Elite Metal-ARE-epub (10 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kacey

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“Yes,” she gritted out the word.

“Please come with me.” She turned to Steele. “Would you mind removing your leash, sir?”

I sure as hell would.

Probably not what he was supposed to be thinking, so he pulled Alayna close and kissed her for all to see.

‘Cause showing ownership was totally better than growling at all the men who passed by and ogled her. “Behave.” He had no clue if he said it for her benefit or his one.

It took her a second to follow the attendant after glaring daggers at him one last time.

As the room began to fill, Steele scanned the area and spotted Laskin. He motioned for Steele to join him near the front of the stage. Steele made his way down the steps, tossing a nod at Yuri and his dates, one of which had her hand down his pants. The man sported a huge grin and gave him two thumbs up as he passed.

“Sit, my friend, sit.” Laskin gestured to the chair beside him then waved at the man standing beside him. A man Steele recognized from a photo displayed on a giant screen not two days prior. “Jonathan, please meet my host for the weekend, Alexandre Korovin.”

For two years Steele wondered how he would react when he finally came face to face with the fucker who ruined his life. Anger—oh yes. Rage—absolutely. Murderous intent?—without a doubt. But what he hadn’t counted on was the stillness. The black hole filling his chest expanded as he stared at the man he had every intention of killing--even though knowing Korovin’s death wouldn’t do a damn thing to bring his friend back ate at him.

“I’m sorry,” he started when he realized they were waiting for him to respond. “It’s a little loud in here. Mr. Korovin, did you say? Jonathan Reid.”

As he clasped Korovin’s hand, he restrained the urge to crush the bones into dust.

They settled into their chairs, with Laskin on his right and Korovin on Laskin’s other side. All he had to do now was separate him from the crowd, restrain him and get him to the rental car he parked at a nearby residence earlier that morning. Right. Easy.

“Do you smoke, Mr. Reid?” Korovin asked in a thick Russian accent as he lit up a cigarette and blew a clove-scented stream of smoke away from them.

“Only cigars,” he replied.

Korovin gestured to an attendant and a few seconds later he approached their seats with a box and lifted the lid.

Steele scanned the interior of the humidor and raised a brow. “I said I smoked cigars, not shit.”

A grin flirted with Korovin’s lips and he nodded. The attendant lifted the top layer, revealing another row of rolled tobacco.

“You’re getting closer,” he said after perusing the offerings.

His gaze met Korovin’s in a clash of wills until Korovin laughed around the end of his cigarette and sent the attendant away. The attendant returned with three vials in his hand. Steele selected the center one and popped off the top of the lid, tipping the cylinder and spilling a hand rolled stogie into his palm.

“Now this is more like it.”

“I’ll have one too,” Laskin said and proceeded to mutilate a thirty-five dollar Cohiba cigar.

The lights dimmed and a woman emerged center stage dressed in a slick black patent leather body suit hugging every inch of her curves. A mask covered her face and a leather whip dangled from her right hand. She gestured off stage and two men wearing skimpy loincloths carried in a blonde woman, naked and with her hands in front of her and a ball-gag in her mouth. They set her on the floor before the Mistress and pushed her to her knees, bending her over until her ass was raised into the air.

The Mistress trailed the tip of the whip down the woman’s back then flicked her wrist back and let the whip fly, striking the woman. The female moaned into the gag and her whole body quaked underneath the biting sting of the whip.

Amazing, Steele marveled. Here he was just feet away from an erotic display and he felt only a mild stirring of arousal, yet one glance from Alayna turned him hard in a heartbeat.

He glanced away from the display and found Korovin watching him.

“So what is it that you do, Mr. Reid?” Korovin asked on an exhale of smoke.

“Do? As in my profession? I’m a businessman. I own a motorcycle shop outside of Dallas.”

“Ah, I should have guessed. You do have the appearance of a Hell’s Angels.”

“The Angels have nothing on me and my boys. One second here.” He took the cigar away from a coughing, wheezing Laskin and replaced it with a cigarette from Korovin’s pack on the table in front of them. As he returned the pack to its location, he placed a microchip he had withdrawn from his belt buckle on the plastic. “Take it easy there, kid. You don’t have to impress anyone here. Start with this.”

“You ride in a club then?” Korovin asked once Laskin was breathing regularly.

“I rule the club.”

Korovin nodded and turned back to look at the women on the stage.

“What do you do, Mr. Korovin?”
Besides the devil’s dirty work.

“I’m in the import and export business.”

Is that what he called arms trading? “Sounds illegal.”

“Does it? I am certain some would think being in a motorcycle gang is illegal as well.”

“Only if you make friends with the wrong people.”

A speculative gleam entered his eyes. “And have you made friends with the wrong people?”

“Let’s just say I’m welcomed in Mexico whenever I like.”

Korovin laughed. “How do you know Vasily again?”

“He and his crew met my wife at the pool this afternoon. She makes friends quite easily.”

“Here she is now,” Laskin announced.

Alayna had been stripped save for her knee-high red suede boots and her collar and then wrapped in a sheer robe made from a white gauzy material. Wide black cuffs circled her wrists and were secured to a hook that dropped from the ceiling and pulled her onto her toes. Her gaze searched the room and when she found Steele she sagged, seemingly relieved. Damn his girl could play the part. The glint in her eyes though filled him with pride. Satisfied with his location, she scanned the room and zeroed in on Korovin sitting with him. It was unlikely anyone else noticed the tightening of her features with some of her other assets on display. But Steele did. Sharp, business and focused—she’d identified the target. Her gaze flitted to his, and she was at once powerful and provocative.

Steele hated the battle she had to be experiencing. A natural sub—and his first hand experienced assured him she was—she was also an operative. The conflict between the dual sides of her nature wouldn’t let her enjoy the play.  She looked away focusing on the blonde from earlier kneeling at the Domme’s feet who’d whipped her.

Another female came up behind Alayna, with a latex dress on that highlighted her lean shapely legs. She wrapped her arms around Alayna then cupped her breasts with gloved hands.

A flare of jealousy ripped through Steele’s gut, and he had to concentrate on not reacting. The limitations he’d put on this little show were the only things keeping him in his seat.

“That is your wife, Mr. Reid?” Korovin asked. “Stunning creature.”

“She most definitely is.” When he focused back on the stage, he locked eyes with Alayna as the Domme held up a knife. One wrong move by the woman and all bets were off. The blade sparkled in the spotlight as she ran the edge down Alayna’s sternum and cut a section of the robe, exposing her right breast. Another flick of the wrist later, a sleeve fluttered to the floor.

In the past when he had played with other women, he had no problem sharing with other Doms, male or female—though he’d known those Doms and Dommes capabilities, trusted their care. It was part of the experience, of pushing boundaries and giving his submissive what she needed.

As he sat and watched, Steele fluctuated between lust, jealousy and pride as Alayna was slowly bared before the audience. He’d give a million dollars to empty the room and enjoy this show alone.  He most certainly didn’t need to have his enemy on the right, separated by nothing but a punk-kid nearly jacking off while leering at the woman he…

Once Alayna was naked, a long table was brought out and positioned center stage. The attendants assisted the blonde in having her stretch out along the length and bound her hands above her head and her feet to the tabletop so her legs were spread for the audience.

Alayna stayed bound to the hook for all to see, but not to touch. Her chin lifted and Steele felt the corner of his mouth kick up. Most of the assholes in the room had no idea how much power a sub wielded, but Alayna glowed with her awareness. She was on display, yes, but she played her role to perfection.

Another table was rolled out, this one covered with candles of several lengths and colors.

Steele glanced to his right and saw both men watching the scene before them with hunger tightening their lips and a laser-like focus on the women on the stage.

His own cock was so hard, he would probably wear the imprint of his zipper, at least until he could get Alayna to a private room. He looked over at her again and she watched the woman on the table a hint of curiosity in her parted lips.

Her chest rose and fell as the Domme dripped white wax from a votive candle onto the middle of the woman’s chest. Before the small pool had a chance to harden, she set the base of the small candle on top, securing it in place. Another votive in a pale pink was set two inches lower, and soon her torso was turned into a candelabra of pink and white candles.

Her thighs quivered as she tried to hold still and prevent the lit candles from toppling over. Her whimpers and moans were an aphrodisiac to the senses and his jaw felt ready to crack as he clenched his teeth together. Imagining Alayna in her place.

Drip by drip the woman’s breasts were covered as both Dommes held candles above her. A layer of light blue and white lines spiraled out from her stomach. Red circled her nipples, and down the insides of her thighs and the moist pad of her pussy.

Alayna swallowed visibly, catching his eye ever so often as she tore her gaze from the scene unfolding in front of her. Narrowing his gaze, he studied her reactions. Flushed and increased respiration could suggest fear—or arousal. When she gave him a very deliberate wink, he relaxed. Damn she was good.

The second Domme then took out her knife and began to whittle at a thick black candle until the end formed the shape of a cock. She rubbed the phallus along the lips of the blonde’s sex before thrusting it inside her. The sub cried out as she came and jerked in her bonds, causing the flames to dance as she shook.

“Only one thing would make it better,” Korovin murmured as he stroked the bulge in his pants. “If it were your wife on the table.”

He forced a smile. “I like to show off my pretty toy, but I rarely let others play with her. I’m sure you can understand.”

Laskin threw a quick glance at Korovin, then his blue eyes narrowed with malice as he faced Steele again. “You lost a bet, Reid. You said I could see your wife on stage. In my book, that means more than just standing there. It’s my birthday and I want to see her fucked. Do
understand, comrade?”

Ah, since he had Korovin behind him, the little piss ant thought he had the balls to take him on.

Damn it all to hell. He didn’t even try masking the snarl from his voice. “You want to see her fucked? Then I’ll be the one to do it.”

“Then you’d better make it a good show.”

“Watch and learn.”

He made his way down the steps and up onto the stage as the Dommes helped the blonde get cleaned up and off the stage.

“Sir?” Alayna questioned him as he stepped in front of her. She stared at him and licked her lips.

Man, how he wanted to yank her down and slam his cock down her throat, but the longer they were on that stage, the greater the chance their cover would be blown, or Korovin would escape. He had to make this quick, but good enough to satisfy their bratty host.

Her eyes pulled him into a world where the lines between real and make believe no longer existed. Glazed with arousal and fear. Determined to keep her to himself as much as possible he tucked her close to his body. “Are you wet, baby?” he whispered in her ear as he checked for himself.

Her back arched as she moaned and she closed her eyes tight as he kissed her.

The lips of her sex weren’t merely wet. They were dripping with the slickest of ambrosia. “Fuck, lover. You’re so ready to be taken. Used.” He filled her with two fingers and her body sucked his slick digits in.

“Please,” she begged. “Please Sir. I need you.”

Three little words made the rest of the world disappear. “I’m here, baby. I’m here.” In their personal moment no mission existed. No undercover, or cover up. It was nothing more than a man and his submissive.

“Need you,” she confessed again as he kissed her and freed his throbbing erection.

“Oh, fuck.” He shook his head as if to clear it. “Baby,” he whispered in her ear then grabbed a handful of her hair to force her to look up at him. “Are you on birth control? We’re going to have a shit ton to explain if I fuck my wife with a condom. I swear I’m clean. I haven’t been with anyone in…a long while. Or I can fake it. Get you off. Nobody will know the difference.”

She panted and blinked, trying to focus past the arousal they were drowning in. “I’ll know the difference. Sir.” She captured his mouth with hers and he fucking growled. Lifting her hips, he used the hook her cuffs were attached with to his advantage.

As he tucked his erection between her legs, the juices from her sweet sex bathed his cock. He notched the crown of his shaft to the entrance of her pussy. He almost pushed in. He almost shoved in so deep he’d never find his way back out from the rabbit hole. But he couldn’t do that. He couldn’t live with himself if she would regret it the next day.

It nearly killed him but he ground out, “Last chance.” He held her there, waiting. “One last chance before you’re mine forever.” For a lifetime he’d been waiting.

No hesitation. No indecision. Only acceptance. “Take me, Sir.”

The moment the head of his cock breached her opening, Alayna came with a cry, her clenching pussy pulling and tugging every inch of his cock as he pushed slowly inside. Her body torqued as her orgasm took hold and he had to force his way through her clutching sex until he fully seated himself deep inside her.

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