Earth (46 page)

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Authors: Timothy Good

BOOK: Earth
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Although Maria Rivera has produced evidence to support her abduction claims, none of this will satisfy the skeptics. What proof is there that any of the abductees have actually been abducted? One witnessed case of a person being abducted took place in Puerto Rico in 1979, and was investigated by Jorge Martín and a colleague.

At about 09:00 one November morning, Héctor Maldonado, a resident
of Ponce on the southwest coast, was jogging near the saltings and mangrove thickets of Ponce Salt, close to the sea. Suddenly he noticed five or six strange, thin creatures, varying from five to six feet in height, with large, bald heads. Their big almond-shaped eyes appeared to be illuminated with bright lights. “They had thin necks and long arms, and long hands and fingers,” Maldonado told the investigators. “I didn't note how many fingers—I was too shaken to notice. Their skin was a grayish-blue color. I couldn't see any clothing on them [and] to me they looked naked, though I spotted no sign of genitals. The astonishing thing was that they had gotten hold of a man and were taking him away.

“He was a human, olive-skinned, about five feet, nine inches in height, with lank black hair, and apparently unconscious. He looked as if he was petrified, with his eyes closed, and they had gotten hold of him by the armpits. They appeared to be very strong, because two of them were lifting him off the ground with ease: he wasn't even dragging his feet. I didn't get a clear view of his face…. I don't think he would have been more than thirty. He was slim, and wearing a two-piece suit with a check pattern. The man was unconscious or dead. I imagine unconscious….

“Behind the beings, above the sea, a bit beyond the mangroves, there was a machine hanging stationary in the air. It looked more or less oval in shape, with a cupola on top, its sides sort of fluted or grooved, and on the top it had a narrow, curved projection with lots of lights…. The thing was of a silvery metallic color, and really big, just hanging there in the air, not making a sound.”

Suddenly one of the creatures, who had been kneeling on the ground, got up and made a sign to Maldonado, who had continued jogging. “And then I felt something as if it were inside my mind, like a voice [and] coming seemingly from that being. I ‘heard' him say jestingly to the others, ‘Look at that one—how he's running.' And then the being himself started running, making fun of me. I got the impression that he said, ‘Now—just look how
run,' and started moving at a fantastic speed. Then he halted beside the others, and I ‘heard' him say to them, ‘We'll take him
' The others replied something like, ‘Not him—leave him alone.' When he was mocking me [I noticed that] he had great big, pointed teeth, like a shark's.”

The creature then threw some sort of cold liquid at Maldonado, hitting
him in the chest, which induced a feeling as though his body was swelling up, like a type of cramp. He managed to force himself to escape. “I just carried on running, and didn't want to look back.” When he finally did look back, the craft, the creatures, and the man were nowhere to be seen.

“Didn't you notify the Police?” asked the investigators. “No! As I've already told you, I was very scared. I didn't think they would believe me. For a long time I felt bad about what might have happened to that chap they were taking, because I have no doubt whatsoever that they were indeed taking him….”

“Hair of the Alien”

In his remarkable book of the above title, leading Australian researcher Bill Chalker, who has a background in chemistry and mathematics, describes his exemplary investigations into what has turned out to be arguably the most convincing case for alien abduction. The witness was Peter Khoury, whose experiences apparently began in 1988, when he was living with his Lebanese parents in a suburb of Sydney, Australia.

On the night of July 12, Peter experienced the first instance of being paralyzed by something of unknown origin, becoming aware of “three or four ugly figures only about three to four feet tall” beside his bed. He felt a “tingling and churning” sensation of something that gradually enveloped him, rendering him totally paralyzed. At one stage, two other, different beings appeared, thin, tall, with big black eyes and a narrow chin. Various communications were received telepathically, and Peter sensed warm emotion emanating from them. Finally, a long, flexible crystal tube was inserted into his head and he blacked out. Later, it transpired that he had also had a number of other strange experiences. And in 1992, the most extraordinary—and productive—encounter took place, which did not come to light until much later. As Bill noted in his diary in 1996:

“Peter described a highly personal experience he had at home about two to three years ago—sexual—being forced onto a strange female being—onto its breast. He resisted; then a very strong force pushed him against the breast—he bit a nipple—felt something like a piece of rubber caught in his throat for days—he discovered some very fine wispy hair under his
foreskin—he still has one small strand, which he keeps in a plastic bag. He showed this to the two media people and me.”

The incident had occurred at about 07:30—when he was awake. “All of a sudden two naked females appeared from nowhere. A blond and a Chinese girl. Very weird-looking eyes and color of blonde,” as Peter noted in his diary on July 23, 1992. “Blonde pushed me to her breast a few times, then I bit her nipple and started coughing. She showed no emotion, blood, or screamed in pain. I went to the toilet and found two hairs under my foreskin….”

Peter explained to Bill that the women felt uncannily light. The one sitting opposite him sat with her legs tucked under her backside, the other one halfway kneeling, sitting partially upright. The blond woman appeared to be quite tall and in her mid-thirties. “Her hair was done up like the wind was hitting it, like it was blown back. She had protruding, very high cheek[bones]. The nose was long [and] a longer face than I was accustomed to in females I know. Her eyes were two to three times bigger than our eyes…. I knew I wasn't looking at a human female. Her mouth, her lips were normal in size [but] the chin was pointier…. She had average-sized breasts, well proportioned [and] her hair came down to about halfway down her back, and like really high up. It was flimsy….” He did not observe any underarm hair, nor did he have an opportunity to notice if there was any pubic hair.

The dark-haired woman looked Asian, though her cheekbones were too extreme. The eyes were dark black. “When I looked at her,” said Peter, “I got the impression that she was watching the blond one and learning how to interact…. The Asian woman's face looked more human than the other one, except for the eyes and cheekbones.” He noticed that both women had expressionless faces. “It was just like looking at someone with glass eyes.”

Peter told Bill that he didn't know why he had bitten and taken a chunk out of the blond woman's nipple, other than that it might have been a defensive reaction. “There was no blood, there was nothing, no trace whatsoever.” He says he swallowed it and it became stuck in his throat for three days. Had a sexual act taken place? “I don't know what sort of interaction we had,” Peter responded. However, given the positioning of the recovered
hairs, it would seem likely that some kind of sexual act occurred. The women disappeared as soon as Peter started the coughing fit. One minute they were there, the next minute gone.

Hypnotic regression sessions were held which yielded further information, tending to reinforce the idea that a genetic agenda lay behind the women's visit. I have only touched on some of the many aspects discussed in Bill Chalker's unique book. Most impressive are the results of the “Mitochondrial DNA Sequence Analysis of a Shed Hair from an Alien Abduction Case” by the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group (APEG) in April 1999, a lengthy report which yielded a considerable amount of surprising data. As the biochemistry team leader, Dr. Horace Drew, concluded:

“This genetic analysis of a reportedly-alien, thin blond hair has raised a number of important questions for further work. It generally supports the reality of such extraterrestrial contacts, in a Sydney suburb in 1992 and perhaps elsewhere, owing to rare morphology of such a hair, plus the rare nature of DNA sequences obtained.

“Had that hair been a common Earth artefact, it would have shown up early in the investigation. We cannot prove it is an alien hair, yet Occam's razor supports that notion. Where else in Sydney could Peter Khoury have obtained a long, clear, exceptionally thin head hair that shows Basque-Gaelic DNA in its root, but Chinese DNA in two parts of its shaft?

“… the most logical scenario would seem to be that higher creatures not from Earth have been following Peter's genetics for many years, or perhaps many generations; and that the almost-human females he met in 1992 may have taken advantage of such information (e.g., a planetary database of human genetics), to select for certain favorable traits in their own reproduction. We have no reliable information about where the non-human or almost-human aliens come from, nor how they entered Peter's house…. Yet the clear implication is that humanoid or near-human life forms can be found elsewhere in our galaxy; and that at least some of them are close enough to us genetically to interbreed without any fertility barrier. Indeed, the tall blond alien reported by Peter Khoury in 1992 bears a close resemblance to the short blond alien reported by Antônio Villas Boas in 1957….”

A Fully Recollected Abduction

With regard to the aforementioned iconic abduction in Brazil—the first
such case to come to public attention
—a résumé is warranted here, based largely on the detailed, and lesser-known, deposition provided by the witness to Dr. Olavo Fontes (a medical doctor and internationally respected researcher) four months after the event. Unlike the majority of abductions that began to proliferate on a vast scale at this time, the abductee in this case had total recall of the event.

On the night of October 15/16, 1957, near São Francisco de Sales in the state of Minais Gerais, Brazil, 23-year-old Antônio Villas Boas was plowing a field when a bizarre-looking machine with blinding lights landed nearby, stalling his tractor. Four five-foot-tall humanoids emerged from the craft, dressed in tight-fitting overalls and helmets, from the top of which three silvery tubes ran backwards. Only their light-colored eyes could be seen through the goggles they were wearing. They grabbed Antônio and dragged him, struggling, aboard the craft via a “ladder,” communicating with each other in peculiar “slow barks and yelps.” Another male humanoid was on board.

Prior to being introduced to the woman, Antônio was divested of his clothes, sponged down with a thick, clear liquid, then led to a room where he remained alone for half an hour or so, after which a grayish smoke exuded from small metallic tubes in the wall, causing him to vomit. A naked woman, about 4.5 feet tall, then entered. She had very fair, almost bleached hair reaching halfway down her neck; vivid blue “Chinese-type” eyes; high cheekbones, making the face look wide but narrowing sharply and terminating in a pointed chin; thin, barely visible lips and rather small ears; “high and well-separated breasts, a thin waist and small stomach, wide hips and large thighs,” with very red underarm and pubic hair. A sexual act took place twice during the over-four-hour period spent on board. (Finding her “ugly,” Antônio was later at a loss to understand how he could have gone through with it.)

At one stage, he attempted to purloin a heavy, clock-like instrument to furnish proof of his experience, as the men sat on swivel chairs in the cabin, their attention momentarily engaged elsewhere. “As quick as lightning,” he said, “one of the men jumped up and, pushing me aside, snatched it from me angrily.” Finally, he was taken by one of the men on a guided
tour around the exterior of the craft, along a sort of catwalk that encircled it, terminating in “front” near “a large semi-projecting thick sheet of glass elongated toward the sides and stoutly embedded in the metal work.” The craft appeared to be about thirty-five feet long and twenty-three feet wide. Ten-foot-long metal shafts functioned as undercarriage. Two square projections protruded from each side and three large metal “spurs” were fixed horizontally (see sketch below). Set vertically in the rear platform was a rectangular piece of metal, which he thought might have acted as a rudder, and what looked like a huge cupola could be seen rotating slowly, illuminated by greenish fluorescent light.

“Even with that slow movement,” Antônio reported, “you could hear a noise like the sound of air being drawn in by a vacuum cleaner, a sort of whistle.” Pointing to a ladder near the entrance, the guide indicated to him that he should descend it. “When I was down on the ground, I looked up. He was still there. Then he pointed to himself and then pointed to the ground, and finally to the sky toward the south. Then he made a sign for me to step back and disappeared into the machine.”

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