Enlightened (29 page)

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Authors: Alice Raine

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Enlightened
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I grinned at his desperate tone and hummed my appreciation around his cock, which only seemed to further fuel his arousal as I felt him swelling even more. My eyebrows rose at his response to such a simple act and I mentally added “humming with him in my mouth” to my checklist for next time.

From the groans resonating from Nathan’s throat and his barely contained movement I could tell he was fast approaching his climax and so I began to move my mouth at just the speed he liked, hollowing out my cheeks as I added in the harder sucks he loved, and got my fingers into the mix by fondling his balls and perineum which made him moan loudly in appreciation and give the tiniest upward thrust in response.

Any concerns I had that Nathan might not be enjoying this ‘vanilla’ version of a blow job were erased the second he came; exploding into my mouth violently with a barked curse, his hips finally jutting upwards and his hand coming up to stroke my hair as he groaned my name repeatedly and gradually began to come down from his high.

Dragging me up his body he snuggled me against him and we must have stayed there for at least ten minutes in contented silence, half sitting and half lying on the sofa. ‘Well, I have to say, you exceeded all expectations with that one, sweetheart,’ Nathan growled, ‘Now you’ve made my day,
my fucking year,
by signing the contract I think it’s only right that I fuck you to seal the deal …’ he stated in a low tone that was saturated with lust. Considering he’d come just a few minutes ago I was still pretty amazed when he shifted below me and I felt his rock solid erection rub against my bum. Swallowing loudly at this sensation, not to mention his heated words, I felt my insides heat with the promise of things to come. Who knew that writing my name on a piece of paper could have such an impact on him?

The fire in his eyes told me that this wasn’t going to be a drawn out love making session, plus we’d be dangerously close to being disturbed by Marcus who was planning on coming round today whilst we were both at work to spend the day in the kitchen.

‘Get naked, Stella.’ There was no hesitation in my mind, my dress and underwear were gone in a flash and then Nathan was standing, grabbing my hand, and dragging me towards him and kissing me like he wanted to crawl inside me. Sliding a hand around his neck I pulled his mouth down to meet mine in a hard kiss which he returned with gusto, his hot tongue seeming to be everywhere all at once. All of a sudden the signed contract wasn’t on the desk any more, and neither were his pen, briefcase, or stationary pad. All had been brushed to the side with a wild sweep of his arm. Nathan, still fully dressed just with his zip undone and cock standing out proudly, propelled himself backwards onto the desk and dragged me to him with a groan that sounded like a roar.

Nathan helped me up onto his desk so I was straddling him and then kissed me once more for good measure, ‘I’d like to be the one in control, but this bloody plaster gets in the way,’ he grumbled, but then his eyes flashed and he grinned up at me, ‘Actually, given the circumstances of our new contract this is perfect. Give yourself to me, Stella, make love to me. I’m yours now, just as much as you are mine.’

His words were just perfect, so nodding slowly I lifted my hips and used a hand to guide him to my entrance before sinking down on him inch by inch. Even though he was underneath me there wasn’t much doubt about who was in control; Nathan used a tight grip on my hip to lead our movements as our hips ground against each other, the fabric of his trousers deliciously soft against my thighs. ‘I’m going to stain your trousers,’ I gasped in between breaths, realising that because he was still basically dressed my excessive moisture would be rubbing all over the expensive suit.

‘I don’t care. Don’t fucking stop, Stella,’ he demanded through gritted teeth as he thrust upwards into me. With a grin I decided to be the perfect sub for a change and obediently followed his instructions.

Twenty-nine – Nicholas

must be everything?’ Scratching my head I looked at the stack of decorations, name cards, table plans, and boxes of gifts scattered on the dining room table. Shaking my head in disbelief I blew out a breath and looked across at Rebecca, who was also eyeing the pile while nervously chewing on her finger nail with a very cute frown creasing her eyebrows.

‘Umm … I think so.’ Seeing her wince as she caught a bit of skin in her chewing, I rounded the table and gently eased her hand away from her nibbling teeth before pulling her into my arms. ‘Hey, stop chewing, you’ll ruin your nails.’ I wasn’t exactly up on the latest manicure trends, but I was fairly sure that chewing on them just a day after they’d been done probably wasn’t ideal. Not that I cared what her nails looked like, I was marrying
Rebecca, the woman that had made her way inside my messed up heart and head, and after a good look around at all the crap stowed away in there, had miraculously decided to stick around.

I didn’t need her all primped and prettied, as far I was concerned Rebecca was perfect as she was. Stella and Louise, however, had had other plans and had surprised Rebecca with a spa trip yesterday in preparation for the big day tomorrow. They’d been gone for most of the afternoon and when she had finally walked back in the front door Rebecca had looked so utterly relaxed from her facial, massage, and manicure that it was almost enough to tempt me to try it. Only the massage part, obviously – the girly facial and manicures I’d leave for Becky.

Holding her close to my chest I rested my chin on top of her head and felt a grin stretch my lips as I surveyed the bombsite of my dining room. All the mess was worth it, because tomorrow I was marrying Rebecca. I couldn’t believe it had come round so quickly, but I couldn’t be bloody happier. She would finally be mine for good, and I couldn’t wait. ‘Stella’s got the list of things we need,’ she murmured into my chest, ‘Let me go and tick things off then we can start packing the car.’ Placing a kiss above my heart Rebecca hurried off in search of Stella just as Nathan appeared in the doorway.

‘If it’s OK, I really need to leave now, Nicholas, I just had a call about that house I mentioned to you earlier. It seems like the vendor might consider a slightly earlier sale if I view it today and give an answer by tonight.’

‘Is this the one in Belgravia?’ I enquired as I started to box up everything on the table ready for our drive up to the lakes.

‘No, even if you and I had combined our money that one would have taken us to near bankruptcy!’ Nathan laughed, and I smiled affectionately at his easy laughter. The difference in my brother since he’d made things more serious and ‘vanilla’ with Stella really was astounding; smiles, humour, he had even eased up on some of his obsessive ways. Possibly for the first time in our lives I was seeing him genuinely happy. After all he’d done for me I sincerely believed that he deserved it more than anyone.

‘Do you have any idea how much a six-bedroomed house in Belgravia costs these days? Tens of millions! Fuck me, I thought I was up on the property market given my job, but I nearly died when the estate agent told me the cost of the first place I’d enquired about! Sixty-nine million pounds!’ Shaking his head Nathan blew out an amused breath, ‘I mean I know I’m well off, but not
well off!’ he said with another laugh. ‘My plan had been to buy a place as an investment and then rent it out when Stella and I move into the house I’ll build, but I’m reconsidering now. I might speed up the schedule for our own build and just rent one in the meantime.’

‘Sounds sensible.’ I loved my townhouse, but I have to say I had actually been a little jealous when Nathan had told me his plans for designing and building a house for him and Stella somewhere outside of London. I liked London, and I knew Becky loved it, but sometimes all the crowds and bustle were too much for me. Although seeing as Nathan was my only family I could easily see Rebecca and I moving out somewhere close by them once they were settled, or at least buying a second smaller property so we could visit frequently.

‘This house is much cheaper and technically not on the market until tomorrow. It’s the one I mentioned in South Hampstead, so not far from here, really. Three bedrooms, nice road. The house has a garden, but there’s also a private park for residents running along the centre of the street. The vendor will consider sale or rental, so we can choose.’

‘Sounds perfect, you should get over there now and seal the deal.’ We were pretty much ready to set off now anyway. Besides, the morning rush hour was over, so this was the perfect time to be driving out of central London. As far as I was concerned, the quicker we got on the road, the sooner we would be arriving at the hotel and then it would just be a matter of one night before I’d be marrying my girl. Thinking of the word ‘marrying’, something I’d noticed earlier sprung back to my ever curious mind.

‘By the way, bro, that’s a nice necklace Stella has on today.’ Stella had her hair up when they arrived early in the morning to help us get organised, and the clasp on the back of her necklace had immediately caught my eye. To your average person on the street it would probably just a look a bit chunky, but I’d seen enough collared subs around Club Twist to recognise that clasp design anywhere – it was the work of Diango, a jeweller used by many of the clubs patrons.

The look on Nathan’s face was a picture; his eyes darted to mine then away again and his cheeks actually flushed. ‘Hmm. Yes, it’s new,’ was all the reply I got, which only hastened my curiosity. I had kept my tone casual for my first questions, but I was prepared to dig a little deeper to see if my suspicions were correct. It seemed Nathan was intent on being cagy with me about it, so fine, I’d simply push for more information.

‘Did you buy it for her?’ Again I used a mild tone, but I watched as Nathan scratched almost viciously at the back of his neck in his discomfort.

. I wasn’t trying to beat you to it, or compete with you, brother,’ he explained sheepishly as my eyebrows rose. I’m not sure I’d ever seen Nathan demonstrate real actual guilt on his face, but that realisation was pushed aside by the more important thought at the forefront of my mind –
I’d been right.
‘You collared Stella? Like officially?’ I asked in astonishment, almost in disbelief at this gigantic step for my brother.

Once again Nathan’s eyes darted around the room until finally he expelled a gigantic breath and looked me straight in the eye. ‘Yes. I’m not keen on the whole marrying thing … I think after Mum and Dad … and then the way I’ve lived my life, I don’t know, I guess it put me off.’ Pulling out a dining room chair Nathan sat down, looking very much like he was about to fall down, so following suit I did the same, my eyes riveted to my big brother. ‘But Stella …
.’ He shook his head in wonder, and I knew just what he was experiencing, because it was the way I felt every time I thought about Rebecca.

‘I can’t be without her, Nicholas, and I couldn’t risk losing her if she knew I didn’t want to get married, so I did the only thing I’m capable of and offered her this link with me.’ I nodded my head in understanding, seeing as Nathan had told me that their relationship was mostly vanilla but with some aspects of Dom/sub living thrown in, it made perfect sense, really. ‘It’s another compromise to add to the many that have come before,’ he said with a dry laugh. ‘Anyway, after finding out about the baby I didn’t want to wait any longer to ask her, so I did it last week and she said yes.’

I felt my chest puff with pride at the huge step that Nathan was taking and I reached across and gave him a hearty slap on his shoulder – his uninjured one – before smiling. ‘Congratulations, Nathan. I think you two are perfectly suited.’

Nathan looked a little bashful, staring at the table in embarrassment, but I didn’t miss the smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth. ‘Thanks, brother, I think so too. She’s amazing. I’m sorry it’s just before your wedding, believe me, that wasn’t intentional. After I got out of hospital it hit me how close I’d come to … well … let’s just say it made me realise what was important and I knew I just had to make her mine.’

Nathan’s accident had put things into perspective for me too, all those days sat in the hospital thinking I was going to lose him, the man that had saved me all those years ago, had been unbearable. I didn’t care when, how, or where he’d sorted out things with Stella, I was just pleased that he’d done it. Trying to ease his concerns I gave a firm shake of my head. ‘Don’t be daft, I think it’s excellent news. Did you have the full collaring ceremony at Club Twist?’ I asked, marginally hurt that if he did, he hadn’t invited me.

‘God no. We hardly go there anymore now. It was just the two of us. I kind of caught Stella unaware actually, sprang it on her, but luckily it all turned out alright in the end.’ Just then we heard the mumble of voices signalling the return of Rebecca and Stella to the dining room so after giving my brother one more reassuring wink we stood up to meet them.

‘Well, super organiser Stella says we have everything we need now,’ Rebecca said with a grin, indicating to the huge handwritten list that had spent the last two months stuck to our fridge and being amended and updated daily – probably hourly, actually.

‘You sure there’s nothing else we can help with?’ Nathan questioned shrugging his jacket on.

‘I think we’re good, brother. Thank you both for coming round so early to help us out.’ With our wedding being up in the Lake District it wasn’t exactly like we could ‘pop home’ if we forgot something, so I knew that having Stella check over the list of things would help put Becky’s mind at ease. ‘Just don’t forget the rings, will you?’ I said in a solemn tone. My brother was so controlled over everything in his life that losing the rings was
something I had any worries about, but Nathan was so easy to wind up that a little joke never went amiss.

‘Give me some credit, Nicholas, do you seriously think I would fuck this up for you?’ he muttered as he straightened his cuffs. Despite the slightly stressful start to the day I was in a seriously good mood and very tempted to tease him further, but at the reproachful look Rebecca flashed me I relented and grinned at him instead. ‘I know they’re in safe hands, Nathan, I was kidding. So, you’ll be driving up to the hotel this afternoon after viewing this house?’ I confirmed.

Sliding an arm around Stella’s waist Nathan nodded. ‘Yes, we shouldn’t be on the road much after you, actually. Once we arrive I’ll drop Stella off at Rebecca’s parents’ house then drive over to the hotel and we can relax with a few drinks in the bar.’

‘And we can settle in for some bubbly with your mum and sister!’ Stella said enthusiastically, but then almost immediately sighed as Nathan gave her a disapproving look. ‘Well, you can all have the bubbles. I’ll stick to grape juice,’ she joked with a roll of her eyes as she rested a hand on her tummy and smiled up at Nathan. I still couldn’t quite believe that my brother was going to be a father, but as I watched the way his eyes drifted to Stella’s stomach and a tiny smile curve his lips I just instinctively knew that he would be great at it.

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