Elite Metal-ARE-epub (6 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kacey

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Her right arm was locked between her abdomen and his, while her left arm rested across his lap and the weighty bulge behind the fly of his jeans. If she moved her hand an inch to the right, her palm would lie flat against the shaft, and she wouldn’t be able to resist the urge to touch him.

Apparently Steele had no such difficulties in relaxing. A few minutes later he was asleep, his breathing smooth and steady. After a quick glance up to confirm his eyes were closed, Alayna finally released the tension in her posture and melted into his embrace and the details of her mission raced through her mind.

A sex club. Of all the places Korovin liked to spend his free time, it had to be a sex club. Not that she was prudish when it came to sex. Quite the opposite in fact. She loved sex, the rougher the better, which had confused many of her former lovers. Weren’t men supposed to be sex-hungry all of the time and want a tigress in the bedroom? Not the men she had gone out with apparently. The few who hadn’t been intimidated by her need to be dominated had been run off by the demands of her job. They hadn’t been able to reconcile the woman who would eagerly allow them to bind her hands and spank her ass was the same woman who was able to scissor kick them to the floor and put a bullet between their eyes if need be.

Working undercover for the CIA took so much of her concentration, when she had brief respites, she didn’t want to think anymore. She craved letting go and just living for the moment. Why was that so hard for some people to understand?

But Steele…she had a feeling Steele was going to command her body in ways she had only dreamed. Therein lay the problem. How was she going to be able to focus on detaining Korovin when her body was wet and aching for Steele’s possession?

Even now, while he slept, a lascivious craving raced through her veins. She wanted to kneel and run her hands over his skin and watch as they flexed and rippled. She wanted to taste the salt of his skin. Press her nose against the base of his neck and inhale his spicy, manly scent. Most of all she was fascinated by the rings beneath his t-shirt.

The cotton stretched so tight over his chest, she’d noticed the nipple rings as soon as he’d stepped into the conference room earlier. Piercings on a man had never done anything for her in the past, but on Steele it pushed his sexiness from scorching hot to obliterating inferno.

And right at that moment with that little ring right in front of her nose was taunting her with the need to explore. She shot a glance up at his face. He was still asleep with his eyes closed and lips slightly parted.

Did she dare?

She licked at the dryness of her lips then opened her mouth and breathed out a hot gust of air. On the next breath she pursed her lips and blew out a cool stream and delighted in seeing the nipple bead harder against the fabric of his shirt. Again she blew a hot gust then a cool stream and watched with rapt attention as the bud grew tighter and tighter.

Sweet heavens, she could come just by playing with the man’s nipples. Between her thighs, her pussy creamed and she desperately wanted to shift in her seat to relieve the ache, but the need to continue playing with fire won out and she kept her hips still.

That’s it, isn’t it? This constant state of arousal at an inappropriate moment is all part of my punishment.
Talk about the cosmic joke being on her.

Switching attention to his neglected nipple, she ever so gently freed her hand where it lay between them until her fingers hovered over the metal circle. With the tip of her forefinger, she traced the metal hoop from end to end, over and over pressing a little harder with each pass. Then she touched the tight nubbin and rubbed it back and forth.

Steele’s huge hand shot up and latched on to her wrist.
She jumped, barely trapping her shout of surprise. Her gaze flew up to find him watching her with a hunger in his eyes that left no doubt that she was the juiciest item on the menu.

“Not yet, baby,” he said in a voice rich with impure promise. “Soon.”

He wrapped his hand around the end of her braid and pulled, making her gasp with surprise and giving him the opening to swoop in and plant a hard kiss to her lips. His tongue immediately sought hers out to twine and parry in a duel for dominance. Immediately she acquiesced and allowed him to plunder her mouth at his will. He bit at her lips while running his hand up and down her back while he tasted her. She had been right, with a single kiss she was ready to follow him to the ends of the earth, just to feel the sweet-fire rushing through her veins again and again.

“’Scuse me.”

She was so screwed. Or she was going to be soon, which was just as bad for her focus as the promise in his touch.

“Excuse me.”

How was she going to keep her heart locked away?

“Excuse me!” Someone snapped their fingers next to them.

“Huh?” she responded oh-so elegantly when Steele released her mouth.

A flight attendant stood in the aisle next to him with a forced smile on her lips. “I said we’re preparing to land and need everyone strapped into their own seat please.”

“What?” She glanced down. “Oh.” Straddling Steele’s lap with his hands on her ass was not what she expected to find. “Sorry. Sorry,” she mumbled and slid back into her seat.

“Newlyweds,” Steele said with a smirk. “Just can’t keep my hands off my bride.”

“Oh.” The attendant straightened. “Congratulations. But we do frown upon our passengers joining the mile high club. Even in first class.”

Steele chucked. “Right, we’ll try to restrain ourselves. For now,” he added under his breath after the attendant left. He slid his hand between Alayna’s thighs and cupped her hot mound through her pants. “As for you, I plan on doing all kinds of restraining after we land.”

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking,” came the voice over the PA system. “As we make our approach into Las Vegas, the temperature is nice and balmy one hundred two degrees. There’s a bit of wind coming in from the west, so please make sure your seatbelts are securely fasten for this may be a bumping landing. Estimated time of arrival, twenty minutes.”

“Twenty minutes,” Steele said in her ear. “Twenty minutes and then you’re mine, Mrs. Reid.”




Chapter Five


“You’ve been in here awhile,” Steele said as he placed his hand on the small of her back.

She barely stifled a gasp. Her fist tightened on the tube of toothpaste in her hand and squirted a blue blob over the bristles of her toothbrush and it landed in the sink.

“I’m a female. We have rituals.” She rinsed out the sink and started again. “And a knock would have been great. What if I were…” She looked at him in the mirror and he simply smirked. “Not brushing my teeth?”

He snorted and set his shaving kit beside her make-up bag on the counter. “We’re husband and wife. I know everything about you, especially as your Dom. If I wanted to bend you over right here and take you. I could, couldn’t I?”

It wasn’t a question though.

Not to him and certainly not to her.

He heated gaze bore into her as he placed his hand over her stomach. His warmth seeped into the long shirt she wore for pajamas, heating her in ways she couldn’t afford. The contact reminded her the only other clothing she wore was a pair of panties. He took a step back, running his fingers across her hip as he moved. Allowing her to think he would give her some privacy gave her nothing but false hope. Crossing his arms instead, he leaned against the sink and watched her with open interest.

Determined to ignore his intense stare, she continued to prepare for bed. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, then put on lip balm. Still, he watched. His face never changed. Never gave any emotion away, yet his needs continued to enflame her in ways she didn’t know how to process.

He didn’t make a sound. What was wrong with him? With her? All she was doing were mundane tasks but he made her feel as if they were sharing something naughty, forbidden. It ignited an ache of vulnerability she never experienced before.

This is stupid. You’re a professional. Get a grip
, she told her trembling hand as she tried to put the cap on the little tube. The ting of the plastic hitting the floor sounded like a gunshot.

Steele reached out to grab the cap and brushed her calf with his forearm.

The tremble as she pulled away from his touch shivered up her spine and her head spun.

In an instant he shoved her back against a wall.

“What are you doing?” she gasped as he loomed over her.

“You have to stop jumping whenever I touch you.”

“I don’t jump.”

“Liar. You start like a frightened rabbit, and then you tremble.” He stepped closer and his eyelids lowered to a smolder. “The trembling I like. I find it quite the turn on, but to make this believable you cannot fear me. Be afraid, yes. Fear, no.”

She lifted her chin. “I don’t fear you.”

Absolute truth. She did not fear Adam Steele. Oh, no. What she feared was her reaction to him. How her body condensed to a quivering mass of arousal awaiting his every command. She feared how completely out of control she became and how her focus narrowed to him. Just him. At a time when she needed to be most aware of her surroundings, she found herself fascinated with everything that was Steele.

“I don’t believe you,” he said with a shake of his head. He lifted his hand and laid it directly over her sternum and her heart beat wildly.

“I worked undercover for eight years.” She struggled to keep her voice strong, steady, and unaffected. “I have done things, ugly things to protect my country. I can submit to you.”

“Did you enjoy it? Did you enjoy doing those things you speak of?”

“I was proud when I succeeded in my job.”

His eyes flared in warning and his palm pressed on her chest, practically burning a hole through her nightshirt. “Is that what I am to you? Another job?”

No. She wanted to admit it, but to give him that much power over her was dangerous. Besides she doubted he’d believe her anyway. “Yes.”

Again, another flash in his eyes as her voice cracked on the word. “You can’t submit to me and make the world believe it.”

A challenge? Not only would she be able to play the role of Adam Steele’s submissive, she’d be able to do so while keeping her feelings on a purely professional level. She owed him for destroying his life. But she didn’t owe him her soul.

She narrowed her gaze and pressed forward against his palm. “Bring. It. On.”

A snarl curled his lips as he slid his hand up to wrap around her throat. His fingers flexed, not to choke her, but in a clear demonstration of his strength and power.

Heat burst inside her and her eyes closed on a sigh as her knees threatened to buckle.

“Lift your arms,” he growled.

Slowly, she raised her hands above her head, opening her eyes to stare at his face. He whipped her barely there shirt up and over her head, tossing it in the direction of the shower. Before the garment hit the tile, his hands were on her breasts, kneading and squeezing with bruising force.

She bit her tongue on a moan and clawed at the tile behind her to remain upright. His fingers found her nipples and pulled, twisting and tugging the tips until she cried out with the pleasure-pain.

“That’s it,” he praised. “Like it rough, don’t you, baby?”

“Yessssss,” hissed out of her.

“I know what else you like.” He stepped back and she had to lock her knees to keep from crumbling to the floor.

Grabbing the bottom of his shirt, he ripped it over his head and stood before her. Bare-chested. So fucking hot.

Twin starburst shaped scars disrupted the perfection of his left oblique and several jagged lines ran across his belly. The marks of his time in the service somehow enhanced his beauty, adding to his allure.

Glinting in the light were those two silver circles hanging from his nipples. Fighting for her attention was the thick ridge of his erection ready to burst open the fly of his jeans. Suffocating his cock beneath the denim seemed a crime on several levels.

Steele chuckled and adjusted his cock. “Later, baby. First, show me what that sexy little mouth of yours can do.”

She took a step closer then leaned forward, keeping her hands at her sides. Glancing up at him through the veil of her lashes, she hooked the tip of her tongue under one of the hoops and drew it between her teeth where she gave a little tug before engulfing his entire nipple into her mouth.

“Jesus,” Steele moaned and speared his hands into her hair as she alternated between twisting the ring and lashing at it with her tongue.

Back and forth she worked each nipple, using her fingers on the one not between her lips, pulling and gently twisting the hoop or rapidly flicking at it with her fingertips. Soon the room filled with the erotic sounds of Steele’s moans punctuated with the clack of the metal ring against her teeth.

“Enough,” he shouted and pulled at her hair. As she gasped for breath, he sealed his mouth over hers, spearing his tongue inside her mouth and walking her back until he slammed her into the wall.

When he cupped her ass, she jumped into his arms and he helped guide her legs around his waist. She was like a bitch in heat, wantonly grinding her hot pussy against the hard ridge of his erection.

The clothes separating them were torture devices. She needed to have him inside her, pushing deep. Feel the heat of his skin against hers. If she didn’t get it soon, she was certain she would explode from all the pressure. She dug her fingernails into the hard muscles of his back, urging him somehow closer.

He buried his face into her neck with a groan. “You’re a fucking fireball.”

His hips continued to thrust as he sucked in breath after breath. She bit her lips to hold back her pleas for more. He couldn’t stop now. He had to finish her, she’d break his legs if he stopped, but damn it all if she was going to beg.

A tiny whimper escaped her lips as he set her on her feet, then turned her to face the mirror.

The image reflected back was shocking. Her cheeks were flushed and a feverish sheen made her eyes sparkle as if she were on something. Sweat dotted her forehead even as she shivered in the air-conditioned room. Pink whisker burns marred her skin, and more pink streaks lined her breasts where his fingernails had marked her.

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