Enlightened (26 page)

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Authors: Alice Raine

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Enlightened
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‘Good. So, now that’s sorted ... you heard the nurse earlier, apart from my arm I’m firing on all cylinders, and when Dr Powter was here earlier I asked about sex during pregnancy and he said it’s fine, so we’re good to go.’ My eyebrows rose at his presumption, and thank God I’d been asleep for the conversation with Dr Powter! I’d assumed Nathan would have known that you could have sex during pregnancy, but it was rather endearingly sweet that he’d bother to check I suppose. ‘And I believe you said the other day that one of your whims and desires was sex in a hospital bed … now I’ve got my full bill of health I think we should take care of it before I’m released tomorrow, don’t you?’

‘I also remember the nurse asking you to take pity on her because she changes the sheets,’ I reminded him whilst crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow at him. This gave me a moment to think – I mean sex with Nathan was always tempting, but in a hospital bed, where we could be caught at any second? ‘There’s a full box of tissues right here, we’ll clean up,’ he said helpfully, still staring at me intently. I began absently twirling my thumb ring as I considered it, but then Nathan lowered his brows, ‘Now, Stella. Come here,’ he murmured in a low, commanding tone that was so magnetic I found myself helpless to ignore him. Within just a split second I was unbelievably horny, and found my nerves evaporating and being replaced by a grin as I immediately began walking towards the bed.

Even looking as he did I couldn’t resist him, his head was bandaged to help the large cut on his scalp heal, and his broken arm was in plaster, but apart from that he’d made quite a miraculous recovery, no other major injuries at all to mar Nathan’s usual physical perfection. Even though I knew I shouldn’t be considering sex in a hospital bed, I couldn’t help but wonder if we could do it and get away with it … it hadn’t really occurred to me before, but I had to admit that there was something quite thrilling about the possibility of getting caught.

‘Seeing as I’m in plaster and technically in recovery I think perhaps you should lead the action tonight, Stella,’ Nathan suggested with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Nodding, I headed to the door to lock it, but stopped as Nathan spoke. ‘Leave it.’ he said, but it wasn’t a request, it was an order, his tone leaving no room for discussion and I immediately realised that he’d had the same thought about the thrill of being caught as I had.

Raising an eyebrow I looked at him and saw the lusty look he gave me which sent desire pooling to my belly. ‘It’s practically the middle of the night, Stella, the chances of a nurse coming in are slim to none,’ he murmured, his eyes dropping down to look at my body. Slim, yes, but still possible. Ah, what the hell, why not? Leaving the door unlocked I advanced on the bed in my most seductive walk, swaying my hips I took my time to peel my T-shirt up over my head as I walked.

‘Christ, Stella …’ Nathan gurgled, ‘It’s been nearly two weeks, woman, there’s no way I’m going to last if you carry on like that.’ Smiling at the effect I had on him I paused at the side of the bed and unzipped my jeans, deliberately facing away from him to show him a good view of my behind as I bent down to remove them and my knickers. Once again I heard a strangled noise escape from Nathan’s throat and my smile grew – the power thing was immensely satisfying.

When I finally turned to him I was completely naked, my bra quickly discarded, but to my surprise Nathan was sat up on the bed, not lying back as I had expected. He’d also somehow removed the loose hospital pyjama top and now had his glorious chest on full display. ‘You’re so beautiful, Stella. I can’t believe our baby is in there,’ he murmured, eying my stomach. ‘If you are uncomfortable at any time, or you want to stop, or shift positions just say, sweetheart, OK?’

His concern was incredibly sweet, but at this precise moment I didn’t need sweet, I was horny and I needed Nathan in all his glory deep inside of me. Nodding to acknowledge his comment I raised my hands and briefly toyed with my breasts, just out of his reach, before taking one step closer.

Reaching for me with his good arm Nathan dragged me onto the bed with a growl, ‘Enough teasing, Stella, you better fuck me right now or I swear to God, bandages or no bandages I will punish you when we get home tomorrow. Within the boundaries of my new conditions of course,’ he added. I was tempted to push him, just to see what he’d do to me tomorrow, but he was right, it had been nearly two weeks since we’d made love and my body was literally thrumming with the prospect.

Climbing onto the bed I straddled him, placed a hand in the centre of his chest, and gently pushed him back into a lying position. Shifting the bed sheets out of the way I proceeded to free his manhood from the constraints of his pyjama bottoms, a task that made me realise that sleeping naked like we usually did really did have its benefits. Once his raging erection was free I positioned myself over him and leant forwards for a kiss while rubbing my moist centre back and forth along the head of his cock in a teasing series of swipes. There really was no need for foreplay, I could tell I was wet and way past ready, but I just loved kissing Nathan, and seeing as he enjoyed it too I indulged us both for several minutes.

‘Stella,’ Nathan groaned against my lips in what I took as a plea, so before he had even finished saying my name I sunk myself down onto him, inch by delicious inch. Once I was fully seated on him I paused to control myself, concerned that with my huge arousal even a small movement would be enough to set me straight off into a climax. Breathing hotly against his cheek I chuckled softly, ‘Sorry, I just need a minute or else I’m gonna come straight away …’

Nathan’s good hand was roving across my back and came to rest on my buttocks as I felt his head nod. ‘I know what you mean, sweetheart.’ Thinking that he was agreeing with me, his next move took me completely by surprise. Gripping my buttock he used his hold to swivel himself inside of me with a very thorough roll of his hips which rubbed perfectly against all the right places inside, and outside, of me. As much as I tried to hold back I was immediately cascaded into a mind-blowing orgasm, my channel pulsing around him as he remained unmoving and deep within me, and I almost wept form the power of it as I collapsed forward onto his chest, gasping for breath and clutching at him as my body continued to spasm around him.

When I came back to reality Nathan was laughing softly below me and after a second of recovery I looked up to see his flushed face grinning up at me. ‘That was for teasing me earlier,’ he stated calmly. ‘Now that’s out the way, let’s continue, shall we?’ Even though he had one arm in plaster, Nathan still managed to mostly control our lovemaking by using his other hand on my hip to guide our pace, but to be honest, after the amazing orgasm I’d just had I was feeling floaty and relaxed and happy to just go with the flow. Even with one orgasm under my belt, however, our weeks of chastity meant it didn’t take long for both of us to build to another quick climax, as our bodies moved together and drew out simultaneous climaxes, our cries of satisfaction muffled in a deep kiss as we clung to each other in the darkened hospital room.

Twenty-seven – Nathan

‘Thank fuck we’re home,’ I huffed irritably as Stella and I made our way into my apartment after a morning of seemingly endless tests at the hospital. My goddamn arm felt like a pin cushion from the amount of blood samples and injections I’d had, but none of that mattered now – I’d finally been discharged and we were home. My eyes narrowed at this thought as I scanned my living room.
was home, but seeing as Stella had told me she essentially hated my living space I suppose she just felt like she was accompanying me to
apartment. My bottom lip took a battering as I chewed on it momentarily. I hated the thought of Stella’s discomfort here, but then nodded decisively, knowing it was something that I could, and would, be rectifying in the very near future.

I noticed that Stella stayed quiet about my ‘home’ statement, but instead she came towards me, carefully manoeuvred around my sling, wrapped her arms around my waist and snuggled in close to my chest, which was all the welcome home I needed. ‘God, Nathan, I’m so glad you’re OK.’ Her voice sounded thick, and not just because her face was muffled in my shirt. No, I suspected Stella might be on the verge of tears and hearing her genuine emotion for me almost made my own eyes well up. Christ, I might be softening up these days, but crying I
did not
do. Mind you, I never thought I’d say the ‘L’ word to a woman either, but I must have said it ten times in the last two days if not more. The
crazy thing was that I’d completely and utterly meant it too.

Glancing down at the top of Stella’s blonde head as she clung to me I felt a small smile slip to my lips. She’d held it together so well in the hospital, but perhaps the stress of it all was finally catching up with her. Sliding my good arm further around her I pulled her as close as I could without squashing her. The way this woman made me feel was just incredible. Not to mention totally unprecedented. If someone had told me a few years ago that I’d be cutting back on my working hours and moving out of my beloved apartment to be with a woman, I’d have laughed scornfully in their face. Nuzzling my lips into Stella’s sweet smelling hair I grinned – I guess the joke was on me then.

We hadn’t even moved from our embrace on the threshold of the lounge when there was a knock at the front door. Stella stepped back and the glassy appearance of her wide eyes spoke volumes about just how terrified she’d been when I was in hospital. I couldn’t help myself, ignoring the knocking at the door I yanked her back against me again, ‘It’s OK, sweetheart, I’m OK.’ I pressed a firm kiss to the top of her head as I clutched her tightly to my chest. ‘More importantly,
are going to be OK. You, me, and our baby.’ Jesus, now
voice cracked as I spoke. Suppressing another grin I shook my head as I released Stella, I really was firmly on the route to being well and truly under the thumb, and I truly couldn’t be happier about it.

‘Are you expecting someone?’ Stella asked as she discretely wiped at her eyes and then smiled at me to show she was OK. My chest expanded as I watched her pull herself together, there was no doubt about it; Stella was a brave one.

Stella knew no-one would have gotten past security without my prior go ahead, but I nodded anyway, ‘
are expecting someone,’ I corrected her as I flashed her a secretive wink and opened the front door. ‘Marcus, right on time, come in.’

Standing back I greeted my good friend Marcus Price as his huge six foot five frame stooped to enter the apartment, his arms full with a large box. Stella’s shocked expression as she took in my man mountain of a friend was hilarious, and if possible her jaw dropped even further when a procession of three further men followed him with loaded carrier bags.

The delivery guys dropped off their bags in the kitchen area and left, leaving myself and a confused Stella to watch as Marcus placed his box on the kitchen surface and turned to us with a broad grin. ‘Nathan, glad you’re recovering, mate. It was a hell of a shock when I heard about your accident.’ We did an awkward left handed shake and half hug, which made me wish this bloody cast was already off my arm, before stepping apart to a good distance. ‘It’s good to see you again. It’s been too long, my friend.’ And wasn’t that just the truth – I didn’t exactly have many people I could call close friends, but Marcus was certainly one. Until very recently his job as a head chef had had him in America, but now he was based back in London I’d have to make more effort.

Turning his all-seeing green eyes towards Stella, Marcus smiled warmly and extended a hand which completely dwarfed Stella’s tiny fingers, ‘And you must be Stella, it’s a pleasure to finally meet the woman who has successfully brought this irritable bastard to his knees.’ I couldn’t help but laugh at exactly how accurate his words were – until I’d met Stella I
been an irritable bastard, and even Stella joined in with a chuckle beside me.

‘Uhh … nice to meet you,’ she stuttered as she looked to me for clarification of the situation.

‘Stella, this is Marcus Price, a very good friend of mine, and an even better chef,’ I said with a knowing smile, quite enjoying watching her trying to work out what was going on.

‘Right …’ Still sounding confused Stella blinked several times, ‘Nice to meet you, Marcus.’

I could see Marcus weighing up Stella with an extended look, his inquisitive eyes ran head to toe and back again before he raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips appreciatively. My inner temperature began to rise and I felt that deep, hidden monster begin to rise to the surface again. If I’d had spines on my back they would definitely have risen defensively by this point, ‘Back the fuck off, Marcus,’ I growled, stepping in front of Stella with a bunched fist and shooting him a killer look. Bandage on my arm or not, I’d still take him on if needed. But instead of backing down and looking sheepish as I’d imagined, Marcus bent double laughing and slapped one palm on his thigh.

He was still laughing when he stood upright again and wiped a tear from his eye. ‘Chill out, mate, I was just testing to see if the old Nathan was still in there somewhere.’ Clapping me on the back hard enough to make me stagger forward a step he then turned and started to unpack his box, a grin still plastered on his face, ‘Good to see you’re not totally whipped yet, mate.’

Ignoring my male posturing Stella rolled her eyes and moved to the breakfast bar, watching what Marcus was doing with interest. Pulling out a set of professional knives, a hand mixer, and a roasting dish Marcus looked up at her and cocked his head. ‘I hear congratulations are in order.’ His eyes flicked between Stella, her stomach and then me, and I could see the genuine pleasure in his eyes. ‘I’m chuffed for you both, I really am.’ Nodding my acceptance of his words I felt myself relax again – this was Marcus, my long-time friend, not a threat. Turning to the sink Marcus washed his hands then addressed Stella again, ‘OK, I’m going to need a full list of your favourite foods, but for tonight how does oven baked salmon with potato gratin, broccoli, and asparagus sound?’

Stella’s eyebrows almost rose out of her forehead, ‘It sounds incredible …’ Brushing her hair behind her ears Stella leant closer to examine the contents of the boxes and shopping bags as she realised they were all full with food. ‘I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but why are you cooking for us?’

Wiggling his eyebrows Marcus shrugged, ‘Because your wonderful man dragged me from my new restaurant kicking and screaming and promised to pay me a bucket load of cash to be here.’ Chuckling, Marcus turned to continue with dinner preparation, and I suspect give me some time alone with Stella, who currently looked like she was about to explode as she turned to me with a horrified look on her face.

‘He’s kidding, Stella!’ I laughed, taking her hand and helping her up onto one of the tall bar stools by the counter. ‘Marcus is just back from the States and has a new restaurant open, he’s trained up a head chef, but now he needs to see how he gets on without him for a few weeks. This just fits in well, he offered to do it, didn’t you, Marcus?’

Turning back from the fridge I saw Marcus with a cheeky glint in his eye. ‘I did. I did.’ He held up his hands in apology, ‘Sorry, Stella, I was just winding you up.’ Marcus added with a wicked chuckle before turning back to the cooker.

‘But I can cook, you can cook –’ I cut off Stella’s sentence by taking one of her hands in mine and rubbing my thumb across the soft skin on the back of her hand. ‘I know we can, but after the accident and you not eating properly …’ I shook my head, my teeth clenching at the thought of her starving herself with worry because of me. ‘Having Marcus here for a few weeks will just make sure you eat right, sweetheart. After all, it’s not just you I have to worry about any more,’ I murmured, before leaning in to place a quick kiss on her lips.

‘I saw that,’ Marcus said, and from his amused tone I just knew he was smirking at me for being so soft. ‘Fuck off, Marcus,’ I replied, sounding equally as jovial.

Casting my attention firmly back onto Stella I put on my most persuasive look. ‘It’s only temporary until I get this cast off,’ I explained. I didn’t mention that I planned on spoiling her rotten for the next six months too, but that was certainly on the agenda. Stella still looked like she might be about to argue further, so I opted for my back-up plan and grabbed the folder that was sat on top of my hospital bag. ‘Plus if he’s cooking every night it will give us more time after work to go and look around some of these.’ Fanning out the estate agents’ brochures that were in the folder I gave her a hopeful glance, not quite willing to accept how desperate I was for her to agree to move in with me. Watching her reaction carefully I saw her face soften as Stella looked at the brochures and then back at me with what my ego wanted to believe were adoring eyes.

We hadn’t mentioned the brochures in the hospital, but I knew Stella had seen them because my brother had told me so. Nicholas had also taken great pleasure in telling me that I was ‘under the thumb’, the bastard, but he was totally right. I wanted to live with Stella more than anything else, and if she couldn’t be happy here in my apartment then neither could I. We would have to move, it was as simple as that.

Taking Stella’s hand I helped her down from the stool and led her towards the sofas and a little more privacy away from Marcus. Sitting ourselves down I tucked a leg under myself so I could fully face Stella before I spoke. I wanted, no,
, her to see how seriously I was taking this. ‘I want to do this properly, Stella, you and me together. If you need us to move to a new place that is just ours that’s fine by me, take your pick, or go online and look for different houses, I don’t care.’

Taking hold of her hand I brought it to my lips and kissed each knuckle, delaying my next question in case I didn’t get the answer I wanted. Finally I let out a long breath and met her eyes with a serious gaze, ‘Please live with me, Stella.’ The pleading tone was not one I was used to using, and I was glad Marcus was out of earshot, but where this woman was concerned it seemed I was getting pretty good at compromising my usual behaviours.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting for her reply she smiled at me almost shyly. ‘Yes,’ she breathed with a nod, her fingers tightening around mine.

I almost couldn’t believe my ears, and before I thought about it I found myself repeating her answer in a tone of disbelief. ‘Yes?’

The shy smile on her lips broke into a full grin as she nodded enthusiastically and climbed into my lap. ‘Yes, yes, yes. I’ll live with you, Nathan.’ Then she sealed the deal by lowering her lips to mine and kissing me softly and sweetly until I moaned and tugged her more firmly against my hardening groin.

‘Oi! If I’m going to be around for a few weeks there needs to be a “no nookie outside of the bedroom” rule,’ Marcus called from the kitchen, but this time I couldn’t tell him to fuck off because he was making a valid point. Besides, no-one got to see Stella when she was aroused and lusty, only me, so reluctantly I shifted her off my lap and instead tucked her next to me on the sofa.

Stella was flushed and breathing a little quicker than usual as she leant forward and picked up the estate agents brochures. ‘How exciting,’ she murmured, beginning to flick through them. ‘I’m contributing to the mortgage though, Nathan, otherwise the deal’s off,’ she stated in her no nonsense voice. I could have told her that with a little shuffling of my finances I could quickly have enough in my bank account to buy at least two of these houses without even needing a mortgage, but I knew how independent Stella was, it was one of the qualities I loved about her, so instead I simply nodded my agreement. ‘Fine, we can work out details at a later date. The London market is insane though, so be prepared to make a quick decision. Houses in good neighbourhoods can literally be sold within hours of going on the market. Luckily I have contacts within several of the estate agents through work, so I’ve asked them to give me a heads up about suitable properties before they advertise them, which might at least give us a few days’ advantage over the rest of the buyers.’

Now that she had finally agreed to live with me there was one final idea I wanted to run past her, and it was a pretty monumental one for me too. ‘I was hoping that you might agree to me designing a house for us, Stella.’ Her eyes widened, from excitement, I think, and her lips parted, but I wanted to finish explaining first. ‘We’d pick a normal house now, move in as soon as possible, and live there for a few years, but during that time I’d really love to design a longer-term home for us and get it built. What do you think?’

Her mouth bobbed open and closed a few times and she blinked rapidly for a minute or so, before her head suddenly started to nod up and down almost frantically. ‘I think it sounds amazing, Nathan. I think

Score three for me. I was home from hospital, Stella had agreed to live with me, and best of all, she thought I was amazing. Life really couldn’t get any better.

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