England's Mistress: The Infamous Life of Emma Hamilton (70 page)

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Authors: Kate Williams

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I think of Emma now, with the completion of this book, and I wonder if I'll ever find such a gripping subject for a biography again. No other woman in history, it seems to me, could cram as much into her short life as she did. Living at the high watermark of celebrity for most of her life, Emma traveled all over Europe, met and impressed nearly every significant politician, writer, artist, and actor of the time, and she was personally significant to dozens of people. Most eighteenth-century Englishwomen—and men— stayed in the same place, socialized with the same people, and mattered to the same small group.
Emma began at the bottom of society and clawed her way to the top, determined, from the very beginning, to find fame. When she achieved it, she revelled in it—planting stories about herself, always making sure she caught the limelight and that every journal-ist saw her in her fabulous new outfits. Emma lived intensely, seizing every opportunity, driven forward by sheer energy and a refusal to be daunted. Neglected as a child, she was hungry for love and recognition. Her search for passion led her into the arms of Lord Nelson, and to what would become one of the greatest love stories in history.

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