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Authors: Jennifer Kacey

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Elite Metal

Book one in the
Elite Warrior Series





Featuring in Order of Appearance

Jennifer Kacey, Anna Alexander, Heather Long, Sabrina York,

Rebecca Royce, Saranna DeWylde, and Roxie Rivera




Elite Metal

Book one in the Elite Warrior Series

Copyright Never Settle Publishing 2015

Discover more titles by Never Settle Publishing



e-book - ISBN - 978-0-9862479-2-7

Paperback – ISBN - 978-0-9862479-3-4


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Cover Photographer –
Eric David Battershell

Cover Model –
Zeke Samples

Cover Graphics –
Jennifer Kacey

Formatted by
IRONHORSE Formatting




Elite Metal

Book one in the
Elite Warrior Series


For decades the US Marines funded a top-secret unit known as Elite Recon. A deadly group of men and women sent to infiltrate dozens of countries completely undetected. Mission objectives so extreme casualties were not only probable, but expected.

The current batch of operatives had returned from hundreds of assignments unscathed…until one mission went horribly wrong. Several men lost their lives and the group disbanded. The remaining leathernecks were scattered in the wind with new identities. They were told to blend in. Be normal. Or face being forever silenced just like their fallen brothers.

Now, two years later, each living member of the group is kidnapped and given a chance to make things right. But this time they’re no longer under the thumb of Uncle Sam. A mysterious private backer who knows about their past has brought them back together. No longer are they forced to turn a blind eye to the lost and forsaken.


Duty is their salvation.


A new life. A new future…Elite Metal.




Table of Contents


Bound By Steele
- Jennifer Kacey and Anna Alexander

Chrome’s Salvation
- Jennifer Kacey

Adamantium’s Roar
- Anna Alexander

Pure Copper
- Heather Long

Sterling’s Seduction
- Sabrina York

Platinum’s Choice
- Rebecca Royce

Mercury’s Poison
- Saranna DeWylde

Forged in Silver
- Roxie Rivera







Bound By Steele





By Jennifer Kacey and Anna Alexander




Bound by Steele

By Jennifer Kacey and Anna Alexander


Text Copyright Jennifer Kacey and Anna Alexander 2015

Edited by: Heather Long

All Rights Reserved


Discover more titles by Jennifer Kacey at
and Anna Alexander at



To each of the Elite authors – now we take over the world!!!!!


Bound by Steele

By Jennifer Kacey and Anna Alexander


To save his Marine brothers and sister he must accept the past isn’t dead and buried. Reuniting survivors means he is forced to first forgive…the enemy.


Steele, the man he was, died. A civilian with a new name stands in his place in the wake of death. Everything he had, lost when his undercover contact, Venus, disappeared when it counted most. In the shadow of regret, Steele is reborn from the flames of a Phoenix. To right the wrongs that destroyed his military family, he must put his trust in the hands of a mysterious backer, and the woman who led his team to the slaughter.

Not knowing who sold her out at the final hour, Alayna Devlin, spent the last two years on the run. Then the mastermind behind Elite Metal tracked her down, and offered her the chance to atone for past mistakes. To cleanse her conscience requires a baptism by fire and submission to the man who will either put the final nail in her coffin or set her heart free.

The past. The future. Truth. Lies. Nothing is as it seems when two shattered hearts are finally given the chance to heal.



Chapter One


On the outskirts of Moscow, Adam Steele blew out a slow breath. The tiny particles of moisture froze in the winter air, then rose like a cloud of smoke. Man, what he wouldn’t give for one of his stogies at the moment, a warm bed and maybe a chick to keep it warm for him.

“Does anyone else feel like they’re a politician who is about to get caught with their pants down and their junk in a hooker’s mouth?”

“Jesus, Chrome.” Steele shook his head as he choked on a laugh.

“Actually, I was thinking the same thing,” Titanium agreed. “It just wasn’t as eloquently phrased as Chrome put it.”

Chrome snorted. “Eloquently, Tit? Seriously? We’re located somewhere between Fuck You, Russia and hell freezing over and you bust out with eloquently?”

“Can we focus, children? Please?” Steele tapped at the map spread out on the crate in front of them. “The target is set to arrive in ninety minutes. Titanium’s team is ready. Yours?”

“You know they are.” Chrome answered and stretched his neck. It cracked in several places and when he glared at Steele again a fair bit of pissed off came with it. “And who made you Alpha Commander on this anyways? Half your team’s not even here.”

Steele pinched the bridge of his nose. Damn, he was exhausted but he focused on shaking it off as he looked at each of his fellow commanders in turn. “My intel. My source. My mission. Just ‘cause the higher ups decided to shank me and send half my team on leave—”

“Who told you this was going to happen? Who told you something stinks here? Who said—”

“Chrome. Seriously. Shut the fuck up, dude.” Titanium grabbed Chrome by the shoulder and when he didn’t look at him right away he gave him a little shake. Well, little might be relative. “Drop it.”

Chrome’s jaw flexed. “My men. Their lives. My right to bitch. This mission reeks.”

“My ass has been itching, just like yours, ever since Uncle Sam called and their biggest fish is on the hook. Do we have all the info? Fuck no. When do we ever? But we’re Marines. We kickass and worry about the names later. So I say let’s take this fucker down and get back to where my piss doesn’t freeze before it leaves my body. Agreed?” Steele waited, hating the questions he had with regard to the mission. He knew exactly what prompted Chrome’s concern—their mission, Operation Phoenix.

Something didn’t feel right. He didn’t like it. Since he couldn’t pinpoint the why or the what, which meant he couldn’t do anything about so he ignored his unease and waited.

Both men gave a grunt and a nod then turned their attention to the map. Between the frigid air, gasoline fumes and going non-stop for forty-eight hours plus, Steele’s vision blurred and his joints ached. He didn’t need to add a headache caused by the two knuckleheads he was forced to work with to his list of gripes. It didn’t matter they were his favorite knuckleheads, the sooner they got this mission on the road, the better.

Since the elite recon groups were in Moscow illegally, they had to make do with the most basic of necessities, and the abandoned airplane hangar the three team leaders huddled in was as primitive as they came. A hundred year old outhouse was cozier than the rusted metal building creaking around them.

Probably smelled better, too.

The other members of the two teams and half of Steele’s circled the building outside. Watching. Protecting. Ten men and two women. Fifteen people total sent to save the world.


As far as locations were concerned, his team had been in worse, but it was the timing of everything that made him want to reach for one of his favorite Cubans and let the sweet hit of tobacco and nicotine take the edge off his nerves.

As the best, of the best, of the best the Marines had to offer, and all that shit, he was expected to act at a moment’s notice and be prepared to launch the next great war when given the signal. It was a directive he’d carried out time and time again. Chrome and Titanium had done the same.

But this wasn’t just another mission. For years the military had hunted one of the biggest arms dealers on the planet, Vladimir Babikov, AKA Red Wolf. He was a former commander with the KGB, and after the Cold War ended he laid his greedy hands on everything from handguns to nuclear warheads. The current word underground was he was about to throw his hat in the ring with drug smuggling and human trafficking as well. Hey, the economy was hitting everyone hard, even terrorists. Diversity was the key to weathering the recession apparently.

Dumb ass.

To reach the level of success Red Wolf operated on meant the man was an expert at covering his tracks, and usually made his henchmen do all the grunt work. Now, out of the blue, word had come in from an undercover CIA operative that not only was a major shipment of uranium swapping hands, but Red Wolf himself was personally overseeing the transaction. The sweet little nugget of info sounded too good to be true.

Hope in one hand, bullshit in the other. One hand always had more and it sure as hell wasn’t the first.

And that’s why the team leaders went over their plan of attack one last time before moving out. As with all things related to the military, time was not on their side. This operation was supposed to be a two team mission. Quiet. Below the radar. Get in, clean up the garbage and get out.

Just not the two teams they had and Steele himself leading the charge…or bringing up the fucking rear.

It was supposed to be his and Titanium’s teams moving into enemy territory to take down Red Wolf. They’d been set to move out for months. Then two days ago Steele was ordered to send three of them on leave. Half his team. They were long overdue. They were. So he sent them packing. No matter how much they’d bitched about it. Cobalt and Adamantium had remained behind with him.

They didn’t like it anymore than he did, but they knew what they signed on for.

Just like he did.

Not two days after his team scattered, the call came in from his contact. Operation Phoenix was a go. There was no time to get his team back together. None. So Chrome’s team activated as well.

The entire set up screamed of overkill, but in Steele’s opinion it hammered home the importance of their mission, while reminding him of a game of three-card Monte. Except the stakes were higher than losing his beer money if he didn’t find the queen.

“Any last questions?” Steele asked as he rolled up the map and tucked it in his pack. They’d been caught with their pants down and they had to make it right.

“Yeah,” Chrome piped up. “Who’s buying later? There’s this chick I know over on Kutnetsky who smuggles the best vodka.”

“For the love of God.” Steele rolled his eyes and fought a smile. “Any other questions?”

“Just one more.” Chrome grinned. “How do you get blood stains out of Red Wolf’s pants?”

“Do we really have time for this?” Steele grumbled half-heartedly.

“Come on, dude.” Chrome punched him in the arm. “You’re cockblocking my joke. Titanium, come on. Ask me how?”

The other commander shouldered his pack. “Bring it. How do you get bloodstains out?”

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