Earth (50 page)

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Authors: Timothy Good

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Regarding the CIA UFO-debunking program, in October 1994 I had the pleasure of spending a day in the delightful company of Frederick C. Durant III, a former U.S. Naval Reserve pilot who was on the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence advisory panel convened in January 1953 to discuss methods of debunking the subject. Its final report is commonly known as “The Durant Report.” We subsequently corresponded regularly. While continuing to “toe the line,” a note he sent me in March 2007 was encouraging: “Hi, good friend! Never, never, ever give up….”

A Tight Lid

“The U.S. government and the British have made secret treaty agreements with the aliens in exchange for technology and so-called ‘recon' missions during times of human conflict,” claims an anonymous three-star general. “The aliens have basically agreed not to concern themselves with the wars or conflicts of humans—‘not to interfere' in society. Let the governments rule and decide. Exactly what the aliens get in return was not exactly made clear or available. Also, there are special ‘teams' which eradicate, discredit, harass, and ‘trump up charges' to control humans who experience any visitations from aliens, or make verifiable UFO sightings. This is one of the reasons I retired….”

William J. Pawelec, the former U.S. Air Force computer operations and programing specialist cited in Chapter 14, confirms some of the above. “I would say this is international in scope,” he told Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project, in an interview that Pawelec had specified not to be released until December 2010:

“The projects that we have are closely tied in with other allies' governments. In fact, I have been told back in the late 1970s, on one of the early classified projects I worked on … that there was a secret agreement between us and the Brits, so whatever we invent, they get. And there is
no limitation as to what it is. The Brits can make their duplicates, and we don't hold back on any of the technology, because of that secret agreement that was cut during World War II. And we have other allies like that. I believe that what we see also is a lot of cross-pollination of scientists from different countries working on projects even in the most classified arenas in the United States.”

Pawelec also hinted that certain British commando units liaise with their American counterparts on the problem (as for example in the 1971/72 incident described earlier by Harold Varnam). All these “black” projects were highly classified. “What concerns me,” he continued, “is when these projects go ‘beyond black'; people with ulterior motives that have gotten in control of these projects and/or the funding for them, and/or the ability of what
is scary, to write their own unlimited checks with no recourse to anybody. They're not even a budget item any more. They literally authorize the Treasury to cut them checks [and] it becomes evident that they have agendas that are independent of the goals of the United States. And the attitude is seemingly one of control—power and control.

“The ability of certain forces out there to use force whenever absolutely necessary, or other controlling mechanism to ameliorate the danger of a leak, or maintain secrecy with fear, is always there. If they can do one high-profile hit on somebody in a specific way, what it does is put the fear of God into those that they want to continue to control, so that they don't say anything out of turn—they don't probe where they shouldn't probe, like Congressman Steven Schiff was doing….

“My concerns are for the freedom of our country—and of the free world. It sounds rather simplistic, but we have a philosophy upon which we base our lives, and my philosophy is the republican form of government—if we can get back to it in some way, shape or form—[which] is the strongest form of government developed by man. If we don't find ways to neutralize these negative forces, we're going to find our lifestyles—our concepts of life as a species—nullified.”

As Dwight D. Eisenhower had warned in his farewell speech as president in January 1961: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of
misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes….”

That scenario of a satellite government has long since arrived. In their book
A.D. After Disclosure
, Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel refer to it as “The Breakaway Group.” “Bolstered by tremendous co-opted assets worldwide,” they claim, “they have over the years gained tremendous independence from the established political and military authorities. For it is likely that this Breakaway Group answers not so much to the president of the United States as it does toward powerful, private, internationally based individuals and groups….”

Dolan and Zabel also cite the research by Dr. Richard Sauder into massive, deep, clandestine bases and tunnels—including those beneath our seabeds—plans of which were initiated by the U.S. national security establishment in the 1960s.
And according to Dolan and Zabel, an assistant secretary to a branch of the armed forces “told a family friend that he had been ‘briefed' for some eight weeks at an underground facility outside of Washington. Asked the purpose of the briefing, this highly placed man, who went on to become a cabinet secretary, said, ‘There is intelligent life in the universe. It's here. And I've seen it….' The cabinet secretary told the family friend that aliens were just the ‘tip of the iceberg' in terms of mind-blowing revelations….”

Chapter Nineteen

What on Earth?

arlier, I revealed information pertaining to an alien technology transfer
program provided for me by a U.S. Army Intelligence veteran, a senior aerospace reporter based in the Washington, D.C. area. He, in turn, acquired that knowledge from a high-ranking source at the Pentagon in the USAF Air Staff and Joint Staff in the 1980s. If what my source has learned about the alien presence on Earth is true, it supports Dr. David Jacobs's contention that a hybridization program poses a serious threat to humankind.

The following scenario is based on some new information relating to “Project Aquarius,” acquired more recently from my source relating to a particular species—probably the predominant group—involved in the abduction program. I shall also touch on some of the material first revealed in
Unearthly Disclosure
. As to what is happening currently, I have no idea, apart from the information supplied to me by Maria Rivera.

The creatures have/had a long-term plan to create a race of alien/human hybrids, purportedly to make us more peaceful. Their true purpose, however, is to create a passive human race, incapable of violence, by eradicating the human emotions that enable us to survive—thus laying us open to conquest. However, if this has been a long-term stratagem, I've yet to see much evidence of the human race becoming less violent. In any
event, these particular aliens are not omnipotent, and to a certain extent feared us. Although possessing a type of handheld weapon, some of them had been killed by our military.

A number of their bases were guarded by elements of the U.S. military. Compartmentalization within Project Aquarius was extreme. A select cell within the Army, for example, worked with other security cells in the Air Force and Navy. Around a hundred personnel from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) were involved. During my meeting in 1998 at the Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office (DARO) in the Pentagon, the director, General Kenneth R. Israel, confirmed for me that AFOSI was involved in investigations, since the phenomenon seemed to him to be more of a policing problem rather than one affecting national security.

Even theater commanders-in-chief (CINCs) were “out of the loop,” I learned. Those in the loop were said to include the president (though not always), the Secretary of Defense, the Director of Central Intelligence, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The latter was said to be in charge of Project Aquarius, which, given his legal status as the highest ranking military officer in the U.S. Armed Forces and prinicipal adviser to the president, makes sense.

In the event of leaks, dossiers on potential offenders were prepared by security personnel to discredit their reputations in the media. Those few in Congress and the media who expressed an interest and asked too many questions were “dealt with”—as I hinted in the previous chapter.

A president, as well as a chairman of the Joint Chiefs, is alleged to have been abducted. As to who, I haven't a clue. But in this connection, I remain intrigued by an extraordinary and barely known report in 1982 relating to General William C. Westmoreland (1914–2005), a U.S. Army general who commanded military operations in the Vietnam War (1964–68), afterwards serving as U.S. Army Chief of Staff (1968–72):

“ufo kidnap” puts u.s. army in a flap

Los Angeles, Thursday

A report that America's Vietnam commander, General William Westmoreland, had been “snatched by a flying saucer” sparked
off a full-scale emergency alert.

The report was made by 49-year-old Mrs. Edith Mello. Security police immediately tried to track down the general. They failed. And troops at El Paso Army base in Texas were put on full alert.

“We put out an all-points bulletin,” said Army spokesman Ed Starnes. “But four hours later we decided the woman's claim was just too much so we called off the search.”

The Army said later that General Westmoreland had been found … but refused to say where.

Grays' Anatomy

The alien species described by my source said they lived for several hundreds of years. Anatomically, they had a bi-chambered heart, and a single lung served to oxygenate their blood and tissues and to eliminate bodily wastes in gaseous form. Vegetable-based food was liquefied and its nutrients absorbed through their tissues, not gastronomically. Their genitals were similar to ours, but those of the male were much smaller.

Regarding the
modus operandi
relating to the alien hybridization process, the wombs of their females are much smaller than those of humans, thus unable to accommodate transgenic fetuses for more than two months, hence human wombs were favored. Cross-species copulation was very seldom employed, since the alien male organs were too soft. Thus artificial insemination prevailed. The fetuses, extracted prematurely after the two-month period, were nurtured somehow until reaching term at seven months. In addition to their cross-breeding experiments, these aliens supposedly had experimented with various types of bacteria and viruses, which gave rise to concern.

Though generally thinner and shorter and with somewhat larger heads and eyes, the hybridized men and women appeared human. Some, of both sexes, appeared well-formed, even good-looking. However—at that time anyway—they were unable to vocalize as we do, owing to underdeveloped tongues and larynxes. By way of food, they consumed nothing solid. Some of these hybrids lived in the aliens' bases on Earth, others elsewhere, including their own planet(s). Only a few lived among us. The aliens reckoned
it would take around a hundred years for them to infiltrate our planet.

Alien Bases

In 2011, a fellow researcher revealed to me that, according to an apparently reliable source, there is “a large area somewhere in Mexico, quarantined by the American military, where three hundred thousand aliens reside. These aliens have also created hybrids that look like us. There is also a technology transfer between this quarantined group and the military.” I pressed for further information. “As to this rumor,” my friend replied, “it comes from a very special international military source I have promised not to reveal. I don't know if there is any truth to this claim, but I have so many clues to UFO bases in Mexico that I keep an open mind.”

The researcher cites a letter from Fred Steckling to Major Hans C. Petersen (George Adamski's Danish representative) in October 1967, in which he reports that Fred and his wife Ingrid, while visiting the area where a base was said to be located not far from San José Perua, where Adamski visited several times, saw a craft disappear into a mountain. Also, contactee Richard Högland describes (in Chapter 11) how in 1967–68 the aliens with whom he was in regular contact moved their Bahamas base to an area outside Mexico City.

Like the Amicizia group, the aliens cited by my Washington source created huge bases in mountainous and undersea locations. To accommodate their smaller craft, mountain locations were favored, but their giant “command ships” were restricted to the undersea bases. Our military expressed concern that these craft contributed to the heating up of the oceans, but this was denied. Lieutenant Colonel Philip J. Corso, the intelligence officer who served on President Eisenhower's National Security Council Staff at the White House and headed the U.S. Army's Foreign Technology desk at the Pentagon, confirms that “USOs” were of considerable concern to military authorities.

“Unidentified Submerged Objects [were] a worry in naval circles, particularly as war planners advanced strategies for protracted submarine warfare in the event of a first strike. [USOs] could plunge right into the ocean … and surface halfway around the world without so much as leaving an underwater signature we could pick up. Were these USOs building
bases at the bottom of the oceanic basins beyond the dive capacity of our best submarines?”

Mass Appearances

The Joint Chiefs and other insiders fear sightings witnessed by numerous observers. Although this has yet to occur simultaneously on a wide scale, large numbers of people in various parts of the world have sighted—and sometimes filmed—multiple craft. One such incident occurred in Italy—perhaps an early incursion related to the Amicizia group of aliens—on October 27, 1954. A crowd of around ten thousand had gathered to watch a reserve game between Fiorentina and nearby rivals Pistoiese at the Stadio Artemio Franchi.

“I remember clearly seeing this incredible sight,” said Gigi Boni, a Fiorentina fan now in his eighties. “They were moving very fast and then they just stopped. It all lasted a couple of minutes. I would like to describe them as being like Cuban cigars…. I think they were extraterrestrial.” The stadium fell silent as the players and fans stood transfixed, staring at these strange objects.

“I remember everything,” said Ardico Magnini, a key player in the Fiorentina side. “Everything came to a stop because everybody was looking up at the sky intently [and] also there was some silver ‘glitter' coming down from the sky. We were absolutely shocked from the moment we saw it.”

Another incident was reported in Chile, where the Amicizia group are said to have established a base during that period on an island in south Chile (Chapter 13).

On the afternoon of August 17, 1985, an estimated two million people watched two UFOs for four hours in Santiago, the capital of Chile. “The general area where the objects were observed included Santiago's metropolitan area with a population of over three million people, the central coastal region around the main port of Valparaiso, and various other resorts and locations in central Chile,” reports Antonio Huneeus. “Across the Andes in Argentina, the UFOs were also observed in the evening hours in Umkai, Mendoza, and other sites near the border with Chile. There was a large number of highly reliable witnesses.

“These include astronomers at the University of Chile's Cerro Calan
Observatory in Santiago, engineers at NASA's Satellite Tracking Station in Peldehue, pilots of commercial airliners, military personnel, etc. The UFOs were also filmed by cameramen from the national TV station, Channel 7, the Cerro Calan astronomers, and private individuals.

“An ‘unidentified radar target' was detected as well by the radar screens at Santiago's International Airport of Pudahuel [and] published in the official magazine of Chile's General Administration of Civil Aeronautics.”

A Sinister Agenda

Returning to my Washington source, I learned that, shockingly, many children had gone missing, believed to have been abducted, particularly in the South Carolina area at that time. This was “confirmed” by the anonymous three-star general (cited in the previous chapter) to an American researcher in 1989. “There are over a million missing children every year in the United States alone,” he alleged. “The aliens take about 2,200 children a year from the United States and other countries…. The rest of the missing children are the result of Mankind's ‘dark side.' The children are used in several ways: biological, to educate and return, experimentation, and disease studies. The same as adults.”

Alaska Base

As briefly mentioned in an earlier chapter, an alien base was sited in Alaska—the nation's largest state. George Adamski, the first to claim that aliens had established bases on Earth, remarked in a private letter to Emma Martinelli that he had learned from a marine engineer in Alaska that spacecraft landed frequently in a certain area “around the Aleutians.” “I have seen them, lots of them,” the engineer told Adamski in person in early 1952 (prior to Adamski's first contact). “Not only the flying saucers but the cigar-shaped type too. I have a two-year-old daughter who has seen more of them and has even been inside more of them than most people will ever see…. They have been landing there. When they come in, we usually drive out to see the ships and visit the crews. My little girl is with me on most of these drives.”

“He told me the following, as I asked different questions,” Adamski
continued. “All space craft are magnetically propelled [and] they vary in size all the way from thirty feet to five miles in length. No greater comfort or beauty could be found anywhere than is inside these ships…. They are coming from Mars, Venus, Saturn, and a system beyond ours known as System 359, the Wolf Star.

“The men average from three feet to six and a half feet in height [and] are very handsome. As he said, we are a crude form of humanity alongside of them…. The uniform of the tall men is a one-piece garment with an automatic button by which, when they press it, the whole garment opens up and can be dropped off easily and quickly, if desired. The little men wear two-piece uniforms fastened together with the same type fastener.”

Patrick Price, a gifted psychic employed by a CIA contractor in the 1970s, “remotely viewed” an alien base in Alaska, which he said lay under Mount Hayes. He described these alien occupants as “looking like
homo sapiens
, except for the lungs, heart, blood, and eyes.”

According to Preston Dennett, an established Californian researcher, a “friend of a friend,” given the pseudonym Tom, had worked for the U.S. government with a top-secret clearance at a base in Alaska, located almost totally underground in an eight-story building. The base, Dennett learned, supposedly financed itself by setting up the world's leading drug smugglers. “Officials would arrest the drug smugglers, confiscate all the money and drugs, and then turn around and sell the drugs back to another smuggler—whom they would then proceed to arrest and confiscate [from].”

Tom claimed that some of the best scientific minds in the country were employed in advanced research, involving the latest technology. The major areas of research and development included biological weapons; electronic sensory and detection devices which allowed telescopic sight through solid objects, such as walls; and electromagnetic propulsion devices, “flying craft which needed no fuel other than the Earth's magnetic field on which to operate. According to Tom, the ships look like UFOs, and are able to hover silently and move at astonishing speeds.”

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