Read Everything to Nothing Online
Authors: Mark Henthorne
Tags: #romance, #relationships, #drugs, #sex, #mark, #to, #billionaire, #nothing, #bestseller, #f1, #monaco, #everything, #formula one, #henthorne
‘I told you not
to come in!’
‘Sorry, I had
to see that you are okay.’
‘I told you I
‘Yeah, you look
He took the few
steps to her and gently placed his hand on the back of head. He
tilted her head forward and instantly the blood started to flow out
of her nose, down and into the sink.
‘I thought you
were meant to tilt your head back for a nosebleed?’
‘You’ll end up
choking yourself. Stay like that and let the blood flow. It will
start to stop soon.’
Sure enough,
after a few minutes it did, and when it had Sarah started to clean
herself up. She pushed Peter away when the bleeding finally stopped
and sat down on the lid of the toilet seat. ‘What the hell happened
to me?’
‘Welcome to the
world of drug taking. Everything comes at a price, Sarah.’
‘I thought I
was dying.’
‘No, nothing
that quite dramatic babe. Your nose isn’t used to it. How much did
you take?’
Not knowing the
difference between large and small she said, ‘A small line.’
‘On top of the
two last night?’
‘No wonder
‘Why didn’t you
warn me?’
‘How could I
when I was asleep? There is no way I would have let you take
another line.’
‘Worried about
the impact on profit?’
‘No, worried
about the impact on your health. Why did you take another?’
sleep, felt sick. I have got the world’s worst hangover going
‘And how do you
feel now?’
‘Now that the
nosebleed has stopped top of the world actually.’
‘See how you
feel once that line wears off.’
‘I think I need
to go home now. What time is it?’
‘I think you
should. About three.’
‘Oh! So late.
Where are my clothes?’
‘I think they
are scattered all round the house. I’ll find them while you finish
tidying yourself up.’
Peter left the
bathroom and walked around the house retrieving Sarah’s clothes
while she washed. By the time he got back the bathroom door had
been closed again so he knocked on the door and Sarah told him to
leave the clothes on the landing. He did this and went into his
bedroom and got dressed.
Peter then went
downstairs and flicked on the television and watched some
Premiership football for what seemed like an eternity. Unimpressed
with the level of skill on show he stuck it out for a few more
minutes until another overpaid sports star missed another easy
chance so he turned the television off in disgust. He was waiting
only another couple of minutes until he heard Sarah start to make
her way downstairs. She took the few paces from the bottom of the
stairs and stood in front of him while he was still sat on the
‘I guess I’ll
be going then. Would you, erm, like to see each other again?’
‘Yeah, I don’t
see why not.’ he said. He was thinking that if she was that wild on
a one night stand, hell yes he wanted to see her again.
Peter then
stood up and gave her a hug and a kiss on the lips. ‘Look, about
the cocaine, don’t tell anyone. Sorry it had that affect on you.
You really shouldn’t have taken that much though, you need to get
used to it.’
‘After that
nose bleed I don’t think I will be touching the stuff ever
‘Well, if you
ever want to, come round and I will give you some. You will have to
pay for it though.’
‘I can’t see me
doing that. But I would like to see you again.’
‘Here is my
mobile number,’ said Peter, giving her a business card, ‘so give me
a call whenever you want to go out. I am free most evenings apart
from, well, Friday and Saturday, for obvious reasons. Do you want a
lift home?’
‘No, it is
okay. It is not far from here. Could do with the walk.’
‘Okey dokey
then babe. Give me a call and I will take you out.’
‘Sounds good. I
will definitely call you.’
With that Peter
leaned forward and gave her a passionate, deep kiss and took her
hand. He led her to the front door and they parted with another
kiss and as the door closed behind her Peter said out loud, ‘Now
that was what I call a wild, wild night!’
Chapter 12
Sally slept
fitfully that Friday night. Although what sleep she did have was
dreamless, she awoke often and one of two images were always there
when she awoke.
The first image
she saw was the man, the second was always David. When she tried to
get back to sleep she focused all her mind on the image of David
and desperately tried to force out the image of the man.
After waking up
for what felt like the one hundredth time during the night, Sally
gave up with sleep at about six in the morning. It was pitch black
outside but she still decided to go for a run, then a swim and
hopefully catch her father at breakfast before he went to work.
At first she
could not believe that she was going back out into the dark after
all that happened to her during the last night. She flicked on the
bedroom light and she rummaged in a chest of drawers for her
running shoes and sport clothes to wear. She slipped the clothes
on, not bothering with underwear, and tied her shoes tight. She
heard a noise outside her door and guessed it was one of the
Sally quickly
decided that she did not want to see anyone so she walked over to
the French windows, thrust them open, and stepped out onto the
balcony. She sucked in the crisp, clean night air and she was
surprised about how mild it was for the time of year.
Her balcony
faced east and she could see the first hint of dawn just touching
the horizon, but she knew that full sunrise was still at least an
hour away. Sally continued sucking in the fresh air as she did some
light stretching of her legs.
She then closed
her eyes and purposefully brought the image of the man to the front
of her mind and then she said out loud, ‘I will not let you affect
my life! I will sleep at night, I will not be afraid of the
With that she
sprung over the balcony wall and gracefully fell the ten feet to
the lawn below. She landed with her knees bent and instantly
started to jog. She jogged for a minute and then sprinted for
thirty seconds. As she was running along the lawn she sidestepped
bushes and trees, occasionally leaping over the smaller bushes
which appeared out of the early morning gloom in a classic hurdlers
After about
five minutes running, the lawn ran out and she entered woodland.
There was a path through the trees that she followed until it
finished against the estate’s internal wall after another five
minutes of hard running. The path split into two at the estate’s
furthest wall and Sally took the left hand path.
Here, amongst
the trees and firmly against the estate’s inner wall it was
practically pitch back. However, the darkness did not slow her
repetitions of sprints and jogs, nor did it slow her overall pace.
Every kink and turn in the path was second nature to her after
living on the estate all her life.
When she
reached a particularly thick patch of trees she stopped where she
would normally have never stopped and closed her eyes. She was not
out of breath at all, her breathing was normal, even though she has
been running hard and fast for fifteen minutes. As she closed her
eyes she again brought the image of the man to the forefront of her
mind. She stood there in the pitch dark with this image in front of
her for five minutes.
At first she
panicked and her breathing did build up, but then she thought of
David and this calmed her. Then she was able to focus all her
attention on the image of the man. After a few more minutes she
opened her eyes and was comfortable that she had managed to already
rid herself of the man’s presence over her. She was proud of her
own strength of mind and will-power to not let this, what she
thought of as a pathetic attack, affect her.
Closing her
eyes one more time, and just for fun, she brought the image of
David to the front of her mind, only this time he was the image of
what she imagined he looked like naked. She chuckled to herself, at
her own boldness and then muttered to herself, ‘Back to work young
lady!’ and she resumed her run.
Sally followed
the wall right round the estate, noting as she jogged past the
front of the mansion that her father’s bedroom light was on. She
kept on going, round the west side of the mansion until she came
back to the original path through the trees that led back to the
lawn. She turned left onto it, however, this time she sprinted as
hard as she could back along the path, over the lawn, again leaping
over some of the bushes, until she reached the landing place below
her balcony. This time Sally was out of breath and she bent over
with her head between her long legs sucking in mouthfuls of air.
She remained in this position for about thirty seconds until her
breathing returned to normal and then she lightly jogged around the
east side of the mansion to the rear.
As she
approached a rear door she caught the aroma of a cooking breakfast,
a smell she loved and the memory it brought of a mother hardly
She entered the
kitchen and quickly but silently made her way through it,
desperately hoping that none of the kitchen staff spotted her as
she did not want to speak to anyone. Thankfully, they all had their
backs turned and she managed to get through unnoticed. Sally exited
the kitchen and walked along a long corridor to the end where there
was another door and she quietly exited the servants’ quarters.
Instantly the
décor changed and it became more opulent. Instead of tip-toeing
along thin carpet she was now tip-toeing along marble, instead of
single burning lights in simple light shades, there were numerous
chandeliers burning many lights. Sally, of course used to such
opulence, did not even notice this most impressive inner hall.
Instead she
continued to tip-toe across it until she reached double glass doors
which she quietly opened. As she stepped through them she entered a
passageway, on her right side a marble wall, on her left marble
columns, beyond which lay a large, deep swimming pool.
She walked next
to the columns looking at the crystal clear water and the slight
layer of steam that hovered over the pool, until she reached a door
with the usual symbol on it that indicates a female changing room.
She entered through this door and instantly the sensors detected
her. Automatically the lights came on and she made her way over to
large, ornately designed wardrobe.
Inside, on a
shelf, were a bikini and a large, thick luxurious towel that were
always prepared for her. She took the towel out and draped it over
a towel heater that she then switched on. Sally changed into her
bikini quickly, just dumping her running gear on the floor, and
stepped into one of the five shower cubicles where she rinsed off
the sweat from her run. She stayed there only for a few moments,
and then she went back to the pool and started her swim with an
elegant full length dive that made hardly a ripple.
Her front crawl
technique had been drilled into her from a young age and it was
near enough perfect. She used this technique to quickly do twenty
five lengths, after which she switched to breast stroke for another
twenty five. After this, she threw technique to the wind and
hammered out ten fast, powerful, front crawl lengths, which left
her gasping for breath at the end.
Knowing that
breakfast would be served in the bright, informal breakfast room
promptly at eight o’clock, she had plenty of time for a long hot
shower. While she was in the shower, to the casual observer, she
appeared to be fondling and stroking her breasts. However,
concerned that breast cancer may run in her family, ever since she
had developed them, she had been checking them.
Usually she
would start by looking in the mirror, but today she changed her
routine and did the usual last step while she was in the shower.
When she had finished though, she made a point of standing in front
of the mirror and examining them with her arms by her side, also
with her arms raised. She also checked her nipples by squeezing
them, as she had read was the right thing to do, looking for any
kind of unusual discharge. There were exquisite carved benches all
round the changing room with thick padding on them, so she lowered
herself down onto one of them and continued to examine herself
while she was lying down.
Sally heaved a
huge sigh or relief as she sat up, thankful that she had not found
anything worrying in her examination. She had noted that it was
best to do a full breast examination at least once a month, so she
made a point of doing it on the first of the month after her daily
swim. It was not the first of the month, and she cursed herself for
not sticking to her routine. Also, she knew she had been a bit
naughty doing the steps out of turn, but all she was thankful for
was that there was nothing out of the ordinary. It was also coming
up to the time of her regular check at the doctors of which her
father insisted she partake in.
She had not
decided whether to go for a genetic test yet. It was something that
she was giving a lot of thought to, but she was worried about how
it may change her life if it turned out that she had inherited an
abnormal gene from her mother. Her thoughts now lingered on the
beautiful lady who she knew so briefly yet desperately wanted to
know more. She had left Sally and her father when Sally was young,
devastating both of them. Her father became a recluse, not holding
an audience with anyone, running his business empire from the end
of a phone or through emails. However, without his steadying hand
being always present the whole of his empire nearly came crashing
down. It took a brave young director to barge his uninvited way
into her father’s office in the mansion and laid it all down for
him in black and white that the company was going down. With her
father’s strong hand returned to the helm of the company, it went
from strength to strength.