Elohim III: The Return (4 page)

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Authors: Kerry Barger

BOOK: Elohim III: The Return
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How does one tell of such things without incurring snickers, jeers, sneers and even the hatred of some? There will be slammings of these pages together. Deny any such possibilities, and close this book if you choose. Your own understanding will open it for you at a later time, when you have fewer days left to prepare for the inevitable. The belief that the unseen future cannot be gleaned from what is already known will continue for most until it comes to pass. Denial of such future possibilities will arise within many, prompted by a sense of dread that it could indeed be so. Here is a sinner standing on sanctified, holy ground, beckoning you to enter the circle, unshod. It is a place where all power resides... the most powerful force in our universe focused on a single, swirling point... the ideas in your mind!


It is a dangerous spot. A dragon lies in wait for those who venture therein and fall aside, but so also does
, the place of resting, if you follow His instructions. Approach cautiously and kneel at the feet of the Master. Make no sudden movements; cover your mouth. Will you be still and only speak when spoken to? Or will you be bold and scream out, "I MUST KNOW THIS NOW!" Are you made of more than dust, Human? Do ashes cover your innards like they do outwardly in some who bear false humility, grieving as though Immanuel was still dead? Do you hide from the glorious nature of your own imagination and fear that what you truly long for can never be? Why so? You are safe enough to at least listen and wonder. Is your God alive and real or simply a dream of your imagination? Are there no beings greater than your frail, mortal self? Has your dreaming perished with your youth? Will you be timid in your understanding, as well as your sight? Open your eyes! Look for that which He told you to seek first... the Kingdom of God. It is still within reach, inside your heart... waiting patiently for you to step behind the curtain of your doubt.


Are you good or evil? The evil must be purged. What will then be left of you? Do you dare set foot in the dragon's cave where diamonds and gold are piled up for the taking? Elohim brought you here. Immanuel can lead the way. He will never again turn the other cheek for evil to bruise and now brandishes Escaliborc, the sword of a dragon slayer. Follow him into the cave where the dragon waits and the treasure lies, but do not go alone. Stay close beside Him. He alone holds the keys. He knows the way and fears nothing. Read on.


3. The Greys

"I will therefore put you in remembrance, though ye once knew this, how that the Lord, having saved the people out of the land of Egypt, afterward destroyed them that believed not. And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."
--Jude 5-7



(or Grays) are grey-skinned humanoids, usually three to four feet tall, bald, with black almond-shaped eyes, nostrils without a nose, slits for mouths, and typically described with either elfish or no ears. Sometimes their skin has a greenish-silver tint, and some are hairy. They are only one in a list of alleged
extraterrestrial beings
that includes
(tall, scaly humanoids) and
Nordic aliens
(human-like in appearance with Aryan traits and slightly webbed toes). These are often taller than average humans, with large, blue, wrap-around eyes and platinum blond hair. Andromedans are described as the same type, while utilizing personal cloaking devices. Elohim and those of his family line are all of the Nordic variety.


The first event of a mass
alien abduction
is recorded in the Book of Genesis, the Book of Enoch, and the Book of Jubilees. The oldest known record of this event can be found on ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts that are over 5,000 years old. The texts reveal that the Anunna were divided into two separate groups. Those who came directly to Earth from Eris were known as the Anunnaki, or "Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came!" Those who were stationed on Mars were known as the
(also called the
), or "Those Who Observe and See!" The best and most trusted starship pilots, such as Anzu and Abgal, are of the reptilian race. Cross-breeding among the Reptilians and the Nordics results in the Greys. The Igigi are a mixed group of Reptilians and their smaller offspring, the Greys.


The Igigi and their abducted human females resulted in the Nephilim, or pre-flood giants spoken of in biblical literature. The following lines from the Sumerian texts explain: "Upon the Landing Platform in the Cedar Mountains [of Lebanon] were the Igigi and their females secluded. Children there to them were born, Children of the Rocketships they were called. Some of the Igigi and their offspring to the domain in the dark-hued land came; on the Landing Platform in the Cedar Mountains Shamgaz and others did remain, To the far eastlands, lands of high mountains, some of their offspring went... To the other side of Earth Niburta went; the offspring of Ka-in (Cain) he found. How tools to make and music to play he them taught, How in mining to engage and smelt and refine he showed them. How to build rafts of balsam trees he showed them; to cross a great sea he them guided. In a new land a domain they established, a city with twin towers there they built. A domain beyond the seas it was."
--The Lost Book of Enki
by Zechariah Sitchin



The Anunnaki leaders considered the interbreeding of the human and the Reptilian/Grey species (and the chaos that resulted) to be a problem of such great magnitude that Baalthazar insisted that no humans on Earth were to be warned of the impending global catastrophe in the days of Noah. However, the Igigi were allowed to either flee to Mars or take refuge with their human spouses in the high mountains on Earth and wait out the deluge. Except for Noah (Elohim's grandson) and his family, the rest of humanity and the Nephilim perished. All of the Anunnaki escaped in their space vehicles. Like the Anunnaki, many of the Igigi who survived the great deluge are still alive today. According to the Book of Enoch, the Watchers who rebelled against God are bound "in the valleys of the earth" until Judgment Day. Jude verse 6 says that these fallen angels are kept "in everlasting chains under darkness" until Judgement Day. Some contend that the Greys and Reptilians are still patrolling our skies today. Perhaps they are, since only one-third of the Igigi were among the defeated Anunna rebels. The rest remain loyal to the king who sits on the throne of the Most High.


Like human beings and the Anunnaki, the Igigi have free will. They can be good, evil, neutrally benevolent, and even frivolous or mischievous... just as familiar tales of Leprechaun lore and crop circles attest. Some have a penchant for human women, gold, and the occasional fresh cut of beef. Like mankind, many will not fare well when their day of judgement arrives.


In the apocryphal book, the "Testament of Solomon", Solomon describes particular Igigi whom he enslaved to help build the temple in Jerusalem. It describes the questions he posed to them about their deeds, tells how they could be thwarted, and includes their answers. The book provides a kind of self-help manual against demonic activity. According to tradition, the Igigi (or Jinn) stood behind the learned humans in Solomon's court, who in turn, sat behind the prophets. They remained in the service of Solomon, who placed them in bondage, and ordered them to perform a number of tasks. "And before Solomon were marshalled his hosts of jinn and men and birds, and they were all kept in order and ranks." (Quran 27:17)



Myths are perpetuated for two reasons. They typically offer valuable life lessons which foster wisdom and curiosity, but they are often unbelievably fantastic tales because critical bits of information that would make them believable have either been altered with their retelling, or the information is missing or incomplete.


Because of their genetic superiority, the average lifespan of the Anunna and all life forms native to Eris (the Seraphim, the Igigi, and the Anunnaki) is approximately 500 times that of their comparable Earth species, including Man. Therefore, the average Anunna has a natural life expectancy of 60,000 years on Eris, where they are well-protected from cosmic and solar radiation. Through scientific research and experimentation over the course of many millennia, the Anunna have learned to increase their longevity perpetually, by consuming the fruit of a particular tree native to Eris that was genetically modified for that specific purpose. The Bible refers to it as the "Tree of Life". This scientific advancement was not successfully achieved until the first generation of Anunna settlers on Eris had passed away. Only one survivor from the original group that arrived on Eris remains alive today. He is known as the "Ancient of Days".



In ancient Sumerian texts, the story of creation is a much more detailed and lengthy one than the creation story in the Hebrew Bible. However, there are common elements to both, such as the story of Elohim creating the first man. In the Bible he is called
. In the Sumerian tales he is similarly called Adamu. The name itself predates the Semitic languages which first appeared around the middle of the third millennium B.C. Its earliest known use was recorded in a chronology of the ancient
Assyrian Kings
, where Adamu is listed as the second of "seventeen kings who lived in tents". The first of these kings lived between 2,450 BC and 2,400 BC. Its use as a common word in the Hebrew language means "human".


Both creation accounts tell how the first woman was created to be Adam's mate. She is called
in the Bible and Ti-Amat (meaning Mother of Life) in the Sumerian texts. According to both accounts, Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden and forbidden to partake of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
in the midst of the garden
. In the Sumerian tales, Baalthazar (who was the Anunna ruler on Earth at the time) had sworn to destroy Elohim's creation if mankind was provided with the longevity of the Anunna. Therefore, when they were created, Adam and Eve were denied the twenty-fourth pair of Anunna chromosomes which contain the genes that account for their extended longevity.


Elohim warned Adam and Eve not to eat of the one tree in Baalthazar's orchard that would increase their intellectual functioning and provide them with a moral conscience, for fear that Baalthazar would be threatened by any such demonstrations of higher intellectual functioning on their part and have them killed.


After learning from Eve that Elohim had warned them not to eat of the fruit, by saying it would result in their deaths, Baalthazar tempted Adam and Eve to eat it and see what would happen. In his jealousy of Elohim's creation, which he had strongly debated against, Baalthazar was secretly hoping they would both die of poisoning. But they didn't. Instead, as Elohim predicted, they became self-aware and hid their nakedness.


Baalthazar then employed another tactic to have them destroyed by claiming that if they were allowed to eat from the tree of life, they would become immortal like the Anunna. Since he had already made it known to everyone that he would not permit that to happen, he insisted they be euthanized and said to Elohim,
"Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, he might stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever."
--Genesis 3:22


Elohim, Anna, and Elohim's son (Tetu) finally persuaded Baalthazar that Adam and Eve had been created without the twenty-fourth set of Anunna chromosomes which carry the genes necessary for such longevity and that their eating of the fruit would not allow them to live perpetually. Therefore, Baalthazar relented and exiled them from his orchard instead of eliminating them altogether. Elohim chastised the two humans for having disobeyed him and cursed Baalthazar for tempting them into disobeying him. Their lives of blissful ignorance while living in the garden were gone forever because they had disobeyed Elohim, and for that they were filled with sorrow for the rest of their days.


Both accounts then tell of mankind's early beginnings in populating Earth. In the biblical story, Adam and Eve bear sons named Cain and Abel, and the story then proceeds forward in time. In the Sumerian texts, Adam and Eve have offspring and mankind proliferates as well, but Cain and Abel are not born until many generations later to
, whose name means "The Foundling". He was considered by the Anunna to be the first civilized human. Adapa's wife was his half-sister, Elohim's daughter, and her name was Titi (meaning "One with Life"). Elohim was their father by two different Earth women.



"Between Anunnaki and Earthling, conception was attained,
'Civilized Man I have brought into being!'


To his vizier
Enki instructions gave:
'A secret must my deed remain! Let the newborns by their mothers be suckled; thereafter into my household them bring, Among the bulrushes in reed baskets have I them found! Thus to all you will say


By their mothers were the newborns suckled and nurtured; To Enki's household in Eridu thereafter Isimud them brought.
'Among the bulrushes, in reed baskets, have I them found!'
So did Isimud to all say.


in Greek] to the foundlings a liking took, as her own children she raised them. Adapa, the Foundling, the boy she called; Titi, One with Life, the girl she named. Unlike all other Earthling children the twosome were slower to grow up than Earthlings they were, much quicker in understanding they were; with intelligence they were endowed, of speaking with words capable they were. Beautiful and pleasant was the girl, with her hands she was greatly dexterous...

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