Emma's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica) (6 page)

BOOK: Emma's Hypnosis (Lesbian Mind Control Erotica)
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Shuddering with the pleasure leaping through her, Emma couldn’t help but moan a little bit, and she saw Lydia’s naughty smile grow wider - so she moaned louder.
Lydia let out a little mewl of her own, and they both let go, moaning and screaming as they thrust against each other.

And then, panting, recovering, they separated, sitting on the couch in a daze.

Lydia picked up her wine glass and took a sip. “That was intense.”

Emma took an entire gulp of hers. “Um,

“Want to
keep going?” the brunette asked suddenly, looking over at her.

“Yeah…” Emma replied, excited.
“And this won’t ruin our friendship?”

Lydia shook her head. “Hell no, this is the best friendship

They laughed, and then took turns going to the bathroom and recovering.

Making a run to the kitchen for more wine, Lydia returned and sat next to her, still naked and excited. “What do you want to do now?”

Too energized to really put it into words, Emma just put her hands on her best friend’s body, feeling up and down her smooth and heated skin
, squeezing her breasts and ass. “Did you like licking me?”

Lydia pulled her close and explored Emma’s body in kind. “
I did. You taste really good. Did you?”

Blushing happily, Emma nodded. “
I loved it.”

Donning that naughty smile again, Lydia gave her a mischievous look, and then pushed her back down on the couch and slid a pillow under her head.
Ecstatic, Emma helped Lydia climb on top of her and turn around on the couch.

“I can’t believe we’
re sixty-nine-ing,” Emma laughed, as her friend scooted backwards.

Lydia shook her ass above Emma’s head, and a few drops fell from her soaked sex
onto her face. “I know, right?” Lydia said, turning her head back to speak to her friend between her legs. “But fuck, this all feels incredible.”

Emma nodded and bit her friend’s thigh gently, eliciting another shake. She slid her hands up on top of Lydia’s ass cheeks to get a firm grip, adjusted her head on the pillow…
and happily began licking, even as Lydia’s tongue made contact and began flooding her with pleasure again.




Chapter 4

day after, their afternoon hangouts involved sitting around naked, drinking wine, and random bouts of sex. The heat and passion between them only seemed to grow; punctuated by periods of fun conversation and laughter whenever the lusty spark between them needed a break.

Emma thought about it every night when she lay in bed, anticipating the next day and dreading the inevitable conversation she knew was coming.
The situation was complicated, certainly, but one thing was clear: she and Lydia were
just best friends fooling around, not anymore. If they were going to get through this, it would have to start with honesty about their feelings.

She even considered telling Lydia about the locket that had started everything, but hadn’
t yet made up her mind by the time the next book club rolled around.

She entered Kayla’s open door with some apprehension, wondering if the evil queen bee would somehow guess what had happened… but the circle of women in the living room seemed as normal as ever.

Lydia was there, smiling warmly from across the table, and Emma blushed and smiled back. Julie, the redheaded internet-company-guy’s wife, sat on the couch next to Kayla. She was second-in-command of the evil hierarchy, if one looked at it that way, and quite happy to distribute dagger glares as often as possible. She noted the interaction between Emma and Lydia with an obvious disdain.

And there was Sue, the ‘nice’ housewife, who never bothered an
yone and stayed mainly neutral. On the second couch brought into the living room for this occasion, she tugged at her blonde curls and remained mostly oblivious to the proceedings. Emma sat next to her, apart from the two or three other housewives she was only partially familiar with. The group was larger than this, but not everyone came to every book club.

They discussed the book for a bit, but Emma
felt rather tuned out. She kept exchanging glances with Lydia, and noticing thinly veiled snide remarks from Julie every so often. Kayla seemed not to notice at all, too busy leading and administrating and feeling smarter than everyone else…

And, of course, there was copious wine. That
was the best part of book club - the wine and gossip that took over after the token book discussion.

As the group passed into buzzed territory, the conversations
grew more focused on laughter and gossip about the women on the street who weren’t part of their circle. Emma listened and watched with masked disappointment; everything seemed to be in order. If Kayla
seduced one of the housewives, they certainly weren’t showing it.

Faced with a table of empty
wine glasses, a few of the women went to the kitchen for more, and the loud giggles and whispered gossip stayed centered there. Kayla and Julie had gone off in a different direction in the house, talking about potential Halloween decorations for the neighborhood. The month was still young, but they always jumped on things early… as another method of control, Emma suddenly realized. It was curious how much more aware she was, now that she had power herself…

With the rest of the group elsewhere, Lydia came over and sat
on their couch, on the other side of Sue.

“Do you want to sit next to…?” Sue asked politely.

Lydia gave her a momentary strange look, quick enough to be invisible to anyone but Emma. “No, that’s fine, I just felt weird sitting all the way over there when we’re the only ones in the room.”


They sat uncomfortably for a moment, while Emma wondered what motives lurked behind Sue’s slight discomfort. She remembered that Kayla had been back-talking them, saying they were probably lesbians - had the vindictive model turned up her gossip heat in response to her own sudden hypnosis-induced fantasies?

“Hey, Lydia, let’s go see what Kayla and Julie are doing,” she suggested
, projecting nonchalance, but hoping to hear a damning conversation.

,” Lydia replied with a suppressed smile, her tone a little too eager.

Between them, Sue blushed. Her emotions were always clearly evident
on her face, and Emma took that as confirmation of rumors being spread - but there was nothing to do about that now.

She patted the outside of her jeans pocket where her locket was stashed, an
d then led Lydia up the stairs, making sure nobody else saw them - Sue wouldn’t say anything, but the other housewives were hardly as polite.

In the secluded upstairs hallway, Lydia pulled her against the wall.
“This is kinky,” the brunette whispered, grinning widely. “In
Kayla’s house?

Emma felt a slight rush of heat at her best friend’s closeness, and she had the sudden urge to - but, no, she was on a mission. “No way, we’ll get caught,” she whispered. “I want to listen to them talking, see if we can get some dirt…”

“Oh.” Lydia’s eyes angled up and down for a moment, reading her face. “Okay…”

As she pulled away, Emma pulled her back and kissed her once quickly on the lips. “Then we’ll see what we can get away with.”

Lydia grinned, satisfied with that answer

Leading the way, Emma crept further down the hall, toward the bedrooms at the end - the bedrooms she’d had Kayla hypnotized in, just a few days ago.
The light was on in the master bedroom, and the door sat slightly ajar. Hanging back around the corner, ready to slide into the closet behind them, they could hear Julie speaking quietly and furiously.

“You can’t be serious.”

“I am,” came Kayla’s haughty reply. “And you know I can say any number of things to ruin your life around here. You’re my friend, so I don’t want to have to do that.”

“But… but…” Julie’s voice took on a hint of panic. “

“It’s my new plan for the group,” Kayla explained, compassionless. “
Think about it. None of our husbands are satisfying us. It’s time to take that into our own hands.”

“What, by
going down on each other?
” Julie whispered, almost frantic.

Lydia turned
and gave a shocked and disbelieving grin. Emma put a hand to her own mouth, suppressing a laugh. This was better than she’d ever hoped - Kayla must have taken her a little too literally, not just seducing the women
the book club, but also
the book club! They could still hear the others gossiping downstairs in the kitchen…

“Oh, no, not each other,” Kayla continued. “
go down on


“And they go down on you,” the model interrupted. “We’re just adding a little much-needed servicing to our little hierarchy. Now you have a choice. Do you want to be second at the top, or do you want to be on the bottom? I’ll tell you right now, those fucking lesbians are going to be spending a lot of time face down in pussy servicing everyone. Well, which is it, Julie? Do you want to be on top servicing me, or beneath even Lydia and Emma?”

Lydia looked back at her again, a little angry. Emma put a hand on her arm, empathizing.

Julie whimpered. “On top, I guess…”


There came the sound of shuffling clothes.

Shaking from the voyeuristic rush, Emma leaned forward a little, adjusting her position with Lydia so that both of them could peer in through the slight crack between door and frame.

Inside, Kayla sat on the end of the large bed, on exactly the same place Emma had sat her while she’d been hypnotized. She wondered if the blonde vaguely remembered her hypnosis in her fantasies, or if that just happened to be a good spot…

Julie came into view. On the floor and on her knees, she
lifted Kayla’s dress up the rest of the way, exposing the model’s perfect sleek thighs.

From their viewpoint behind the door, they could just see the top of Kayla’s shaved lips
. Pink from arousal, they glistened at certain angles. Julie stared at that point, conflicted.

“Do I really have to?” she asked, one final hesitation.


ering, Julie reached out a hand, nervously touching and exploring.

“Use your mouth,” Kayla ordered. “And put on a show of enjoying it.”

Julie frowned and looked on the verge of tears, but there was no leniency from her apparent master.

As Emma watched, engrossed, she felt a squeeze on her arm from Lydia… and then a hand, sliding up and rubbing her jeans, between her legs. Already turned on by what she was witnessing, she struggled to keep from squirming, and Lydia looked at her briefly to flash a naughty smile.

They watched as Julie pulled back her red hair to get it out of her way, still stalling. After she tied it up, though, she had no more pauses left… and she was forced to proceed.

She gave a quick and hesitant kiss to the
smooth skin above Kayla’s sex.

She looked up, but found no mercy in the model’s hard gaze.

Looking back down, she kissed around soft upper thigh, slowly circling in toward the inevitable. At long last, her nervous lips came into contact with that perfect slit, on one of Kayla’s straight pink lips.

Shaking a little, she kissed the other lip, and then the little hood at the top of both.
She looked up again, but Kayla just watched her with a stern expression.

Letting out a pained breath of defeat, Julie seemed to finally give in

Sticking out her tongue as far as it could go, as if a slightly greater distance would somehow insulate her from the experience, she pressed it against Kayla’s slit.
She seemed almost caught by surprise when her tongue penetrated easily, slipping in all the way up to her lips. She froze for a long moment, her lips pressed against labia and her tongue deep in another woman.

Emma watched in amazement as Julie slowly withdrew her tongue and rolled the flavor around in her mouth.
The redhead seemed to be deciding that her new task wasn’t so bad - she even seemed to gain a little energy, returning to gently lap at Kayla’s pussy, exploring and testing the blonde’s reactions.

More than a little turned on by the scene at hand, and at her hypnotism having worked, Emma began moving more firmly against Lydia’s rubbing hand.
The brunette pulled her a little closer for a better angle.

“Mmm, you taste great,” Julie breathed. It was hard to tell if she was just minding her orders to put on a show
of enjoying it…

Kayla reached down a hand and
guided her to the rhythms that felt the best. It didn’t take long for the two of them to sync, mouth to pussy, both moving together. As Kayla’s breathing deepened, Julie seemed spurred on by unspoken approval.

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