Europe: A History (276 page)

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Authors: Norman Davies

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Absolutism and 610–11, 646

Anti-enlightenment 611–14, 683–6

architecture 586

drama 589

economy 582, 602

education 608, 610

furniture 589

historiography 603, 605

international relations 581–2

Judaism and 598

literature 581, 589–90

music 590

nobility 584

origins 596–7

painting 586

philosophy 597–8

political theory 602–3

religion and 590, 593–5, 601–2

science and 598–9

society 582, 584, 586, 595–600

Ennius, Q. 176

Entente Cordiale 871

Environment 47–66,

Epicureans 124


Erasmus, (Gerhard Gerhards) 477–8


Etruria, Kingdom of 729, 731

Etruscans 151, 153, 154,1205

Euclid 122

Eugene IV, Pope 446

Eugenics 793–4, 859–61, 945

Euler, Leonard

Eurasian movement 12

Euripides 115

Eurocentrism 16–17, 19, 29, 37, 38

Europa, Legend of xv-xvii Europe, Concepts of 7–16

Europe, origins 69, 212–14, 257–8, 266, 282–4, 302

Europe overseas 359, 451, 452–3, 510–16, 580–1, 848–54

European Coal and Steel Community

(ECSC) 1084, 1085

European Defence Community (EDC) 1084

European Economic Community (EEC) 1007, 1085, 1086, 1087, 1118, 1119, 1120

European Free Trade Area (EFTA) 1085, 1332

European Movement 45, 1064–6

European Union (EU) 25, 1126–7, 1129, 1332,

European unity 37, 39, 44, 59,
, 302, 304, 348, 415, 499, 662–3, 852, 944, 956, 1007, 1017

Evans, Arthur 76, 89

Evolution 790–4

Exploration 510–11

Eylau, battle of (1807) 727

Fallmerayer, Jakub 238

Family History
390, 639, 650–1, 724
, 771–4, 1292

Faroe islands

, 944–9, 1087

Fashion 615, 774
(see also

Faustus, Georgius

Febvre, Lucien
541, 955–6

Feminism 703,
, 803

Fenians 831

Ferdinand, Prince of Aragon 451, 453

Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor 563, 564, 565


Feudalism 311–16

Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 733, 754

Ficino, Marsilio 477

Accountancy, Banking, Insurance, Money, Taxation)


folklore 818

post-1945 1088

Russian Empire and 739, 828

Swedish rule 362, 737,

Winter War (1939–40) 1003


Flamenco 533

Flanders 377

Flaubert, Gustav 788

Fleury, André, Cardinal de 627

Flood, Henry 637

Florence 398–9, 473, 484

Florence, Union of (1439) 446, 455


Fontainebleau, Palace 748, 750–1

Fontainebleau, Treaty of (1814) 754

75–6, 77, 82–3, 109, 299, 832–3
, 1221

Fourrier, Charles 836

Fourteen Points 911, 925

Fox, Charles James 737, 610


‘Ancien Régime’ 614–21, 623–5, 627–8

Calvinism in 492, 494

colonialism 580

Counter-Reformation 502

De-colonization 1069, 1070

Early Kingdom 62, 317–18, 353–5, 35

early Modern 539, 541–2, 544–5

Empire 701, 729,
, 1291

Estates General 542

Fifth Republic 1073

Fourth Republic 1072, 1073

Fronde 542, 618

Guises 502, 506

Imperial policy 851

inter-war politics 977

Italian Wars 542, 544

July Crisis (1914) 877, 879

July revolution (1830) 803, 804

liberalism 803

‘Maquis’ resistance 1032

medieval 404, 406–8, 421, 1244, 1246–7

nationalism 822

nobility 584, 618

peasant revolts

Polish crisis (1939) 1001

post-1945 1072–3

‘Reunions’ 624

revolution of 1848 803, 804, 805, 812

Second Empire 803, 805

Third Republic 803

Thirty Years War and 565, 568

Vichy regime 1006, 1021, 1032

Wars of Religion 494, 506–7, 539

wars with Holy Roman Empire 544–5
(see also
French Revolution, French Revolutionary Wars)

Francis-Joseph I, Emperor of Austria 824, 829

Francis, Emperor of Austria 733

Francis I, King of France 539, 544–5

Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor 646

Francis II, of Habsburg, Holy Roman

Emperor 647

Franciscans (Order of Friars Minor) 360, 361

Francke, August Hermann 608

Franco, General Francisco 981, 982,
, 986, 1010

Franco-Austrian War 823–4

Franco-Dutch War 624

Franco-German War 868

Frankfurt School 953

Frankish Kingdom 284, 286, 298, 1239


Carolingians 298–309, 317, 1239, 1246

Christianity and 275–6

Merovingians 232, 234, 1246

Papacy and 284–90

under Clovis 232, 234, 276
(see also

Frazer, James 161–2

Frederick I, Barbarossa, Holy Roman

Emperor 351

Frederick I, King of Denmark and Norway 553

Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor 351–2

Frederick II, King of Prussia 610, 611, 648–9

Frederick-William, Duke of Prussia (The Great Elector) 557

Frederick-William II, King of Prussia 649, 691, 692, 731

Frederick-William III, King of Prussia 805

Frederick-William IV, King of Prussia 824


French Revolution 1286

Brumaire coup 701, 725

698, 1288–9

Chouans 707–8, 721

Committee of Public Safety 697, 698, 702, 709, 715

, 702

Constituent Assembly 712, 715

Constitution 695, 697–8

Cordeliers Club 703

Dauphiné rebellion 690–1

Directory 701, 711, 712, 715, 722, 724

economy 711–12

Estates-General 688, 689, 691, 692–4, 695

external influences 690–3

fall of the Bastille 688–9, 695

feminism 716–17

historiography 688–90

influence of American War of Independence 678–9

Legislative Assembly 695, 702

Marseillaise 715

National Assembly 695, 699, 702

National Convention 695, 697, 701, 703, 712, 725

opposition 703–5, 707–9

origins 678–83, 686, 688–93

religious policy 711, 714

Royalists 703, 704, 714–15, 725

‘Sansculottes’ 703

Tennis Court oath 693, 694, 699

Terror 709–11

Thermidor coup 701

Third Estate 691, 694

Vendée Rising 704–5,
, 707, 708, 1211

French Revolutionary Wars 1287

Continental System 712, 728, 739, 742

Egyptian campaign 724–5

First Coalition 712, 721

invasion of Austrian Netherlands 717, 719, 721

Italian campaign 722, 724

Peninsular campaign 728, 733, 736

Russian campaign 742, 744, 747, 751

Second Coalition 726

Third Coalition 726–7

Freud, Sigmund 861

Friedland, battle of (1807) 727

Friedrich, C. D. 1211



Galba, Roman Emperor 189

Galicia (Austria, Poland, Ukraine) 334, 429, 663, 829, 831,
903, 921, 924–5
, 1307, 1314–16

Galicia (Spain) 87,
, 1239, 1241, 1324

Galileo Galilei 508

Galton, Francis 793–4

Gamelin, General Maurice 995

Gapon, Father Georgi 836

Garibaldi, Giuseppe 823

72–3, 300–1, 337–8, 732, 908
Feminism Prehistory-Matriarchy, Patriarchy, Sexuality, Women)

Genetics 50,

Genocide 414–15,
, 909,
963, 965, 1004–5
, 1016–25,
1026–7, 1034–5

Geopolitics 8–9, 24, 871–4, 1312

George I, King of the Hellenes 834

George III, King of Great Britain 637, 678, 737


Christianity and 265

post-Soviet development

taken by Russia 739, 1298

under Queen Tamara 335

Gerard, Père 702

German Social Democratic Party

German-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Demarcation (1939) 1001–2

Germanic Invasions 217–19, 229, 231–2, 234–5

Germanic peoples 222, 224

Christianity and 281–2

Prehistory 222, 224, 229


Calvinism 494

Counter-Reformation 504


German Confederation 762, 824, 1299

Napoleon and 731, 733

national movement 824

North German Federation 826

Reformation 484–5, 488, 492

revolution of 1848 824

Slavs in 829

‘Sonderweg’ 810–11

Thirty Years War and 563–5, 567–8, 1280

unification 824, 826

Zollverein 805, 807 (see
Holy Roman Empire, Prussia)

Germany (Empire, 1871–1918)

Eulenberg Affair

Empire proclaimed 826, 868, 1299

July Crisis and 877, 879, 890–2

Late Imperial era 854

revolution of 1918 925

World War I and 901–3, 907, 909–11

Germany (Federal Republic)

de-Nazification 1048–55, 1060

domestic politics 1074

economy 1082

formation 1071

‘Ostpolitik’ 1114–15

Reunification 1123–4

Germany (GDR)

formation 1061, 1071, 1100

politics 1102, 1104–5

revolution of 1989 1123

Germany (Third Reich) 1323

Allied occupation 1047, 1061

defeat 1042, 1044–5

domestic policy 974–6

economic policy 971

establishment 967, 969, 970

Final Solution 976, 1016, 1018, 1020–1, 1023, 1025

foreign policy 986–7,
, 990–1, 992–3, 995–8

German industry and 971

re-armament 971

resistance 1040, 1064

weapons development 1036

see also
Nazi Party (NSDAP) and World War II

Germany (Weimar Republic)

Depression and collapse 966–7, 969

foundation 941–2

politics 942–3


Gibbon, Edward 195, 209, 605, 608

Gibraltar 1088, 1089

Gierek, Edward 1107

Gilgamesh, epic of

Gimbutas, Dr Marija 86

Girondins 695, 702, 709, 719

Gladstone, William Ewart 810, 870


Glencoe Massacre (1692) 631, 1133

Glendower, Owen 425

Gobineau, Joseph

Goebbels, Joseph

Goering, Hermann 975, 993, 996, 997, 1008, 1016, 1048, 1050, 1054, 1055

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 495, 613, 721, 786–7

Gomulka, Wladysfaw 1101, 1103, 1107


Gorbachev, Mikhail 1108, 1109, 1116–17, 1118, 1120–2, 1123, 1125, 1126

Gordon Childe, Vere 86

Gore-Booth, Constance 958

Górecki, Henryk 957

Gotland Project

Gottwald, Klement 1067, 1105

Government 129,
, 167–72, 179–88,
, 614–28, 629–32, 1093–99 (see
Constitutional History, Law, Politics)

Goya, Fráncisco 688

Graeco-Roman Civilization 139, 147

Graeco-Turkish War 937–8

Granada, Emirate of 393

Grattan, Henry 637

Great Books Scheme 19, 21, 24, 29

Great Britain (
United Kingdom)

Great Depression 965–6

Great European Plain 52, 54

Great Northern War 648, 652–3, 657

Greece (Ancient)

architecture 119

art 117, 119

colonies 102, 104, 1222

Delphi 112–13

democracy 130–1

diet 109

drama 115

Egyptian origins

‘Greater Greece’ 104

Golden Age 98, 100, 102

Hellenes xv, 93

Hellenism 133, 135–6

Heroic Age 98, 151

historiography 129, 132

literature 111, 115

mathematics 122

money 101

mythology 91–2, 108, 110


philosophy 110–11, 122, 124, 126

politics 129

religion 108, 109–13, 112–13, 127–8, 150, 263

science 119, 122

sexual conduct 190

sexuality 126, 128

slavery 128

society 128

xenophobia 103


Balkan Wars and 874

independence 834, 1211, 1302

in World War II 1010, 1037, 1039, 1042

literature 562–3

medieval 386

post-1945 1063, 1076, 1086

Septinsular Republic 739

under Ottomans 643–4

War of Independence 97, 732, 763, 869, 1284, 1302, 1309

Greek Civil War 1042, 1063

Greek language 238, 1218

Gregory I, Pope 270, 277, 280

Gregory VII, Pope (Hildebrand) 339, 342

Gregory XIII, Pope 496, 502, 504

Gregory of Tours 274–5

Grek, Maxim 465, 467–8

Grey, Sir Edward 879, 881–6, 895

Grimm, brothers 816–17

Grunwald, battle of (1410) 430

Guerrilla warfare 736

Guizot, Francois 15, 16

Gulag 962, 1330

Gustav IV Adolphus, King of Sweden 737

Gustavus Vasa, King of Sweden 553–4

GustavusII Adolphus, King of Sweden 506, 554, 564

Gustavus III, King of Sweden 641, 717

Gypsies 387–8
(see also

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