Read Everything to Nothing Online

Authors: Mark Henthorne

Tags: #romance, #relationships, #drugs, #sex, #mark, #to, #billionaire, #nothing, #bestseller, #f1, #monaco, #everything, #formula one, #henthorne

Everything to Nothing (17 page)

BOOK: Everything to Nothing
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patronize me. You know exactly what I mean.’

‘We thought you
would say that. Kevin.’

Kevin placed a
gun on top of the package and explained, ‘This is a Colt Defender.
It is a pistol, not a revolver or gun. Small so it is discrete, yet
accurate and reliable. It is a stopper too. Damage is high. Be
careful if you ever have to use it at close range. It will pass
straight through somebody and keep on going.’ He picked it back up.
‘Load like this.’ The ammunition cartridge dropped out of the
handle and Kevin showed Peter how to load the cartridge. ‘Slide it
back in, safety here, pull the slider, point and pull the trigger.
Bang, bang.’

‘Right. Seems
pretty straight forward.’

‘It is.’ Kevin
placed the gun back on the table and picked up the package and
opened it. ‘This is white heroin…’

‘It looks more
brown to me?’

‘It is really a
tan colour but it is classed as white heroin.’


‘There is five
hundred grams here…’

‘But I can cut
it to make more right?’

‘Yeah, you can.
We leave that up to you. You want to get a good reputation at first
so don’t cut it too much. I would say two parts heroin, two parts

‘About fifty
percent pure then?’

‘Yeah. Strong
enough to give customers a nice good rush but not too strong so you
start getting overdoses. But it will overdose a newbie if they take
too much so warn them if you want to, but usually we wouldn’t
bother with warnings. It is not like we can put a government health
warning on H is it?!’

Peter laughed.
‘I suppose not. All sounds okay. What should I mix it with?’

‘Anything you
fucking want. Flour, washing powder, salt, sugar, ant powder, rat
poison, anything at all.’

‘Tell him how
to take it.’

‘Yeah, Reg. I
was coming to that. If you want to you can keep some of the purer
stuff aside and sell it for smoking. You can sell the less pure
stuff too for snorting but they won’t get as a good hit.

‘Yeah, all
good. What about injecting?’

‘Easy. Dilute
the powder with water, heat up the mixture, suck it up with a
syringe, place needle of syringe in vein and let the good times

‘Come back to
smoking. They put the powder into a cigarette or something?’

‘I’ve never
seen anyone do that but maybe someone does. No, you chase the
dragon matie, chase the dragon.’

‘That really
doesn’t mean much to me?’

‘Jeez! How long
you been dealing for us now? Six months and you don’t know what
chasing the dragon is?’


‘It is simply
heating the powder, usually in foil, and the fumes are inhaled. Of
course, not as good a rush as injecting but it’s still nice. That
is why the purer heroin should be used, so it gives a bigger rush
to the chaser.’

‘Okay. All
sounds good.’

‘There is five
hundred grams of H there Peter. I’m trusting you. Don’t treat me
like a bitch or you could end up sleeping with the fishes.’

‘I won’t screw
you Reg. I enjoy working for you and the extra income helps.’

‘Good. You
working the clubs tonight?’

‘Yeah. Go to
the usuals in the city. Oh, you had better let the bouncers who are
under your control know that I will be armed from now on so they
expect it.’

‘Will do. You
going to try and sell the H then?’

‘No. Not
tonight. I need to prepare it and myself. I haven’t got time. I
will still take the gun though, just in case.’

‘Good. Make
sure it is all okay and you feel okay before you start selling the

‘I will.’

‘If you make me
a good yield on this I will give you more next time and maybe give
you a higher cut and or a bonus.’

‘Alright Reg. I
appreciate you trusting me.’

‘No hard
feelings about my little prank.’

‘No Reg. None
at all.’

‘Right, be on
your way then. See you next week.’







‘No hard
feelings! I’ll give you no hard fucking feelings!’ Peter was fuming
as he drove away from the house and he was ranting as he drove.
‘Making a fool out of me was the biggest mistake of your soon to be
ended life Reg Maxwell. One fine day I am going to take that Luger
and blow your fucking brains out! One fine, fine day!’


Chapter 17


After finishing
her conversation with David, Sally made her way slowly back through
the surrounding land, through the developing dusk, back to the
outside wall of the estate. Storm let out a little whinny as she
saw the gate knowing that they were nearly home. Sally dismounted
and slid her hand into her jeans pocket and extracted her mobile.
She quickly flicked to the Ss in her contacts and called the
security centre that was based in a room in the mansion. She saw
the camera slowly turn towards her and she gave a little wave and
then she heard the gate unlock. Again the light on the camera
flashed three times and they made their way through the gateway and
she closed the gate behind them.

Sally remounted
and dug her heels into Storm’s flanks who instantly responded into
a quick canter. They stuck to the paths this time, there was no
leaping over fences, and they quickly made their way back to the
stables. Sally said a quick thank you to the groom who led Storm
away and then she quickly strode over to the Land Rover that had
been sent by security to collect her. While she was being driven
back to the mansion one of the cooks called her and asked whether
she would be eating at home tonight. Sally answered with a positive
and asked the cook to prepare and bring a Chicken Madras to her
room in an hour. It only took a few moments to reach the mansion
and Sally was greeted formally by Alfred and a maid at the front
entrance. ‘Did you have a pleasant ride ma’am?’

‘Yes Alfred, it
was good.’

‘Any plans for
this evening?’

‘No, none. I
think I am just going to watch a film in my room and have an early

Sally entered
the main entrance hall and walked over the exquisite marble floor
passing between pillars of marble. In front of her the hall
suddenly expanded into a large circle and curling upwards and round
the wall were two elaborate staircases. Directly at the top of the
circle there was also an elevator which was installed when Sally’s
mother’s health deteriorated to the point that she could not
negotiate stairs anymore. She did not take the elevator and Sally
did not think that anyone had ever used the conveyance since the
horrible morning when her mother had arrived back from the hospice
to die in her own home. At the foot of each staircase there were
two immense portraits of a stunningly beautiful woman and as Sally
passed the portrait on the left her eyes met the eyes of her mother
as usual. She held her gaze for a moment before passing onwards.
Alfred and the maid had followed Sally at a polite distance behind
her and only when Sally had completed the ritual of gazing at her
beautiful mother did Alfred continue the conversation. ‘Certainly
ma’am. In that case, after your meal has been prepared may I
dismiss the staff for the evening? I, of course, will remain on

‘Well, my
father will need the staff tonight so no.’

‘Sorry ma’am,
it looks like your father will not make it back to the estate
tonight. He managed to call me before and stated that today’s
business is dragging its heels somewhat and left the decisions of
the house to you, ma’am.’

‘Okay Alfred.
In that case after I have eaten then the staff may be dismissed. I
don’t need them tonight. Ask one of the maids to fill the Jacuzzi
bath in the Gold Bathroom. I’ll be there in ten minutes. Ask her
also to place a bottle of champagne in there, a Bollinger, and also
a fruit selection.’

Will there be anything else?’

‘Yes, my Mini
is still at the garage being fixed. I’ll need a lift there at ten
thirty in the morning.’

‘Fine. I will
ensure the Rolls-Royce is available.’ By now they had finished the
ascent of the stairs and were half way along the ornate upper
hallway walking towards Sally’s bedroom. Sally stopped walking and
turned to face Alfred. The maid had subtly left to prepare the
bath. ‘No! I mean, no, not the Rolls. I’ll need you to take me in
something a little more subtle, Alfred. Suggest something that
states well off, but not daughter of a billionaire well off?’

‘Erm, well, in
that case how about your father’s Mini Cooper?’ The Mini was one of
her father’s toys and he sometimes took it out on a Sunday for a
little bit of fun with Ray, a security guard and a doctor should
the worst happen, following him.

‘He might be
using it tomorrow.’

‘From the
sounds of it Sally I doubt it. I don’t think he will be back by
tomorrow morning if at all tomorrow.’

‘Okay. The Mini
will be fine.’ Sally started walking again and reached the door to
her room. ‘I’ll be leaving at ten thirty sharp.’

‘Will you
require breakfast?’

‘Yes, of
course. In the breakfast room. Maybe my father will put in an

‘Maybe, but I
wouldn’t get your hopes up Sally.’

‘Yeah, I

‘Is everything
okay dear? You still seem down?’

‘No, I am okay
now. The Mini has been fixed and Storm got rid of my worries like

‘Did you crash

‘The Mini or

Alfred laughed
a little. ‘The Mini of course.’

‘Something like
that Alfred. Please don’t tell my father. He’ll have Ray driving me
everywhere and security too. You know how I hate that. Please.’

‘I won’t dear.
Your secret is safe with me.’


‘I probably
won’t see you again tonight but don’t hesitate to call me if you
require anything.’

‘I won’t
hesitate but you should be okay because I don’t think I will need
you again tonight.’

‘That is fine.
Enjoy your bath and film Sally. I will retire to my quarters

‘Okay Alfred.
Sleep well.’

‘You too.

Alfred gave a
shallow bow, turned and walked quickly yet silently down the
hallway towards the servants’ quarters. Sally turned, opened her
door and entered her room.

On her large
double bed were the bags from her shopping trip and there were so
many that they overflowed onto the floor. She took her purse and
mobile out of her pocket and flung them on top of a bag and then
quickly removed all her clothes. Flinging these into a corner of
her room, she knew that a maid would come in a remove them while
she was bathing, and then she pulled on a silk gown.

Walking over to
a set of double doors she slid them open and stepped into the huge
walk-in wardrobe, which was the size of a large bedroom in a normal
house, and switched the light on. She glanced at her enormous
collection of clothes that were all separated into brands and these
brands were then separated into different styles of clothes.

There were
Dolce and Gabbana casual clothes and striking ball gowns from their
most recent collections. Versace was also present, along with
Gucci, Prada, Jimmy Choo and sportier, casual brands such as Reebok
and adidas. She walked past them, threading through the racks of
clothes, until she reached the far wall into which another door was
fitted. She opened this and turned on another light that
illuminated another smaller, yet still quite large room and each
wall was fitted with shelf upon shelf of shoes.

Again, the
brands present here were the best and the shoes the most recent,
separated again into their individual brands. She knew that she had
purchased another five pairs of shoes, three from Prada, one from
Gucci and a new pair of trainers from Nike. She knew instantly
where these shoes where on the shelves and she randomly selected
the equivalent number of shoes from each collection. Two pairs of
the Prada she selected had never been worn, the other pair worn
once to a ball. The Gucci and Nike had also never been worn. She
carried the five pairs of shoes awkwardly to her room and dumped
them on the floor. She had planned to give them to Michelle, who
knew very well that the best part of her wardrobe were the shoes
given to her by her best friend, but now Sally did not know. ‘Maybe
give them to charity,’ she said out loud, but she knew in her heart
that they would be going to Michelle eventually.

Sally spotted
the bags containing the new shoes and took them out of the bags.
She carried them through the racks of clothing and placed them into
the recently vacated spaces on the shelves. She took a step back
and decided that one of the new pairs of Prada would look better
next to another pair so she switched them round. Then she realized
that it still did not look right so she spent the next five minutes
shifting the Pradas around the shelves until she was satisfied that
the footwear was in the best position to be pleasing to the

forgetting that she was due to take her bath, she walked back into
her bedroom and emptied the bags onto her bed. She instantly
spotted a Gucci dress that she had bought and she picked it up and
held it against her. She walked over to the full length mirror and
studied the dress. She did not try it on but instead decided that
she did not like it and flung the five hundred pound dress onto the
floor with the shoes. Sally repeated this with all her new clothes
and eventually she had around five thousand pounds worth of clothes
in the rejects pile and about the same amount in the accepted

scooping up the pile of clothes she had decided to keep she walked
back into the wardrobe and hung the clothes in their relevant
sections. While she was doing this she rejected another two items
and when returning to her bedroom she dropped them onto the reject
pile. Absentmindedly again, she left her bedroom and strolled down
the hall to the Gold Bathroom. She did not even think that when she
got back to her bedroom later that the rejected pile of clothes
would be gone and she would not even notice or think about them
when she returned to her room. She had no idea where the clothes
went to and she did not waste time thinking about it. Did the maid
take them for herself or did she take them to a charity shop? Sally
did not know nor did she care.

BOOK: Everything to Nothing
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