Echoes in Eternity (The Pella Series Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Echoes in Eternity (The Pella Series Book 1)
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“Do you like it?” I ask anxiously.

“Yes...” she replies, but looks at me quizzical. “It’s unique. I’ve never seen anything like it,” she says. The house is designed to effectively use the solar energy, blend into the surrounding desert oasis I've had created, and its grandeur is gradual not to draw attention. It’s safe as Fort Knox, if not safer. As we enter into the house, she smells the fresh lilacs in the house. She closes her eyes, and inhales deeply.

“My favorite flowers...” she murmurs surprised. “Lilacs...” It’s probably Turk’s doing. He knew her favorite flowers and I bet he purchased every single stem of lilac
 in Southern Arizona. I narrow my eyes on him. He shrugs in response. Subtle bastard! I take Elissa’s hand and take her upstairs to my master suite through the winding staircase. I close the door behind us, and lock it. Her eyes follow my every move with hunger. I find myself moving towards her with the grace of a predator in confident economy. She doesn’t look around her surrounding, doesn’t see the stark, clean, modern lines in my room, or the high tech equipment.

“Do you like music?” I ask. She nods. I go to the concealed music center, and press the remote to slide open the glass doors revealing the stereo. I shuffle my iPod until I find the music of my choice. I list three songs and put them on repeat. When Michael Bublé starts softly crooning “The Way You Look Tonight” I extend my hand to her.

“Dance with me...” I say softly. She walks into my arms, and I pull her close to my chest, completely flush with my body. I grasp her right hand with my left and hold it to my chest, and take her left arm, bending it behind her back, I take over the dance with dominant equanimity. I dance with her confidently and possessively, leading her around the spacious master suite. When the velvet voice of the singer crooned “’Cause I love you Just the way you look tonight,” I dip her down low, and kiss her passionately.

When the next song starts, I pick her off the floor and wrapping her in my arms I carry her to my bed. I vaguely hear the words to the song, “That’s all.”

My breath is gusting across her ear, and my hand slips onto her nipples straining against her blouse. The breath escaping her lips is desirous, wanton, demanding. Her hands thread into my hair, pulling me towards her. As much as I’m dying for her, I want this to be her decision.

“Ellie, I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage of you. You know that, right? Are you absolutely sure you want this?” I ask softly.

She withdraws her hands slowly from me, stands up and steps away from the bed. No! No! “You don’t... want me?” she asks. I close my eyes, and when I open them they’re dark, possessive, and carnal. I close the distance she’s created. I take her hand and place it on my erection.

“This is what you did to me. Does it feel like a man who doesn’t want you? I’m craving
you like a starving man at an all you can eat banquet. But, baby, if I start, I will have you if you want to be had or not!” I say dangerously. “Are you absolutely sure you want this? That you want 

“I want to be with you, but I’m afraid that you won’t like me. I’m not worldly, and experienced like the women you may be used to. I’m afraid that I’ll disappoint you...”

“Angel, you can never disappoint me...” I respond. Not experienced, she said. Did she mean not experienced at all or little experience? What does she mean?

“When you say, not experienced, do you mean
 you've been with less than four guys?” I ask. She bites her index finger, her eyes lowered.

“Where would I find the time to go through four guys? I’ve just turned 21, today,” she whispers shyly. Less than four, then.

“Oh angel, girls your age who are one tenth as beautiful as you go through them in a week,” I reply softly. “Three then?” I ask, searching her face. She shakes her head.

“Two?” I ask incredulous, and relieved at the same time. She’s now nibbling on that index finger, shakes her head once more.

“One?” I whisper the question. The shake of her head is imperceptible. My breath hitches loudly.

“You want me to be your first?” I ask in a husky voice. She blushes to her hairline, and nods.
I grasp her chin between my index finger and my thumb and lift her face up to look at me.

 You've never, ever, not ever been with anyone? No fourth base?”

She whispers a, “no.”

“Third base?”

“Not by choice...” she whispers. Rage rises in me, I want to find out who forced her to third base, but this is not the right time to be angry.

“Is this your choice?” I ask. “Do you want me, Ellie?”

“Of all the things I have done
in my life, a lot of them haven’t been my choice. But 
 want this. I want you, Alex! You’re going to be my boss and maybe you’re thinking how it’d work with this looming over us, but right now, I don’t care. I just want to be with you! If you think you’re going to feel guilty about taking advantage of your new employee, I get it! Don’t worry. The blame is all on me, that is, if you want me, too,” she says, stunning me into silence for a minute with my mouth agape. She watches me in silence, and then slowly blushes, chagrined. 

“I’m the virgin, and you’re the one who is in deathly silence. That can’t be good...” she mutters in a soft voice lowering her gaze. “If you don’t want me here, I’m so sorry for coming onto you like this. If you don’t mind, we’ll just pretend nothing happened and get through this week. I’ll just look for another job meanwhile, if that’s okay with you,” she whispers.

“The hell you will!” I boom finding my voice with all its intensity. She’s shocked, and takes a step back.

“You want me to leave now?” she stutters.

“No angel!" I plead with her. "I want you to stay. I want you, period! Hell, the second I laid eyes on you, I wanted to fuck you into next year! But, I want to be gentle with you for your first time and you just stunned me disclosing your virginity. Though you don’t know what it means to me, and how incredibly happy I am,” I whisper.

“That was your happy face?” she says in an acerbic tone.

“As intensely as I want you right this moment, I had to rein in my desire for you to be gentle. I just wasn’t sure if I could do it with this overwhelming hunger and lust I have for you...” I murmur softly leaving out the love I feel to my bones.

“Oh...” a whimper escapes her lips.

 “The job is yours no matter what. Don’t worry about that...” I mutter.

“Now, let’s divest these clothes off you,” I say softly. “Lift your arms up,” I command and she obeys. I lift her dark blouse and take it off gently. The blood from her neck dried up over her breast, crusted. I caress her neck slowly, trailing the dried blood down to her breast. She shudders with my touch. Our connection is electrifying. I lower myself in front of her, and undo her jeans’ button, and zip it down. My hands trail underneath the waistband of her jeans, and slowly and leisurely pull them down, my hands skimming down her legs. The jeans pool at her ankles. I scoop her up as my right arm holds her bare legs and deposit her on the bed, laying her down. I undo the lace of her sneakers, and drop them to the floor unceremoniously. Then I take her socks off one by one. Grabbing her ankles, I pull her jeans off. I take her right foot in my hands and graze her heel and instep with my teeth and nibble, lick and suck my way down on her leg. As my fingernail trails her instep, I suck the sensitive spot behind her knee. A shudder goes through her body, she arches her back, and her eyes roll back in her eyes. I can make her come like that. But I won’t. I want to worship her body tonight. I pay the same attention to her other leg making my way down to her inner thighs.

When Muse starts playing the “Unintended” she looks up at me with an emotion that she’s making a decision of choice. As my lips trail up her waist she closes her eyes resolutely and her hands travel
into my hair, encouraging me.

“Why are you fully dressed?” It’s because I’m so frigging crazy over her, I forgot my clothes
were on!

“I can rectify that!” I say with a lascivious smile.

“Can I?” she asks, rising up on the bed along with me clinging to my biceps.

“Yes...” I reply, my voice husky. I sit back on my heels and knees. She slowly puts her hands on my collar, closing her eyes she inhales my scent as if she’s registering it into her memory. Then opening her sapphire blues under her long lashes, she smiles at me shyly. With trembling hands, she undoes the top button. I want her to rip it off already, but the touch of her hands has both igniting and calming effects on me. She’s both my poison and my antidote. She inhales lightly then her fingers
continues  disrobing me from my crisp white shirt all the way down bypassing the spaces were some buttons popped off earlier. She slowly, hesitantly inserts her hands under my shirt over my shoulders. She licks her lower lip absently and bites the inside of her cheek. The insides of her arms touch the bulge of my biceps and her hands reach my back under my shirt, leisurely traveling down, she slowly slides my shirt down my back and arms as her front is flush with mine. The only barriers we have between us are her black lacy bra and panties. With the shirt pooled around my wrists, she smiles. Reluctantly she pulls her arms and takes the cuff-links off and unbuttoning my sleeves. She bites the inside of her lip; I can hear her heart beating so fast, and it’s ready to jump out of her chest. She looks up at me, seeking permission and her hands reach down to my belt. She unbuckles it and yanks it out of the loops so fast; it hits her on the flesh making her yelp an ‘
’ and I grin in response.

“Over anxious?” I ask cocking an eyebrow. She doesn’t answer, but unbuttons and zips me down.
It’s both her youthful enthusiasm and that her body remembers me. Her hands greedily enter into the waistband of my pants and my boxers. She slowly skims them both down. I stand on my knees to make it easy for her. She pushes me down flat on the bed, pulling my legs out from beneath me and pulls my pants and boxers down freeing my erection. Her eyes widen with the sight of it. She wets her lips, and visibly swallows. Then slowly pulls my pants down to my ankles. Noticing my shoes, she pulls them off my feet and tosses them on the floor to join hers. Then pulls my socks off my feet, and tosses them next to my shoes. Soon enough, my pants and boxers join the growing heap on the bedroom floor. I immediately sit up and come nose to nose with her.

“I think, you’re overdressed now,” I say. “I want to see
 of you.” I reach behind her and unhook her bra and slowly slide the straps off her arms. The soft mounds of her breasts appear. The slight under-curve of them pushes her stiff nipples in my direction. Without any warning, I lower her down, and capture her perky nipple with my lips and encase it within the humid heat of my mouth, first softly, then deeply suckling it with my cheeks hollowed. I curl my tongue around her nipple, stimulating it. My thumb and index finger mirror my tongue’s actions on the other nipple, rolling and tugging it. She arches her back off the bed, clawing the sheet, crying out my name incoherently.


Her surrender to me and my name upon her lips unleashes, and unfurls the desire I have had for her which lay dormant for centuries. I find myself making a deep guttural noise, akin to a growl and my tongue strokes the underside of her nipple, then nip and finally suck again with adroit skill and find her breast straining into my mouth. My erection presses into her thighs. I feel her quivering, and pulsing under me. She lifts her hips, seeking connection. I grin.

“Not yet angel... I have to get you soft and ready for you to receive me... You are too tight right now,” I whisper as I slide down. My hands cup her breasts, kneading them, teasing. I move my lips between her twin peaks, and slowly make my way down to her belly. I nip her over her belly button and dip my tongue into it expertly making her arch her back, pushing herself into my mouth. I slide my hands down to her sides, caressing, teasing, and kneading.

She trembles under my touch.

“Please...” she begs.

“Angel, you’re magnificent. I want to worship your body first, and claim every single inch of you...” I say looking up from her apex. A whimper escapes her lips in response to my declaration. My erection is restless, but I have to take my time with her, soften her, make love to her, pleasure her, and make her come. I grab her lacy panties between my teeth, and rip the bottom disintegrating it into several pieces. They join the pile on the floor. A small patch of dark curls on her apex greets me. I lean down and inhale her, taking her scent in, reacquainting myself with her body. My body aches to be inside her. The sight of Elissa under me fills me with ecstasy bordering on torture; a feeling between intense pain and euphoria. My erection is pulsing and throbbing for her. I move my finger over her sex, and slowly insert one finger into her. It’s still very tight. Her thighs are trembling.

“Open for me angel. Let me feel you...” I coax her. Then I rub my fingers over her sex; it’s completely drenched. “See how wet you are for me, how much you desire me baby...” I say licentiously. “I’m going to make you come with my tongue, tasting you inside your tight little sex here,” I say and lift her hips off the bed with my hands, holding her sex in my mouth and start teasing the seams and folds of her sex with my tongue, brazenly seducing her with my voracious hunger. My tongue spears inside her sex, making her gasp and quiver under my touch, and I swirl it around counter clock wise, finding her hymen, stroking it sweetly, seductively, coaxing, pushing that snug sweet, hot spot. I pull my tongue out and stroke her clit repeatedly bringing her to the brink of orgasm with my mouth, and then stop and expertly insert two fingers into her scissoring her hymen, shearing through it, I rub her inside, stroking that sweet spot I found in the front wall of her vagina. As my fingers soften her inside, I lean down and suck her clit, stroking it with my tongue and pleasure her with the rolling waves of
a double orgasm.

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