Epic: Book 02 - Outlaw Trigger (7 page)

Read Epic: Book 02 - Outlaw Trigger Online

Authors: Lee Stephen

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #War & Military, #Science Fiction, #Adventure, #Suspense, #Military

BOOK: Epic: Book 02 - Outlaw Trigger
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When they finally entered the hangar, Scott grabbed hold of a passing technician. “Are they separated by unit?”

The technician stared at Scott for a moment. “English, no good…”

Galina was quick to take over. After several seconds of what Scott could only assume was the Russian version of same question, the technician smiled and replied. Then he hustled away.

He says they have been put in unit order…so we are fourteenth from the left.”

Is it really going to be that easy?” Scott counted from left to right, until his eyes came to rest on two lone operatives, one man and one woman. They stood next to each other in the back.

That must be them,” Galina said.

It’s got to be.” He glanced to her. “You ready?”

Very much!”

Let’s bring them home.”

He couldn’t help but wonder what the alphas were thinking. He wondered if they knew where they were. In the network that was EDEN’s bases,
was by far the worst. Its reputation was downright abhorrent. At least the rookies had teammates to greet them. “These guys have it made. We got turned loose the moment we got here.”

Galina laughed as she kept by his side. “You turned out okay.”

Just okay?” he asked with a look.

Maybe a little better.”

As the alphas drew closer, their features came into view. The scout was the first one he studied. She was a fair-complexioned black woman. Her mocha-colored skin complemented her chocolate bun to perfection, a bun that—despite its dampness—sat tidily in place. As soon as Scott and Galina neared her, she turned to regard them.

Her eyes were large and brown, and they followed Scott with heightened timidity. She was tiny, and slender to match. She looked like a scout.

The man beside her was large, but not huge. If Scott had the right pair, then this was the smallest demolitionist he’d ever seen. He towered above the girl, and he was still taller than Scott, but compared with William Harbinger he was average. His brown hair was almost too short to hold wetness—practically shaved—and he was as pale as a man could become. The two rookies were complete opposites.

Get your game face on,” Scott said.

Galina gave him a funny look. “My game face?”

Sports reference.” As soon as they drew close, the alphas snapped to salutes. The girl’s was crisp—purposed; the man’s more casual. Scott returned a salute of his own. “Who do we have here?”

The girl was first to speak. “Alpha Private Esther Brooking, sir!” Her voice was chirpy. It fit her small size to perfection.

The man beside her smirked. It caught Scott off guard. “Alpha Private and Demolitionist Maksim Frolov, lieutenant.”

Scott was impressed—Maksim had noticed Scott’s rank already. The smirk was unexpected, but he liked it. It was different coming from a rookie. “Well, Ms. Brooking and Mr. Frolov, welcome to
. I am Lieutenant Scott Remington, and by my side is Epsilon Galina Lebesheva.” As soon as Scott told them his name, Esther lifted an eyebrow. “We are part of the squad known as the Fourteenth. Do you two have all your bags ready?”

Yes, lieutenant,” Maksim answered.

Excellent. Let’s get you in for the night.”

Unpacking was a pain. Scott knew this all too well; he’d unpacked twice. If anyone were to tell him that two homes were better than one, he’d beg to differ. He watched as Esther and Maksim slung their wet duffle bags over their shoulders. He was certain they wanted the same thing he had when he was in their shoes: a warm shower and a bed. He knew they’d get them both soon.

How was your flight from
?” asked Galina.

Very good, ma’am,” said Esther.

Good. You must be tired tonight, yes?”

Yes ma’am, very much.”

As they walked past the
, Scott dipped his head toward it. “That’s our Vulture, right there by the corner. Whenever we get called for a mission, that’s the ride we take.”

Esther noticed the tail fin immediately. The dog and name were impossible to miss. “Why do they call her the
, sir?”

Galina and Scott swapped a wry look. “We will let Travis tell you that,” Galina answered. “He is our pilot. I am sure he would be happy to explain it to you.”

Where are you two from?” Scott asked.


Maksim grinned. “Novosibirsk.”

Novosibirsk?” Galina asked in a surprised tone.


A local boy
, thought Scott. This was already his home. “This isn’t much of a jump for you, then?”

I live twenty minutes away from here, lieutenant.”

It’s a
farther for me,” said Esther.

Scott turned to her. “Don’t worry about getting too lonely. Our captain’s from Britain.”

Her smile grew large. “Fancy that, sir!”

He will love the new company,” Galina said. “We give him hard enough time as it is.”

As Scott stepped out from the hangar, Galina lifted her umbrella and he edged beneath it. “You two don’t mind a little rain, do you?”

No sir,” Esther said as she followed. She blinked as the droplets hit her face. “I’m fond of water anyway. I feel at home.”

Scott almost said something, but bit his lip before he could. The poor girl just had no idea.

The journey to Room 14 was a wet one, at least for the rookies. Despite the rain’s lack of severity, it drenched them from head to toe. Scott found it amusing. It was good to be on the dry side of the spectrum. The stormy arrival was a rite of passage, and his dues had already been paid. As they stepped into the barracks, their wet shoes squeaked down the hall.

So you’re a scout, Esther?” Scott asked.

Esther brushed the damp strands from her face. “Yes, sir. I’ve graduated with high results, in the upper twentieth percentile for all Type-2s.”

Scott smiled. It was boasting, but it wasn’t arrogance. It was eagerness to please. “So what exactly does a Type-2 do?” He already knew the answer, but it gave them something to talk about.

Tactical observation, sir. We listen, we watch, and we report. We’re choice for sniper supplementation and tactical planning.”

We have a sniper in the Fourteenth. Delta Trooper Jayden Timmons. He’s from Texas.”

Texas, sir?”

Blue Creek.”

Shall I need to adjust to a slurry accent?” she joked.

Scott chuckled. “He’s not so bad. I’m sure you’ve had your fill of southerners in
.” Captain Williams was a southerner. Scott switched his gaze to Maksim. “You ever fought Captain Williams, Maksim?”

Da, lieutenant,” said Maksim, laughing. “He beat me quick.”

He beats everyone quick.”

Did you fight Captain Williams, sir?” Esther asked.

I did. I lasted about fifteen seconds.” Which actually wasn’t bad. There were more than enough cadets who went down with the first hit.

Since Dostoevsky had taken Scott under his wing, Scott’s hand-to-hand prowess had soared. He didn’t plan on being a Nightman anytime soon, but he had to hand it to them—they knew how to fight. He wondered how he’d handle Captain Williams now.

Within a minute, they stood outside the door to Room 14. Though water droplets fell to the floor, the alphas remained properly silent.

Here’s the drill,” Scott whispered. “Curfew for most units is 2100 hours, and we’re no exception. After nine, we expect lights out and lips sealed. Understood?”

They nodded.

Scott gripped the knob. “All right, then. Let’s be quiet while we slip inside. You’re on your own to find bunks. Just don’t wake anyone up.” He turned the knob, pushed the door, and slid into the darkness.

Or where there
have been darkness.

The room was lit up and alive with operatives milling about everywhere. Even Clarke was there, entertaining Boris with a game of chess in the corner.

Scott stood in dumbstruck silence, as Becan pranced in his direction.

I’m guessin’ these are the new ones, then?”

Scott was too stunned to reply.

Howyeh!” Becan grinned to Esther and Maksim. “Becan McCrae, pleasure to meet yeh both!”

As the alphas stood in the doorway, the room’s focus turned to them.

Here at last!” Clarke said, standing from the chess board. Boris threw up his hands.

Captain, I checkmate you in two moves, why you leave?”

Clarke ignored him.

Scott leaned close to Becan as the operatives neared. “Why in the world is everyone up?”

The captain said we could stay up to meet the rookies! Tha’s grand, isn’t it?”

It was grand, all right. Especially since Clarke had told him earlier to let the unit sleep. Somehow, Scott wasn’t surprised.
His own words replayed in his mind. So much for being taken seriously.

Hi,” David said as he extended his hand. Travis did the same. Esther and Maksim offered them dampened smiles.

Becan pulled Scott aside as introductions ensued. “Esther’s a little vixen!”

He immediately gave Becan a look. “Give the girl twenty-four hours before you try to bed her.”

Righ’. I’ll start timin’.” He checked his watch.

The crowd parted as Clarke stepped through. “I’m delighted the two of you are here! When we learnt we were due for a demolitionist and a scout, we were ecstatic.”

We’re tickled pink, sir,” Esther said.

Bloody good to hear a
English accent!” Clarke beamed as the other men groaned. “Please come, and I’ll introduce you to the rest of our crew.” With that, he led the alphas away.

He’s kind of small,” Travis said, glancing to Scott.

What?” Scott asked.

Maksim. The demolitionist.”

He’s bigger than anyone else here,” Scott answered. “You don’t have to be a registered giant to be a demolitionist.”

Yeah, but still—”

Becan cut in, looking to Travis. “Can
lug a mini-gun?”


Then dry up. He’ll do bloody grand.”

Anyway,” Scott said, “when were you guys planning on sleeping tonight? Or should I
wake you up tomorrow morning?”

Please don’t,” Becan said.

I’m serious.”

David chuckled. “Loosen up. We’ll be fine. Clarke already said we didn’t have to get up at six. We can sleep in for once.”

You never sleep in.”

I know.”

Righ’,” said Becan. “Well, I’ll let yis talk abou’ trivial things, like goin’ to bed an’ wakin’ up an’ all. I’m goin’ to show Esther the community showers.” Within seconds, he was on Clarke’s tail, as the captain gave the alphas the tour.

David smiled as he watched Becan go. “So what do you think? About the rookies?”

Scott slid his hands in his pockets. “It’s too early to think anything yet. They haven’t even unpacked.”

You working them hard tomorrow?”

Actually, we’re swimming tomorrow.”

Jayden’s eyes shot wide open. “Are you serious?”

Yes, I’m serious. Now stop whining all the time.”


You working them hard
?” David asked.

Scott laughed and shook his head. “Actually, Wednesday I’m running some passing drills.”

So basically, they’re getting the easiest military transition in history.”

Right.” And right David was. On
first day with Charlie Squad, Tacker had pulled a mission drill. “They’ll be fine. This place will show its face soon enough.” Something was going to be their reality check. The food, the weather, the Nightmen…something. No one got off at

Scott glanced across the room and saw Becan. Unbelievable. He really was showing Esther the showers.

Thank you,” Galina said from Scott’s side. “For letting me come today.”

Thank you for coming, Galina.” He loved that about the epsilon medic. She was always doing her best. Always willing to do more. “But I think this is the part where I leave.”

She smiled. “You are going to bed?”

Yeah. My work here is done.”

She sighed and turned to Becan. “Then I will drag him away from Esther and gather everyone for sleep. Or they will all drown tomorrow from tire.”

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