Earth (47 page)

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Authors: Timothy Good

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“The metal ladder now began to get shorter, the steps arranging themselves
one above the other…. The lights of the metal spurs and of the headlamps and of the revolving dish all became brighter, while the dish was spinning faster and faster. Slowly the craft began to rise, vertically…. At that moment the sound also increased [and] turned into a veritable hum or loud whine … the three shafts of the tripod on which it had been standing rose toward the sides, the lower part of each leg (narrower, rounded, and ending in an enlarged foot) began to enter the upper part (which was much thicker and square), and when that was finished, the top parts began to enter the base of the machine. Finally there was no longer anything to be seen there; the base was smooth and polished as though that tripod had never existed….

“The craft continued to rise slowly in the air until it had reached a height of some thirty to fifty meters. There it stopped for a few seconds, and at the same time its luminosity began to get still greater. The whirring noise of the air being displaced became much more intense and the revolving dish began to turn at a fearful speed, while the light changed through various colors until it was vivid red. At that moment the machine suddenly changed direction, with an abrupt movement, making a louder noise, a sort of ‘beat.' … Then, listing slightly to one side, [it] shot off like a bullet toward the south [and] was gone from sight in a few seconds.”

In the days following the encounter, Antônio suffered from a variety of aftereffects, including excessive drowsiness (though he was unable to sleep for the first two nights), nausea, a pounding headache, loss of appetite, irritation of the eyes, itchy lesions on the arms and legs, and two yellowish patches, one on each side of his nose. In February 1958 he was given a complete medical examination by Dr. Fontes in Rio de Janeiro. Among his findings were “two small hyperchromatic patches,” one on each side of his chin, from where the blood samples had been taken, and various “cutaneous lesions and scars.” These physical symptoms, stated Fontes, “suggest radiation poisoning or exposure to radiation, but unfortunately he came to me too late for the blood examination that could have confirmed such a possibility beyond doubt.”

During his first public appearance, on a Brazilian television show in 1978, Villas Boas recapitulated his experience and added a significant new detail. During his second sexual encounter on board the craft, he said, the
woman put a sample of his semen into a container.

Pablo Villarrubia Mauso, a Brazilian journalist and researcher, learned from Antônio's closest sister, Odercia Villas Boas, that five Americans dressed in green uniforms, who she thought were from NASA, took Antônio to the United States for interrogation. Some spoke Portuguese. “They kept visiting several times over eight or ten years,” she claimed. “They would always give my brother books written in English as gifts.

“He was subjected to questioning and the lie detector in California [and] taken to an open area where the remains of a flying saucer [had been] found. Then they showed him another, in good condition, inside an enclosed area like a museum, asking him if it was identical to the one he had seen. He told me that it was very similar. He was always accompanied by a [bilingual journalist] who had a foreign name and acted as an interpreter, and was always surrounded by uniformed American personnel. He was in the United States for three days.

“They later gave him two properties near San Francisco and San Rafael. I managed to see the deeds. They sent him back to Rio, where he spent between fifteen and twenty days in a hospital, undergoing new examinations and tests….”

Antônio Villas Boas later graduated with a law degree in Brasilia, married, and had four children, practicing with the title of “Honorable Magistrate.” He died in 1992, standing by the validity of his experience to the end.


I am often asked if I have been abducted, to which my reply is that I simply don't know: if it has happened, it could only have been while I was asleep. However, on multiple occasions I have experienced the process commonly referred to as “night paralysis,” often associated with the abduction scenario, in my case accompanied by intensifying vibrations in the solar plexus. In most cases, although such episodes seem to have been engendered during sleep, they have continued after I have awoken. Whatever source causes such intrusions, I have never sensed anything benevolent about it. Termination is eventually achieved by shouting at the “entity” to “get out”
(using somewhat stronger terminology).

There were two occasions that made me think I
have been abducted, the second of which may be worth recounting here. In the small hours of March 27, 2006, I had been reading late in bed until 00:55. Just after falling asleep, I suddenly found myself lying on my back on the side of a country lane lined with hedgerows. I could feel the cold air. As I began to raise myself on one arm, I noticed a dark gray triangular craft with sharply defined apexes, “transfixed” in the dark blue sky, with numerous white lights inset along the inside of each side. I then felt vibrations intensifying in my solar plexus
and sensed that I was being “pulled” toward the craft. I resisted mentally, asking for help from who- or whatever. Immediately, I found myself “back” in my bedroom, fully conscious. I checked the time. It was 01:05. Ten minutes had elapsed.

Was I abducted? All I can say is that it
very real. And if it wasn't an actual abduction, I can hazard a guess that it might well have been a so-called “astral projection,” which I have experienced previously: as a student, while dozing in bed one sunny morning, I had been “taken” for a low-level “flight” in a Royal Air Force Meteor NF Mk 11 (or later mark) jet fighter, in camouflage livery. Again, it felt very real, but, as with the more recent event, I do not believe it was physical. Which poses profound questions about the nature of abductions. While the evidence suggests that many are physical—as will have been noted in some of the preceding cases—I believe it likely that some involve abduction of the astral body. Which implies a more sinister agenda.

We have seen how the agenda of certain alien species involves, or has involved, the genetic engineering of numerous human beings. To what end? David M. Jacobs, Ph.D., a tenured Associate Professor of History at Temple University, Philadelphia, has made a special study of this aspect of the subject. His perspective is disturbing. “For the first time in over thirty years of researching the UFO phenomenon, I am frightened of it,” he writes in his book,
The Threat
(1998). “The abduction phenomenon is far more ominous than I had thought. Optimism is not the appropriate response to the evidence, all of which strongly suggests that the alien agenda is primarily beneficial for them and not for us….”

Chapter Eighteen

Special Forces

n November 1999, the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) received a
remarkable letter from a Mrs. Lucile Andrew of Ashland, Ohio. “Today,” she began, “I want to share some knowledge that has been, by request, kept secret in our family since sometime in World War II.

“This concerns something that my father was shown by Cordell Hull, who was Secretary of State under Franklin Roosevelt. Sumner Wells was his Under-Secretary of State. Hull was a cousin to my father [who] was on some kind of advisory committee, and made several trips to Washington, D.C. in that capacity. My father, who was young, brilliant, and sound of mind, [told] this story because he didn't want the information to be lost.

“One day when my father was in D.C. with Cordell, Cordell swore him to secrecy and took him to a sub-basement in the U.S. Capitol building and showed him an amazing sight: (1) Four large glass jars holding four creatures unknown to my father or Cordell, [and] (2) A wrecked round craft of some kind nearby.

“My father wanted my sister and myself to make this information known long after he and Cordell were dead, because he felt it was a very important bit of information…. Please don't disregard this, because what I have written is true. The jars with creatures in formaldehyde and the wrecked
craft are

“Cordell said they were afraid they would start a panic if the public found out about it….”

After several telephone calls and two visits to Ashland, William “Bill” Jones, a director of CUFOS, reports, the family became comfortable with releasing the name of Mrs. Andrew's father—the Reverend Turner Hamilton Holt—and allowing the story to be told. “Here we have a tale that directly involves one of the greatest statesmen of the 20th century and a conservative man of the cloth,” Bill emphasizes, “who would have absolutely no apparent reason to tell a story such as this one if it weren't true, especially at a time when stories of flying saucers and their occupants had not yet become part of our culture.”

In an interview conducted in April 2000 by Bill Jones and Irena Scott with Mrs. Andrew and one of her sisters, Allene (who had also heard the story from her father, though too young to recall details), it was learned that Reverend Holt had described the entities in the glass jars as “creatures,” not “aliens” or “extraterrestrials,” as one would nowadays. They were less than four feet tall, and the incident is said to have occurred in the “late 1930s”—probably 1939. The remains of the wrecked craft were described as “silver-metallic.”

Skeptical of such remains being stored in the “sub-basement” of the U.S. Capitol building, Bill contacted the Office of the Architect of the Capitol to determine if there is or was a sub-basement in the building, at least in the late 1930s. He met with Barbara A. Wolanin, curator of the U.S. Capitol, and related details of the story to her. She confirmed the existence of a sub-basement at that time.

“What if we learn that this pre-World War II alien technology wasn't retrieved in the United States but came from somewhere else in Europe or the Far East,” asks Bill, “transferred to the United States for protection until after the war that most people knew was coming? What if we learn that this technology was given back to France, China, or Russia after the war? How would this re-transfer of technology change our view of history?”

The U.S. Capitol report is significant, yet another to add to an ever-increasing number of such events. For example, in
Need to Know
I related accounts of other crashed alien vehicles predating the Roswell events:
Milan, Italy (1933); Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and Sonoran Desert, Mexico (1941); Gdynia, Poland (1943); Hawaii (1944); San Antonio, New Mexico (1945); Sweden (1946); and Juarez, Mexico (1947).

Marina Popovich is a retired Soviet air force colonel, engineer, and legendary test pilot. Holding 107 aviation world records set in over forty types of aircraft, she is widely regarded as one of the most famous pilots in Russian history. Regarding the alien subject, she has been outspoken and is the author of a book titled
UFO Glasnost
. She confirms that over three thousand sightings have been reported by Soviet military and civilian pilots. She also confirms—unofficially—that the Soviet air force and KGB have fragments of five crashed UFOs in their possession. She gives the crash sites as Tunguska (the famous event in 1908), Novosibirsk, Tallinn/Estonia, Ordzhonikidze/Caucasus, and Dalnegorsk, and states that the analyzed debris revealed that it was not manufactured on Earth with terrestrial technology.


The Rand (Research and Development) Corporation is a non-profit global policy think tank, initially established in 1946 by the U.S. Army Air Forces as Project RAND, under contract to the Douglas Aircraft Company. It is currently financed by the U.S. government, various corporations, and private endowment. In 1969, a researcher requested a copy of a certain document on UFOs. “Rand has done very little research on the subject,” came the reply; “therefore, no publications have been written.” A similar request from another researcher was met with a rather different response: “We are unable to identify any Rand publications on UFOs available for external distribution.” In March 1970, the actual Rand document was requested by number and title—
UFOs: What To Do?
Rand responded that, as an internal document, it was not releasable. But eventually it leaked out. As researchers C. E. Frey and Earl J. Neff reported, the document was not to be quoted in any publication or company correspondence. “Inquiries by ufologists, NASA personnel, and interested citizens all received a courteous refusal to share the information contained in this study,” they note.

In retrospect, it is difficult to understand why. Could the reasons for s
uch reluctance simply stem from the fact that the author, George Kocher, gives an unbiased and intelligent overview of the subject, which could have been interpreted as an acknowledgement of the realities involved? Or, perhaps more likely, that the corporation simply feared internal and external ridicule? In any event, the document, originally published in November 1968, is currently available online from Rand. “This paper was originally produced as an internal document; it was not prepared for or delivered to any of Rand's clients,” a short added preface emphasizes. “Peer review has not been undertaken, nor has it been edited or prepared for publication. It is being released at this time as a matter of public interest.”

Henry Kissinger and the Office of Special Studies

In his ground-breaking book
UFO Crash at Aztec
, Californian researcher William Steinman covers for the first time some related information about Dr. Eric Henry Wang, who seems to have been a crucial link in the study of crashed alien vehicles. Raymond Fowler (another first-class researcher with whom I have also previously communicated extensively) was the first to reveal that Dr. Wang headed the Office of Special Studies at Wright Air Development Center (Wright-Patterson Air Force Base), Dayton, Ohio. That office dealt largely with recovered alien craft and their crews, such as an incident near Kingman, Arizona, in May 1953, involving a number of witnesses, including “Fritz Werner,” the pseudonym for Arthur Stansel, part of whose impressive résumé I published in a previous book. Stansel held a number of engineering and management positions at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base from 1949 to 1960, during which period he worked in the Office of Special Studies.

“I personally checked out his résumé by calling former employers during a careful character check,” wrote Fowler in 1976. “Neither of the two former ‘Bluebook' officers with whom I talked would confirm the Kingman incident. One asked ‘Where is the object now?' The other became nervous when I mentioned Dr. Eric Wang's Office of Special Studies and asked me to leave him alone as he wanted to live out his life in privacy.”

“The work that Dr. Wang was involved in was so classified that there were no more levels of secrecy left above that,” asserts Steinman. Born in Vienna in 1906, Wang taught engineering at the University of Cincinnati before working on government projects at the Wright Air Development Center
from 1949 until 1956, when the department was transferred to the Sandia Laboratories complex at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. He died in 1960, aged fifty-four. A telephone interview by Bill Steinman with Wang's widow, Maria (Steinman does not give her name in his book), is revealing:

: I wrote a letter to you on the 23rd March in regards to Dr. Eric Henry Wang and his work involving analyses on recovered flying saucers, and the attempted duplication of them.

: Yes, I do remember the letter, but I no longer have it [and] turned it over to the authorities…. Military intelligence at Kirtland Air Force Base.

: Can you tell me something about Dr. Wang's involvement in the flying saucer project?

: How did you know that Dr. Wang was involved in that kind of work? Why do you want to know about that? Who are you? How do I know that I can trust you?

: I am a freelance private investigator. I want to know the truth pertaining to the Flying Saucer Project…. I believe that the entire scientific community, the public, and mankind in general could greatly benefit from it.

: How can I help you? Dr. Wang's papers were all confiscated by military intelligence when he died. His notes were written in his own unique version of German scientific shorthand. Those papers were placed behind lock and key within a special sealed-off section of a highly secret section of the library at Kirtland Air Force Base.

: Can you please describe exactly what kind of work Dr. Wang was doing on the saucers?

: I can't tell you over the phone. I don't know you at all, and besides,
the entire subject
classified above Top Secret.

: Were the saucers made on Earth? And if so, were they of German technology?

: No! To both questions. The person you should write to in Government is Dr. H.A.K. [Henry Kissinger]. He is deeply involved in the flying saucer program. In fact, he was completely in charge of it at the time that Dr. Wang was still alive and involved in it.

“Within two days of talking with [Maria] about Dr. Wang,” Steinman reports, “I received a call from a well-known ufologist. He said, ‘What did you discuss with M.W.? I understand that you discussed the library at Kirtland Air Force Base….' I asked, ‘How did you know about any of this?' He said that he had his intelligence connections, and that I was now being watched very closely.”

The reference to Dr. Henry Kissinger is significant. From 1943 to 1946, he had served in the U.S. Army Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC) and from 1946 to 1949 as a captain in the Military Intelligence Reserve.
In some previous books, I have alluded to the Army's Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit (IPU) of the Scientific and Technical Branch, Counter-Intelligence Directorate, an elite investigation group reportedly set up by General George C. Marshall in 1947 to deal with the then-burgeoning reports of “flying discs.” The existence of the IPU was confirmed for me in 1987 by Colonel Antony J. Gallo, Jr., General Staff, Director of Counterintelligence. “Please be advised,” he added, “that the aforementioned Army unit was disestablished during the late 1950s and never reactivated. All records pertaining to this unit were turned over to the U.S. Air Force, Office of Special Investigations, in conjunction with Operation ‘BLUEBOOK.' …”
General Douglas MacArthur is also believed to have been involved with the IPU. During a meeting with Mayor Achille of Naples in New York in 1955, MacArthur is reported as having stated his belief that “all the countries on Earth will have to unite to survive and to make a common front against attack by people from other planets.”

Kissinger served (in 1952) as a consultant to the Psychological Strategy
Board, a covert arm of the National Security Council established in 1951, comprising the Under-Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the Director of Central Intelligence. He also acted as a consultant on the Operations Coordination Board. Thus, in that period he would have had access to the most sensitive intelligence on the alien problem. Later, he became a consultant for a number of other organizations, including the Rand Corporation, the National Security Council, and the Council on Foreign Relations, and he served as Director of the Special Studies Project for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. By 1973 he had become Secretary of State, continuing to hold the position of Assistant to the President on National Security Affairs. He is also a holder of the Nobel Peace Prize.

L. Fletcher Prouty, a former U.S. Air Force colonel who spent his last nine years of service in the Pentagon as the official Focal Point Officer, first for the USAF and then for the entire Defense Department with the CIA (clandestine operations), makes reference in one of his books to the power held by Kissinger, describing him as “the titular head of the intelligence community's clandestine operations reaction faction,” as he wrote in
The Secret Team
(1973). “His appearance as a one-man power center is simply due to the fact that he fronts for the Secret Team [discussed later] and the secret intelligence community.”
I surmise that Kissinger retains a close association with the alien situation to this day, even at the age of almost ninety.

Military Indoctrination

In 2008, an unusual report appeared in a British newspaper in response to an article on UFOs. “The township of Roswell was the scene of probably the most famous alien encounter in history,” wrote retired British Army veteran Harold Varnam. “While serving on a NATO attachment to the U.S. Fifth Army, we were shown classified film taken at the time of the Roswell crash that purported to show that one of the alien creatures survived the impact and lived for several hours afterwards.” Varnam went on to mention, somewhat cynically, Roswell's current popularity and its annual festival.
Determined to learn more, I contacted him.

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