Elijah: The Boss's Gift

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Elijah: The Boss's Gift
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Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent



ISBN: 978-1-77233-217-9


Artist: Sour Cherry Designs









The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
No part of this book may be
used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.


This is a
work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or
dead, is entirely coincidental.






As always,
I want to thank my readers for asking about Elijah and to
for giving him a home.
, my wonderful editor.
She's always so patient with me and I
really don't know what I'd do without her. Thank you all so much.




Deadly Duet, 3


Sam Crescent


Copyright © 2015




Chapter One


“What the fuck is this?” Elijah asked
staring at the girl strapped to a chair. She was tied to a
wooden chair with a gag across her mouth. Tears were streaming out of her eyes,
and she looked terrified.

A large purple bruise decorated one side of her face
from being hit and hit hard. Elijah stood in the warehouse near the coast where
the Mexicans wanted to make another deal with him for the distribution of coke.
They had people on the lookout in case of any cops. For some reason Elijah
thought about Caleb and Henry, the Deadly Duet. The two men were settled down
with women and children of their own. They were still in the life of crime, but
neither would ever put their women at risk. He thought about his fifteen year
old daughter back home. She was going to be pissed at him for missing dinner.
Mindy demanded one thing from him, that he
home on
time every Friday for dinner so they could talk about their week. This was not
how he wanted his Friday to be. Checking his watch he saw he had two hours to
get home. If he left right now, he’d get back with a few minutes to spare. At
this rate, he wasn’t going to get home.

“This bitch was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Marcel handed him her purse. “Consider her a gift.”

Her blue eyes struck him first. They were filled with
terror and tears.

Elijah looked toward Marcel. He didn’t know the woman’s name. She
didn’t look very old.

“Yes, she was the maid to a friend of mine who was
stealing. He called her in to work at the same time I was putting a bullet in
his brain. I can’t use her. Clients don’t want women with a lot of meat on
their bones. Then I remembered my good friend, Elijah. You’ve been without a
woman for so long.”

He was getting bored with this conversation. Elijah
didn’t go without sex. He had women who knew the score when it came to him.
Money made the world go round, and money gave him women who shut the fuck up
while he had his fun.

The bag was thrust into his arms. Gritting his teeth,
Elijah glared at him.

“She’s an American,” said Marcel.

“Then she probably has family.”

“She either leaves here with you or I kill her,”
Marcel said, pulling out a gun. The girl closed her eyes as the barrel of the
gun was pressed against her temple.

“Why bring me into this?” He had seen so much killing
in the last few years and had been part of it, too. Elijah wasn’t interested in
seeing an innocent woman killed. Something about her blue eyes struck him hard.
She was a beautiful, natural blonde. Her long hair cascaded down her back. The
thick glossy length made him want to run his fingers through it. “You could
have killed her already.”

“We made the deal of a lifetime, my good friend. I
wanted to give you something in return.”

Elijah had given him an opening to the drug markets
with his contacts, but he got paid handsomely for doing it. Could he walk away,
knowing this woman would die? What was it about her? He could fuck any woman
who looked like her and often did. Her eyes were still closed as the gun slid
up and down her face. Marcel was tormenting her. Glancing around the room, Elijah
saw the hungry looks on the other men’s faces. They all wanted a piece of her,
and knowing Marcel, he’d let them all rape her before they killed her.

“Leave me alone with her,” Elijah said.

“You’re interested?”

“I said leave me alone with her.”

Marcel knew not to push. Elijah wasn’t a man to be
fucked about with. He used his reputation to deal with business. Anyone who
tried to work with Elijah knew he demanded total respect and obedience. The men
left the warehouse leaving him alone. He grabbed a seat, sitting directly in
front of her.

“Open your eyes,” he said.

Slowly, she opened her eyes. They were clear blue,
bright, and so addictive to look at. Just by looking at her eyes, he felt calm,
tranquil. Why? He didn’t fucking know.

He reached out and pushed away the gag that had been
placed over her mouth.

“You know the kind of situation you’re in, don’t you?”

She nodded. No other noise came from her. She didn’t
even cry for help.

“Tell me your name.”

“Cherry Morgan.”

“Your name’s Cherry?”

“Yes.” Her voice croaked, and he saw bruises around
her neck.

“They tried to strangle you, Cherry?”


He saw her hands clench into fists. Opening up her
bag, he found several study books piled inside. “How old are you, Cherry?” He
loved the name.

“I’m twenty.”

“You’re a student?”

She jerked her head in response.

“I need you to start fucking talking here, Cherry.
Those men, they’re going to come back, and depending on what you say to me, I’m
going to save you or kill you.”

“I’m studying nursing at a community college. I’m
to work to help pay. Being a maid pays quite well,
and no one pays attention to me.”

“Until today.”

“I was running late.” The tears that had been filling
her eyes spilled over. He didn’t like the way those tears kicked him in the
gut. She was five years older than his daughter, and Elijah didn’t like
screwing around with younger women, especially ones so young he could be their

“Let me ask you,
, do
you want to die?”

She shook her head. “No. I don’t want to die. Please,
I really don’t want to die. I won’t say anything.”

“Will anyone miss you if you were dead? If you lie I
will know.” She licked her lips, and his cock thickened at the sight. Cherry
had lovely, plump red lips.


He didn’t like the way he was responding to her lips.
They were so plump, and he imagined what she would look like taking his cock.

Reaching into his jacket pocket he withdrew his gun.
Her eyes widened at that sight.

, you’ve got two
options. Option one, you come with me and do exactly what I say. You will live.
I’ve got a daughter, and she understands my job is complicated. You cause any
shit for me and I will kill you, but you behave and I’ve not got any problems
with you, you’ll live a long, healthy life.”

“What’s option two?” she asked.

“I kill you now, and this conversation ends. It’ll be
merciful. Marcel’s going to let his boys play with you for a bit before he
kills you, but you’ll be dead. The only difference is I’ll kill you without
touching you. The other way with Marcel, you’re going to earn your death.”

Her lip quivered at the options he gave her. Nothing
touched him. There was no emotion at her predicament. It wasn’t his fault she
was in the wrong fucking place at the wrong time. He checked his watch and saw
ten minutes had already passed.

“Make a decision now. I’m going to be late for

“Option one,” she said. “I don’t want to die.”


He put away his gun, going behind her chair and
untying all of the rope that kept her in place. When she was free, he grabbed
her around the neck, squeezing just a little so that she knew he meant
business. “Let’s get one thing straight, Cherry. The life you knew, it’s over.
You fuck with me and I swear I will make you hurt ten times worse than any
bastard here.”


“What? I wouldn’t rape you, Cherry. I’ve got a lot of
men who would, though, and I’d make sure you hurt. Keep those pretty lips
closed and we haven’t got a problem.” He gripped her arm tightly, leading the
way out of the room.

Marcel and his men were smoking as he exited the

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