Evelyn Vine Be Mine (46 page)

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Authors: Chelle Mitchiter

BOOK: Evelyn Vine Be Mine
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“We’re sharing,” he said quietly, handing me a knife and fork, before grabbing a sausage with his fingers and sliding it inside a slice of bread. He didn’t bother with sauce – he just ate the whole thing in two bites and reached for another. I smiled to myself and cut into my potato bake, leaning forward in Stone’s lap to reach my plate properly. His free hand slid over my bare thigh and he sent me a hot look from beneath his thick eyelashes. I squirmed a little, regretting yet again that I’d stubbornly gone without panties. I pressed my legs together and ate a little more quickly, my face flushing with embarrassment.


I’d only just finished my meal when the band stood, smiles of anticipation stretching across their faces as they strode toward the small stage that had been erected. Stone stood, lifting me with him, before placing my feet back on the ground. He pressed a warm kiss to my neck and then playfully nipped it.


Like always, he strode off without a single word.


“C’mon,” Briar squealed, “Let’s go dance!”






Two hours later, I was hot and sweaty. The band finished their first set with a slow rock ballad, meaning that all Briar made me do was sway from side to side. It was a welcome relief from the crush of jumping, head-banging, drunk idiots I had been enduring. The music was good though. This first set had been mostly metal, with only one song being too hard on the screaming for my tastes. I even found myself singing along to a few of them, sharing in Briar’s natural high.


The song ended and the band abandoned their instruments for an hour break. Noticing how sweaty Stone looked, I grabbed a bottle of cold water from an esky and hesitantly took it over to him. The muscles in his bare back flinched as I pressed the cold bottle against his skin and he spun around with a dark look.


It faded instantly when he realised it was me and I felt my knees wobble at the small smile he sent me.


He took the bottle from my grasp and pulled me toward him, bending his head down at an awkward angle to kiss me deeply. “Thanks,” he growled softly against my lips. Shivers of arousal racked my body and I felt myself instinctively pressing closer to his sweaty chest. He pushed me back a little and grabbed a towel, wiping himself down a bit and pulling his white shirt back on, not bothering with the buttons.


Briar came up beside us and laughed, pushing some sweaty hair out of my face. “Let’s go freshen up Evie,” she suggested, nodding her head back at the house. She turned to Stone and smiled, “Jamie’s gone over to talk to Warren. You better make sure he doesn’t smoke up before you go back on.”


Stone frowned and looked around, his eyes narrowing as he found his target. He jumped down from the stage and took off at a fast walk towards a barn in the distance. Briar rolled her eyes at my inquiring look, “Jamie tends to overdo it on stage if he’s had some pot.”


I could believe that. Jamie bounced with energy as it was.


We walked back to the house and spent a few minutes fixing our hair and making sure we didn’t smell too bad from all the dancing. We cleaned our faces and Briar reapplied her makeup.


We were walking back down the hallway, when we heard it.


A whimper.


We stopped and stared at each other, neither of us moving as we listened. “Did you hear that?” Briar mouthed. I nodded. Moments later, a small moan came from behind the kitchen door beside us.


“Is someone hurt?” I whispered in alarm. Briar frowned and crept closer to the door. There was a louder moan, followed by a feminine gasp and then a short, masculine groan. My jaw dropped in shock and Briar covered her mouth with her hand to stifle her giggles.


“Someone’s fucking in the kitchen!” she hissed at me.


“Donny?” I whispered, appalled that someone would do that in Jenny’s kitchen.


Briar smiled wide and shrugged. “Let’s peek.”


“No!” I gasped, just as the female in the next room cried out a “Yes!”


Briar had to bite her hand to keep from laughing.


The kitchen door was one you pushed inward to open, without a knob to turn. Very quietly, Briar pushed the door open a crack and I found myself leaning with her to have a look. We both sucked in a breath at the sight before us.


A leanly, muscled man was propped over a small female as she lay back on the low kitchen table. The muscles in his bare ass and legs flexed with his every thrust, their clothes strewn about the room. He had a great ass too.


“More Alec!” Mary begged in a shrill voice. He complied with a growl, hooking one of her legs under his elbow and pushing it wide and back as he thrust deeper, harder – a slow, forceful rhythm that had my heart pounding within my chest as I imagined Stone and I in their place. Mary seemed to like this new angle, because she clawed at him, moving her hips against him desperately as if her orgasm was approaching fast and hard.


“My God,” Briar whispered beside me, before backing away and running outside. I followed after her, nearly smacking into her as she came to a stop in front of Stone.


What’s wrong? he demanded with his eyes, looking from Briar to me and then back again. We both blushed.


“I have to go,” Briar blurted it out and ran off before Stone could grab her.


Cold, steel-grey eyes caught mine and he growled. I blushed and looked down at my feet. I giggled nervously. Stone raised an eyebrow, still waiting.


“Alec and Mary are naked in the kitchen,” I whispered, before covering my face with my hands to hide a deep red blush.


I peeked through my fingers at Stone, alarmed to find him scowling. “You saw him naked?!” he demanded. He looked towards the kitchen window and I had the sudden impression that he was going to barge in there and confront Alec. Not quite knowing what to do, I slipped my hand into the back of his jeans and smiled up at him.


“Your ass is much better,” I whispered.


I saw interest flicker in his eyes, so I continued along that path, hoping to distract him as I gently trailed my hand up his back. “Your back is the sexiest I’ve ever seen,” I added, walking around behind him, so I could touch it better.


“I like your abs too,” I kept my voice low as I walked back to face him. Slowly, he backed me toward a shadowed corner of the house. I ran my hands over him, brushed my lips against the bare skin of his chest and congratulated myself for diverting him. His hands slipped beneath my shirt, caressing my stomach as he leaned down to place soft kisses along my neck. His hands moved upward as he reached my ear with his mouth and he paused when he realised I wasn’t wearing a bra.


“Bad girl,” he growled in my ear, chuckling when my knees gave out at the erotic, deep grumble of his voice. He grabbed me by the thighs to support me, pushing me back against the wall as he slid his hands higher up my thighs.


“I told you to wear jeans,” he murmured against my lips. I shook my head, making are lips rub sensually as I tried to breathe calmly.


“You ordered me to wear the boots and I did,” I said smugly. He raised an eyebrow, but was distracted as, at that moment, his hands reached my bare ass and encountered no string. He backed up a step in shock and eyed the short hem of my skirt.


“Evelyn,” he growled, running a hand over his short hair, “Fuck!”


I giggled nervously and grabbed the waistband of his jeans, tugging him back to me. He came willingly, but his eyes kept drifting back and forth between my breasts and my groin, his eyes glittering silver in the darkness. I slipped my hand inside his jeans and gently squeezed the hard erection I found. His eyes closed and he sighed, before he firmly grasped my wrist and shook his head. Gently, he eased my hand out of his pants and pressed a kiss to my slack lips.


“Later,” he said with a very small wink. Then he frowned, “Go put some pants on.”


He turned abruptly and left, striding purposefully back to the stage as Alec and Mary exited the house and followed after him.


With a sigh, I obeyed, slipping back into the house to put both a bra and panties on.


Not because Stone told me to…but because I’d seen Briar gearing up to dance.




The night went on for hours and little by little, people either headed for bed or passed out on the grass. The band were the last people standing, Jamie about to fall over and Donny pacing back and forth with a frown. Jenny and Fredi turned in first and Alec and Mary followed, leaving Donny and Briar to stare after them with identical looks on their faces. It would have been kinda funny if it hadn’t been so sad.


Briar sighed and enlisted Donny’s help in getting Jamie to bed, but Stone held me back as I moved to follow them in. I looked at him quizzically. The sun would rise very soon and I wanted to get some sleep after a very long night.


Trust me, his eyes commanded as he tugged me towards Jenny’s ute, pulling a set of keys from his pocket – telling me that he’d planned this. I curiously jumped into the passenger seat and fidgeted anxiously as he drove down a dirt road, deeper into the heart of the property and then further, towards the far end. Finally, he came to a stop, parking beneath a huge, native gum tree and shucking his white shirt. He climbed out and moved around the front of the vehicle to reach my door. He held his hands out, a small smile of anticipation on his face. I let him help me out, expecting him to lower me to the ground, but instead he walked to the tray and deposited me over the side. I squeaked with alarm, but landed on soft foam.


I sat up and stared at it, noticing for the first time that the entire tray had been lined with a thick foam mattress and covered with a soft picnic blanket. I looked up at him in surprise and he climbed into the tray with me, lying next to me. He pulled me down with a grin – an absolutely gorgeous grin – and pointed upward. I followed his finger, looking up into the surprisingly plush greenery above me, wondering what I was supposed to be looking at.


Then I got it.


My favourite picture. The one hanging above my bed.


My heart warmed…and so did other parts as I wondered if he was going to recreate the entire scene.


I was nestled against his body, snuggled up, watching the sunrise around and through the tree, and the thick, grey clouds. He stoked my back beneath my shirt, tickling me, arousing me. When I looked back at him with a blush, his eyes glittered wickedly. He rolled to his side and kissed me, pulling my body close against him, so that I could feel his arousal.


I gave my head a shake and tried to think rationally.


“But,” I mumbled, “The sun is rising. We’re out in the open. What if someone catches us?”


“Doesn’t that make it more exciting?” he whispered, capturing my lips again and smothering any more protests. I relaxed into him and he started to ease over me, a hungry noise bubbling up from deep with in his chest.


And then…it started to rain.


Fat droplets landed on us, splattering on our faces and along his bare back.


Stone’s groan was harsh, filled with disappointment and frustration. He flopped back onto his back and glared hatefully up at the sky. He cursed beneath his breath and started to sit up, but I pressed a palm to his chest and pushed him back down, rising myself to look down at him.


He blinked up at me with confusion. I smiled. “It’s only a little sun shower,” I whispered, playing with the drops of rain on his stomach. He’d put so much effort into this. I wasn’t going to let a little rain stop us now. He opened his mouth to protest, but I took a page out of his book and kissed him.


I kissed him with all the longing I felt and I experienced a small thrill of power when I felt him slowly give in. We kissed and kissed, as if starving for one another and my clothes began to soak through. Stone noticed as well, pulling my shirt off in a hurry, then my bra, dumping them to one side, before flipping me onto my back. I wriggled beneath him, savouring the way our slick chests slid against each other.


He fitted his erection snugly against me, his broad, slick shoulders shielding my face from the rain as he propped his arms beside my head. He started slow and sweet as rain pitter-pattered against the vehicle, but I didn’t want slow and sweet. I wedged a hand beneath his dampening jeans and grabbed his ass, rubbing myself against him and biting his lower lip. That spurred him on.


He groaned, licking his injured lip even as he roughly grabbed my hands and bracketed them above my head. He held them there with one hand, using the other to push up my skirt and tug of my panties. With quick, jerky movements, he unbuckled his jeans, easing down the zipper and quickly freeing himself. He let go of my arms and started kissing down my neck, licking up the droplets of rain and sucking at all my most sensitive spots.

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