Emerald Eyes (26 page)

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Authors: N. Michaels

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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“Used you for what?” Laura asks with a frown.

“I don’t know… he kept playing this hot and cold game. I think he just wanted to get me out of his system.
and done.”

I fight the tears that loom at the corner of my eyes.

Enough crying.

“I don’t know him much, but he seems like a good man from what I saw. He was praising you for your hard work and how captivating and beautiful you are. I don’t think a man that is enamored would do that. He seems like an honest man, not one of those boy-toys you’ve been dating.” She gives me a small smile.

“Really? He said that? What else were you talking about?” I ask intrigued.

She thinks he’s enamored with me?

“Not much, just how you are at work and about your talent.”

“Talent?” I ask, my fork halts half way to my mouth.

“The fact you have grand piano in your living room doesn’t ring a bell?” she raises an eyebrow.

“Oh…” I mutter.

Why didn’t he say anything? Oh right… because we had the best sex of my life and then he took off, that’s why. I finish my successful breakfast, feeling confused after talking to Laura.

Maybe Eric didn’t use me… but then if he didn’t, it means something went wrong. Something I did.

My troubled mind leads me to my piano. Nothing works better to get my mind off things apparently, not even a day in a luxurious spa. I begin with, ‘Fantaisie-Impromptu’ in C sharp minor by Chopin. The quickness of the melody makes my fingers flutter over the keys and slowly I feel the anxiety leaving my body, relaxing my eyelids to close. This piece in particular is like my own private therapy session. No words needed, just a beautiful and breathtaking melody that takes all the negativity and confusion away.

Hitting the last keys, I open my eyes with renewed determination.

Eric might’ve used me and discarded me, but I’ll show him I’m not suffering. That I went on with my life.
Just the thought slays me.

I take a relaxing bath with some new salts and oils I got from the spa, and then I am positioned on my vanity chair while Laura begins to blow-dry my hair. After drying and styling my hair, she moves on to painting my nails. My light copper hair is in loose curls all swept to the left.

“Are you excited for tonight?” Laura asks me while applying the first coat of the shimmery nude polish.

I exhale loudly and nod. “I am, but not because what you’re thinking. Eric is going to be there with his former fuck buddy as his date. I really don’t want to see them together.”

Laura’s hand twitches for a second then she resumes the application.

“Why didn’t he ask you to be his companion for the evening?” she moves to my other hand.

“He wanted us to separate work and relationship, so whenever we’re in the office or in meetings or events outside the office, we have to be strictly in a employer-employee relationship. But I guess it doesn’t matter anymore.” I sigh.

Laura shakes her head and looks at me with a frown. “That is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard in my life. How can he pretend that you’re not his girlfriend while at work?”

“Don’t ask me… all I know is that I make him lose his mind just by smiling at him, so I was really interested to see how he would maintain a professional environment... whatever, it doesn’t matter. I just want to look astounding tonight, to show him what he’s missing. You know me, I’m petty like that.” I shrug.

“You look beyond astounding, always and forever. Don’t you forget that.” She holds my chin up.

I smile and nod, “Thank you my fairy godmother.”

She releases a wholehearted laugh and says, “I love it when you call me that.”

Waiting for the nail polish to dry is like watching paint drying on the wall… except it’s on your nails. Once they’re dry, I start putting on my makeup. I’m going for the pin-up look. Neutral eye shadows; neat and bold black eyeliner and a wine colored lipstick. Once I’m done, I step into the stunning gown and Laura zips me up. She places the diamond necklace around my neck and fastens the clasp.

“Breathtaking, that’s what you are.” She smiles.

I look at my reflection in the mirror and smile.

“Wow, I gotta say I’m pretty damn beautiful right now.”

“That’s the spirit!” she squeezes my shoulders from behind.

“Something is missing though…” I look over my appearance and realize my earlobes are naked. I open my jewelry box and take out my diamond studs. Carefully, I put them on.

“There, now it’s perfect.” I exhale.

I eat some cut-up fruits since I’m famished and twenty minutes later my cellphone chimes. It’s mama, letting me know they’ll be here in five minutes.

I slide into my Jimmy Choo Quinze embellished sandals and refresh my lipstick.

“Wait! Hold on…” Laura calls from the living room.

She holds up her digital camera.

“Laura, this isn’t prom.” I laugh.

“Oh, shush I know but you look so lovely. I want a picture.” She smiles.

I place one hand on my waist and smile broadly. She snaps the picture and sighs.

“You have fun tonight. Eric or no Eric, understood?” she points her finger at me.

“Yes. Thank you for helping me, Laura. You’re my number one.” I hug her carefully, not wanting to ruin our masterpiece.

I enter the elevator and with every floor I descend, I feel my anxiety rising. By the time I reach the lobby, I’m breathing hard and my palms are cold and sweaty.

I’m going to see him tonight, after four days of torture.

I take a moment to collect myself before I step outside.

Breathe in breathe out… nice and slow.

I walk out and head towards the black limo with the driver waiting next to the passenger door. I greet him and gently slide in. He closes the door and we set off to The Plaza Hotel.

“Katya! You look flawless! Krasavitsa moya! (My beautiful).” Mama exclaims.

“Thank you mama, the dress fits perfectly just like you said.” I smile.

“That’s because your mother knows best.” papa places his hand on her knee and smiles at her. She beams up so brightly it infectious, making me grin.

“That is right… mama knows best.” She winks at me.

She’s dressed in a simple sleeveless black gown with a cowl neck. Papa is wearing his usual outfit for this type of events, the timeless tux.

“You guys look amazing.” I smile softly but then papa ruins my good mood.

“I want you to meet a colleague of mine, Dr. Whales. He’s an ophthalmologist.” He smiles at me, and I feel myself tense up.

“All right.” I smile but I don’t like it. “Just don’t expect us to ride into the sunset together.” I say, fixing my eyes on his grey ones.

He frowns and mama’s cheerful expression slips. “Could we not fight tonight? I worked really hard to pull this event together, so please… stop it.” she whispers.

Papa turns to her and kisses her cheek, “Of course, darling.” Then papa looks at me with a look I know all too well…

I give him a light nod and watch the street blur through my window.

This is the beginning of an awesome night.
I sigh.


We pulled up to the Plaza at seven p.m. sharp.

The driver opens my door and helps me out. The moment I come out, camera flashes blind me momentarily. I wait for my parents to step out, and then mama and I link our arms with papa’s.

We stop a few times to take photos and to greet people I don’t really remember. I mean, I met them once or twice but let’s just say they’re not in my friends circle. But still, I smile politely; shake hands and stand tall and proud next to the world famous surgeon, also known as, my papa.

Already, I want to turn around and leave… but I don’t.

I walk into the grand ballroom and gasp. Mama outdid herself.

The ballroom is beyond amazing. The beautiful chandeliers shine brightly, making the room dazzling and inviting. Every round table is covered by golden silk, and has an elaborate vase with beautiful white and baby pink hydrangeas, crystal champagne flutes, beautiful china and silverware. The tables are tactfully positioned around a spacious dance floor. At the end of the dance floor is a stage with at least seven musicians. Six violins, an upright bass and beautiful unoccupied white winged piano. The group is already playing a soft and elegant melody.

“Mama, this looks beautiful!” I smile.

“Thank you dear, now go enjoy it. Papa and I need to say hello to the Thompsons… oh you’re at table twenty two.” She nudges me forward then leaves with papa.

I walk slowly, looking at each table until I find my own, noticing and ignoring the awed glances I’m getting from the guests and the staff. I find my table and pick up my name card. I run my finger over the scripted letters.

Who is sitting next me?

Curiously, I glace at the plates next to mine.

Mr. Eric Miller
and right next to his plate,
Ms. Eliza Montgomery.

Chills run down my whole body and I feel cold to the bone.

What the hell, mama?

I leave the table calmly, although I feel like I want to punch someone. I search for mama through the increasing groups of people with one thought on my mind; she needs to relocate me. I find her talking to one of the musicians. Her face is countered in horror and she clamps her delicate hand over her mouth. Worried, I rush to her.

“Mama, what is it? Are you feeling sick?”

“No…” she shakes her head and looks at me wide-eyed.

“Then what is it? You’re scaring me.” I place my hand on her upper arm.

“One of the band members, the pianist, he… he just got into a car accident… he’s in critical condition…”

“Oh my God.” I whisper.

“I can’t believe it… I… I…” moments pass while mama looks lost and then she suddenly, she looks at me with a bizarre expression.

“What, mama?”

She drops her hand, “I need you to take over for him.”

“What?!” I shriek quietly.

“Just until his replacer comes in, right?” She looks at the musician standing next to us and he looks mortified.

“Umm… yeah, yeah, he’s already on his way so he should be here in fifteen minutes, twenty five tops.” He rumbles.

“Mama, I’m a guest… seriously?” I whine but I already know I’m doomed. When mama makes her begging face, I’m a goner.

“Please Katusha, it won’t last long and we still have some time until the event starts. I’m sure the young man replacing him will be here before it starts.” Her bright blue eyes plead me.

I sigh, “Fine. But if he isn’t here after it starts, I’ll quit playing.”

She beams and hugs me gently. “Thank you, my little savior.” She whispers and kisses my cheek.

Jonathan, the musician who informed my mother about the accident, leads me to the stage.

“What’s you’re instrument?” I ask to break the awkward silence.

Thick tension is rolling off of him, making me nervous in return.

“The upright bass.”

“No kidding…” I mutter when we reach the steps.

After a quick introduction with the other band members, I gracefully sit down on the bench, moving the gown’s train to the side. Jonathan gives me a list of songs they will be playing and I realize I’m actually a little nervous. Last time I preformed to this big of an audience, was when I was twelve years old at my last recital.

We start with, ‘Arrival of the Birds’ and, ‘Transformation’ by The Cinematic Orchestra. About a minute into the second song, I feel my skin tingle and my heartbeat speeding up.

What the hell?

I take a deep breath but when it doesn’t help, I look over at the guests, trying to distract myself. The guests are still coming in, but there’s an impressive group present already, chatting with each other, drinking champagne and some are watching the band and me play. My eyes come to a stop and focus on very familiar and breathtaking turquoise irises.

I look at Eric and I want to smile. I want to cry. All the heartache, the confusion comes crashing down on me, but somehow, I keep playing, not even missing a single note.

He looks amazing. In a fitted tux that shows off his show-stopping body, making me want to rip if off of him. His hair combed to the side and his signature strands fall on his forehead. He looks at me mesmerized with awe and another emotion I might consider as longing, but that would contradict his behavior lately. Eliza is there, right next to him. Her arm is wrapped around the crook of his elbow. She’s dressed in a tight coral gown with a deep thigh-slit that leaves very little to the imagination. I notice her earrings. The BLVGARI earrings I delivered him not too long ago.
I fucking knew it.

Eliza presses herself closer to Eric when she notices I’m looking at her. I want to look away but I can’t. It’s just like a car crash waiting to happen, it’s horrifying but you just can’t look away. Eliza lifts her lips to Eric’s ear and whispers something. When he turns his head to answer her, she pounces. Locking her lips with his, she kisses him and he does nothing to push her away. Absolutely nothing.

My stomach free falls to my toes and my heart squeezes so painfully, I think it might have collapsed into itself.
I guess we really are over.

I force myself to look away and focus on my breathing, focus on the music. I look at the other side, not wanting to see them anymore and see a microphone stand angled next to the piano. Instantly, an idea strikes me and I know what I want to do.

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