Evelyn Vine Be Mine (5 page)

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Authors: Chelle Mitchiter

BOOK: Evelyn Vine Be Mine
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I shrugged and picked at my food with a fork. “It’s just habit I guess,” I whispered, “I grew up in an army family.”


“Your dad’s in the army?” Alec asked me softly, and I could tell he was trying to make me feel better by steering the questions in a new direction.


I dropped my fork and looked out the window, not liking this question any better.


“Was,” I muttered.


“He retire?” Jamie asked, before shoving a sandwich in his mouth.


“Something like that,” I whispered, then smiled uncertainly at Alec, “What’s your band called?”


They laughed.


“Rabid Manifests,” Fredi said with a grin, “Don’t ask. Donny made it up.”


“I was high,” he defended.


“Whatever,” Fredi said, and she actually threw him a smile.


His cheeky grin softened into a small smile, before he ruined the moment with an exaggerated wink.


“I’ll take you high whenever you want, Pooh-bear,” he said, lowering his voice to a smooth, sensual hum.


“Fuck off, Donovan,” she snapped, pushing her chair back and stomping off, frightening some girls as they hurried to get out of the way.


“I’m going to go back to my studying,” I said quickly, using their distraction to slip away.




I decided not to eat breakfast the next morning, as I started my warm up. That way, I could avoid the band and anymore embarrassing moments. Unfortunately, Briar had decided to take me under her wing and fix my ‘skin and bones’ problem. I wasn’t that skinny for Christ’s sake!


She intercepted me before I could start my run and dragged me to the dining room to eat a proper breakfast. While we waited for the food to settle, she lectured about proper nutrition. Apparently, her aunt (a recovered bulimic) had a Masters degree on the subject. When she thought we’d waited long enough, she dragged me into the gym, a place I avoided like the plague. I spied Alec and Donny working out in the weights area and hurriedly turned, ready to run out the door.


“Oh, no you don’t,” Briar said, leading me over to where a shirtless Alec was spotting a shirtless Donny on the bench press. I averted my eyes, not wanting to be caught gawking at their toned torsos. Briar bent to set a light weight for me at the Pec Dec machine and I took the opportunity to attempt another escape.


I turned, and smacked face first into a solid, naked, sweaty chest. Large hands banded around my upper arms to stop me from falling. I wiped the sweat off my face and craned my neck back to look up at my road block. Stone stared down at me.


My stomach dropped to the floor and my toes flexed within my trainers. My fingers tightened in alarm around his biceps, where I’d grabbed to steady myself. For once, I easily managed to break eye contact with him. Instead, my eyes were glued to his exposed skin and muscles. I couldn’t stop staring. I couldn’t utter an apology. Help! My mind shouted desperately. Please, someone help me!


“Hurry up, Evie,” Briar said from behind me, “I want to do some study later. I’ve got an exam tomorrow.”


I eagerly tore away from Stone’s grasp and sat on the machine’s leather seat.


“Okay, do twenty reps,” Briar ordered and I noticed she’d adjusted the weight to the lowest possible. I started pushing quite easily, but knew I’d tire when I got to the end.


Alec walked over and frowned at how easily I was working. He glanced back at the weight stack and shook his head.


“Stop,” he ordered, moving around behind me. I eagerly obeyed. I hated lifting weights and never did if I could help it. My eyes widened in disbelief though when he added two whole weights.


“But-” I protested.


“You do enough endurance as it is,” he interrupted, “You need to build strength and bulk up a little.”


“But I can’t lift that!” I whispered, looking at Briar for help. She bit her lip in thought, before slowly nodding her head.


“I suppose that makes sense,” she said, smiling at Alec, “Can you take over for me?”


He smiled down at her and I shook my head frantically. What was she doing? No, Briar, please don’t leave me with him! It was bad enough I had to try and look at him without blushing at his chest, but now he was in charge of my torture! And he wanted me to lift heavier weights!


“Sure,” he agreed, then looked back down at me, “Ready Evie?”


I sighed and nodded, knowing they wouldn’t let me back out. I placed my arms up on the pads and tried to push them together. Tried is the operative word.


“C’mon Evie, push a little harder,” Alec said.


I took a deep breath and used all the power in my body to push my arms together. Then, I slowly struggled to control the release.


“One,” Alec said proudly.


I glared at the floor. Thank you very much for pointing out that that was only my first one!


“Just five more to go, Evie.”


I looked up at him hopefully. I was only doing six?


He seemed to understand my thoughts, because he nodded. “Only five more.”


I took a deep breath and struggled through the next four. I dropped back against the seat and shook my head. “No more,” I squeaked.


“C’mon, last one Evie,” he ordered, “Last one and that’s it.”


I groaned quietly, but obeyed, gasping quietly when it was over and Alec helped me stretch out.


I stood up and backed away from the machine with relief. Thank God that was over. I’m never letting Briar talk me into this again. Alec moved to another machine and I took a drink from my water bottle, pausing to sneak looks at Stone who was lifting dumbbells above his head. Water missed my mouth as I watched the muscles ripple in his back. I didn’t notice though. I kept staring, appreciating how small he made the other men look with his broad shoulders and impressive height.


I shook my head and wiped my mouth. Stone’s size was scary. Not sexy. I resolutely began making my way toward the door.


“Where are you going?” Alec asked, a puzzled expression on his face.


I looked back at him in confusion. “Back to my room to study,” I said.


“No you’re not. Come here,” he said softly, taking my arm gently and pulling me towards the machine he’d been setting up.


“More?” I croaked.


He bit his lip to keep from laughing and nodded.


“Lots more.”


It went on like that for the rest of the week. Briar stuffed my face with healthy carbs and lots of protein, whilst Alec tortured me in the weight room. On top of that, I was panicking over my exams, knowing that I needed to keep high grades to retain my scholarship. By Friday, I was at my wit’s end. I glared at the plate of food in front of me, still half-full, even though I’d passed my limit three mouthfuls ago. There was no way I could finish this.


I pushed the food around my plate, trying to work up the will to eat more. Jamie took pity on me (or maybe he was just hungry) and tugged my tray across the table, digging in eagerly with his own fork. I smiled at him in gratitude, but Stone crumpled his can of Coke and threw it at Jamie’s head.


“Ow!” he shouted, shooting a glare at Stone, “What was that for?”


Stone just glared back, and Jamie grudgingly pushed the tray back at me. Stone’s steely expression turned to me and I clenched my fists as his eyes ordered me to ‘eat’.


You fucking eat it! I wanted to yell, and his eyes narrowed as if expecting me to voice my protest. I didn’t though. I picked up my fork and shoved another mouthful down my throat. My stomach begged me to stop, but I sat there for the next hour and slowly fed it more and more.


I was thankful that today was the last day or term, and that tomorrow I’d be flying to Sydney with Briar. No more force feeding. No more heavy weight sessions. And…I smiled at my next thought: Hel-lo Billy!





I was ready an hour early. This is what happens when you obsess about being organised and prepared. Now, I had nothing to do but wait for Briar to come get me. With a sigh, I pushed up from where I’d been sitting on the bed and walked over to stand in front of our full-size mirror. Candy had left for the holidays already, so I had the room to myself. Making good use of the privacy, I leaned forward to examine my reflection critically.


I did look ill, I decided. But then, I’ve always known that I was underweight. At 5’7”, I only weighed in at 46kg (app. 101 pounds). Thankfully, the short, loose-fitting, white dress and black and white horizontally-striped tights I was wearing, camouflaged just how gaunt and frail I really looked.


My eyes travelled upward to study my face. My red-brown hair hung in messy waves past my shoulders. The sun had bleached strawberry-blonde streaks throughout the length and I scowled as I ran my fingers over them. My sister Charlie (Cooper’s twin) says I have pretty hair. Chestnut, she calls it, with ‘gold’ streaks. They suit my amber eyes, she says. I glanced at my scotch-hued irises and snorted. Trust Charlotte to romanticise everything.


Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate everything about my appearance. I liked my nose. It’s small and unobtrusive. I think it’s quite attractive…apart from the scattering of light freckles that mar my otherwise unblemished complexion. My skin colour isn’t too bad either. I have a natural, light tan and I always ‘Slip, Slop and Slap’ so as not to be left with dozens of tan lines.


I started at the knock on the door. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I realised I had wasted an entire hour standing in front of the mirror like a self-important idiot. I grabbed my black winter coat and shoved a white, woolly beanie on my head.


“Come in!” I hurriedly called, bending over to slip my black Ug boots on. The door opened as I straightened.


Donny strode in with a smile and ran his eyes over my form.


“Cute,” he said with a chuckle, “Briar sent me up to fetch you.”


I blushed and picked up my small suitcase, struggling ever so slightly with the weight, but not nearly as much as I would have a few days ago. Donny took it from me and started down the stairs. I hurriedly slung my coat over my arm and grabbed my handbag, pulling the door shut behind me as I hurried to catch up.


Briar tackled me into a hug the minute she saw me. “This is going to be great!” she exclaimed, keeping one arm around me as she ushered me into the waiting cab. Donny was sitting up front with the driver and Fredi sat in the back with us. Stone, Alec and Jamie had caught an earlier flight. I smiled at her and tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.


Briar started rambling about shopping and parties, so I zoned out a little, letting Fredi field all the questions and make appropriate sounds of excitement. Remembering I’d heard the message tone of my phone go off earlier, I withdrew it from my purse and glanced at the screen. Five missed calls from my mum. I rolled my eyes. I wonder what’s wrong with her?


The phone started ringing, making me jump a little as it vibrated in my hand. Mike the screen said. I frowned at it. None of my younger brothers ever rang me. They barely ever texted either. I blushed as I realised everyone in the car was staring at me and quickly answered the call.


“Mike?” I whispered.


“Jake,” one of the other triplets corrected cheerfully, “Have you been ignoring Mum’s calls? She’s freaking out.”


“No, I was just about to ring her back,” I said, biting my lip, “What’s wrong?”


Jake laughed, “Where are you, Lil’ E?”


I scowled at the nick name my younger brothers had given me once they’d surpassed me in height.


“I’m in Alice still. On my way to the airport,” I replied, “Why?”


Jake laughed again, “She thought you were getting home at ten o’clock this morning and sent Luke to the airport to pick you up.”


My mouth dropped open. Bloody hell! Did the woman listen to anything I said?


Jake’s laughs increased, “Luke has been waiting for two hours. He’s mighty pissed E.”


“But, I’m not coming home until next Sunday,” I whispered.


There was a pause, before Jake started laughing so hard that Mike had to take the phone.


“What’s going on E?” Mike asked seriously.


“I’m on my way to Sydney for a week. I told Mum on Wednesday,” I mumbled, irritated at the moody welcome I was sure to get from both Luke and Mum when I got home.

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