Every Little Thing About You (Yellow Rose Trilogy 1) (25 page)

Read Every Little Thing About You (Yellow Rose Trilogy 1) Online

Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Romance, #Christian, #Fiction, #Christian Fiction, #Western, #Historical, #INSPIRATIONAL ROMANCE, #General, #Religious, #Texas, #Love Stories

BOOK: Every Little Thing About You (Yellow Rose Trilogy 1)
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didn't see him move. Griffin and Tess' eyes met, both

people smiling in delight.



"I think the pink calico/' Liberty said to Miss Amy.

"The one with the small flowers."

"Six cents a yard," Miss Amy quoted as she laid it on

the counter. "I just got this in."

"And the navy flannel?"

"Eleven cents a yard" was the price as this bolt came

down from the shelf.

"Thank you. I need to see a little of the blue-striped

ticking too."

"That goes for twelve cents a yard."

"Okay. Thanks, Miss Amy. I'll look these over and do

some figuring."

"Okay. I've got a special on buttons. There're some red


ones that would be nice if you want that navy flannel for a


"Okay." t,

Liberty was fingering fabric and working sums on her

paper when Slater approached. He said nothing but stood

at her shoulder and watched her work. Without warning

Every Little Thing About You 179

Liberty's head came up, and she swung around to look at

the buttons. What she encountered was Slater's chest.

"Hello," he said quietly, a smile in his eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you."

"I saw you," he told her warmly, and watched as she

smiled, bit her lip, and dropped her eyes.

"How did you know I was in here?"

"Tess is across the street talking to Griffin. She spotted


Liberty nodded.

"What are you shopping for?"


"Mam gave me a list of things. Zach needs a shirt, and

two of Laura's dresses are rather short."

"Nothing for yourself?" Slater asked, wishing he could

purchase something for her, something as lovely and feminine

as she looked right now.

"Not today."

"How are you doing, Libby?" he suddenly asked so

seriously that Liberty wanted to lay her head against his

shoulder and cry.

"Why did you ask me that?"

"Because with a list like that, it sounds as though your

mother knew you needed to get out."

Liberty nodded. "She probably did."

"Is your mother feeling better?"

"Yes. She's up and around, and Duffy has stopped

watching her like a hawk."

It was in that instant that Slater realized there was

more to Duffy's actions the day before than his concern

about his wife's grief. He felt a jolt of concern shoot

through him. Griffin had once mentioned all the babies his


mother had been forced to bid goodbye, and he found

himself hoping and praying that this one would not be

added to the list

"Tell her I'm praying for her, will you, Libby?"

"I'll do that"

180 lori wick

Liberty felt it again--that warm feeling spiraling

through her over this man. He was so gentle and kind.

Griffin and Duffy were that way as well, but this was different.

Slater looked at her as if he couldn't pull his eyes

away. Knowing that did strange things to Liberty's heart.

"Are you shopping for something?" Liberty asked, also

happening to notice several pairs of eyes on them. She

dropped her own and added, "I'm afraid we're drawing a


Slater glanced around, causing eyes to look away, but

he still didn't move.

"I have a little time off after lunch/7 he said quietly.

"Would you be free to go for a walk?"


Liberty nodded.

"I'll see you then," he assured her, his eyes warm and

direct until he was forced to turn away.

Liberty watched him leave and then made herself go

back to her list. She was still looking at the buttons when

she felt a large presence beside her. Certain that Slater had

returned, she looked up with a smile. Price Hathaway

stood beside her, his brow showing determination.

"There are some goods in the back you need to see,

Libby," he said. "Come this way."

Liberty was given no chance to argue. Her upper arm

was taken in his huge fist, and she was urged along toward

the rear of the store, and not just out of sight: Price walked

her until they were at the far corner of the storeroom--cans

of lima beans to Liberty's back and sacks of flour at her


"Are you going to marry Slater?" Price wasted no time

in asking.

"Of all things!" Liberty exclaimed. "Price Hathaway,

what's come over you?"


Price bent until his face was close. "Slater Rawlings is

the reason Amy and I are together again. He told me she

still cared. Now if he's in love with you and wants to marry

you, I want that for him."

Every Little Thing About You 181

Liberty blinked. There were so many things she could

say to fliat, but all she could manage was "You want that

for him? What about me?"

"He's a good man, Lib. I've never known a man like

him. He works hard, and he's fair. You can't believe what

he put up with with Pa and never said a word. He even

invited me to church. Not since I've been grown has

anyone ever done that."

"Are you going to go?"

"I don't know yet. Amy and I are still talking about it.

Marry him, Libby. If he asks you, marry him."

Liberty saw the earnestness in his eyes.

"For the record, and just between the two of us, he

hasn't asked me, but we are going for a walk today. And I


do care, Price; I care very much."

Price stood to full height and smiled. "I knew he was

the one for you. I just knew it. He believes like you do, and

he's a lawman. He probably can't outshoot you, but you

can still make it work."

Liberty had a good laugh over that, and Price continued

to smile as though he'd won a ticket to the fair.

"I think I'd better get back to my list."

"Did you talk?" Miss Amy's anxious voice came

toward them as she nearly ran into the storeroom.

"Yes," Price told her.

Miss Amy came right up to Liberty. "He told Price I still

wanted to see him, Libby. I was never so glad in all my


Liberty smiled up at her. She was the perfect size for a

huge man like Price, but Liberty had always found her so

reserved. Not now, however. Her eyes were lit up with

pleasure and love for Price, and all because Slater had gone

between them.

"So when is your date?" Liberty felt free to demand of


the two before her.

They both smiled, and Liberty's eyes grew.

"You didn't!"

182 lori wick

"We did. Just before Christmas."

"When are you going to announce it?"

"Mama's planning a big party on January 14. Youll be


Liberty hugged Price, who squeezed her in return. Miss

Amy surprised Liberty by hugging her next, but Liberty

returned the embrace just the same.

"Congratulations!" Liberty told them warmly, but then

her eyes grew serious. "I hope you do come to church. I

play die piano, so I sit down on the left-hand side. Just look

for me and sit with me. You don't know how welcome you

would be." This said, Liberty smiled and turned away. She

gave a wave but didn't turn back when Miss Amy thanked


Not since I've been groom has anyone ever done that


Liberty could not get the words from her mind. How

many people do I see every day? I've been keeping my eye on the

behavior in this town and missing the lost souls. Liberty finished

her list--fabric, buttons, and all--but the subject

stayed at the front of her mind for the next several hours.

Indeed, she and Kate were still speaking of it when Slater

arrived for their walk.

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"His name is Desmond Curtis. He's been a Ranger'forever.

I was working with him, and he noticed how unsettled

I was. I'm not an angry person, but I tend to get antsy

and have to move around all the time. I just thought that

was the way I was, but he asked me what I was running

from. I didn't like that, just like Dakota didn't like it when

I challenged him, but it got me to thinking."

"So you did know about Christ?" Liberty asked. They

had planned to take a walk, but rain had threatened so they

sat alone in the Petersons' living room.


"Yes. Both my grandmother and my oldest brother had

come to Christ and had talked with me on several occa-


Little Thing About You 183

sions, but I was convinced there was nothing wrong with

my life." Slater shook his head. "I was blind for a long


"What was the turning point?"

"I think God used the solitude of my job to make me

see. I was alone so much of the time and becoming lonely

in the bargain. I would be on the trail and thinking about

how insignificant I was. I found myself wanting to cry all

the time. I would look at the magnificent world around me

and think, If all this just happened, then whaf s the point?

Why go on? Why try at all?' One day when I was in the

midst of feeling that way, I realized someone was riding

toward me. It was Des. Here I'm sitting in the saddle, tears

pouring down my face, and Desmond Curtis rides slowly



"I'll never forget it. He stopped his horse right next to

mine, looked me in the eye, and said, 'Would you like to

talk about it, Slate?' All I could do was nod. We never

moved or even got off our horses. He told me that Christ's

love was so huge that it had sent Him to the cross for my

sins. I was so hungry for that love. Des listened to me while

I prayed."

"Oh, Slater," Liberty said, breathless with emotion.

Slater smiled. "I wasn't saved a year when I knew God

wanted me to settle down someplace. I fought that one like

a madman, but in the end, I gave up the Rangers and ended

up here. I didn't know Shotgun existed, and I don't believe

that a man should just wander around looking for signs

from God, but I ended up here and felt I should stay."

Liberty couldn't take her eyes from him. "I'm so glad

you did."

"Are you, Libby? It means a lot to hear you say that."

Liberty's head tipped and she admitted, "You came so

suddenly. Sometimes I'm sure I'm going to wake up and

find you've gone."


"I wouldn't do that, not to you or Griffin."

184 lori wick

Liberty nodded, her heart very full. She wanted to tell

this man she was falling for him but opted for a change in


"How will you like the job?"

"I like it already. Griffin is great to work for/'

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