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Authors: Elizabeth Lee

Escaping Me (17 page)

BOOK: Escaping Me
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So far, I have two years of general class credits under my belt, which really means, if everything transfers, I can pick out a major I am excited about pursuing.  Maybe something in finance or business.  Math has always been easy for me, and it may seem boring to most, but there is something about losing myself in a spreadsheet that makes sense to me.  Numbers are constant.  There is a set of rules that you follow, and if I am good at one thing it is following rules.  I mentioned it to my dad once and he laughed it off, saying, “Finance is a tough business to break into, sweetheart.  You should do something that suits you, like Communications or Fashion, like Jessica.”  I should have known then that he expects me to follow in her footsteps.  To be just another pretty wife that sits aside while her husband basks in his glory.

I hear Cole fumbling around the kitchen and decide it is time to exit the safety of the bathroom and enjoy whatever is going to happen next.

You making one for me?” I ask when I walk into the kitchen and see him hovering over the stove, flipping a grilled cheese sandwich in a small skillet.

I can.”  He looks over his shoulder and smiles.  “I've already eaten two,” he chuckles.  “You can have this one.” 

Thanks.  It smells really good.”

Of course it does.” He winks.  “I'm good at everything I do.”

He is such a contradiction.  On one hand, he is strong and confident, and on the other, he can be reserved and sometimes insecure.  I don’t know which side of him I like more.  I love it when he takes control of a situation or makes his cocky little remarks about how great he is, but I also like being the one who boosts him up when he is being hard on himself.  I guess I am kind of the same way.  When I am with him, I take chances and push myself out of my comfort zone, but there is always that little voice inside my head telling me that I should be doing certain things in a certain way.  Perhaps that's why we were drawn to one another.  Aside from the obvious physical attraction, we balance each other out.

He retrieves a plate from the cabinet and slides the toasted sandwich on it.  After cutting it in half, he carries the plate over to the counter I am standing in front of. 

One more bite,” he notes, setting down the plate and snatching up a half.  He chomps down on it quickly before returning it to my plate.  “Now I've had enough.”  He laughs as he walks around behind me and circles my waist with his arms.  He moves my damp hair off my neck, before putting his lips on it and taking in a deep breath.  “You're the one who smells good,” he mumbles against my skin.

I nearly drop the piece of sandwich I picked up as I feel my knees start to buckle underneath me.  His hands fall from my waist, letting them splay across the fronts of my thighs.  Slowly, he moves them up my bare skin until he reaches the hem of my shorts.  His fingers trace the edge of the fabric, and then he brings his hands up, resting them on the sides of my hips.  I am about to let my head fall back onto his chest when he drops his hands.  I sigh.

“I'm going to jump through the shower now.” He places his hands on my shoulders.  “I'll be quick,” he notes.  “Really fucking quick,” he adds when he sees that I am disappointed that he is dragging this thing out even more.  “Eat.  I'll be right back,” he grins.  As he is walking to the bathroom, he calls out, “Don't even think about taking that sweet little ass of yours into that bedroom without me.”  Did he see me quietly scouting out the only door in the place I haven’t walked through?  A faint glow of light is peeking out from underneath it, and my curiosity is certainly trying to get the best of me.

Okay,” I huff, taking a bite of my sandwich and sitting on a barstool.  “You better hurry though,” I add between bites.

When I finish eating, I nervously pace the floors, waiting for him to rejoin me.  It only takes him eight minutes, but it seemed like eight hours.  Each time I looked at the clock, I swore time was standing still.

“You ready?” he asks, coming out of the bathroom in a low-slung pair of gray sweats.  I bite my lip to stop my jaw from hitting the floor.  The way the waistband of those hugs just below his six pack, revealing the sexy V of muscles...  I have to draw my eyes up when they focus on the small patch of hair trailing down from his stomach to what I know is going to be an extremely happy place for me very soon.  It doesn’t help my inclination to attack him when I see his shirtless chest still damp with water as he towel-dries his hair.  I didn’t notice how much it grew out of the past few weeks, but it is just long enough now that I can run my fingers through it, man, do I want to.  I was right about the color.  It is dark brown and perfectly complements the milk chocolate color of his eyes.

Yep,” I confirm as he hangs his towel across the back of a kitchen chair.  He walks over and takes my hand in his, bringing it to his lips and kissing it.

Let's go,” he grins.  When we reach the door, he pulls me in front of him and drops my hand.  His hand is now covering my eyes and I feel his hard, half-naked body press up against mine.  I think I may explode if I don’t get to put my hands on him soon.

What are you doing?” I ask as I hear the door open in front of me.

Building the suspense,” he whispers, letting his lips linger at my ear.  The heat from his mouth, coupled with fact that can feel his erection pressed into the small of my back, has me in a frenzy.  I’m not sure if I can refrain from tackling him.  Just as I am about to tell him that I think we've had enough suspense, he nudges me to move forward and his hands fall from my eyes.

I immediately bring my hands to my mouth and stand in awe.  In front of me is the most perfectly romantic setting I've ever seen.  The room has the same hardwood floors as the rest of the house.  In the corner, the headboard he picked up from my house is attached to a queen-sized bed covered with a plush, white comforter, and the navy sheets I helped him pick out are peeking out from under the mountain of overstuffed pillows at the top of the bed.  The entire room is lit by candles that are on top of the dresser and nightstands on each side of the bed—three other pieces that I unknowingly helped load onto a trailer for delivery to this house.  I huge bouquet of white flowers joins the candles on the dresser.  My eyes are immediately drawn to the card that is sticking out from the top of them.
For My Pretty Girl.

This is beautiful,” I say as I breathe in flowers.  “Thank you,” I add as I move back to him and hug him around his waist.

You like it?” he asks, letting his insecure side once more peek its head out.  “I wasn't sure about the bedding and I—”

I can’t stand the wait.  I crash my lips to his.  He doesn’t fight me.  In fact, he grabs my waist and lifts me up as he carries me toward the bed.  I suck his bottom lip between mine and let my fingers run through his hair.  He is holding me up high enough that I can get my knees underneath me on the edge of the bed.  From this position, we are nearly the same height, and it allows him to explore his mouth with mine as I let my hands roam down his chest.

“Mmmm...” I groan when his lips leave mine and make their way down my jawline to my neck.  His fingers slip under the strap of my tank top and he slides it down my shoulder.  He trails kisses all the way down its path until my breast is revealed.  He does the same thing with the other side until my chest is fully exposed to him.

God, these are amazing,” he says before taking both breasts in his hands.  The gentle squeeze he places on both causes a surge between my legs.  One arm snakes around my waist as he brings one of my breasts to his mouth, his tongue flicking against the nipple.  It tightens immediately as he tugs it lightly between his teeth.  A moan escapes my lips as my head falls back, thrusting my chest into his face.

Oh, you like that?” he snickers, repeating what he just did.  I can’t answer in words. Instead, an undecipherable sound comes out of my mouth.  When he switches his attention to the other side, his hand finds its way between my legs.  His fingers quickly sneak under the material of my shorts and panties to find me wet and waiting for him.  He moves his other hand behind my head and brings his lips to mine as he thrusts one finger inside of me.

You're so wet for me, baby.”

Mm-hmm,” I purr, letting my head rest on his shoulder.  As he is stroking his finger in and out of me, I bite down on his skin as I feel my body near its release.  When he withdraws his hand from between my legs, I look up at him to protest but don’t have a chance.  His arm is now behind my legs and he lowers me down until I am lying back on the bed.  With his hands behind each of my knees, he tugs my body down to the edge of the bed so my legs are dangling over the side.  In one swift movement, he removes my shorts, panties, and the tank top that was pushed around my waist.  As his eyes rake over my body and a devilish grin spreads over his lips, I realize I have never felt so secure with my body.  The way he is looking at me—like I am his for the taking—has my heart racing in anticipation of what is yet to come.  I reach for the waist of his sweats, needing to feel what I can clearly see is hard and straining against his pants.  I need to feel him inside me.

Don't move,” he commands, taking a step back.  “I want to memorize every inch of you.”  He smiles, pushing his pants down and never letting his eyes leave my skin.  As he stands, allowing me my first clear view of him, my legs immediately spread, inviting him to step between them.  I can feel each beat of my heart as it pulses the blood through my veins to my core.  He takes my invitation and centers himself in front of me, the fronts of his legs resting against the side of bed.  I know all it will take for him to be buried inside me is for him to lean forward.  I reach for him.  Taking his length in my hand and stroking him from root to tip, I wonder exactly how he plans on fitting all of it inside me.  I don’t know if I can accommodate him, but I am sure as hell going to give it a whirl.

His eyes close at my touch and he blindly reaches for the condoms he has waiting for him on the nightstand. 
He really has thought of everything. 
When my fingers reach his tip, I feel a drop of liquid run down my hand.

Now you're wet for me.” I grin, causing him to moan and thrust against my hand.  As he brings the foil packet between his teeth and starts to tear it open, I squeeze him firmly.  “I'm on the pill,” I inform him.  He smirks as he drops the condom to the ground and lowers himself to me, letting the head of his dick nudge against my clit.

Well, that's the best fucking news I've heard all day.”  He takes his dick in his hand, moving it between my folds.  “Tell me what you want, Whitney.”

I don’t answer. I shift my hips up, hoping to show him rather than tell him.

“I want to hear you say it, Whit.  What do you want?”


Where do you want me?” he coaxes.

Inside of me.”  I lift my hips higher, pressing my heels against the frame of the bed, trying to gain some leverage.  When he finally obliges and presses into me, my body tenses.  He feels ten times the size he felt in my hand.

Omigod,” I moan as he pulls back and moves slowly forward again.

Relax, baby,” he whispers in my ear, his forearms resting on each side of my head.  His mouth finds mine and he kisses me.  He kisses me until I am relaxed beneath him and he is filling me completely.  I let my legs wrap around his waist as we fall into a smooth rhythm that continues to build the orgasm threatening to shatter me.

I feel my walls tighten around him, alerting him to the fact that I am close.  He pumps into me quickly and a wave of ecstasy ripples through me.  His name roars off my tongue and my fingers dig into his back.  When I can finally feel my body starting to slowly come back together, he meets his release and presses his lips to mine, slowing his rhythm and drawing out his own end.

When he raises his head and his eyes find mine, they are no longer filled with urgency.

That was incredible.”

Yeah,” I agree, not wanting to untangle myself from him.  I want to keep him inside me and my legs and arms wrapped around him.  For the first time in my entire life, I did something that was completely my own decision—by far the best one. The thought of ever having to let him go is now impossible.


Chapter 20 – Cole

Do we ever have to move?
I wonder when I finally start to wake up the next morning.  As I look down at the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life breathing softly against my chest, I try to not wake her, even though my arm is numb and tingling.  I am still baffled by the fact that, out of all the guys she could have chosen to be with, she picked me.  Even if it is just for the summer.  Shit, after last night, I'd settle for three minutes with her.

I move up slightly to get a look at the alarm clock on the nightstand.  It is almost noon.  I am normally an early riser, but seeing as how we didn't get to sleep until close to three, it is okay.  All I want to do is spend the rest of the day right where I am anyway.  With her.

As I lower my head back to the pillow, she begins to stir.  She lets out a sweet little sigh as she runs her hand down my stomach, dragging her fingers over each ripple and causing me to have to catch my breath.  I brush the hair from her face and run my hand down her arm before placing it behind her and pulling her closer to me.

Good morning,” I whisper, kissing her forehead.  When she look up at me with those big blue eyes, I really think I may lose it.  There are about a hundred things I want to say to her, but it is still so early in our relationship that I don’t want to freak her out.  I am still trying to work it all out in my head.  Yes, I care about her.  Yes, I think she is the smartest, prettiest, funniest, most amazing girl I've ever met.  And, yes, our first time was incredible, but am I in love with her?  I don't know.  I know that I don’t want to think about what is going to happen when this summer is over, and the idea of her going back to college and being with someone else makes me want to puke.  She's been so hell-bent on
living in the moment
this summer that I don’t want to stress her out with the whole “what are we” and “what are we doing” conversation.

Good morning to you,” she purrs with a sleepy grin.  I trace lazy circles over the bare skin of her back.  My dick decides that it is going to take this moment to realize I have a beautiful, naked woman wrapped around my equally naked body.  “And good morning to you,” she chuckles as her hand dips farther under the sheet covering our bodies and brushes against my length.

One little taste and you're waking up ready to go.”

Well, it ain't little,” she cleverly points out.  “And it seems you're ready to go, too.”

I'm always ready, babe.”  I turn to my side, hoping to roll her over and sink myself between her legs.  Last night's performance may have been hot, but it was by no means my best work.  If I'd been on top of my game, I would have had her screaming my name multiple times. But it would seem that, due to the fact we were waiting, and waiting to be together, I was a little quick on the trigger.  Don't get me wrong—we both enjoyed ourselves. But when we finished and I saw the sleepy look on her face, I decided round two could wait.

She reaches both hands up and presses against my chest, stopping my advances.

“Do you mind?” She pushes me onto my back and lifts her leg to straddle my lap.

Not at all.” My face nearly cracks as a mile-wide smile spreads across it.  If me fucking her was hot, her fucking me is scorching.

This summer is all about trying new things, right?”  She lets the sheet fall from her body—her tight, naked, heaven-sent body—and positions herself above me.  “Well, I've always wanted to try this.”

You've never been on top?” I ask, feeling the tip of my cock sink into her slick heat.  Her muscles clench around my head when I grab her waist with my hands.  Between her tight walls pulling me in and the thoughts of all the other
experiences we can have together, I almost come quickly... again.  I take a deep breath and fight back the selfish urge to just give in.  I know it isn't in her nature to take control, and far be it from me to stop her.  If she wants my body for her own pleasure, then so be it.

Uh-huh,” she moans as I help her lower herself on to me.  “I can already tell I'm really going to like it though.”  Yeah, she will.  I am going to make sure of it.  My fingers bite into her ass as she starts to rock back and forth.  I try to focus all of my energy into helping her get off.  I'll get mine later.

That's it, baby,” I urge her on.  “Do whatever feels good.”  She takes my instructions seriously.  Her eyes light up as she alternates between grinding on me and slowly lifting herself up and down—finding just the right spot.  Her eyes fall shut and her pretty pink lips purse together when she finds her perfect rhythm. 

She asked me before what the hottest thing I'd ever seen her do was, and this is it.  When she comes undone she is amazing.  First, her cheeks blush, which is followed by this cute little moan I know is actually a scream in disguise. Then it is like a spotlight is cast down on her.  Every worry melts away from her face, and for the next thirty seconds she looks totally blissful.  Even though she may feel totally out of control, it is in those few seconds that she owns herself.  I don’t think I'll ever get tired of seeing her like that.

“This feels so good,” she confesses, pressing her hands firmly against my chest to balance herself.

Yeah, it does,” I agree, deciding that I can’t wait any longer to see that look on her face.  She is so close and I know if I just give her a hand she will reach her climax.  I extend my hand between us and stroke her clit with my thumb.  She straightens her back as she moans through the intensity.  When she brings her hands up behind her, lifting the wild curls of her hair off her back, I realize I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.  I feel her tighten around me and her muscles begin to ripple.

Ahh...” she cries out as a shudder racks her body.  I let her ride it out, but before she can fall against my chest in a heap of satisfaction, I sit up and latch my mouth around one of her perky nipples to let her know I’m not finished with her yet.

Oh, Cole,” she pants, tangling her fingers in the hair on the back of my head.  I let my tongue trail up the space between her tits until I arrive at her neck.  With my arm wrapped around her waist, I flip her onto her back, never separating us.

It's my turn,” I growl in her ear as I thrust into her.  She raises her hips to match my movements, and it doesn’t take long for her walls to start convulsing around me again.  Just when I think I can't take anymore, she cries out my name and I feel my release fill her.

Well, that was fun,” she giggles after catching her breath as I lift myself off her and fall onto my side.

Yeah,” I huff.  “Not a bad way to start the day.” She rolls off the bed before I can snake my arms around her and keep her in bed with me.  “Leaving so soon?” I jest.

I don't trust myself.” She laughs. “If I stay in that bed, I have a feeling that we are never going to leave it.  Besides, you promised me a long time ago that you would teach me how to use tools, and I'm feeling like another new experience today.”  She winks at me as she pulls on her shorts and tank top and skips toward the bathroom.


* * *


“I thought you said this was going to be easy,” she yelled over her shoulder.  Watching her use a belt sander ranked right up there with hilarious.  She was helping me prep the outside of the house for a fresh coat of paint, and each time she hit a really rough spot, the sander almost flew out of her hands, but she was bound and determined to get the hang of it.  The muscles in her little arms had to be killing her by now, but every time I tried to step in and help her, she'd shoo me away.  “I've got it,” she kept assuring me.

Okay.” I backed away and started filling the paint sprayer.  It was a welcome relief when Zeke and Mallory showed up to help.  Zeke managed to get the sander out of her hands when he told her that Mallory needed her help painting the black shutters we'd already taken off the windows. 

When I see her giggling with her sister, I know she is filling her in on all the details of our night together.  Judging from the smile on her face, I must have done something right.  When I catch Mallory eyeballing me from across the yard, I give her a smile and a wink to let her I know I am onto them.  She shoots me a quick thumbs up of approval and places another shutter on the sawhorses they are using.

“What are you grinning about?” Zeke asks as he wraps an extension cord around his arm.

Her.” I nod toward Whitney, who is focused on her painting task.  Each time she finishes a stroke of her brush, a smile of satisfaction creeps across her lips.  Finally, she found a tool she can handle.

Well, if that ain't love, I don't know what is.” Zeke chuckles, alerting me to the fact that I am staring at her like some love-drunk fool.  All I can do is laugh.

I don't know,” I confess.  “Seems silly to let myself get all wrapped up in her.  She's going back to school in the fall, and then what?” I shrug. “I'll be fucking miserable and lonely and probably start doing stupid shit again because I'll start drinking too much again, trying to numb the pain of not having her around.”

You're getting a little ahead of yourself, don't ya think?” Zeke jests.

Am I?”

You don't know what's going to happen.  Maybe she'll decide to stay, or maybe you can go with her.”

Me? On a college campus?  That's funny.” I laugh.  I am definitely not college material.  I don't think my C-average from high school is going to win me any scholarships.  “What the hell would I do there?  Be the pathetic guy that sits in her apartment and waits for her to get home from class every day?  Besides that, I would rather slit my wrists than be surrounded by a bunch of assholes like her ex-boyfriend all the time.  I'd be in jail in a week.”

You seemed to restrain yourself last night,” he points out.  “I would have punched that guy in the face the second he grabbed her arm.”

Yeah, well, I gave him a one-time free pass.” I shake my head, still a little regretful that I didn't take my chance to lay that son of bitch out.  “I'm sure his friends are just as bad as he is, and having to deal with a group of them would definitely be more of a challenge.”

Well that's all beside the point.  What I'm saying is that you shouldn't just write off your feelings for her because she's going to be leaving at the end of the summer.  If you don't tell her how you feel, she might never know, and I guarantee you'd regret it.”

Thanks, Dr. Phil,” I chuckle.  “I'll keep that in mind.”

I'm serious, dude.”

Yeah, yeah.” I roll my eyes, trying to act like everything he is saying isn’t sound advice.  “Are you trying to get me to confess my feelings to Whitney because you've already taken the plunge and poured your heart out to Mallory?”

Hardly,” he snickers.  “Mallory is not the kind of girl that wants anything serious.  I went into that one with my eyes wide open.  We're just having a good time.”

Maybe that's what Whitney and I are doing?” I propose.

I don't think so.  I see the way you two look at each other.  Totally different than me and Mal.”  He finishes picking up the sanding equipment before saying, “Tell me this, Mr. Trying-Not-To-Get-Attached. When the summer's over, are you going to be able to give Whitney a hug and say goodbye. No strings attached?”

I take in a deep breath as I think about that scenario.  When I exhale, feel my chest tighten, and find a defeated look washing over my face, I realize that Zeke has won. 
Yep.  I am royally fucked.

You okay?” Whitney ask, sneaking up beside me and hugging me.

Yeah.” I force a smile as she looks up at me, her eyes slightly squinted.  I know she is analyzing me.  Trying to figure out what I was thinking.  “I'm good.”  I reassure her, leaning down to brush my nose against hers.

BOOK: Escaping Me
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