Emerald Eyes (2 page)

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Authors: N. Michaels

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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And Mr. Miller cleared his throat.

“Come in tomorrow. I’ll email you all the details.” His voice was rigid.

This is worrying me… he’s unaffected by me.

“Tomorrow it is. It was a pleasure, Mr. Miller.”

“Right. Have a nice day.”

His voice was so cold, it threw me off but I composed myself in a split second.

“Good day, Mr. Miller.”

We hung up and I stared at my phone like it sprouted a head or two.

I need to up my game to get this one wrapped around my finger.

I shake my head to clear the memory while sliding my feet into my black pumps. This feels like the first day of school, but ten times worse. My biggest concern is how unaffected Mr. Miller was. In order to keep this job, I need him smitten and blind to the fact I have no work skills.

“Bye, Laura!” I call out before leaving.

“Goodbye sweetie, good luck.” She answers and I’m out the door.

Before starting my car, I look down at the post-it where I wrote the address from Mr. Miller’s email and put it into the built-in GPS. I’m heading to Midtown Manhattan.

Good God… I love my car, but I hate driving in the city!

I think that after almost rear-ending a cab. As much as I love Manhattan, the drivers are like zombies on crack. I try to calm myself so I put some music on, and with one stroke of my finger OneRepublic are singing about the ‘Good Life’.

Oh how I miss my good life…

After some nerve wrecking moments on my drive there, I find it, Miller Financial Enterprise.

I stare at the very top of the building, take a deep breath and continue into the underground garage. I’m glad the company covers the parking. It would have been an expensive hell trying to find a good parking spot.

I reach the elevator and press the call button, then wipe my palms over my skirt,
I’m so nervous
. Once inside, I press for the seventy-seventh floor. The receptionist is not that hard to find, she is sitting behind a large table right in front of the elevator.

“Hi, my name is Katherine Slav, I’m Mr. Miller’s new executive assistant.” I smile at her.

“Oh… yes of… of course let me call Miss Case and let her know you’re here. I’m Karen by the way.”

She looks dazed as her eyes shift from my face to my body.

Yes, I know. I’m a knockout.

It never gets old to see how women react to my looks, light copper hair and bright green eyes is a rare sight apparently. I sigh inwardly.

Karen shows me to a waiting area. I sit and wait for my lovely cousin, Julia. As minutes pass, I start thinking about the last time I saw her. It was a week ago at Vera’s birthday party, but for some reason my mind drifts to the time I was nineteen and had that ass of a boyfriend, Tom.

Ugh… just thinking about him makes me volatile. I breathe in deeply and shake my head to scatter those unpleasant thoughts. Not the time nor place. I look up and see Julia, grinning like a fool, which in turn make me smile brightly. I rise out of my seat and hug her tightly.

“Julieee!” I exclaim quietly.

“Katherine! My goodness, look at you all serious-looking.” Julia smiles, and inspects me over from head to toe.

“I like this look on you.” She winks at me.

I smile at her, happy to receive a compliment to start the day.

“Thank you, and you look beautiful as ever.”

And it’s the truth. Julia was always a gorgeous girl with her black hair and hazel eyes, she’s a few inches shorter than me and not as voluptuous, but she’s perfect for her figure.

“Ok, enough with this sappy reunion.” Julia’s voice lowers, and I know she’s in her business mode.

“Let me show to your desk.” She smiles her dazzling smile at me.

Julia leads the way through a long corridor with rooms on each side, and we enter the room at the end of the corridor. Sitting at a desk to our left is a blonde women talking on the phone. She glances at us and Julia waves at her. The blonde mouths “Go ahead” to Julia, cocking her head to the side. I look at the direction her head is pointing and I find two doors.

“Let’s go.” says Julia.

I follow her as she opens the right door and enters the room. I look around and take in the room.

It’s very spacious, with white walls and black furniture the contrast is so fierce. I continue my exploration and look more carefully. I notice abstract paintings in warm colors on each wall. I turn my head to the left and realize that the whole wall is made of glass, and there’s a door, also made of glass, leading to the room next to it.

The left door leads to that room

The room beyond the glass wall is even bigger than the office we’re standing in. I notice a large black desk at the end of the room, behind it a big leather chair, turned with it’s back to us. Standing in front of the chair, is a woman. She’s leaning forward, towards the person seated with her hands on the armrests. By the way her body is moving, I know she’s flirting. I recognize those moves because I master them.

Hmm… Not bad…

“This will be your office.” Julia pulls me out my bizarre thoughts.

“Your desk.” She waves her hand at the black, heavy looking table.

I nod and smile at her.

“Thank you Julia, you’re a saint!” relief floods my voice.

“Saint? I wouldn’t say
, but hey… that’s what family is for.” Julia says softly and winks at me.


The thought brings bitter memories.

It’s because of family that I am here.

I sigh and suddenly the door behind us opens. The blond from before pops her head inside the room.

“Julia, I just got a call from Rachel, your nine thirty appointment is here.” She looks at Julia then at me.

“Thank you, Rose. This is Katherine Slav, she’ll be filling in for Portia.”

The woman turns her head to me and immediately holds out her hand.

“Hello, I’m Rose Baker.” She smiles.

I reach and shake her hand, “Pleasure to meet you.” I smile back.

I know we’ll be seeing each other everyday so I’m glad and relieved we started on the right foot, women usually give me the cold shoulder. Julia turns to me before leaving and mouths, “Good luck” and then flashes her I’m-so-glad- to-see-you smile. I nod and smile just as brightly. Julia closes the door behind herself, and I’m left alone in the office.

Well, not entirely.

As I sit down and place my purse on the desk, I realize a have a panoramic view of Mr. Miller’s entire office. Quite an office indeed, the walls are covered with beautiful paintings. Pop of colors contrasts to the pale white walls. I wonder momentarily if he’s the one who chose them. As I study the outstanding space, the woman in front of him straightens up quickly, smiling like she just won the lottery. When I glance at her right hand, I realize why. She’s holding a platinum American Express, fanning her face with it. Suddenly, I miss my little black plastic buddy…

Stop! You’re not going back with you’re tail between your legs!

I frown at myself.

The woman leans over to him, leaning her face to his.

Damn it! He’s taken?
How will I charm him and maintain my job, if he won’t give me a chance?

I don’t want to sleep with him and steal him, I’m not looking for romance, but I want to secure my job. I’m sure I could do the basic assignments Mr. Miller will give me, but I’m still hesitant I’ll be everything he needs me to be.

The woman is a blond with blue eyes, the usual Barbie-want-to-be, voluptuous, wearing tight clothes.

I’m not lacking

She moves away from him and looks over at me, giving me the, he’s-mine-back-off glare.

I smile my sweetest smile at her, and notice a glimpse of worry that flashes in her eyes, a moment before she leaves his office.

Hmm… interesting. Not so sure of ourselves are we?

The leather chair swirls around, and Mr. Miller is facing me.



I was expecting a middle-aged man. He looks really young for a CEO. My eyebrow lifts involuntarily as I wonder.

Mr. Miller stands and starts towards me. Instinctively, I rise from my chair and walk around the table. Mr. Miller opens the glass door, and his turquoise eyes are the first things I notice.

They stop me in my tracks.

The color is amazing. Bright blue and green mixed flawlessly, they’re focused and soul piercing.

Mr. Miller’s hair is jet-black and a few strands fall slightly on his forehead. His cheekbones and jaw are masculinely defined, and his etched lips complement his arresting face perfectly. His skin is smooth and lightly tan. He’s oozing raw sensuality and I feel a violent magnetizing pull towards him. I think I’m actually salivating. I silently thank God that my mouth is closed or I would drool.

Hey! Snap out of it!

I blink a few times, and swallow hard to come out of that sexual haze.

What the hell was that? I’ve never gotten dumbstruck when I’ve seen a man… not ever.

I hold out my hand to him, but he’s just standing there. Mr. Miller’s eyes float from my eyes, to my mouth, to my chest, to my waist…

“Ahem.” I clear my throat.

Mr. Miller’s eyes shoot up to meet mine. They’re burning and I feel my temperature rising. I’ve seen men look at me with desire, but this… this ferocity I’ve never felt. It’s like he wants to claim me right here, right now. It’s messing with my composure, and my heart thuds a bit harder and faster.

Mr. Miller looks down at my hand and quickly reaches out, shaking it slowly. His smooth and warm hand cradles mine in a confident grip. His touch sends a warm sensation from my palm, straight to my heart. I breathe in deeply.

“Good morning, Mr. Miller. I’m Katherine Slav.” I offer a sweet smile.

“Eric Miller, pleasure to finally meet you.” Mr. Miller voice has a sexy rasp, which I didn’t notice when we spoke over the phone.

Looks like sex, talks like sex... thank you God.


“I hope the office is to your liking.” Mr. Miller looks around the room.

“Oh yes, it’s lovely.” I smile my irresistible smile, and notice him inhaling deeply.

Mr. Miller blinks and a smile curls up at the edges of his lips. He looks dangerously delicious. Mr. Miller walks around me to my desk, not taking his eyes off of me.

“Here is my schedule.” He points at an icon on the flat screen on my desk.

I return to my desk. I sit and slowly cross my legs. Mr. Miller seems unaffected at first but then he smirks.

Does he know what I’m trying to do?

I panic internally but keep my expression composed. Mr. Miller leans in behind me, pointing his index finger on a different icon on the screen. My eyes follow the movement of his long, elegant finger.

“These are the assignments I need you to do for today.” Mr. Miller says softly.

His face is so close to mine, and I feel… uncomfortable.

Why? No man has ever managed to figure out my charming technics.

Is he the exception?

The thought makes uneasy.

I nod and he continues, “They need to be done by the end of the day.”

Mr. Miller turns his head to look at me.

“You think you can handle that?” his voice is low but challenging.

“Consider them done.” I smile my bring-it-on smile at him.

Mr. Miller’s eyes shine and a small smile touches his etched lips.

Hot damn.

Being this close to him and looking into his eyes, I feel mesmerized. I’m barely holding on to my sanity. His skin is smooth, and his lips… my God, all I want to do is kiss them. I take a deep breath and look away.

Control yourself woman. He’s taken.

Mr. Miller straightens without saying another word, and heads into his office. He settles into his leather chair and resumes his work.
I look away from him, back to the screen, and look over the assignments I oh-so-confidently promised I’d do. The first one is to write a speech for a conference with an attachment file. I click on it and it opens twenty pages of information about the price of platinum.

Oh lord… what did I get myself into?

I sigh. I’m going to die of boredom. I much rather be laying on the beach somewhere sunny.

Well, that’s not going to happen anytime soon! …
I can do this.

I did have the best education money can buy. I’m not an imbecile for crying out loud!

True, I refused to take any classes that we’re remotely close to the neurosurgery field, but I do have a degree in Public Health. Papa was furious of course, telling me I was wasting more time. That instead of studying something so broad, I should focus on one department, preferably neurosurgery. And I had to remind him yet again, that it is my life and my choice.

The second task is to rsvp to a fundraising Gala, happening two weeks from today, for the Lenox Hill Hospital Cardiology Department at The Plaza Hotel at seven thirty p.m. I check Mr. Miller’s schedule, finding that he only has four meetings that day and his evening is clear. I look over at the phone on my desk, pick up the receiver and press the button that says Miller. I look over at Mr. Miller through the glass wall while he picks up the phone on the first ring, not looking at me.

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