Enough (11 page)

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Authors: Briana Pacheco

BOOK: Enough
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I shut my eyes and fell asleep around two in the morning

I was lucky to meet him.
Now look at us. We’re in a bed together.

hen I thought about me in my bra, I thought about Bryan. I thought about what happened at his house. The feelings I repressed for him are back but they’re not like how I feel for Alex. I don’t even know a lot about Alex but I know he’s something special.

I can’t choose both Alex and B

And I know
they both feel something for me. It’s obvious.

I had a rough night trying to decide what to do.



I woke up around ten in the morning and Alex wasn’t in bed. A few seconds later, my bathroom door opened and a hot I-just-woke-up Alex popped out. “Morning. How did you sleep?” He asked. Wonderful. You were in bed with me, hello.

“Good actually, after the shirt was off everything felt better.
” I said. I moved the comforter off me and tried sitting up. Alex walked over with my robe in hand. He helped me up and put it on. “Thanks. I guess what I said at the party came to bite me in the ass. I told you not to babysit me and here you are, getting me out of bed and dressed.” I said.

“It’s no problem.”
He said, his lips super close to mine.

Think of something else. Think of something else.

Today’s Monday.

“Hey, why didn’t you go to school?”
I asked. He smiled.

“And leave you to get up by yourself. I would rather help.
I like it here. Your family’s nice…and they seem to like me.”
Who doesn’t like you?

helped me to the stairs even though I told him I could walk by myself but he doesn’t want to take any chance of me falling so I leaned on him for support. I feel bad for doing this to him. He’s missing school. He’s playing dad to a girl that has the biggest crush on him and he’s being used as a crutch.

I was surprised to see my family in the kitchen. They were all smiling at me
and acting weird. Why are they so happy?

I took a seat and saw blueberry pancakes on the counter.
Scarlett tried grabbing one but my mom slapped her hand lightly.

“Those are for Emily.” Mom

, she can have them.” I said. Everyone glanced at me and then noticed Alex. They said hi and told him to sit down and eat breakfast.

“Honey, you look beautiful today.
It’s this natural thing you have when you wake up.” Mom said. I furrowed my brow. What’s going on with her? I mean, Mom is nice but she’s not this nice.

“Um… thank you. I guess.” I
said. I looked at Declan and Scarlett and they wouldn’t look at me. Declan better not have said anything.

Alex, thank you for taking care of Emily. She’s been so down and you helped.” Mom said.

I looked at her suspiciously.
This is weird.

“What’s going on?”
I asked. Nobody answered me. “Mom? Why are acting so nice to me?” She looked shocked.

“Emily, h
ow dare you say that, I am always nice.” True.

“You w
ould never let a guy in my room. And for him to
here? You would have run around the house screaming bloody murder. You’re just acting weird.” I looked at Declan. “Dec, why is she acting like this?” I got a gut wrenching feeling. He wouldn’t tell anyone about last night, right? He shrugged his shoulders. I stared at him a few more seconds.

“Gosh Emily, we know.” Scarlett said.
My eyes widened.

I told you. How could you do that?!” I snapped.

He turned to face me.
I can’t believe he told them. My own brother.

“I didn’t say anything.” He
said as he looked at Scarlett.

“Then how do they know?
What the hell?! Declan, I told you not to say anything.” I looked at my mom. “Is that why you’re acting weird? I didn’t tell you because I thought you’d think I deserved it for getting drunk at parties. I’m not a baby, Mom. Just because I was raped doesn’t mean you can act different around–” I paused. Declan has his hand on his temple as he looked down at the counter. Scarlett looked at me wide-eyed and my mom… well, she just looked at me and Declan.

did you just say?” Mom stared at me. “Honey…” I looked at Declan, he’s shaking his head.

“You didn’t tell her
, did you?” I asked. He looked up at me and shook his head. I just dug my own grave. Now I have to lie in it. “What were you guys talking about then?”

Scarlett looked at me. “Mom told us you knew about the party. We were going to throw it over the weekend b
ut now that we’re not moving…” She trailed off.

om walked up to me.

“Honey, talk to me. What happened?
Please, talk to me. Was this at Sophie’s party?” She asked. I broke. I can’t lie to her. Not when she has that look in her eyes. It’s the look of a mom feeling defeated.

om hugged me and I just fell apart. I can’t hide it anymore. I sat at the table and told her everything. Declan and Scarlett stayed and listened and Alex went into the living room. I don’t know if he’s giving us privacy or he just doesn’t want to hear about it.

“Let me see.” M
om asked after I finished talking.

“What?” I asked surprised.

“The cut. Let me see it.”

I opened my robe a bit.

“Who did that to you? Do you know?” Scar asked.

” I said dropping my eyes to the counter. “It was dark. I don’t think I know him but he heard the rumors from school so he has to be from Wilks.” Its sick thinking someone at school can do this. “I decided to stay to find out.” I said.

“And what did you plan on doing?
” Scar asked. “Ask every guy if they raped a girl last Saturday? Don’t be ridiculous, Em.”

“Scarlett. Don’t talk to her like that
.” Mom said. They shared a look and I glanced at Declan. “Alex knows?” I nodded. “What about Tiffany and Bryan?”

“No.” I said softly. Then I stood up and walked into the living room.
“I’m going upstairs.” I said to Alex. I’m still shocked he’s still in my house. I don’t know why he didn’t leave yet and forget about me.

“You okay?”
He asked. I nodded. “Need help?” The sneaky bastard. He’s smiling and I know it’s because he wants to be useful. I think he likes touching me. I know I do. He held me up and brought me to my bed.

I grabbed my phone and texted
Bryan and Tiffany because if I want to tell anyone, it’s them. They can help me. I need help…

Have to tell you something.

Can you guys pass by after school?

Nobody texted back. I waited five more minutes.

Me: Please, I will explain everything. :(

I put my phone down and waited.
A minute later, they texted back.

Fine but if you don’t tell me everything I’m leaving.

Tiffany: P.S. You have been ignoring me for
days. >:(

: Yeah, we need to talk about something else too

told Alex they’re coming so if he wants to leave, he doesn’t have to feel bad. He just looked at me like I was crazy for even bringing it up.

“You can take a nap.
” Alex said. “School isn’t over yet.”

I got comfortable and laid there. I couldn’t go to sleep though. All I do is sleep. Just yesterday my birthday was in two weeks now it’s in four days. Time flies. And I’m happy my family’s going to be here. I’m happy I’m spending time with Alex. I’m just fucking happy at the moment.

I got a text from Bryan.

: I heard you and Alex have been spending time together.

Don’t worry about that.

Get here quick and pick up Tiff. I want both of you here.

Alex walked over to my bed and sat down. I smiled as he crossed his legs at the ankle and leaned against the headboard. He’s getting comfortable.

“You should be at school.” I said glancing at him.

“What, you don’t like talking to me?” He asked. The look in his eyes told me he’s thinking about the night of the party. He’s mentioning lips locking. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. “You were the one who said talking wouldn’t be involved if we
were together. I think you were bullshitting me.”

My mouth opened then closed. He just said that. Holy shit, he did.

Alex’s lips pressed into a line. “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t–”

I sat up and ignored the pain as I stared at him. I’m just going to grow a fucking pair. Life is short. Shit happens. I want him to know how I feel before its too late.

“I’ve wanted to kiss you since you stepped into homeroom.” I said. “I’ve wanted to do more. Trust me…I wasn’t bullshitting you.”

His eyes held mine and I thought he was going to lean in and plant one on me but he chewed on his lip and dropped his eyes to his lap instead. Yeah
, I wouldn’t kiss the girl who was raped and is still horny either…

Alex leaned in
to me slowly. Okay…he’s thinking about it. Ah, I smell him. My heart is beating way too fast. I’m excited. Really excited. His eyes found mine then he brushed a stray lock of hair from my face and I lost it. Okay, I didn’t really lose it. He’s right there. He’s practically meeting me halfway.

I kissed him
. And I melted as his lips pressed into mine.

Something fell down
stairs and I backed away. Shit.

Alex shifted on the bed and cleared his throat.
“So…when’s your birthday?” He asked. He probably thinks Declan will run in here. He probably would. “Your family was talking about the surprise party they were planning before they left.”

I frowned. Okay, we’re going to pretend that didn’t just happen.

“Friday.” I said. That got me thinking about him. “I feel really dumb asking this but how old are you?”

Nineteen. Birthday’s in September.” He said. I nodded. Older man.

“And you’re a senior. D
id you stay back a year?” I asked.

“I started school late. My parents weren’t really excited when i
t was time for me to go.” Alex said with a sad smile. “So…what do you want for your birthday?” He asked full on smiling now.

’t get any ideas. Assuming you’d be there. You’ve done enough for me and I already have everything I want.” I said. There was a knock on my door. Hm, Declan is predicable. “Come in.” I mumbled. I’m busy looking at Alex. He better not get me anything. I don’t care if he has money. He can spend it somewhere else.

Alex looked up at the door
and his smile died a bit. Tiffany and Bryan are here. Tiffany glanced up at Alex and back to me then winked. Oh, God. Alex said hi, got up and moved over to the window. Bryan just stared at the both of us with a confused look on his face. I wouldn’t blame him.

“What are you guys doin
g here? School isn’t over yet.” I said.

“I couldn’t stay there and not think about what you are going to tell us. I broke her out of school and drove here right away.
” Bryan said walking over to me. “What is it?”

“I should go
. I can bring some Chinese if you want?” Alex said.

He want
s to go…

“You don’t have to go
.” I said.

, if he wants to go, he can go.” Bryan said. Excuse me?

…okay. If you come back I’d like Chinese.” I said. Alex said goodbye and closed the door. “What the hell was that about? If he wanted to stay, he can. Whatever. I wanted to tell you about why I have been acting weird. After I tell you, I don’t want you to feel sorry or anything like that for me. I had enough of that.” I said. They nodded. “Okay, first I’m not moving, I mean I wasn’t but my family isn’t anymore. Something worked out. Second…”

I told them everything. I saw
some gasps and mouth covers from Tiffany but Bryan looked at me, hanging on to every word.

, give us a minute.” Bryan said staring at her. Tiffany was about to argue but knew better. When she closed the door Bryan moved closer to me. “When you came to my house, was that just because what happened? Was it not real? I understand if you didn’t feel anything about it.”

Bryan, what happened at your house was not on impulse. I just…”

“Is there anything
going on between you and Alex?” He asked.

No…yes…no. I wish there was.
We just kissed.

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