat playing dominos.

John found the walkie and contacted Arthur, he told them he would contact Ryan and get word to Matt and Dez about their arrival.

John acknowledged him, saying, “10-4”

Arthur came back saying, “Ryan will stop by tomorrow to chat with you, till then just relax.  If you look out the front door you will see one of the militia vehicles sent to keep watch.  Take a break y’all deserve it.”

John thanked him and went back inside to find a quiet corner to gather his thoughts.  Their trip had been a cake walk in comparison to what it could have been, and it was hard.  They lost friends and family.  He put his head in his hands and silently wept, he wept for Jules, for those the cannibals killed and even for Rita.  If it was not for the network that they found he wondered if they’d have made it at all.

Dickie walked up to him and sat next to him, not saying a word.  He placed his hand on his shoulder and gave it a good squeeze.  Putting his head back against the wall he sat on that floor, knees up and his hands in his lap.

He stayed there next to John a while in silence before saying, “You know it ain't over yet, right?”

John raised his head and looking right at him said, “What do you mean?”

Dickie sighed before speaking and said, “You forgot our followers?  We may have slowed them down, but they have someone inside Matt and Dez’s group.  They also have this address, they will come.”

John sat dumbfounded saying, “I was so elated, I never gave it another thought.”

Dickie nudged him and said, “You ready for the kicker?”

John said, “What is that?”

Dickie replied, “Whoever their insider is has got to be family to someone here.”

John looked around the room at his fellow group mates and said, “That just seems crazy.”

Dickie said, “I’ve thought about this and there is more. Who is Morgan associated with?”

John looked up aghast, saying, “Matt, why?”

Dickie replied, “Think about it, and this.  Remember when we tossed Morgan and Cindy out of the group how certain Matty was that Dez needed protecting, and that she was in danger?”

John had a look like he had just had a revelation and said, “No, can’t be.”

Dickie said, “Probably not, but the only one I want to say anything to is Dez.  Remember, we have a traitor as well.”

John agreed and they settled in for what they hoped would be a week of rest.


December 11

Near midday a shout came from the front of the house, a man stood and identified himself as Ryan. Dickie and John exited the front door, closing it behind them.  They approached Ryan to be able to talk without shouting what they had to share they did not want everyone to hear.

They shared all they knew about the traitors and the gang that followed them with Ryan asking that he not share it with anyone but be on heightened alert.  Knowing there was a traitor also in Matt and Dez’s group meant many secrets about their militia and community resources as well as other information might be compromised.  Ryan agreed to keep it between them for now.  He also added extra men to guard the house and sent another ten to Dez and Matt.

The seven days passed without incident, Dickie or John spoke with Arthur daily for updates and Ryan stopped in every couple of days. 

On the seventh day Ryan knocked on the door, when Dickie opened it Ryan eagerly shook his hand saying, “You’re all clear.  The bus will arrive for you after lunch.”

Over his shoulder he waved at someone to come over, a small group of four vehicles pulled up and exiting them were people carrying dishes of all shapes and sizes.

Ryan said, “Guess it is about time we celebrated your arrival.  Sorry about all the cloak and dagger stuff, we just had to be sure.”

Dickie chuckled and said, “It’s a pleasure to finally chat face to face.

Ryan escorted him and John over to an older gentleman introducing him as Arthur.

John reached out for his hand, saying, “I have a feeling we owe you everything kind sir.”

Arthur took his hand and said, “It’s been a pleasure tracking your journey on my map.”

John asked, “You knew?”

Arthur said, “Of course, after Gerald’s group got you to Kentucky, I contacted my nephew, who is head of the Kentucky A.N.T.S.  They could not transport you like Gerald’s network could, but they do supply caches and drops all the time, it is what they were organized to do before the shit hit the fan.”

Dickie standing there said, “This was a massive undertaking getting us half way across the state.  The level of organization for both groups was impressive.”

Arthur replied, “It had its challenges, but you made it.”

Dickie looked down, saying, “Well, most of us anyway.”

Arthur looked saddened saying, “The diabetic, Yes, I heard about her.  I am so sorry, how is the child?”

Dickie said, “She is small, but a fighter, she is hanging in there.”

Arthur said, “We do have a doctor in town, I will tell Ryan to have him make a visit to the farm to check him out.”

Ryan came over carrying four beers, Budweiser's.  Handing them out to each of them said, “I bet you could use one of these.”

John took a long drink, saying, “Mmmmmm, never tasted better.”

They all laughed and continued chatting while others made acquaintances with people from town.  Soon the bus arrived and they boarded it waving goodbye to their new friends.  Assured they would see one another again all were excited to get to the farm, as Arthur referred to it.

Looking around the bus Dickie noticed Jenny was not on the bus with the children.  He called out, “Hold up we are missing someone.”

He got off the bus to search for her, he and John both searching the whole house, found nothing. 

In a panic Dickie Called out, “Georgia… Georgia where are you?”

A faint cry could be heard from the woods behind the house, Ryan instructed his men to flank either side as he, John and Dickie made their way to the rear of the house.  Moving out by the barn they heard it again.  Dickie took off running full sprint in the direction of the cries.  He could see about a hundred yards into the woods Jenny dragging Georgia who was holding Kayleigh.  Rage could be seen in his face as he called out moving toward the girls.  Jenny looked around, as if looking for help and let go of Georgia.

Georgia began to run full speed toward her father, when Dickie noticed a smile emerge on Jenny’s face.  Horrified, he knew Georgia was the target.  He ran in her direction, calling out to her to take cover, but she could not hear him.  A shot rang out and he watched his daughter’s steps falter and her slump into the forest floor.  Cries from Kayleigh echoed across the hillside.  By now all of the men from the bus were in the woods and Roger looked at Jenny horrified that he had not seen her ever leaving notes or anything that would give her away as the traitor.

He stopped looking at her as she smugly looked over her shoulder at him, still brandishing the grin across her lips. Dickie reached Georgia and seeing the blood un-holstered his M9, aimed and fired before Ryan could get to him.  Striking Jenny in the Chest, she dropped to the ground.

Looking up the hill she reached out and cried, “Help me you fools.”

No one came for her, she looked around with panic in her eyes as Dickie approached her, murder apparent in his eyes. 

Ryan grabbed Dickie by the arm, saying, “She’s alive, we need to get her to the infirmary right now.”

Dickie raised his hand with the gun in it and backhanded her, knocking her out.  Two of the men with Ryan dragged her into one of their vehicles to be taken to their jail.  Amy hurried in and took Kayleigh from the arms of his sister while Dickie picked her up, carrying her lifeless form to Ryan’s truck.  Ryan instructed the bus to meet them at the infirmary and hopped into his truck speeding off towards town.

They arrived and carried Georgia inside, where the doctor and his nurse immediately began working on her.  They asked Dickie her blood type, but he didn’t know.  They said she needed blood, she had lost a lot.  Working feverishly to get her stabilized, they barely noticed Dickie slump to a heap on the floor.  Ryan helped him off the floor and ushered him to the outer area.

Seating him in a chair he said, “Doctor Burman is a good doctor, a surgeon before all this.  She is in good hands.”

Dickie shook his head saying, “Hasn’t my family suffered enough?”

Ryan put his hand on his shoulder saying, “Do you want to get those bastards?”

Dickie looked up at him, fire in his eyes and between gritted teeth said, “I’m gonna kill every last one of them and everyone they care about.”

Ryan sat beside him and began to speak in a softer tone, "Listen, you can’t fall apart right now.  Only you and John know what is going on, Dez is in danger and we don’t know who is leaking the information.”

Dickie gasped, “These are my children, and they’re all I have left in the world.  My Jules is gone and it is my job to keep them safe.”

Ryan said, “Exactly, so let’s get these bastards and make a safe home for them.”

Dickie looked at him like he was asking him to donate his leg and asked, “What do you want me to do?”

Ryan said, “When the bus gets here, get on it.  Go and watch over Dez.  I am going to go get Sara, she is the kindest woman on earth I swear to sit with the kids while they are being treated.  Kayleigh needs some time as well, he is weak.”

Dickie said, “You want me to leave my kids?”

Ryan nodded, saying, “Yes, yes I do.  I’m asking you to trust me and I know that is difficult, but they really are in the safest place they could be and we need you.”’

The bus arrived and the driver talked to Ryan a moment, Ryan returned to Dickie and said, “Change of plans, we are taking the jeep and two trucks.  Let’s load them up.  Oh, and Dickie..”

Dickie said, “Yeah?”

Ryan looked at him squinting his eyes and said, “If anyone asks, Jenny is dead.  We don’t want it to get out that we could get info from her, I am not sure she was acting alone.”

Dickie agreed and they all climbed into the vehicles.  The trip was short to the farm and upon arrival they found that their friends had prepared a feast for their arrival.  Everyone exited the vehicles and sought out their loved ones.  John and Dickie gave each other knowing looks as they each exited.

The evening was going well, Danny was showing off his scar from the near death infection while Melinda and Laurie regaled Toni with stories of the journey.  Kimmie and Renee never left the food table while Matty couldn’t be pried from his father’s leg. Mark, Amy and John sat chatting with Matt about Matty’s struggles over losing his mom.

Roger and Ray were engaged in serious conversations about defense with Sam and Tawny when Dickie noticed Matty go with Dez into the barn. 

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