Embrace the Wind (25 page)

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Authors: Caris Roane

BOOK: Embrace the Wind
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Zane dropped to the ground and had his arm around Olivia as together they watched Tiffany’s antics. Emily parked her car and joined them. “See what I mean?”

“I do.” But he couldn’t help but smile, if a little. He was looking at his daughter, his own flesh and blood.

The child definitely needed discipline, but not the kind a sensitive fae could provide.

He could, however.

He left Olivia beside Emily and levitated slowly into the air, taking his time until he was fifteen feet from Tiffany. He began to match her movements, flipping as quickly as she could, back and forth.

When she realized what he was doing, she froze midair, levitating easily, something most youngsters couldn’t do. Yes, she was definitely his daughter.

He became as still as she was now and returned her fierce gaze with one of his own. She wore jeans and a red-striped t-shirt. Her long black hair was a mess. She looked like a street urchin.

Emily rose into the air to join him on his left.

The child looked from one to the other.

To Zane, Tiffany called out, “Who are you?”

“Sweetheart,” Emily began, “I have a surprise for you.”

Tiffany pointed at Zane. “Who is this man? Another teacher?”

“No. He’s your father. He’s come from Swanicott to see you.”

Her blue eyes widened. Once more, she looked from one to the other, finally landing on Zane and sticking. “You’re my dad?”

“I am.”

“We have the same color hair?” She tugged at her long locks, thick and black just like his. She began to smile, and just like that, love swelled in his chest, a mountain of sensation he would never have believed possible.

On impulse, he opened his arms and the child flew hard at him. She grabbed him around the waist and held on. He moved inside her mind.
You belong to me, blood of my blood.

She looked up at him and pathed in return.
You’re inside my head.

He nodded.

Mama doesn’t like to do that very much. She says it’s rude. And she can’t fly like you. Are you going to stay?

I live in Swanicott.

Her small tight arms released him. “Oh. That’s far away.”

“Not very far and I fly fast and I intend to come here often to see you.” He reverted his attention for a second to Emily and pathed,
I’m thinking flight school in Swanicott.

More tears as Emily nodded and smiled. “A brilliant idea.”

“What are you talking about?” Tiffany asked.

Zane turned his attention back to his daughter. “How would you like to go to flight school in my realm?”

She blinked rapidly. And her mouth opened wide. She gave a long, ecstatic scream, then, “Mama, can I? Can I? Can I?”

“Yes.” The word came out of Emily in a long rush of relief.

“However,” Zane said sternly. “I do have a couple of stipulations for you, daughter. And I will be obeyed.”

Tiffany pinched her lips inward and crossed her arms over her chest, still hovering in the air. She narrowed her blue eyes and in that moment he understood completely why Emily had burst into tears at the gallery and begged for his help. The child was a wall of steel.

Still levitating, he swooped close to Tiffany. He took her shoulders firmly in hand and held her gaze. “You’re to do as your mother says, obey her in all things, or your time in the air will be severely restricted. And if you think I can’t do that, you’re greatly mistaken.”

She drew a deep breath, ready to argue, so he added quickly, “However, if you obey, you’ll be flying every night for hours and hours with a lot of other vampire children who love it as much as you do. What do you think? Can you obey your mother? Do you want to fly in Swanicott? I need to know both things right now.”

He felt Emily’s panic as she levitated close to him. She put her hand on his sleeve, attempting to intervene. She would say he was being too harsh, but Zane understood the child; she was just like him.

Without shifting his gaze from his daughter, he pathed to Emily.
Just let her think it over.

Are you sure?

Yes. Trust me.

Emily removed her hand from his shirt and drew back several feet, giving Zane room.

He’d been a belligerent kid himself, but he’d always responded well to a combination of threats and rewards, both promised then fulfilled.

Finally, Tiffany relaxed her stance, letting her arms unfold. “Will I really be flying every night?”

He released her shoulders and swept his hands wide. “Against the wind that blows off the ocean in strong, powerful currents. But I don’t know. Maybe that would be too much for you.”

“It wouldn’t!” she cried. “I can battle the wind. Just wait and see.”

He smiled, pride for his daughter’s spirit filling his heart.

Tiffany then turned to Emily and threw herself on her mother’s chest. “I’ll obey you, mama, but please say I can go. I need to fly.” She then flipped in the air to face her current, exasperated flight instructor. “And I’m sorry for all the things I did to you tonight.”

The man just shook his head. “I wish you well, Tiffany.” To Emily, he said, “Looks like your daughter will get the training she needs.” His smile was crooked as he continued, “And I’ll be going now, and don’t worry, there’s no charge.” He was congenial enough, but had the look of a man who’d just escaped the executioner.

“Thank you,” Emily said.

The man inclined his head toward her then took off, rising swiftly into the air and heading back in the direction of downtown Freeport.

Emily caught her daughter’s arm. “Let’s return to earth for now.”

“Yes, Mama.”

Emily’s brows rose in surprise. But she was quick to accept a moment of grace with her daughter.

She took her gently by the arm and levitated her down to the ground. The child walked slowly, holding her mother’s hand. “I’ll be good, Mama. I will. You’ll see.”

Emily dropped to her knees and gathered her daughter to her chest. “It’s okay. You just needed something I couldn’t give you.” She looked up at Zane, nodding.

Tears burned Zane’s eyes. Truer words had never been spoken. As for his daughter, he had no illusions about the sudden shift in her attitude. It was temporary at best. Only time and attention to her vampire needs as well as diligent consistent discipline would make a real difference.

Tiffany glanced in Olivia’s direction, her gaze curious, but she didn’t say anything.

Zane moved to slide his arm around Olivia, holding her close. He introduced her to Tiffany, adding Olivia’s relationship to the shifter packs of Swanicott.

Tiffany’s eyes widened again. “You’re a shifter? So you can’t even fly?”

Olivia shook her head. “Nope. But I can do other things.”

“Like what?”

Olivia glanced at Zane. “Why don’t I show Tiffany what I can do? That way, you can have some time to catch up with Emily.”

“You wouldn’t mind?” Emily asked.

“Not at all. I love kids and I think I have a couple of tricks that can keep her entertained for awhile.”

Zane felt in those words all of Olivia’s future intentions toward his newly discovered daughter. He turned to Emily and asked if it would be all right.

“Yes, of course. I think she would enjoy spending time with a shifter.”

Olivia crossed to Tiffany and gave full expression to her wolf-ness by shifting right in front of her. Tiffany clapped her hands and laughed.

Emily suggested they sit on the back porch to talk over the details of basically shared custody. Emily wanted four days at her house, but Zane didn’t think three-days-a-week in flight school would be enough for Tiffany. The last thing he would do tonight, however, was argue with her.

He sat in a chair beside her, but throughout the conversation, much of his attention was fixed on his daughter.

He shook his head in disbelief. He had a daughter. He wondered how long it would take before the idea seemed real to him.

Olivia chased Tiffany all around the yard. When Olivia raced behind Tiffany and nipped at her heel then raced away, Tiffany screamed.

Emily rose from her chair, a hand to her chest. “Tiffany?”

Zane heard her motherly concern.

But the girl had already taken off after Olivia, flying at top speed, laughing loudly the whole time.

Definitely, his daughter.

He tugged Emily back down to her chair. “She’s in good hands. You’ll see. And Olivia won’t let her get away with anything.”

“Sure. Okay.” She groaned softly, a tormented sound that helped Zane to better understand the pressure Emily had been under.

Olivia bounded away from Tiffany, but always sustained a speed that would allow the child to catch up with her before bounding away again.

He was about to wrap things up, when he heard Tiffany bawling in a loud voice as though wounded. Emily was once more on her feet and heading down the stairs into the yard. Zane joined her and soon saw the cause; Olivia, still in her wolf form, had Tiffany pinned to the ground her ankle in her maw.

Emily gripped Zane’s arm. “What’s she doing? I think she’s hurting Tiffany."

“Not likely,” Zane responded. He then pathed to Olivia.
What’s going on?

I told her not to fly so close to the electrical wires. When she didn’t obey, I brought her to earth. Had to.

Zane drew close to Olivia. “You can release Tiffany now.”

Olivia remained prone on the grass, but let go of Tiffany’s leg.

Tiffany stayed where she was, scowling at Olivia and rubbing her ankle.

“Oh, dear,” Emily murmured.

But Zane had already taken his daughter’s measure. Dropping to his haunches, he asked, “Why did Olivia bring you to earth? What were you doing?”

Tiffany stared into his eyes and wiped her face.

“Tell me the truth, daughter. I’ll accept nothing less.”

Tiffany huffed a sigh. “I was being bad. I was too close to the wires. She told me not to do it and I did it anyway.”

“Well, you’re right, you were being very bad. And if you stay with us, with Olivia and me, she has my permission to take you down every time. But you have to understand that if you continue to behave in a dangerous and undisciplined manner, your flight time will be curtailed. Do you understand?”

Tiffany nodded. She held Zane’s gaze. She was cute as hell and Zane worked at not smiling. Her spirit, so like his own, brightened his heart. He had no doubt she would push every boundary he set for her over and over but eventually, she’d figure out he was as good as his word.

For now, he had the distinct impression that the time of testing had only just begun. The good news was, he wasn’t Mastyr of Swanicott for nothing. “Apologize to Olivia.”

Tiffany glanced at Olivia, who sat on her haunches, her tongue lolling. “I’m sorry.”

Olivia dipped her muzzle up and down once.

“Now apologize to your mother, because you had her worried again.”

Tiffany’s lips started to pull inward once more, but Zane said quietly, “Do it now.”

Tiffany stood up and dusted off her jeans, then turned to Emily. “Sorry, mom.” The sing-song of her voice made it clear she spoke those exact same words dozens of times a day. “Can I keep playing with Olivia?” Now that the storm had passed, she was ready to go again.

“Yes, you may.”

Tiffany sized Olivia up once more, her eyes narrowed. “Race you to the trees.”

Olivia took off in a single extended bound and Tiffany whipped through the air beside her, flying like the wind.

Emily drew close to Zane and linked her arm with his. “I’ve never known what to do with her, but you’ve been here less than an hour and you’ve already started figuring it out.”

“It’s a beginning.”

Emily released his arm and turned toward him. “You know what? I think she needs to be in the Swanicott school more than she needs to be here. How about you take her on the weekdays so that our daughter can get the flying and discipline she clearly needs. I’m sure weekends will still be really challenging. I’ll miss her, but having her become a more cheerful, obedient child will be worth the sacrifice.”

“Once she’s pushed to the limits of her abilities on more of a daily basis, she’ll be more content. You’ll see. And she needs to be around her kind.” He thought of Olivia and what she’d endured without the support of a shifter community.

She released yet another sigh and more tears filled her eyes. “I’ve been praying for this day to come from the moment I left Swanicott and now here we are.”

“Here we are.” He nodded. “And listen, you can visit anytime you like. I’ll have a guest room at the lighthouse kept ready for you whenever you feel you need to be there. Or if you need me to bring her here, just give me a call.”

“Sounds perfect.”


A few nights after the visit to Freeport, Olivia traveled with both Luther and Zane to Camberlaune Realm. Luther had done his due diligence and had researched her bloodline. He’d found her biological father, Ivor, living in a rundown neighborhood in one of the larger cities and not exactly thrilled to learn he had a daughter.

He lived alone, and his one-bedroom apartment showed it.

He had her eyes, her hair, her teeth, her nose and Luther must have known exactly who she was,
who her father was
, the moment he saw her.

Having been in Ivor’s home for fifteen minutes and having listened to his ‘I-don’t-give-a-damn’ recounting of the night he met her mother, Olivia was not hopeful for a future relationship with the man. He confessed to having bedded her mother that same night, but he’d subsequently returned to Camberlaune shortly after with no intention of seeing her again.

His story had been laced with enough indifference to sink Olivia’s spirits. Though his attitude had clearly had another effect as well, since Olivia now sat between one pissed off shifter and a vampire in about the same state.

She was pretty angry herself.

Luther sat on her left while Zane was on her right, arms crossed over his chest.

These two men, bless them, had become her champions in her new Swanicott life and each radiated a fair amount of disgust at the man who’d spawned her.

A shifter with a beer belly.

The setting wasn’t pretty either.

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