Elijah: The Boss's Gift (5 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Elijah: The Boss's Gift
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Tilting her head to the side, she stared back at him.
“You’re really angry.”

“No woman should be used by force.”

“Well, I’m not going to be taken by force again.” She
stepped down, going close to him. “Thank you for getting my stuff.”

She paused as he cupped her cheek, titling her head
back. “I’ll pay for your schooling.”

Cherry jerked back. “What?”

“You heard me. I’ll pay for your schooling. You’re not
going anywhere. We’ve got a deal, and it’s something I want to do.”

“But you don’t have to do that.”

“I don’t care. You’re doing me a favor. Mindy has
wanted me to have female company for a long time.”

“She talked about your good qualities and believes
you’d make an amazing husband.” All morning she had to listen to Mindy talk
about her father and how amazing he’d be to have as a husband. She clearly
didn’t have any clue what Elijah did in his extra time.

“I love my daughter.”

He rested his hand on her shoulder. The tips of his
fingers caressed over her skin near her pulse.

She didn’t like her body heating under his touch.
“Thank you for getting my stuff.”

“When do you need to go to school?” he asked.

I finished school two years ago.”

“College then.”

“I’ve got classes this afternoon,” she said. This was
completely out of this world. There’s no way a man took a woman and then helped
her like he was.

“Get your stuff. I’ll take you to college. I’ll have a
man put on your protection.” Elijah walked toward his office.

“You don’t need to do that. I’m happy with our deal.”

“Do you ever want to be a nurse?”

“Yes.” She answered without hesitation. The dream of
becoming a nurse was what kept her going through the darker days.

“Then I’ll take you to college this afternoon. You may
not get the chance again for another five years.”

“That’s how long you want the deal to last?”

“The deal is for however long Mindy wants you around.”

Tucking some hair behind her ear, Cherry nodded.

“Get ready. I’ll take you to college.”

She didn’t argue. Passing him on the stairs, she
picked up her suitcase and her bag of books.

“Why do you have so many books from the library?” he

“I couldn’t afford the books.” She stepped around him
and headed upstairs.

“Take them back to the library. I’ll pay for them.”

She glanced over her shoulder and nodded. What was the
point in arguing? He was giving her what she always wanted out of life.

She put her clothes in with the ones Mindy demanded
she buy. What did he think of her apartment? Did he think she was a slob?

Stop it, Cherry.

He knew a great deal of her life because of that file
he had, but he didn’t know everything.

She put the books into a sack for her to take back to
the library. Grabbing a jacket from the back of the door, she went back to the
stairs. She saw Elijah waiting for her. In his hand was the bag she kept with
her at all times. He’d seen it contained everything of importance, purse, ID,
keys, everything that a woman needed to function. Marcel had given it to him
when he’d handed her over as a gift.


“You’re giving me back my stuff.”

“I’m going to do something that I’ve not done in a
long time.”

“What’s that?” she asked, putting the bag on her

“I’m going to trust you. I’m giving you a better life
than you can find yourself.”

Cherry stared at him. “I’m not going to go running.”
His threat about Marcel was all she needed for her to stay in one place.


She followed him out to the car.

“John, this is Cherry. Cherry, this is John.”

Shaking the man’s hand, she offered him a smile. What
else was she supposed to do?

“Cherry’s going to need an escort to and from college.
I want you to handle everything, John.”

“Will do, boss. It’s nice to meet you.”

Smiling back, she climbed into the back of the car.
Elijah sat in the front.

“Take us to the library first.”

She couldn’t help but look at Elijah. He was so in
control. It seemed strange to her to have a man so in charge. He’d not forced
himself on her either. For the first time in her life, she was around a

Cherry inwardly snorted. She doubted there was
anything gentlemanly about him. Elijah was a male used to getting what he
wanted. If he really wanted her for sex, he’d take it without any questions

He assisted her when she took the books back to the
library. They were not late, so she didn’t have to worry about a late fee.

Elijah took her hand, taking her to the nearest
bookstore. “Order everything you need. Don’t argue.”

Opening her bag, she pulled out the list of books that
were associated with her course. The cashier ordered the titles, and Elijah
pulled his card out, paying for everything without batting an eye.

He stayed in the car as it pulled up outside of her
college. She hadn’t made any friends in the time she’d been going. Cherry found
it hard to trust people easily. In her time she’d come to see that people were
only interested in her for what they could get out of it themselves. She
refused to put herself through that kind of pain.

“I’ll see you later,” she said.


Cherry closed the door, glancing back at him. What was
it about him that pulled her in? She wished she knew the answer.

Chapter Four


One month passed, and Elijah had grown used to Cherry
in his life. Mindy was constantly talking about her. His daughter had grown
close to Cherry. He liked spending time with both girls. Not that he could call
Cherry a girl. She wasn’t even close to being a girl. Cherry was all woman, and
that was a problem to him. In the month that she’d been in his life he’d not
visited any of the women who took care of his needs. None of them appealed.

None of them were Cherry. He hated that truth.

He sat in Ecstasy with Henry and Caleb. They’d talked
business and were enjoying a drink. Marcel had more product than usual in a
shipment and needed delivery. Henry and Caleb were in on the deal, as were
several others that Elijah knew. Both men had met Cherry. Neither of them knew
what to say about her. In truth, Elijah didn’t know what to make of Cherry.

She didn’t put up a fight when he made a suggestion.
Cherry did everything he asked without argument. She took Mindy to school
before going to college. John stayed with her for protection. They both cooked
dinner together, and Mindy was improving under Cherry’s care. His daughter was
seeing her as more of a mother than anything else.

When his daughter’s menstrual cycle came a week ago
and there hadn’t been any ladies’ products, Cherry had handled it, talking with
her. He was starting to wonder how he even handled his daughter before she came
into his life.

“How is Cherry?” Caleb asked, taking a sip of his

“She’s fine.”

“You’ve kept her then,” Henry asked.

“She’s not something I can get rid of.” Marcel had
asked her how his gift was faring. Elijah had given the bastard a warning. When
his wife had died, Elijah had gone on a rampage earning the reputation that
helped him to this day. He’d killed men who’d tried to fight him, lashing out
without being provoked. Elijah had done all of this until he went back to the
hospital where his little girl was waiting for him.

Bethan died in his arms, and he went to take care of
business. Fifteen years ago, three gangs had been trying to take his turf from
him. Elijah took out all three gangs and sent out a warning. He’d not cared at
the time if he lived or died. He had held his dead wife and wanted to follow
her. When he’d survived, he’d gone back to the hospital, organized what to do
for his wife’s funeral,
gone to hold his
daughter. Mindy had held onto his finger as if begging him to stay.

Elijah had fought for the life he now led. Marcel may
have a lot of men at his back, but none of them knew how many men owed Elijah.
He learned to help other men who also helped him. John was ex-military. When
the military got rid of him, Elijah picked him up. He took men who had a gift
for defense and were known to be loyal, and he paid them well.

“Donna likes her.”

“She likes everyone,” Elijah said.

“Lydia likes her as well, and she doesn’t like
everyone,” Henry said.

“She doesn’t even like you half the time.” Elijah
chuckled. It was no secret that Lydia and Henry’s relationship was a love-hate

It was cute most of the time to see the two together.

“I’ve got to head out of here.” Elijah downed his whiskey,
getting to his feet. It was a Saturday night, girls’ night. He’d been asked to
give Mindy and Cherry time to themselves. Nine o’clock was more than enough

He shook both men’s hands and headed out. John was
waiting for him again. His life was becoming the same routine of business deals
and danger. Elijah was growing bored.

You weren’t bored of the life you led before Cherry came into your life.

“Are you okay,
?” John

“Yes, I’m fine.” He didn’t talk about his feelings
with his men. Elijah talked to the photo of his dead wife.

“None, sir.
Cherry and Mindy stayed in all night. They ordered pizza, and the
delivery guy flirted with Cherry. She slammed the door in his face. I don’t
know what he said, but she was not impressed.”

Elijah chuckled. He kept a lot of protection on his
home. No one got near his daughter. All of his men had his cell phone number
and would use it if something happened. In the last fifteen years no one had
come close to his daughter. He’d kept Mindy a secret from the dark side of his

“You can take the rest of the day off,” Elijah said.
“And tomorrow.”

“Will do.”

Opening the front door, Elijah keyed in the security.
The house was silent. He passed the dining room only to stop. Cherry had
several books open and was jotting down notes. She didn’t look up or show any
sign that she’d heard him.

Leaning against the doorframe he watched her working.
Her clear blue eyes soaked up each word.

She glanced up and screamed. Cherry pulled her
headphones out of her ears. “Shit, you scared me. I didn’t even hear you come

“You were concentrating.” He pointed at the book that
she was writing in.

“Sorry, is it late?” She looked down at her watch,
frowning. “It’s only nine-thirty.”

“Where’s Mindy?” he asked.

“She wasn’t feeling too well so I sent her to bed. I
think she’s got a bug or something.” Cherry pushed some hair off her face that
had fallen down.

“How long have you been studying?” he asked. He didn’t
want her to stop talking.

“Erm, a couple
of hours.
It hasn’t been long. We cut the movie short as Mindy
was ill.” She stared at her books again before looking up at him. He watched
the emotions flicker across her face

Cherry was such a beautiful woman. Stepping closer
into the room, he saw her cheeks were flushed.

“What were you studying?”

“The, erm, the
reproductive process.”

He glanced down at the book and saw the diagram of a
dick. For some reason the sight didn’t offend his dick but made him a hell of a
lot harder. Cherry stood and started to close her books.

“I should be going to bed.” She placed the music
player on top of the table. When she bent down Elijah got a clear view of her
large tits. It had been so damn long since he’d fucked a woman. He spent nights
imagining the slide of his cock inside a nice warm cunt. The only problem he
had was Cherry was the woman he imagined. She was too damn young, had been
through so fucking much, and he didn’t like younger women. They came with
problems. He liked women who knew their own minds, who were not going to freak
out at him when he slid his dick in their ass.

The heat built inside him. He couldn’t control his
need, and from the flush of her cheeks, the hard bud of her nipples, neither
could Cherry.

“You gave me one condition, Cherry.” He stepped around
the table and stopped once he was in front of her. “I never break my word.”
Elijah stared into her bright blue eyes, and need simply hit him. Reaching out,
he cupped her face. The moment she told him to stop, he’d stop, but until then,
he needed to have a little taste of her sweetness. Leaning in close, his breath
brushed across her face as did hers across his. He smelled the soda she’d been

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