Enlightened (14 page)

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Authors: Alice Raine

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Enlightened
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Finally I felt his hands moving to my arms and the texture of leather on my skin as he fastened the belt around my wrists in one loop and pulled it tight. My core clenched at the feeling of being restrained by him, and I let out a soft moan as my eyes fluttered shut. ‘Let’s not forget our original purpose, Stella. Keep reading,’ he reminded me as he pulled the long, loose end of the belt and draped it down between my buttocks so it swung gently back and forth against my quivering skin. How he expected me to read in this situation I have no idea, but I did my best to stay focused on his words and he continued to gently touch me and soothe my skin with his palms.

My face flushed as Nathan suddenly crouched behind me on his haunches so his face was just inches away from my damp opening. ‘Hmmmm,’ he hummed appreciatively, ‘I can smell your arousal, Stella.’ To be honest I was so horny now that I wasn’t really surprised, but it was still quite embarrassing for him to point it out. Taking hold of the loose end of the belt Nathan began rubbing the leather more firmly against my sensitive skin so it ran repeatedly back and forth across my slit, winding up my arousal to almost breaking point.

‘You should see this, Stella, you’re making my belt so fucking wet as the leather soaks up your juices.’ At his dirty words I groaned, half from embarrassment and half from the scorching arousal now thumping in my groin. ‘In fact, I have a very important committee meeting this week and I’m going to wear this very belt and think of you.’ Christ. If I were any more turned on right now I’d be glowing like a Christmas tree.

‘Enough of this,’ Nathan stated suddenly, as he stood and retrieved the piece of paper from the coffee table. He made a show of folding it crisply in half, lining up the corners so the paper was neat, and then folding it again before tucking it in his pocket. Using gentle hands on my hips he turned us slightly so that we were now sideways on with the floor to ceiling windows that overlooked Docklands. The sun was at just the right angle that it was bouncing of the tint in the glass and making the window like one giant mirror. ‘Watch,’ he murmured, and as my gaze caught sight of our reflection I swallowed loudly at how raw and overtly sexual it looked; me, naked, tied up with a belt and bent over at Nathan’s mercy as he stood behind me with a possessive hand on my lower spine and his shirt now unbuttoned and revealing his beautiful chest. He was clearly in his element, this was what he excelled at, and I was immensely glad that this side of him was getting an airing today.

Catching my gaze in the reflection Nathan smiled wickedly, picked up the loose end of the belt in his left hand, and wrapped it slowly and teasingly around his wrist until I felt my arms being gently tugged back towards him. I was now at his mercy, his to control. I was his, full stop.

‘Let’s see how you’ve done at your little memory task,’ he murmured, still holding my gaze in the reflection. ‘What did you learn, Stella?’ All thoughts had left my mind apart from how incredibly hot we looked stood like this, so good in fact that I was almost tempted to ask him to photograph us, but blinking back to my role I licked my lips and tried to remember the words he had written for me.

‘Um …’ I began, but before I could even properly begin, I watched as Nathan held the belt firmly with his left hand while pulling back his right hand and delivering a resounding slap to my right buttock. A yelp of surprise left my lips as my body rocked forwards from the shockwave, but Nathan’s grip on the belt meant that I didn’t fall over, merely bobbed in the air slightly.

‘Wrong. I definitely did not write the word ‘um’ anywhere on that piece of paper. Try again,’ he told me in clipped tones, but when I once again looked at our reflection I could see a tiny smile curving his mouth. Nathan was loving this.

My mind was fuzzy with desire for this man and the crazy things he did to me, so it took a moment for me to focus enough to recall the words I’d read. ‘I shall no longer bite my lip.’

‘Wrong again,’ he said in an almost sing-song voice as he landed another slap to my opposite buttock.

‘Ow! It did say that!’ I yelped defensively, only to be rewarded by a further two hard spanks and a low, wicked chuckle from Nathan.

‘Not quite, Stella, you missed out several words and I told you I wanted an exact recall of the sentence from the paper. In case you hadn’t figured it out yet, I shall spank you for any incorrect words or retorts that slip from that beautiful mouth of yours, even if it is ‘ow’.’ Again I heard a satisfied bark of laughter and couldn’t help but smile, this was so incredibly arousing.

Running my mind over and over I still had no frigging idea what words I’d left out, and knowing I couldn’t leave it too long I made another attempt. ‘I shall no longer bite my bottom lip?’ I tried, wincing and tensing myself in anticipation of his delicious punishment.

‘Close, but no cigar,’ Nathan muttered, before letting go with a string of six faster, lighter slaps which he peppered on both cheeks in various locations so I could feel my entire bottom heating up. I was panting now. Desperate for this to continue, but also desperate for him to bury himself inside of me and ease my raging arousal.

Suddenly, like a bolt of inspiration from the blue I could picture his smooth elegant writing in my mind’s eye and nearly giggled in excitement, ‘I shall no longer bite the lower lip of my mouth and cause myself damage,’ I stated, fairly certain I was finally correct.

Nathan’s hand rubbed soothing patterns across my hot behind as a silence fell between us, ‘Correct. Next line,’ he murmured. It was something to do with my dancing last night and his supposed ownership of me, but he’d written it in such flowery wording that I knew without a doubt I would never remember it correctly.

‘I won’t flaunt my body because I belong to you, Sir. I’m yours. And so are my lips.’

I heard an appreciative humming noise from the back of his throat. ‘Correct sentiment, but wrong wording I’m afraid, Miss Marsden,’ he told me quietly, shortly before another tirade of blows flicked against my skin, some soft and almost teasing, whilst others were hard and stinging and sparking my curled desire to spread across my whole body. I lost track of time as the pain of his spanks mixed and swirled with pleasure and desire and I was left panting and groggy with arousal, thankful that he was affectively holding me up with the belt at my wrists. I have no idea how many times his hand contacted with my skin, it felt like fifty, although it probably wasn’t anywhere near that number. All I knew was he was mixing in backhanded blows with his normal palmed ones and that he definitely swapped hands at one point. He ended with a cupping slap where he gripped my right buttock firmly in his hand and by squeezing it roughly managed to manoeuvre me several steps to the side so I was leant over the back of the sofa. Reaching around he picked up one of the cushions, placed it under me, and then bent me forwards again where I relaxed my leaden body weight onto the soft leather below me, grateful of its support.

I felt utterly boneless. ‘Thank you, Sir.’ I wasn’t entirely sure whether I was thanking him for the relaxing position or the spanking, because both had been exactly what I had needed. Leaning in close to my ear Nathan flicked the hair away and placed several breathy, open mouthed kisses there. ‘Good girl, so sweet in your submission.’ His exertion was obvious from the way he panted into my neck for a minute as he recovered himself, before raising his head slightly. ‘Now, Stella, I suggest you hold on for the ride,’ he advised me, shortly before gipping my hips and impaling me on his throbbing cock in one harsh thrust.

I didn’t even know he’d taken off his trousers, but a quick glance into the window showed me that actually, he hadn’t, he’d merely unzipped his trousers and freed his cock in his desperation to claim me. He was so much less controlled than normal, still half-dressed and with veins bulging in his neck, and the fact that I was the reason he was that wild with desire made me clench around him and almost come on the spot.

Nathan’s strokes were almost as furious as his spanking had been; fast and frenzied, as if he were merely using me as an orifice to gain his own satisfaction, but after an initial minute or so of sweaty, pounding thrusts he seemed to calm himself somewhat, his pace slowing and allowing me to briefly catch my breath. One hand stayed gripped on my hip to assist his steady thrusts, but his other hand began to trail across my skin, gently floating over my reddened bottom before finally reaching around me to cup one of my swinging breasts, where he tugged and tweaked my hardened nipple.

Now he had slowed his movements I could feel each and every touch of his skin against my hot bottom, every time he withdrew and then thrust back in again, forcing his stomach on my behind. The tingling sensations in my arse spread to my clit, racking up my arousal to nearly unbearable levels. ‘Please, Nathan … Sir, please …’ I begged, desperate for release and sure that I would explode if I didn’t get it right this minute.

The hand on my breast moved to my mouth as he ran a thumb along my lower lip, ‘Who does this belong to?’ he demanded in a thick gravelly voice.

‘You, Sir!’ I cried, almost sobbing now with the need to come.

‘And you won’t be biting it anymore, will you?’ His thumb continued to caress my lip and I very nearly bit down on his digit in my frustration. ‘No! I promise!’

‘Good girl,’ he praised me, before lowering his hand between us and finally making contact with my much neglected clitoris. One swirl of his thumb very nearly undid me, but I held off for as long as I could, loving the sensation he was creating in my groin and desperate to make it just as good for him as it was for me. As soon as he increased the tempo of his hips again though, he began to circle my nub with more force and that was it, I was a goner, my climax rearing up to claim me in wave after wave of near blinding pleasure that had me clutching the sofa, screaming out his name, and finally collapsing forwards as huge, ragged sobs escaped my chest and hot tears streamed down my cheeks.

Sex with Nathan was always amazing, but Christ, sex

like that

that with Nathan was just mind-blowing.

Eleven –Nicholas

Picking up the pencil I began to jot a few names on the notepad in front of me, then chucked the paper onto the side table and swapped it for a wad of blank music sheets. Adjusting myself on my piano stool I opened the lid, but frustratingly I immediately found that my mind was too full to concentrate on writing music. Sighing in annoyance I twisted myself towards the window and stared at the garden outside hoping for inspiration, but the usually colourful garden lacked it stimulus. Most of the trees were just gnarled empty branches, having lost their leaves as winter took its grip upon them. Running a hand through my hair I smiled ruefully at how quickly the weeks seemed to be passing recently. It felt like just last week that I’d proposed to Rebecca, whereas in reality it was now over a year and nearly Christmas, which meant there was just under four months until the wedding. Christ, arranging a wedding was turning out to be far more complex than I’d believed possible and I couldn’t believe how much we still had to do in preparation.

No wonder my mind was too full to compose the song that I had planned to start today. Turning back to my piano I placed my hand on the keys and closed my eyes, hoping that the familiar feel of the ivory might inspire me. I always referred to them as ‘ivories’, but technically the keys to my Steinway were elephant friendly and made from high-quality plastic and not elephant tusk, but regardless of material, the feel of them below my fingers was always infinitely reassuring.

The reason I was sat here was simple – I’d decided that instead of doing a long groom’s speech at the wedding, which I would not enjoy presenting
at all
, that I would keep the speaking to a minimum. I didn’t want to let Rebecca down with a short and stilted speech, and so I’d spent days pondering what to do, until last week when I’d been playing my piano and inspiration had hit – I’d simply do what I did best; express myself via the medium of music. My plan for today was to start writing a song which somehow expressed everything I felt for Rebecca and how she had changed my life. It was a big ask to get that much emotion into one song, but I was going to give it my best shot.

I had barely gotten anywhere at all with the music when I saw the blonde top of Rebecca’s head pop around the door to my music room. Stopping my playing I turned to her and couldn’t help the goofy smile that I felt curling my lips. She was just gorgeous. Perfect.

‘Am I interrupting?’ she asked, stepping inside and pausing on the threshold.

Holding my arms open wide I shook my head as my heart did its usual little jump at the sight of her, ‘I like interruptions from you.’ Grinning, Rebecca practically skipped across the room and into my arms, her enthusiasm making my spirit soar. As she reached me her little hands slid around my neck and linked behind my head as she climbed up and knelt on the piano stool with a knee on either side of me.

Lowering herself so she was straddled across my lap she stilled and smiled at me sweetly, her green eyes twinkling with reflections of the sunlight behind me. ‘Hi,’ she said quietly. Her face was just centimetres away from mine, her soft lips tempting me to lean in and kiss them.

‘Hi, yourself,’ I replied, before giving in to my urge and joining our lips. A second or so of chaste lips closed kissing was all we could manage before our mouths opened, hotly inviting the other to explore and tease. After several minutes of deep, breath-taking kissing I broke our lips to suck in some air and stared into her eyes. The masculine part of me couldn’t help but smirk as I noted the blush heating Becky’s cheeks. It was entirely possible that it was from the kiss, but the more likely cause was her embarrassment from feeling my erection below her, which was now attempting to force its way out of my jeans. I could hardly blame my body though, I had a beautiful woman straddling my lap and kissing me, I’d have to be a monk not to get a hard-on.

Shaking her head in amusement Rebecca rolled her eyes at me and shifted herself back to marginally reduce the pressure on my groin. Not that it would help, so long as she was sitting across my lap like this I would be solid as a rock. Clearing my throat in the hopes that it might help clear my lust filled head as well, I tried to distract myself from the tempting warmth of Becky’s thighs. ‘So, how’s that guest list coming along?’ I asked her, knowing that it was the task she’d been working on this morning.

Tilting her head to the side she licked her slightly swollen lips, further hardening my groin, and then nodded slowly, ‘Pretty good. That’s what I was coming up here to ask you about actually. Have you finished the list of people you’d like to invite?’

Keeping a firm hold upon Becky with one hand I twisted to my left and grabbed the pad of paper I’d written my list on earlier. As I handed it to her I prepared myself, already knowing full well what her response would be. First her eyes glanced down at the paper, then a small pucker appeared between her eyebrows as she scanned it, and finally she raised confused eyes to meet mine.

‘There’s only six names on here, Nicholas,’ she said quietly, just like I’d anticipated.

‘I know. I wrote it. You already know that I don’t have any relatives that I’m in touch with,’ I said with a shrug, trying to push down the sickly feelings that thoughts of my parents always brought with them. ‘The people on that list are the only ones in my life of any importance.’

I could see her mind working in overdrive. She sucked her lower lip in between her teeth as she thought and her right hand came up to twirl a length of shiny hair before finally tucking it behind her ear. Rebecca’s tell-tale sign of anxiousness. ‘Nathan and Stella are on here, but they don’t count because they both have roles in the wedding party.’

Shrugging, I drew in a deep breath to try and help me deal with the pity that was no doubt about to come my way. Shifting my hands from her waist to her bottom I gave it a squeeze as I spoke. ‘Well, I guess my list is just four then. Isla, Anthony, Mr Burrett, and his wife,’ I said, going for a casual tone and hoping it might deflect any further questions from Rebecca. Of course Isla and Anthony from my jazz days were on there, after touring the country with them and playing gigs far and wide they were my most trusted and long term friends. Mr Burrett was the easiest guest to pick; he had been in my life nearly ten years now and was probably my closest confidant and sounding post for ideas, someone I could speak to about most topics and a man who had proven his loyalty to me again and again. Of course there were other people I
invite; my solicitor Peter was quite a close acquaintance, and there were numerous other musicians I was in touch with, but no one who had really cemented a place in my life over the years. Although granted that was probably down to my temperamental nature, and not their faults.

It hadn’t bothered me that I had a very small circle of people that I trusted in my life, but when I’d scribbled down my guest list earlier even I thought six names was pretty pathetic. The fact that my list was so minimal was clearly making Rebecca think too deeply about things, probably my pitiful childhood – definitely something I didn’t want to get into discussions about again – so I slid my hands up her back and around to her lower ribs, where I gave a small tickle which instantly made her laugh and squirm in my lap. ‘That’s my list, baby, don’t overthink it. You are the only person I really need to be there.’

Rebecca wriggling on my lap might have been distracting
from the issue in hand, but her curvy bottom rubbing repeatedly across my crotch certainly wasn’t helping the state of my poor tortured groin. ‘Fine, OK …’ she gasped in between giggles until I finally relented. ‘You’ll have to give me more to go on that just “Mr Burrett and Wife” though. I know he’s James, but what’s her first name?’

Chuckling at my own lazy list writing I smiled, ‘Maggie, but if it’s for the place cards I guess you should use Margaret.’

Rebecca leaned across and plucked up my pencil to amend the list and I winced as her movement caused things to become almost unbearably tight down below. Suddenly dropping all humour from my face I put on my most serious expression and focused a solemn stare on my girl. ‘Now that’s cleared up we have a very serious matter to address, Rebecca.’ I murmured my words in a low, authoritative tone which never seemed to fail in getting Becky simultaneously nervy and aroused at the same time – such a great combination.

Licking her lower lip she blinked at me several times, apparently trying to work out what on earth was going on. ‘What’s is it?’ she asked, her voice small and curious.

‘Well, it seems that whilst your positioning across my lap is rather satisfactory, your abundant levels of clothing most certainly are not.’ It took a second for Becky to realise that I was playing with her, and as soon as she did the smile that I loved so much surged across her face as she leaned in to kiss me, laughing against my lips. ‘You scared me for a second there, Nicholas, I thought there was something wrong with the wedding plans.’

Leaning back I took hold of the hem of her T-shirt and jerked my chin up to indicate that she needed to raise her arms. We were so attuned to each other that she followed my silent command immediately, and I swept the cotton from her body before tossing it aside and fixing my eyes on her beautiful lace enclosed breasts. ‘There’s nothing wrong with the wedding plans, everything’s going perfectly. There is, however, an issue with the wedding tackle that needs to be addressed.’

I gave an upwards thrust of my hips to support my point, which caused my rampant erection to rub her right between the legs as she let out a lusty moan which could have rivalled most porn stars. OK so my line had been a bit cheesy, but it worked, Becky fell against me, laughing for a few seconds, her warm breasts heaving against my chest and forcing me to use the last thread of my self-control as I cradled her body against mine. Leaning back she then began to undo my shirt buttons with nimble fingers until we were both topless and our chests were pressed together as she united our lips in hot, searching kiss.

Raising herself so she was fully kneeling on the stool Rebecca unzipped her jeans and then began to work on my belt and zip while still leaning down and kissing me frantically. Her lips and tongue were everywhere, and she seemed reluctant to break the contact between our mouths so that we could stand and actually remove our trousers. Finally, when I had almost reached breaking point, I groaned, gripped her by the hips, and shifted her so she was sat on the keys of my piano. It made quite a racket, uncoordinated notes ringing out in the quiet of the room, only accompanied by our ragged breathing and aroused moans.

This was almost a blasphemous action for me – my piano was pretty much priceless, custom-built especially for me – and as such I never ever placed anything on the keys except for my fingers, but right now I was almost out of my mind with lust and it had to be said that Rebecca looked pretty fucking amazing leaning on it half naked, her jeans undone and her eyes filled with desperate lust. Licking my lips hungrily I felt my cock give an almighty twitch and I closed the gap between us with just one thing on my mind – getting my woman naked,
right now.

Peeling off her jeans and knickers, then following suit with my trousers, I took a second to grab a breath and ran my hands up the smooth length of her legs, coming to rest on her waist as I moved in for another hungry kiss. As my tongue explored Rebecca’s willing mouth I reached behind her to unclip her bra and as she once again shifted and hit several more notes I couldn’t help but tug her firmly against me with one hand while the other quickly closed the piano lid. Rolling my eyes at myself I stepped back and distracted my brain by peeling off her bra off and immediately dipping my head to take one hardened nipple into my mouth. Desire burned though me now, her skin tasted so good, sweet and lightly floral, a combination I just couldn’t seem to get enough off.

Arching against me Rebecca was almost curved over my supporting arm, her spine resting on my palm and her shoulders leaning against the lid of the piano with her hair cascading over the shiny black surface. God, this was like every single one of my erotic fantasies come to life in one go. Taking my free hand I trailed my fingers from her belly button up the centre of her body all the way to her throat. On the return journey my hand wandered across to her breasts, rubbing the heel of my hand roughly across her tight nipples tweaking and rolling them until she was mewling and writhing in my arms. She was so responsive, so perfect.

‘Nicholas …’ One breathy gasp of my name was all it took to catapult me into ridding me of my boxers and retaking my seat on the piano stool, pulling Rebecca with me. Placing her hands on my shoulders to steady herself Rebecca resumed her kneeling position so she was straddled across my thighs with her hot, wet opening hovering just above the desperate tip of my cock.

Wide, lust-filled green eyes locked on mine as she bit her lower lip and began to lower herself onto me inch by inch, letting her legs splay wider as she did so. Rebecca’s eyes didn’t leave mine once, not even when she made the final adjustment that had me fully embedded inside her to the root. Christ, I was so deep like this. It felt fucking incredible. Just when I thought this really couldn’t get any better Rebecca tentatively began to slowly circle her hips, her cheeks flushing as she started to move. Being this deep inside of her I knew that this had to be a pretty intense experience for Rebecca too, so as much as I wanted to thrust upwards into her, I didn’t. In fact I didn’t move at all, instead I carefully watched her eyes to make sure she was OK and not in any discomfort. Tension seemed to flicker around her eyes for a few seconds, but gradually as I felt Rebecca relaxing around me I saw her face also loosening up before she suddenly began to move more regularly.

Swivelling her hips, and lifting herself up and down on my heated cock, she began to mix in all the right movements to send me skyrocketing towards my climax as my balls tightened and my cock started to throb almost painfully inside her tight heat. Gritting my teeth I held off from the peak I so desperately wanted, determined that I would wait for her. Lowering a hand between our bodies I used my thumb to find her clitoris and began to rub firm circles over the swollen nub, matching the time of her movements. Throwing her head back on a loud moan Rebecca quickly reinstated our eye contact, her pupils dilated and a little unfocused. ‘I’m close, Nicholas!’ she gasped, moving in earnest now as our sweaty hips clashed together.

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