Read Every Soul Online

Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

Every Soul (28 page)

BOOK: Every Soul
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“Touch yourself.”

“Bain, what if someone sees?”

“Then let them see.”

She smirks at me and sticks her finger into her mouth and then inside of her shorts. “Oh, fuck, see what you do to me?” I ask as we sit across from one another. My dick is so hard that it painfully strains my jeans.

She keeps working her pussy just like I told her to. Quick little strokes.

“How does it feel?”

“Good. So good I wanna come.”

The Ferris wheel must be loaded with people as it begins to make a full circle. The walls of the buckets are high and at the top is tinted glass, making me confident that no one could see her, even if they were looking.

“Then let go, baby, come for me.”

Sitting back, I watch her as I rub myself through my pants. The wheel comes to a stop, we are high up and I watch her body change. Studying how her legs tremble and she clamps down tightly on her bottom lip. Relishing in the quietness of her orgasm. Goddamn, she is the sexiest thing in the whole entire world.

The wheel turns again and we head back down. There’s a silent secret amongst us as it’s our turn to exit. Grabbing her hand, I take her dirty fingers and suck off the leftover sweetness that is her. That’s my Arion, and the scent alone flips a switch and I have to refrain from throwing her over my shoulder. Instead, I walk quickly and with purpose back to my vehicle, where I’m going to fuck her so hard, she won’t be able to look at me straight, afterwards.

“Seriously, Arion, I’m too fucking big for this suit.”

“Baby, come on, I know you are stressed and tense, but would you just calm the fuck down?” I snap as I try and knot Bain’s black tie.

“Arion, look at me.”

Looking up at him, I laugh – he’s been a ball of anxiety this past week. We visited Colorado, and even when he wasn’t working, he was like this. I thought the time away would calm him, but it didn’t. He’s so tense and how can I blame him? He’s worked so hard for this day. Stepping back looking at him, just about every muscle in his body is bulging; that’s why the suit feels small. “It fits perfectly and you look sexy as fuck. Would you just take some deep breaths?”

“You’re so going to pay for this later if I look like my head is too big for my body on national TV.”

“How’s it going in there?” Bain’s mom asks as she knocks on the door. Reaching back with one hand, I open it for her. She walks in with a huge grin on her face. I’m not surprised though – that’s the way she’s been since she came home. Bain and I have spent a lot of time over here and she’s doing great. Her transition has affected both him and his dad positively.

“You look so handsome,” she says with tears in her eyes.

“Oh, come on, Mom, please don’t start with that.” She blinks back the tears and nods her head.

“I’m just so proud of you. I’ve dreamt of this day for so long.”

Even though she is emotional, her presence calms him. I can see his muscles relax and everything about him changes. All of his stress washes away. Then she says, “Bain, I have something for you.”

“I’ll give you two some privacy,” I say and step away to finish my makeup.

My hair is loose and messy. Leaning forward, I apply one last coat of mascara, then spray my hair and head downstairs to grab a bottle of water.

“Hey, Arion,” Bain’s dad, says, sitting at the table. I didn’t even notice him there.

“Oh, hey, how are you?”

“Good. How ’bout you?”

“I’m getting excited. I’m just giving Renee and Bain a moment.”

“Thank you. I know I haven’t said this to you before, but thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for my son. I’ve never seen him this happy.”

“He makes me just as happy, so I should be thanking you.”

Renee comes down and asks me, “Do you want something to eat before we get on the road?”

“Oh, no, I’m good, thank you though.”

I notice that her eyes are red as I pass her to walk upstairs. She had to have been crying, I’m sure of it.

Walking into Bain’s room, he’s not in there, then I catch a glimpse of him in the bathroom. Walking up to the door, he’s bracing his weight on the counter and has his head hung low. He looks at me through the reflection of the mirror with glassy eyes. “Are you okay?”

He shakes his head and hands me a silver locket on a thick chain. “She wore this when she died. I bought it for her on our eighteenth birthday.”

Looking down at the locket, it’s simple yet so gorgeous. It looks like something that Bain would pick out. “It’s beautiful.”

He nods his head and gets teary eyed. In that moment, I’m at a loss for words and just pray that I have the strength to get him through this. In my hand is a token that represents so much. It’s a piece of who she was. A piece of who he was. Wrapping him tightly in my arms, we embrace. A flood of emotions works its way through me; however, I push them all away and stay strong for Bain. Today is by far the most important day of his life.

Searching for the right words to say, I finally tell him, “She would be so proud of you.”

“I know. It just fucking blows that she’s not here.”

“I know, baby, but you have to know how proud she is of you. I mean, think about it. You almost let this dream go, and now in just a few hours it’s all going to come true.”

I place the locket back in his hand. “She might not be standing with you today where you can see her, but her presence is wrapped around your soul like a cape. Embrace it and wear it with pride.”

He grasps the locket tightly, holding it with all of his might and nods his head. Then gently presses his lips to it and places it in the inside pocket of his coat.

“I love you, Arion. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“Well, you’re never going to have to find that out. Are you ready to get drafted into the NBA?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

I kiss him one last time before I turn on a heel to leave the bathroom. But Bain stops me, and grabs my wrist. Looking into those light, alluring eyes, I ask, “What?”

“I want another kiss, please.”

Stepping to him, we tightly press our mouths together, our tongues intertwine, weaving and loving one another. Bain smells like heaven, my own personal paradise. So delicious that if this day weren’t so important, I would rip his suit right off of him and devour every inch of his tattooed skin.

He places his hands firmly on my lower back, holding my ass and pressing my sex against his cock. He’s half hard and I know that we need to stop. I can see just how things would progress. I would either be against that door or on the counter and Bain would be inside of me so fast that I wouldn’t know how it happened. Then neither of us would look presentable for his special day, and as much as I want him, I want today to be perfect.

“Come on, baby, let’s get going.”

He growls in protest, moving his lips to my neck, sucking hard.

“Bain,” I snap and pull away. He smirks at me with a devilish grin.

“You started this, now you expect me to stop. You deserved that.”

I look in the mirror at my neck. He sucked so hard, I swear it’s going to bruise. Thankfully, there’s nothing there.

“You’ll pay for that later.”

“I can’t wait,” he says and lands a firm smack to my ass. Walking into his room, I put on the ridiculous pair of heels that I bought to go with this dress. They are shiny and black and by far the most whorish pair I’ve ever worn.

“I fucking love those shoes.”

“Well, if you behave, maybe I’ll wear them for you later.”

“A man can always hope.”

“The car’s here,” Bain’s dad yells from downstairs.

“Let’s do this, baby.”

Walking down hand in hand with Bain, his parents are both waiting for us. The smiles that radiate from them are of absolute pride. I mean, how many parents can say that their child follows a dream long enough to see it come true? For Bain, today is the culmination of all his hard work and dedication. Yeah, he might have slipped up for a couple of months, but he went through the absolute worst tragedy possible and experienced something that most people would
have come back from.

Walking outside, there is a huge black limo waiting and as the driver opens the door, James steps out. He’s dressed to the nines and walks to us. Everyone exchanges friendly hellos and hugs. And I do have to wonder if not only Kinsey is looking down on us, but Nate too. Is he happy for me that I’ve found Bain?

I know that if the roles were reversed, I would want nothing more than his happiness. I pray that his soul is resting in a better place and God has him safe. Deep down, I love Nate; I always have and absolutely always will. But I truly believe that God must’ve needed him, so it was his time, and now Bain is my future here on earth. Holding my hand tightly, he guides me into the limo and into our future.

It’s been almost two months since the draft, and Bain and I are finally getting settled into our new place in the city. I’ve always wanted to live in the heart of New York, but never had the means to ’til now. The New Jersey Nets drafted Bain and both of us couldn’t be happier. As I sit on our brand new bed inside of our high-rise tower where we are tucked comfortably on the eighteenth floor in down town Manhattan. I work away, loving my role as his co-manager.

After Bain got signed, it’s been non-stop work signing him tons of deals from underwear to clothing to nightclub appearances. There’s been constant travel and now that practice is finally getting started, we are both so excited to get into the routine of NBA life. Well, as normal as it can be.

My phone rings and I grab it right away when I hear Bain’s ring tone.

“Hey, babe,” I answer. “How are you?”

“Good, you?” he asks.

“You know, just working my ass off. But on a good note, I haven’t had to book us one flight today.”

“Thank God, doesn’t it feel good?”

“So good. Are you almost done with practice?” I ask him, as I walk over to the massive wall of windows that overlook the Hudson River.

“Yeah, we just showered. Do you need me to stop and get anything on the way home?”

I glance at the clock on my laptop.
Holy shit, it is after three
. “Yeah, we need food. I was gonna run to the store today and just lost track of time.”

“I can go. Wanna email me a list?” he asks.

“I’ll go, you had practice all day.”

“I’ll come grab you. I’d rather go with you anyways.”

“Oh, God, this should be good. You know you always get stopped when we are out.”

“It’s just to the store; no one is gonna bother us,” he responds.

I agree for the sake of not arguing, but I know better. We hang up the phone and quickly I change out of my sweats and into a pair of tight shorts, with a loose fitting tank top. Running my fingers through my hair, I brush my teeth, then go and look in the fridge. We really have no groceries, so I make a mental list.

Then my phone chimes with a text and I check it.
I’m downstairs, babe.

On my way.

Grabbing my purse, I lock up the condo and head downstairs. Sure enough, the instant the elevator doors open, there is Bain. The moment we see each other, our eyes stay connected.

I can’t help but want to run to him. Instead, I keep my poise and confidence ’til we are finally brought together. He shrouds his tattooed arms around me, holding me tight. But I want more than a hug, so I pull away, pressing our lips together.

“Mmmm, you smell good,” he says and grabs my hand. We walk outside and there is a Lincoln town car waiting for us. The team always has them to take players to and from practice.

“Don’t you wanna walk?” I ask.

“I would, but I’m tired and my knee is sore as fuck after banging it in practice.”

He opens the door and we get in. There is a bouquet of flowers on the seat and I smile, picking them up and pressing my nose into them.

“How was practice? Is your knee bad?”

“It was good, and my knee will be fine. You make everything better,” he says cupping my sex through my pants. “What about you?” he asks, still holding me.

“It was nice. I didn’t unpack shit around the condo. But I signed you a new deal with a clothing company. The contract should be back from your attorney tonight.”

BOOK: Every Soul
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