Elijah: The Boss's Gift (8 page)

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Authors: Sam Crescent

BOOK: Elijah: The Boss's Gift
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“Please, I’m sorry, fuck.”

Elijah kicked out, slamming the chair to the floor.
Jacob cried out, pissing himself in the process. Pressing his boot on Jacob’s
crotch, Elijah added more of his weight.

Jacob started to scream.

“Let me tell you, Jacob Jones, you’re going to be
doing a hell of a lot of screaming by the time this is over.” Drawing his boot
back, Elijah brought it down hard.

Jacob howled with pain.

Elijah used his fists, pummeling the bastard until he
was almost unrecognizable. He thought about Cherry when she was young. She
didn’t deserve to have assholes like this hurting her. He would make them all
pay. There wouldn’t be any sign of them on this earth once he was done.

For the next hour, Elijah tortured Jacob, while John
sat reading a book in the corner. When his cell phone went off, Elijah taped
Jacob’s mouth to answer his phone. He was covered in blood and would need to
change his clothes. It was a good thing he brought a spare pair. He did try to
save his clothes.

“What?” Elijah asked.

“The next guy on that list works at a school. He’s a
gym teacher,” Caleb said. “He’s around young girls all day.”

“Have there been any reports on him?” Elijah asked.

“There has been some, but they’ve never been proven.
The girls have moved schools, and he stays in the same place.”

Elijah cursed. “I’m really starting to hate these
fucking assholes.”

“Do you want him collected?” Caleb asked. “Henry is
watching him now teach basketball to the girls’ team. Even Henry isn’t happy
with what he’s seeing.”

“Bring him in. I want these bastards all dead.”

“You start piling up dead bodies, people are going to
notice.” Caleb’s warning was loud and clear.

Jacob wasn’t going to live.

“What do you suggest?”

“Send some of them to prison. They’ll get shit inside.
We can make sure of it,” Caleb said. “I know you want a killing spree, but that
kind of heat brings in the cops. We can pay off some, but with this much shit,
we can’t. It’ll come back to you.”

Elijah thought about Cherry. No one had given her such
a consideration.

“I’ll think about it.”

“If you pile up dead bodies, it doesn’t matter how
many friends you have, Elijah. The cops will come to you. Where will Cherry be
What about Mindy?”

“I told you I’d think about it. This fucker, he’s

Ending the call, Elijah grabbed the hunting knife and
plunged it into Jacob’s neck. He had no remorse for the killing, nor did he
care as Jacob gargled around the blood.

“Are you okay,
?” John

“Men who rape young girls bother me, John.”

“Cherry’s not young anymore. She would hate for you to
put yourself in danger.”

“She’s never going to know, and no one is going to be
telling her shit about what happened today.” Elijah removed his pants and moved
toward the shower at the end of the warehouse.

“You want the body disposed of?” John asked.

“Yes. I want him gone.” He quickly washed as John made
the call to the cleaner. When all the blood was off his body, Elijah dried
quickly, dressing in a new suit as the cleaner came inside.

“Fuck me, Elijah. This is brutal.”

“Can you take care of it or not?”

“Yes. It’ll cost.”

“I don’t give a shit about the cost. Clean it up and
I’ll double your fee.”

He left the warehouse to walk outside. The cleaner’s
van had a picture of a rodent on the sign.

John followed him out.

“What do you have to say?” Elijah asked.

“This little war you’ve got going, is this going to
turn back to Marcel?”


“You’re after every person who hurt Cherry. Marcel is
also on that list. He gave you her as a gift, but before that he hurt her. She
had bruising and was threatened with a gun.”

“Marcel will stay out of it. I’m not after him right
now. I’m only after the men who hurt her before he handed her to me.”

“Maybe you should make a call to let him know you’re
not going for payback. Word like this will get around. They’ll wonder if you’re
coming back to them. It could make them react, make them nervous.”

“Good,” Elijah said. “It’s time Marcel knew his
fucking place. He may supply the fucking drugs, but this city is mine. It’s
time he realized I can fuck with him. I know he’s making plans to try to
overrun me. Until I’m completely sure I’ve got my investment set up elsewhere,
Marcel will stay where I want him. I’ve already given him a call. I’ve not come
this far by messing with people. Don’t underestimate me.” He walked toward the
car. “Get a lift from the cleaner. I’ve got to pay a visit to someone,” Elijah said.

John shook his head. “This is going to get you into

“It’s not. This one I’m going to handle easily.”

Once on the road, Caleb put the call through to Henry.

“Are you still on his tail?”

“Yes. Practice ended early, and the bastard is looking
a little too smug for my liking. Before I put any kids through school, I’m
going to have all the teachers fucking investigated.”

Elijah couldn’t argue with him. He’d investigated all
of the teachers at Mindy’s school.

“Keep on him. I’ll be there soon.”

He ended the call, putting his foot on the gas. An
hour passed before he pulled up alongside Henry.

Climbing out of his car, he opened Henry’s passenger

“He in there?”

“Yes. Caleb’s called me. I’m not going to fucking
prison, Elijah. This little rage you’ve got going on needs to be wheeled in.”

“I’m more than fine,” Elijah said. “A little scaring
will go a long way.” He headed toward the door to the gym teacher.

Chapter Six


Cherry rolled out the pastry while Mindy filled each
little pot with the chicken filling. “This smells so good.”

“It does.” Cherry liked teaching her how to cook. They
had settled on chicken pot pies for the dinner with a peach cobbler to finish

“Right, they’re filled.”

Taking a knife, she cut out each little circle and showed
Mindy what to do with it.

“Damn, look at that,” Mindy said, turning up the

Cherry looked toward the screen, frozen to the spot.

“We’re here reporting live…” The reporter faded into
the background as the headline played along the screen. A gym teacher had handed
himself over to the police after admitting he abused the girls and boys that he
taught. That wasn’t what surprised Cherry. No, what surprised Cherry was the
man she hadn’t seen in over six years. When she was fourteen she had been moved
to his parents’ home.

“Damn, I’m so pleased I don’t have to put up with that
crap at school,” Mindy said.

“Yes, it sucks.”

The front door opened, and Elijah called out to them.
Her hands were shaking as he appeared in the kitchen. Mindy ran to him,
wrapping her arms around his neck. “Dad, did you hear the news about the gym

“Yes, it was a shock.”

Cherry stared into his eyes, and he was looking
directly at her. This wasn’t a coincidence. Elijah had gone after him.

Cherry finished with the pot pies, putting them in the
oven. Washing her hands, she excused herself while Mindy was talking with him.
Running upstairs, she went to close her door but found herself stopped by
Elijah’s foot.

“Don’t run away,” Elijah said.

“You’re the one who went and found him, didn’t you?
You’re the one who made him confess to those crimes?”

She took a step back. There was no point in trying to
keep him away. Elijah was stronger than she was. He entered her bedroom,
closing the door behind him.

In the distance she heard Mindy turn the music channel

“They were not fake crimes, baby. That asshole was
using his power as a teacher. He needed to be stopped. The asshole is lucky
that the only thing he’s getting is jail time.”

“What could be worse than jail time?”

“Torture and
death, which was what I was going to do to him.”

His answer shocked her.


“You heard me. I was willing to fucking kill him for
hurting you or even putting his hands on you.” Elijah took a step closer.
“Jacob Jones didn’t get the same outcome.”


“He’s dead, honey. He’s never going to hurt you

“You killed him.”

“You were the first woman he raped, and he’s lived the
last fucking seven years doing more. He had to die.”

“You’ve got to stop doing this,” Cherry said. Tears
filled her eyes. No one could get away with murder. Something was going to blow
back and land on him.

“Doing what? Sticking up for you? I don’t see anyone
else giving a shit about you.”

“You’ve have got to stop.” She cried out the words,
whimpering. “This is dangerous.”

“I’m not going to stop.”

Her tears spilled down her cheeks. “And what am I
supposed to do when you’re caught? Who will protect me then? What about Mindy?
You’re the only one who has ever given two shits about me and you could take
that all away from me.” The truth spilled from her lips.
truth and the fear of being alone without him.
Elijah was the first man
she’d felt anything for. “You don’t get it.”

“Talk to me, Cherry. Don’t turn away.”

She wiped at her tears as he wrapped his arms around her.
He was so strong, a killer by nature. Cherry closed her eyes. She should be
afraid of him, but she wasn’t. “You were my first kiss. You were the first man
I’ve ever wanted to be with, Elijah. You gave me my first orgasm. I don’t want
to leave, and it scares me. I’m used to being told to leave, to moving on, to
being alone. You make me want to have something that I thought was beyond me.”

“What do I make you want?” he asked. His voice was
soothing to her.

Glancing up into his eyes, she dropped her gaze to
stare at the firm line of his lips.

“You make me want to have a family. I care about
Mindy. She’s such a charming girl. If you continue with this vendetta or
whatever you’ve got going on, it’s going to end badly, and that scares me.”

He cupped her face. Her heart pounded inside her

“Those men hurt you. They’re hurting other people.”

“They’re not hurting me now.”

“I’m not going to stop unless I know they’re not a
danger to anyone.” She went to argue, but he silenced her with his lips.

Moaning, her body awakened at his kiss. She wanted
more than his kiss. Cherry wanted everything he had to offer. Pushing his shirt
off his shoulders, she ran her fingers down his chest, teasing open the buttons
on his thick shirt. She caressed his chest as he brought up over her head the
shirt he’d put on her that morning.

The white bra she wore was torn off her. Their
movements went from slow to impatient. She clawed at his shirt, dragging it off
his body.

Cherry collapsed onto the bed as he dragged her jeans
down her thighs. Within seconds they were both naked. Sliding up the bed,
Cherry gasped as Elijah flicked her onto her knees.

“I’m not going to last this time,” he said.

He brought her back against him. The tip of his cock teased
her entrance. When the head was lodged inside her, both of his hands went to
her hips and he slammed in deep. Cherry cried out at the depth of his cock
within her cunt. He went deeper still as he didn’t stop pressing more of her.
Elijah didn’t pull out of her. It was like his ass tightened bringing him
deeper inside her.

His fingers teased through her pussy, coating his

She cried out in disappointment as he stopped touching
her clit. Cherry froze when his fingers went to her ass.

“Relax,” Elijah said.

It was okay for him. He didn’t have a guy stroking his

Biting her lip, Cherry gripped the large blanket
underneath her.

His fingers were replaced with his thumb. Elijah
pressed the tip of his thumb against her ass, pressing. “Touch your clit,
Cherry. Relax.”

Working a hand underneath her, she found her clit, and
started to stroke herself. Closing her eyes, she gasped as the pressure on her
anus turned into unspeakable pleasure. She’d never felt anything so exquisite
in all of her life.

“Please,” she said.

“You want me to fuck you hard, baby?”


His thumb slid in and out of her ass, teasing her.

“Then you’re going to come all over my cock. I’m not
going to fuck you until I feel your cream.”

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