Emerald Eyes (30 page)

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Authors: N. Michaels

BOOK: Emerald Eyes
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Slowly, I sink down. Taking each pleasuring inch of his long thickness, breathing hard at the feel of him gradually filling and stretching me. When he’s buried to the hilt, Eric’s eyes close and he rakes his teeth over his lower lip. “Ah kitten, you have no idea how you make me feel,” he rasps.

Eric’s eyes open into slits and through them, I see his burning hunger for me. I reach behind me and tear a small piece of toast.

“Open wide.” I husk and he complies.

I place the piece in Eric’s mouth and the moment his mouth closes, I start rising and falling in a languid cadence. He breathes out hard, gripping my hips tighter.

“Don’t move… I’ll choke.”

“Ahh… so you see now? Not so fun when it’s you, huh?” I cock an eyebrow.

“Fuck breakfast.” He growls and rises off the chair.

With his hands holding me up and against him, Eric sets me down on the edge of the dinning table and my legs wrap around his waist. His mouth comes crashing down on mine. His tongue sears mine with its passion, sliding and teasing, slipping in and out of my mouth, making me beg for more.

Eric pulls away, only to yank my t-shirt off and then he’s back to his onslaught with his delicious mouth while his hips plummet into me. My hands lock around his neck and I moan with pleasure at each maddening thrust. Eric’s hand fists in my hair and he pulls down, exposing my neck. He runs his tongue over my thundering pulse and sucks on the skin, increasing the already mind-blowing sensations he’s unleashing on me. I feel the wisps of my orgasm in my tightening core and a few thrusts later I’m off into a soul wrenching release. I moan breathlessly, feeling my body flush with bliss.

“That’s right, kitten. Take it all…” he gasps.

Moments later, Eric crushes me into him, holding me tightly against him. I feel his body tense then his hard cock pulses as warm liquid spills inside me. Once his breathing somewhat regulates, Eric lifts his head out of the crook of my neck, looking down at me with his breathtaking eyes. There is so much love in them. So much admiration and tenderness, and I’m sure my eyes express the same feelings while I lose myself in his eyes.

I love you…
I want to say it, but I know it’s too early. Instead, I smile and kiss him softly.

“You are amazing.” I whisper and nip his jaw.

He looks down at me speechless, his eyes scanning my face.

“Eric?” I pull my face away to see him better.

“I am the luckiest son of a bitch on this planet.” He smiles crookedly then kisses my forehead, making me sigh with contentment.

“I feel the same, tiger.”

“What? That I’m the luckiest son of a bitch?” his brow lifts and I giggle.

“Yeah, pretty much.” I wink and he chuckles.

I don’t need to say how blessed I feel. I see it in his eyes, he knows. He slips out of me gently; the sensation causes me to bite my lip.

I miss him already.

“Come on, kitten. Shower and then another try at breakfast.”

Eric takes my hand and leads me to his bedroom.


Handing Eric the last dirty dish, I watch as he bends down to place it in the dishwasher. My eyes linger on his sculptured backside. He turns the machine on and turns to face me.

“You really are an insatiable little thing, aren’t you?” he chuckles and kisses my nose.

“You make me insatiable. I’ve never wanted sex as badly as I want it with you, which is, by the way, every moment I can.” I smooth my hand over where his heart is.

He’s wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans, looking as delectable as ever. I’m wearing the same t-shirt he yanked off of me, and nothing more.

I should really leave some clothes here for the next time I’ll sleep over.

“I’m very glad to hear that, kitten…” he kisses my neck and then I hear buzzing… like something is vibrating… my phone!

I pull away, “Hold that thought.”

I walk to the living room and find my purse. I answer before the call goes to voicemail.


“Katya, darling are you all right? I’ve been calling you all day!” mama sounds worried.

“I’m fine. I didn’t hear my phone ring, sorry mama. Is everything ok?”

“Yes, yes we we’re just worried… you left so early and didn’t pick up your phone.” She sighs.

“Well, I’m fine. Sorry to make you and papa worry.” I fight the desire roll my eyes.

I hear the phone changing hands and papa’s voice follows.

“Hello, Yekaterina. I want you to bring Eric over for dinner tonight.”

“Hi, papa. Umm...” I try not to express the shock that is running through me. “Why?”

Papa never asked me to bring a guy over for dinner… what is he up to?

Apparently my acting is not as great as I thought. Eric frowns at me and tilts his head to the side, a silent question of what’s wrong. I shake my head to reassure him, but that only makes him lift a dark eyebrow.

“We haven’t seen him in a while. I want to catch up with him. Dinner will start at seven. I expect to see you here.” Papa says in a disapproving tone and hangs up on me.

My own brows shoot up as I look at my cell. “Did he just hang up on me?” I ask bewildered.

“What’s wrong?” Eric breath fans across my cheek before he leans in to kiss the sensitive spot below my ear.

“Nothing’s wrong, my parents want us to come over for dinner.” I shake my head, but the rebellious side of me awakens.

“So we’ll go, it’s no big deal.” Eric shrugs.

“I don’t want to go.” I turn around sharply. “I want to stay here with you and hide from the world… is that too much to ask?” I wrap my arms around his neck.

“It isn’t.” he gives me a peck. “But how about this, after dinner we’ll come back here, you’ll stay with me and we’ll spend all Sunday together. Sounds good?”

I grimace. “Yeah, whatever.” I say disappointed and slide my arms away from him. Eric catches my wrists and I look up at him.

“Or not… we don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” Eric looks at me like I’m some kind of an enigma he’s trying to figure out.

“Why don’t you want to go?” he asks quietly.

I sigh and look down.

I don’t want to go because I don’t want to see papa.

“I just don’t.” I mutter.

Eric moves one of my wrists so he’s holding both of them in one hand then lifts my chin up, forcing me to look into his beautiful eyes.

“Talk to me, kitten.” He whispers softly, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

I swallow and take a deep breath. Besides Milan and Vera, no one knows about my problems with papa but I guess I should tell him.

“Ok… but let’s sit on the couch.”

He nods and walks us to it. Eric settles down first then pulls me over his lap so I am straddling him. He moves one side of my hair behind my shoulder and gently caresses my cheek. When Eric looks at me like I’m the most intriguing thing in the world, I know I have his full attention.

“Ever since I was fourteen, my father tried to convince me to follow in his footsteps and become a neurosurgeon.” I say quietly, focusing on his sculptured lips. “Obviously, I’ve never wanted anything do to with it. I’m just not big on drilling into someone’s skull and digging around in their brain. I find the whole thing revolting to tell you the truth. So when I started defying him, his demands turned into ultimatums.”

I glance up at Eric, finding his brows pulled into a slight frown.

“What type of ultimatums?” he asks.

“Well, first it started small. If I wouldn’t attend his medical conventions with him, there would be no shopping sprees. If I wouldn’t volunteer in the hospital, I’d lose my car for a month. If I wouldn’t continue to socialize with his co-works when they come over for dinner, no vacation. And on and on until a few months ago, it was the last straw for both of us. He basically told me that if I wouldn’t stop wasting my time, I’d be cut off. I told him no for the last time and left home. I called Julia to help me find a job since I’ve never actually worked… anywhere… ever.” I mumble.

Timidly I look up at him. One brow is lifted but Eric says nothing, allowing me to continue. My heart is picking up its pace from the nervousness that is taking over me. I take a deep breath and notice my palms are damp and cold.

“Every order that he demanded me to do, I complied with and did what he wanted. Until I turned seventeen, after that I refused to. All everyone ever knew me as, was Dr. Slavsky’s daughter. They couldn’t even remember my name, just ‘sweetie’ and ‘honey’.” I scoff at the memory.

“In school, high school and any other clubs and classes I took, I was known as ‘the healer’s daughter’. I hated that I couldn’t get away from his shadow…
even though I changed my surname, I still can’t.” I shake my head, trying to keep the oncoming tears at bay. “When he gave me that final ultimatum, it was my moment to get away from him. So I used the money I have in my trust fund to buy my apartment and my car, but I knew I had to find a job. That’s how I got to Miller Financial Enterprise.” I release a shaky breath; feeling like my heart is about to leap out of my chest.

This time I can’t look at him. I’m too scared he’ll push me away, so I close my eyes instead. He remains quiet for a long while, and my anxiety causes the tension in my shoulders to grip tighter. I let a few more seconds crawl and then when I can’t take it any more, I whisper, “Say something…”

“Look at me, kitten.” Eric says with a soft voice that confuses me.

I thought he’d be angry that I lied.

Tentatively, I lift my eyes to his and find him smiling sadly at me.

“We’re very similar in a way…” he starts. His fingertips caress my skin lightly. “Both our fathers wanted us to continue their legacy, except I wanted to follow my father and you didn’t.” his mesmerizing eyes hold so much sadness, it breaks my heart.

I think of how messed up our situation is. I alienated myself from my father since I’ve never wanted his legacy. And Eric, who actually followed his father and had a loving relationship with him, had lost him forever.
Life is so ironic, so twisted that it hurts.

I feel the tears rim my eyes and silently, I let them fall. Eric’s hands lift to cup my cheeks and he swipes my tears away.

“I can’t imagine what it’s like to constantly fight for your own will and get punished for it. I’m sorry you had to go through that, kitten. I want you to know that I admire your strength… your stubbornness to hold your own and not let your life choices be taken away from you.” Eric leans forward, brushing his lips against mine.

“My strong little kitten… don’t cry… I got you.” Eric whispers against my lips and then kisses me tenderly, erasing all the darkness and soaking me with his warm light.

I kiss him back, taking his comfort and giving him back my gratitude. Even though he doesn’t understand what it’s like, he’s here. Comforting me, holding me close to him. Eric breaks the kiss and leans his forehead to mine while we both catch our breaths.

“Can I ask you something?” he whispers, his warm breath caresses my lips.

I take a deep breath and nod.

“Why do call me tiger?” his voice is amused.

“What...?” my mind turns blank. I did not expect that one.

A confused giggle bubbles up as the reason why pops in my head. Suddenly, I stop laughing and look at him with my breath stuck in my throat.

He’s distracting me… he’s trying to cheer me up.

I smile gratefully and gently put my hands on his cheeks, feeling the light stubble on his smooth skin.

“When I saw your stride for the first time, you reminded me a tiger prowling around like a predator, stalking it’s prey and it was hot as hell.” I run my teeth over my lower lip.

“Is that so?” Eric growls softly and clamps his teeth on my lower lip.

I let out an affirming sound and kiss him deeply, worshiping his divine mouth.

“Thank you…” I murmur against his lips.

Eric pulls away and his blazing eyes focus on mine.

“I’m always here for you, kitten. Whatever it is, you come to me and we’ll deal with it. Whatever troubles you, come talk to me. Don’t just bottle it up inside of you. Share it with me. I want to be your shoulder to cry on, but I will do everything in my power that you will only shed tears of happiness, I promise you.”

He brings his lips to mine, kissing me with all of his heart. His hands roam over my back then he crushes me to him.

I’m falling… so quickly, so deeply in love with him… I’m losing myself.

I love you…
Here they are, those three big words I’m dying to say right now, but my throat is so tight with emotion that only whimpers escape.

Eric breaks the kiss and whispers, “I got you, kitten.” He gives me a quick peck and leans back, taking a deep breath. “It’s lunchtime in a few hours, what are you craving?”

Whoa… change of course.
“Umm… sushi, I guess…” I frown.

Eric smiles a satisfied smile and grabs his phone to place an order that will be delivered two hours from now. I watch him, perplexed. After he’s done, he places the phone down and turns his smoldering eyes to me. The heat in them radiates into me, enveloping me with his searing lust. Slowly, he sits up, inching closer to me until we’re nose to nose. Eric leans closer to kiss me, but I place my fingertips on his mouth, stopping him.

His eyes shift from my lips to my eyes, revealing the blue flames of his wild desire for me.

“I… I want to talk about something…” I say breathlessly, trying desperately to hold on to the thought that popped into my mind, and not succumb to my own carnal need to feel him inside me.

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