Emerald Eyes (17 page)

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Authors: N. Michaels

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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After a very quick make-out session in front of everyone in the small restaurant, Nick and Julia return to Earth and sit down.

“How are you Nick? How was Paris? Did you get me any gifts?” I ask after we placed our orders.

Julia doesn’t bother to ask, knowing Nick she has a closet full of presents waiting for her.

“Paris was lonely.” Nick gives Julia his big grey, moony eyes.

“Aww… babe.” She looks like she’s about to cry again.

“Ok. If you two are not going to stop this, I’m going to take my lunch and eat it back in the office. I’m this close to losing my appetite.” I bring my thumb and finger an inch away.

Julia looks back at me, scowling but says nothing.


“Sorry. Kit-Kat, I just can’t help it.” Nick chuckles and I smile back.

“Yeah… Paris was not as much fun alone, but I hadn’t had much time for sightseeing anyway since I was stuck in the hotel room working on five presentations and having long hour meetings. But yes, I did get you a present. And no, I’m not telling you what it is.”

“What? Ok… when am I getting it?” I ask impatiently.

Nick has a thing with gifts ever since I knew him. He will never tell you what he got you or when he’ll give it to you. Some weird tradition he and Julia started on their first birthdays together that somehow started applying to other people as well.

“Well, since you and Julia work together now, she’ll give it to you. How is that going by the way? I’m having a very weird out of body experience seeing you, my fierce Kit-Kat, all suited up and serious.”

“Ha. Ha. Ha.” I say drily. “I’m actually quite fine. Never knew working was this much fun.” I bat my eyelashes and they start laughing, making me smile earnestly for the first time since Miami.

We finish our meal and while waiting for the check, Julia excuses herself to the ladies room. I look at Nick and smile at the memory of all of us, Vera, Milan, Julia, Nick, Mark and myself in high school. We were all so close back then, just a bunch of crazy teens.

“Ok Kit-Kat, now that Julia is not here, I gotta say something.” Nick leans in, grey eyes shining.

“What? You’re pregnant?” I say with mock shock.

He rolls his eyes, “Ha. Right. No… Julia’s birthday is coming up this Friday, but she doesn’t want to do anything. Clearly, I’m not going to listen to her, so basically, I’ve arranged a surprise party for her. You have to be there. Whatever hot date you got, cancel it.”

I snicker, “Why do you always assume I got a hot date? FYI, I am currently single and happy.”

Nick lifts an eyebrow and gives me his, ‘Oh really?’ look.

I expel a quick breath, “Ok… happy is little stretching the truth, but I’m single. And of course I’ll be there! Wh- oh, she’s coming back! Just text me the info.” I whisper the last part.

He gives me a casual nod and leans back.

“Why do you look like a cat that’s been left alone with a bowl of cream?” Julia asks Nick as she settles back into her chair.

“Just driving Kit-Kat crazy with what I got her from Paris. The girl has zero patience.” He shakes his head at me.

I roll my eyes and mutter, “Whatever.”

After parting ways with the reunited lovebirds, I walk back to my office with a dumb smile on my face but my smile slips when I think about that weird pang I felt while seeing them together.

What the hell was that?

The thought occupies me until the moment I step into Rose’s office. She blanches and her eyes widen, “Where have you been?!” she whispers sternly.

I frown, “Out for lunch. I told you.”

“Why haven’t you picked up your phone? I’ve been calling you nonstop!”

“Why? What happened?” I ask alarmed.

“He was looking for you and he’s not happy. I don’t know what’s going on, but you better get in there before he breaks something!”

My frown dissolves and terror takes over.

I’m going to lose my job. I took one goddamn lunch without telling him and now he’s going to fire me.

I try to take a deep breath but the air barely passes through. I knock and enter a few seconds later. Mr. Miller’s hard as crystal eyes pierce right through me as soon as I close the door behind me.

“Where were you?” his velvety voice delivers goose bumps to the back of my neck.

“I went out for lunch.” I lift my chin a fraction.

“And you didn’t think about letting me know that you were leaving?” Mr. Miller rises from behind his desk, prowling towards me achingly slow.

“Am I suppose to report to you every time I leave the office? What if I need to use the ladies room? Would you like to know each and every time I need to relieve myself?” I arch one brow.

What the hell are you doing? Shut up! Don’t talk back or you’ll lose your job in a blink of an eye!

Finally reaching me, Mr. Miller keeps advancing, causing me to back up until my back is pressed against the door. He places both of his hands on either side of my head, caging me then lowers his head slowly… God… so slowly, I think I’m about to lose my mind. My breath catches and I feel his soft lips next to my ear.

“Maybe, I just wanted to make sure you’re safe. Can you blame me for worrying about you after
night?” he whispers into my ear.

I swallow and let out a shaky breath, “I… I – I didn’t think…”

I can’t even form a bloody sentence! My brain receptors are completely fried from his proximity, his heady scent that lures me in, the heat that is radiating from his body into mine. I fight the urge to arch into him, seeking his warm, hard body.

“You don’t need to worry about me, Mr. Miller. I’m a big girl.” I finally manage to find my voice.

“Oh, but I do. So from now on, if you go somewhere, make sure you tell me first.” It’s more of an order than a request.

“I – ummm… ok. Fine… I’ll tell you.” I mumble.

Get it together!

Just because he’s so close to me and every time he speaks, I feel his warm breath on my ear and that resonates somewhere else, deep below my waistline, does not mean I need to turn into a puddle of mush. I try moving out of Mr. Miller’s confinement but he presses himself completely into me, immobilizing me then brings his forehead to mine.

“You also didn’t get me lunch. What a bad executive assistant you are.” He teases; his voice is dripping with sin.

Oh crap! I didn’t get him lunch. I
a horrible executive assistant.

“I – I’m so sorry Mr. Miller, let me order something for you right now.”

I put my hands on his abdomen, feeling the hard, sculptured abs through the fabric of his shirt.

Oh God…

I try to lightly push him away, but it’s as effective as pushing away a steel wall.

“Maybe I’m hungry for something else entirely.” Mr. Miller whispers, his breath fanning out on my lips.

All I can think about is ripping his clothes off and having him right here, on the damn floor. But I gather every ounce of self-control and tip my head back, closing my eyes.

“Please, stop. Stop playing with me.” I whisper.

Why is he doing this? He keeps telling me to act professional and then he presses me against the door. Make up your mind!

Immediately, Mr. Miller freezes and slowly moves away from me. Even though my body is revolting at his absence, my mind is calming me and reassuring me that this is the right thing to do. To push him away like this, even though all I want is to have him in anyway that I can.

I feel Mr. Miller’s warm hand cupping my cheek.

“Look at me, Katherine.” He says with such tenderness, his words are like a genuine caress.

I open my eyes, finding Mr. Miller’s face is inches away from mine, close but not touching. His eyes delve deeply into mine and he looks as if he’s lost in them.

“You have the most extraordinary eyes I’ve ever seen.” Mr. Miller murmurs quietly and I frown slightly at his compliment.

Mr. Miller inhales deeply then takes a few steps back.

“Don’t go anywhere before letting me know first and get me something good from Wolfgang’s.” his face is back to its normal state, his cryptic mask.

“Of course. Right away, Mr. Miller.” I control my voice, wanting to get out of this awkward situation.

Mr. Miller’s words haunted me on my drive back home from work.

‘Maybe I’m hungry for something else entirely’ … ‘You have the most extraordinary eyes I’ve ever seen’.

How am I going to survive this? Working for a man that leaves me so defenseless, it took everything in my power to push him away when that was the last thing I ever wanted to do.

No, You are strong. You
do this. He’s just a man, a player.

Why would Mr. Miller behave this way if he’s telling me there is no way we’ll ever be anything else but employer/employee as long as I work for him?

Confusion takes hold of me and I can’t seem to shake it off. Mr. Miller’s mixed signals are throwing me off. I am so out of my element.

Maybe I should quit? But how will I support myself?

These pesky questions occupy me throughout my drive. When I reach my building, I still don’t have any answers. No idea how to maneuver in these uncharted waters. I park in my usual spot and decide to leave those thoughts back in the car.

I walk in to find the apartment empty and a note from Laura on the kitchen island. She went to her weekly book club meeting and dinner is in the oven, Eggplant Parmesan.


After a quiet dinner and a quick shower, I went over my assignments for tomorrow. Half way through, my cellphone chirped up. I unlocked the screen and read the text message from Nick:

TAO. This Friday. 8 p.m.

This message will destroy itself after 3 seconds… 3, 2, 1…

Well, actually you’ll have to destroy it. :P

See you then. DON’T. BE. LATE.

Giggling, I text him back saying I will be there.

I still remember the day I introduced Julia and Nick in high school. How they clicked immediately and from that day on, they’ve never been apart. It’s disgustingly sweet.

Nick is one of the leading financial advisers in New York City. His services are on demand around the world, but he would never forget Julia. He’ll bring her along and if that isn’t possible, he always finds the opportunity to spend time with her, even if it’s just for half an hour.

Something wet drops on top of my chest and I realized I’m crying. Understanding hits me like a kick to the gut. Longing. That’s what that hurt was. How I long for something like that. Something real. A relationship based on truth and honesty, mutual respect and admiration and above all else, unconditional love. Loving them one hundred percent, good and bad. Loving someone one so fiercely, you feel incomplete without them. As if a part of your soul is missing.

I’ve never had that with any of my former boyfriends. I’ve never even noticed that until recently. Not until I met Mr. Miller. The sheer power of my longing for him, to
him is overwhelming me. I’ve dreamt about a thousand different scenarios where we just date, love and have that type of rare connection Nick and Julia have. But in the end, I know that’s all it will ever be, just fantasies, just my own wishful wanting.

I wipe my tearstained cheeks and shake off the sudden sadness that nestled in my heart. There is nothing I can do about it. Quitting is not an option so I don’t need to sit here and waste my time crying. I got work to do… God, I’ve never thought those words would ever leave my mouth.


Mr. Miller’s schedule kept me busy and tired and before I even knew it, the week had flown by. I am no longer needed to accompany him to meetings since we’re back to New York, yet I still find him looking at me from time to time through the glass wall. I let those heated stares slide and focus on work. I won’t be played with. If Mr. Miller can’t be with an employee why tease me?

One thing I do notice is the more I fight my urge to cave to him, the more attention he gives me. And if that doesn’t scream player, I don’t know what will.

Maybe I should keep this up? He is bound to crack eventually…

No. I must not give myself a shred of hope… but if this does work miraculously - without the slightest assistance from my part - the victory will be ten times sweeter. But Mr. Miller keeps it professional. Apart from looking at me like I’m water and he’s a parched man, he doesn’t do much else. He keeps our conversations work related and has stopped teasing me, which allowed me to relax more and focus better on my work.

A knock on my office door startles me from the report I was typing.

“Come in.” I call out.

Julia walks in holding a black shopping bag with big white letters spelling, ‘CHANEL’ on it.

“Here, Nick’s gift.” She smiles.

“Thank you! He’s the best!” I beam and take the bag from her. “I’ll call him later to thank him.” I whisper and kiss Julia on the cheek.

Julia nods and walks out, leaving me with a new CHANEL purse. I risk a quick glance at Mr. Miller’s direction and find him standing in front of his floor-to-ceiling window, looking down at the busy streets of Midtown. I can only see his profile but from what I tell, he’s deep in thought. His strong arms are crossed and his back is tense. Worry flutters in my chest and I feel the sudden urge to go to him and comfort him, to ease his mind that whatever it is that’s bothering him will pass. Instead, I fight it. I force my eyes away from Mr. Miller’s tense body and go back to work. Mr. Miller is not my boyfriend. He’s my boss.

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