Edward Unconditionally Common Powers 3 (20 page)

BOOK: Edward Unconditionally Common Powers 3
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“They are, until you forget what you're doing.” Rush gave him a sexy grin. “He's got roamin’ hands.”

Brian rolled his eyes. “Can't help it.”

Edward laughed. “Sometimes it's a problem, even for me, if I don't concentrate on what I'm doing like what my patient needs or what I find wrong.”

“Like what?” Sammi asked.

“Well, lots of times, a patient says, ‘My shoulder hurts.’ But when I'm exploring his muscles, I find that the problem isn't in his shoulder, it's farther down his back, maybe in the muscles along his spine. Your body is so interconnected that if you throw something out in one place, it can affect somewhere else. It's called referred pain.” Edward spoke with such confidence that it impressed Jack, and he felt a small flicker of pride. Edward might not be the most conventional person, but he was serious about what he did. Jack had personal proof of Edward's talent. Of course, Jack couldn't tell anyone about that. Ever.

“Really? That's interesting.” Rush nodded. “I wouldn't know. Brian never seems to make it past my shoulders.” He snorted.

Brian glared at his lover. “Like you're any better.”

Rush threw his hands up in surrender. “I admit it. I can't get past your neck.”

Everyone laughed, even Jack. The warm humor and the gentle teasing between the men drew him in, and his shoulders relaxed. He could do this. He could get through this evening.

“So, Edward. How do you know Jack?” Sammi smiled.

Oh shit. Jack's stomach knotted, and he fought the urge to bolt.

“He arrested my dog.”

“Your dog? Jack, how could you?” Sammi cried.

Jack cringed. “It wasn't like that.”

“What was it like?” Sammi demanded.

“Yeah, Jack. Tell us what really happened.” Brian leaned forward, his chin in his hand.

Jack stared around the table. Everyone waited. There was no getting out of this.

“Okay.” He sighed. “I was parked on the side of the road.” He left out the part about the headache and his blurry vision. “And this little red Miata goes flying past me, doing about sixty.”

“Sixty-five,” Edward quipped.

Jack shot him a glare. “So, I pursued.”

“Lights and sirens and everything.” Edward rolled his eyes. “It was so news-at-eleven.” Sammi rolled his eyes, and the others smirked.

was saying"— Jack gave Edward another glare—"he pulls over, and before I can run his plates, he gets out of the car and proceeds to walk this bulldog down the side of the road.”

“Oh shit.” Brian laughed. “That must have really pissed you off.”

“You bet.” Jack nodded.

“Winston had to go. What was so wrong with that?” Edward took a sip of his tea and tried to look innocent.

“When you get stopped by the law, you're supposed to listen to what they say, obey orders, not go for a fucking stroll,” Jack growled.

“So you say,” Edward shot back.

Jack's hand strangled his fork. God, the man made him crazy.

“Go on,” Sammi encouraged. “Then what happened?”

“I was going through his insurance and registration papers when the dog comes up to me and bites me on the ankle.”

“Oh no! What did you do to the poor dog?” Sammi gasped.

“Poor dog! I didn't do anything, did I?” Jack turned to Edward.

“He didn't. I have to admit it. Winston just walked right up to him and bit him.”

“Then?” Rush asked.

“I pulled my gun.”

“You weren't going to shoot him?” Sammi's hand flew to his mouth.

“He couldn't. I grabbed his arm.”

“Hey, I'm telling this story.” Jack grinned at Edward. “So Edward grabs my arm, the one with the gun, and we're struggling, and the dog is shaking my leg like it's a dead rat, and I lose my balance.”

“I let go.” Edward shrugged. “He said to let go and he wouldn't shoot either of us. I was obeying orders.” He smirked at Jack.

“I fell on my ass in the middle of the road, the gun went off... ”

“He shot my tire.”

“You screamed.”

“I did not!”

“The dog let go, and I did what any self-respecting cop would do. I arrested the dog.” Jack paused. The entire table exploded in laughter, and he joined them. It really was a great story, and now, days later when his ankle no longer hurt, he could see the humor in it.

Laughing, Edward reached out and put his hand over Jack's hand, and for a moment, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

The moment passed, and Jack slid his hand from under Edward's.

The laughter died, and an uncomfortable silence took over.

Edward stared down at his plate. Pulled his hand back and placed it in his lap. Jack stared at his food, not wanting to see the hurt on Edward's face. Or whatever he'd find on the faces of the other men.

Rush cleared his throat. “Well, if you guys give me a few minutes, I'll get the poker table set up.” He stood and left the dining room.

“I'll man the bar and get everyone's drinks.” Brian followed Rush.

Sammi stood. “Since I'm not playing, I'll get the dishes and clean up.”

Edward stood. “I'll help you.”

“That's great. We can talk more.” Sammi's tone suggested they'd more than talk, and he gave Edward a sexy wink. A surge of jealousy rushed over Jack.

Oh no. Not good.

Jack stood. “I need another drink.” He followed Brian without a single glance at Edward.

* * * *

Edward sighed and picked up his plate and Jack's.

Mitchell stood, gave Sammi a kiss, and said, “Don't be long. You're my lucky charm.”

Sammi snorted. “There's no such thing as luck.” He leaned in and whispered, “And I'm not going to help you cheat to win.” Sammi gave his lover a knowing look, and Mitchell grinned and shrugged his shoulders.

“That's okay. My superior talent and skill will win out.” Then he left, leaving Sammi and Edward alone.

“I get the feeling we're the ‘designated women’ for tonight,” Edward said. “I should have worn heels.”

“I don't mind.” Sammi laughed. “I really did want some time alone with you.”

“Me?” Edward squeaked. “Why? I thought you're with Mitchell. Life partners and all that.”

Sammi came around the table, close to Edward. “I am.” He slid his hand over Edward's arm. “But I want to know all about you and that dishy chief of police.”

“Jack? There's nothing to tell.” Edward picked up another plate and headed for the kitchen, trying not to let Sammi see the truth in his eyes.

Chapter Twenty-two

Jack placed the box of cigars he'd brought on the table. “Can we smoke inside?”

Rush nodded. “I smoke all the time. It's
of my vices.”

From Rush's quick glance at Brian, Jack had the notion that Brian was one of his other vices.

Brian shrugged. “I don't mind. I've gotten used to it.” He shot Rush an equally hot stare. Jack knew he didn't mean the smell. Probably meant the taste of it in Rush's mouth, on his tongue. Shit. He had to stop thinking like this. It had to be from being around so much blatant sexual energy. Between Mitchell and Sammi, Rush and Brian, Jack had a hard time not getting hard.
And Edward, don't forget Edward.

Rush laid out the table with chips and cards as the others sat.

“I'll deal. Texas Hold ‘Em. Five-dollar limit. You know the rules.” He dealt the cards like a pro. Each of the men tossed a five on the table, and Rush pushed them their chips.

Jack's eyebrows rose at Rush's skill as a dealer. “Hope I brought enough cash.”

“I'll take a marker, Chief.” Rush grinned as he lit up a cigar. He passed the box and clipper to Brian, who took one.

“Might as well.” He shrugged.

Jack took the box from him, chose a cigar, clipped the end, and lit it up. He passed the box to Mitchell, who followed his lead.

“I've never smoked cigars,” Mitchell confessed. He inhaled, choked, and laughed.

“Cigar virgin,” Rush proclaimed and Mitchell blushed.

“You'll get used to it.” Jack motioned with his cigar. “Just don't inhale too deeply the first time.”

“Okay.” Mitchell tried again, this time without choking. “Nice.”

“Good smokes,” Rush said. “Now that we've got our cards, our cigars, and our drinks, let's play.”

The game started, and for a while, lost in the game and the camaraderie, Jack forgot about Edward.

* * * *

Edward sat at the kitchen table with Sammi and picked at a place mat. They'd rinsed the dishes, put them in the dishwasher, and put away the leftovers. He didn't want to go in the den where the others were. Where Jack was.

He should think about something else. Like healing his grandmother.

Sammi stared at him; then his eyebrows rose. “You've got a power.”

“What?” Edward straightened. Where did that come from?

“The power.” Sammi paused, his head tilted as if he were listening to something. “To heal. You can heal people.” He smiled.

“How did you know that?” Edward stood, knocking his chair over.

Sammi stood, came to him, and took his hand. “Don't be scared. I have a power too. I can hear people's thoughts.”

Edward's mouth dropped open, and he stared at Sammi. “You can hear my thoughts?”

“Yes, if I concentrate.”

“Can you hear Jack's thoughts?” Edward had no idea why his mind flew to that. Well, he did, he just didn't want to admit it.

“Yes.” Sammi leaned close, his lips brushing Edward's ear as he whispered, “You make him crazy.”

“Crazy good or crazy bad?” Edward whispered.

Sammi's tongue flicked Edward's earlobe, sending a shot of arousal through Edward. “Crazy good. As in, you make his dick very, very hard.” Sammi's hand slid over Edward's arm, and Edward shivered at the caress. If he didn't step away, he'd be in big trouble, but hell and damnation, it was as if he was rooted to the spot. Hypnotized.

“Do you think Mitchell would like what you're doing?”

“I'm not worried about Mitchell.” Sammi nuzzled his neck.

“Oh?” Edward's brain was shorting out, his eyes closing as he fell under Sammi's spell. He couldn't take much more of this before he gave in.

“I'm worried about you.”

Sammi licked his ear and turned Edward's face to him. Edward closed his eyes as soft lips cushioned his, and he leaned into the kiss.

“What the fuck?”

Edward jerked away. Jack stood in the doorway, glaring at him. Fire ignited in Edward's cheeks and flamed up to the roots of his hair. His heart hammered in his chest as a rush of adrenaline swept over him.

Sammi slung his arm around Edward's waist, pulled him back, and nuzzled Edward's cheek.

Jack's eyes widened, then narrowed. Edward could feel the fury pouring off Jack. Confused, Edward didn't know what to do, or why he felt as if he'd just betrayed Jack. With Sammi. And there was Mitchell. And... hell, he didn't understand anything, except he'd never seen Jack so mad.

“Sorry for interrupting,” Jack spit out, spun, and disappeared.

Edward pulled out a chair and slumped into it. “What just happened?”

Sammi sat next to him. “Well, from what I can tell, you just made Jack insane with jealousy.” He crossed his arms and smiled.

“You did that on purpose.” Edward ran his hand through his hair. Jack insane? He could believe that. Insane with jealousy? No way.

“I'm sorry. But Jack needed a wake-up call.” Sammi looked unrepentant.

Brian, Rush, and Mitchell appeared in the doorway.

“What happened? Jack just lit out of here like his boots were on fire.” Rush stepped into the kitchen.

Edward jerked his head at Sammi. “Ask him.”

“I kissed Edward. Jack saw it.”

Mitchell shook his head. “Perfectly timed, no doubt.” Edward stared at him. Why wasn't he upset? His lover had just kissed someone else. A stranger. If it had been Edward, he'd have thrown a fit.

Sammi gave Mitchell a soft smile, went to him, and wrapped his arms around Mitchell's neck. Mitchell bit Sammi's jaw, then devoured his mouth with a kiss. Edward's toes curled just watching it, so he was sure it had wiped away any memory Sammi had of kissing him.

“Why is it I feel like I'm coming in at the middle of a play and I don't have the script?” Edward looked at each of the men.

Brian cleared his throat. “We thought that maybe Jack needed a little push.”

“Oh fuck.” Edward put his head in his hands. Could this be any worse?

“I know, we meddled.” Mitchell sighed. “And we're so sorry if we messed things up between you and Jack.”

Edward looked up. “I keep trying to tell you. There
no me and Jack. Look, I know you were trying to help. But honestly, this was the worst possible thing you could have done.” He stood and shrugged. “I think I'd better go now. I'm sorry if my drama screwed up the evening.”

“Don't go.” Sammi reached for him, but Edward stepped away.

“I have to, really. And please, for God's sake, don't spread any rumors about Jack. For the official record, Jack's not gay.” Fuck, he was getting so tired of repeating himself. “I need to be alone.” Edward needed to curl into a ball, hug Winston to him, and forget the look on Jack's face. All the denying Edward had done, all his adamant cries of “Jack's not gay,” everything he'd done to protect Jack, had blown up in his face.

Brian went with Edward to the front door to see him out.

“Edward. I'm so sorry.” Brian looked miserable.

“I know. And thanks for caring enough to try something so stupid.” Edward stretched up and kissed Brian on the cheek. “Jack's lucky to have you guys for friends. I wish I had such good friends back in Atlanta.” Maybe if he had, they would have warned him about Derek instead of just watching and waiting for Edward to crash and burn.

Edward went down the steps to his car and got in.

It was going to be a long drive back to the motel.

Chapter Twenty-three

Jack let up on the gas pedal. The truck was flying down the blacktop. Going this fast might get him killed, but right now, that sounded damn fine with him. His life was over anyway.

They all knew. What a fool he'd been. All his hard work, all his control, shot to hell. Years of repression and denial wasted.

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