Empress Dowager Cixi: The Concubine Who Launched Modern China (66 page)

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Xianfeng exchanges with officials
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Second Opium War
, vols 3 & 4,
. The English translation of the emperor’s endorsement in Parkes Papers 28/10, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge.;
Wolseley commented
: Wolseley, pp. 16, 57, 92–3, 113,
a bounty
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Second Opium War
, vol. 5, p. 92;
: Lin Keguang et al., p. 150;
court exchanges over Parkes
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Second Opium War
, vol. 5, pp. 64, 67–8, 80, 94–5, 101–3, 111
30 ‘
tied their feet

: Grant, pp. 133–4;
‘My dearest’
: Hurd, p. 234;
Grant wrote
: Grant, p. 203
Montauban, wrote
: Morse, vol. 1, p. 606;
‘Indiscriminate plunder’
: Wolseley, pp. 224–7;
‘What a terrible scene’
: Swinhoe, p. 305
32 ‘
One room only

: Grant, p. 129;
: Royal Archives, Windsor, PPTO/PP/QV/MAIN/1861/7469; Millar, pp. 130–1;
French refused
: Morse, vol. 1, p. 611;
‘On 18th October’
: Grant, pp. 204–5
33 ‘
ruined nothings

: Wolseley, p. 280;
Gordon wrote home
: Boulger, p. 31;
Victor Hugo wrote
UNESCO Courier
, November 1985
Backhouse forgery
: Bland & Backhouse, pp. 14–29; Trevor-Roper; Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Second Opium War
, vol. 2, pp. 66–9
Chapter 3 Emperor Xianfeng Dies (1860–61)
36 ‘
what phrenologists would describe

: Thomson, p. 252
37 ‘
returned him a proud

: Grant, p. 209;
‘Both of the national’
: Wolseley, p. 295;
Elgin friendly letter
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Second Opium War
, vol. 5, p. 264;
Xianfeng to Prince Gong
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Second Opium War
, vol. 5, pp. 225–6, 264;
One diarist
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Second Opium War
, vol. 2, p. 42;
Ignatieff to Gong, Gong to Xianfeng
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Second Opium War
, vol. 5, pp. 235, 246, 261; vol. 4, p. 463
38 ‘
With this treaty

: Ignatieff, pp. 44–5;
Xianfeng refused to receive credentials
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Second Opium War
, vol. 5, pp. 239, 260–1, 269–70
operas in last days
: Ding Ruqin, pp. 221–7; Li Guoliang, p. 95;
Xianfeng death
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979, vol. 1, pp. 82–3; Anon., p. 13; Wu Xiangxiang, pp. 49–55; First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 11, nos 877, 881
Chapter 4 The Coup that Changed China (1861)
unnamed ‘others’
: Wu Xiangxiang, p. 56;
emotional row
: Anon., p. 13
two women plotted
: Xue Fucheng 1983, p. 25
seals established
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 11, nos 886–91; Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979, vol. 1, p. 85;
‘all is in harmony’
: Anon., pp. 13–14;
‘If we saw’
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 11, nos 338, 882
Allowing Gong to visit
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 1, p. 131;
‘no one had shown’
: Anon., p. 8;
Gong first meeting with Cixi
: Xue Fucheng 1983, p. 19; Anon., pp. 8–9
45 ‘
one or two

: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979, vol. 1, pp. 91–2;
Cradling the child emperor
: Wu Xiangxiang, p. 62
46 ‘
Please could the 7th brother

: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2001, p. 176;
Prince Chun as pupil
: Lin Keguang et al., p. 441; Pan Xiangmin 2006, no. 2;
Chun pleaded with the emperor
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 5940, 7286;
Chun’s reply
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 2001, p. 176; Li Ciming, p. 539
the coup
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979, vol. 1, pp. 96–118; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 1, pp. 143–7; Xue Fucheng 1983, p. 21; Sato, p. 177
Sushun hated
: Xue Fucheng 1983, pp. 17, 23; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 1, p. 54; vol. 5, p. 2889; Chen Kuilong, p. 96; Aisin-Gioro Puyi, p. 11;
no one else incriminated
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 11, no. 1533; Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979, vol. 1, pp. 120, 139;
Bruce wrote
: Bruce to Earl Russell, 12 November 1861, F.O. 17/356, National Archives, London
50 ‘
the Empress Mother

: Robertson to the British Foreign Office, 30 November 1861, F.O. 17/360, National Archives, London;
‘I am bowled over’
: Zeng Guofan, vol. 1, p. 690;
had considered making Gong Regent
: original letter to Prince Chun, First Historical Archives of China (ed.), 2001, p. 176;
Gong title and reaction
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979, vol. 1, pp. 106, 119–21;
‘from now on’
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979, vol. 1, p. 123;
obliged to declare
: Archives of Ming and Qing Dynasties (ed.) 1979, vol. 1, p. 137
footnote 2
: Lin Keguang et al., p. 16
close the curtain
: Shan Shiyuan 1997, pp. 452–3
Chapter 5 First Step on the Long Road to Modernity (1861–9)
55 ‘
statesmen who

: Bruce to Earl Russell, 12 November 1861, F.O. 17/356, National Archives, London
as many observed
: Carl, p. 51; Rongling 1994, pp. 13, 20; Der Ling 2004 pp. 69, 78,
. (For an assessment of the writings of Rongling and Der Ling, who were both important eye-witnesses, see Zhu Jiajin 1982, no. 4.);
‘to read our thoughts’
: Headland, p. 71;
Zhen in audience
: Guo Songtao, p. 16; Xue Fucheng 1983, pp. 25–6;
Zhen seal only
: Yu Bingkun et al., p. 116;
‘almost if not entirely’
: Headland, p. 28
Cixi’s lessons
: Xin Xiuming, pp. 35–6;
‘China is now’
: Palmerston, in Hake, pp. 86–7; Morse, vol. 2, p. 119
58 ‘
full of jokes

: Freeman-Mitford, p. 72;
crude ‘poems’
: Yang Tianshi, pp. 6–7;
‘whole history’
: Morse, vol. 2, p. 63
59 ‘
Since the treaties

: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 293–306;
She was cautious
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 298, 352–8, 403–4, 417–18, 485–7. For more information about Wade, see Cooley, Jr.;
imperial decrees ‘frankly’
: Morse, vol. 2, p. 76;
‘Words cannot express’
: Gordon, pp. 49–50
60 ‘
You may say

: Qing Government (ed.),
, p. 353
61 ‘
Asiatic barbarity

: Morse, vol. 2, pp. 102–4;
‘can defeat’
: Li Hongzhang, vol. 29, p. 157;
Cixi re Gordon
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 2461–2, 2526–9; Morse, vol. 2, p. 105
Wade to Gong
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 3894–3900; Hart,
, p. 167;
Qianlong on Wang Lun
: Zuo Buqing
63 ‘
Shanghai is

: Qing Government (ed.),
, p. 301;
6,800 cargo ships
: Li Yunjun (ed.), p. 243;
: Freeman-Mitford, p. 29
64 ‘
He rather surprised

: Hart,
, p. 15;
‘I ate’
: Hart,
, pp. 317–18;
well over 32 million
: Hart,
, p. 343;
indemnities paid out
: Morse, vol. 1, p. 570; vol. 2, p. 33; Qing Government (ed.),
, p. 3615;
import of rice
: Li Wenzhi (ed.), pp. 770, 773; Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 6032–4
Hart writings
: Hart,
, pp. 282–8, 326–46; Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 3764–87;
‘like a hare’
: Freeman-Mitford, pp. 240–1
66 ‘
makes some good points

: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 3767–70;
watch their language
: Mi Rucheng (ed.), pp. 29–31;
‘I am British’
: Guo Songtao, p. 15
67 ‘
incalculable damages

: Qing Government (ed.),
, p. 5157;
‘not said anything’
: Qing Government (ed.),
, p. 3765;
Shore noted
: Shore, p. 394;
‘in this place’
: Freeman-Mitford, p. 158
Gong told the foreign envoys
: Mi Rucheng (ed.), p. 30;
severely worded edict
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 3817–18;
‘I do not know’
: Hart,
, p. 298
Cixi on ship-building
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 4469–72
Chapter 6 Virgin Journeys to the West (1861–71)
granted no kneeling
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 11, no. 1349;
‘having too high’
: Wu Xiangxiang, p. 10
Grand Adviser title taken away
: First Historical Archives of China (ed.) 1998, vol. 15, nos. 293, 378;
‘to borrow Western methods’
: Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Movement to Learn from the West
, vol. 2, p. 30;
‘stooges of’
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 1, pp. 519, 521
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 4557–616; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 1, pp. 527–44;
Weng against the West
: Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 1, pp. 78, 93, 429; Kong Xiangji 2008, pp. 29–32;
Cixi on Hsü
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 4523–5; Weng Tonghe 2006, vol. 1, p. 515
73 ‘
just like the one

: Zhang Deyi, p. 520; Hsü Chi-she, on America;
‘inflating the status’
: Gu Hongming, p. 54;
Cixi appoints Hsü
: Qing Government (ed.),
, p. 3503; Shan Shiyuan 1990, pp. 68–9; Association of Chinese Historians (ed.),
The Movement to Learn from the West
, vol. 2, p. 28; Freeman-Mitford, pp. 181–2;
appoints Martin
: Qing Government (ed.),
, pp. 2701–4
Binchun’s travels
: All quotes in Binchun;
Queen Victoria noted
: Royal Archives, Windsor, VIC/MAIN/QVJ/1866

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