Evolve Series Box Set (68 page)

BOOK: Evolve Series Box Set
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“You guys need anything, just call.” He reaches out to shake. “Sawyer and Whitley on a farm,” he says with a laugh, “you’re a brave man, Evan.”

“Tell Parker we’ll be down soon, and please swing by Dad’s and make sure he’s eating and has clean laundry, okay?” Laney worries her lip. “I’ll be down after the charity clinic next week, I promise.”

“I will, but he’s fine. Now come ‘ere.” I pull her in for a big hug. “Don’t worry so much, Copper. Everything’s fine; we’ll all see each other soon. Okay?”

“K, Tod,” she mumbles, heading into Whitley’s arms. “Have fun, Whit, and please call me, and—”

“Goodnight, everyone,” Dane says for her as he carries her out the door thrown over his shoulder. “We’ll see you in eight, long, excruciating days.”

“Good idea. Come on, Ben,” Tate yawns, “I’m tired, put your man to bed.”

“Bye, guys.” She hugs Whit and me, of course teary-eyed, because she’s Bennett. “We’ll visit as soon as we can. Tate’s running the gym now, so we’ll be a little busy.”

“What?” Whitley asks.

“Oh yeah,” Bennett lowers her voice, “you didn’t hear?” “Ty’s is now all Tate’s, free and clear. Dane finally got him to take something to run and build from on his own. Didn’t hurt,” she smirks, “that Jenee’s the GM there.”

“Wh-whoa!” Whitley apparently catches on and giggles. “Everybody wins. Go Laney!”

“Exactly! Anyway, you guys be careful. Miss us!”

“We will!” Whitley shuts the door behind them. “You guys sleeping here to head out early or what?” she asks Sawyer and Zach, who I give a “no way” and throat slash to behind her back.

“Nah, I still gotta finish packing,” Zach smoothly covers, “and I’ll need a ride in the morning, so come on, Sawyer.”

“I’ll come get you, but I’m gonna crash here,” he says.


“I’ll go get the guest room ready then.” Whitley heads down the hall.

“Dude, don’t make her do that work just so you can yank Evan’s chain,” Zach chuckles. “Whit, don’t bother, he’s coming with me!” he yells down the hall.

“Who says I’m kidding?” He wags his eyebrows at me.

“You are such a prick,” I shove him, “get the hell out.”

“Oh yeah, boys, gonna be a fun summer!” Sawyer proclaims, rapping on the doorframe and chuckling at himself as they leave.

“What the—did they leave?” she says, drawing my eyes to her.

“Yep.” I turn the deadbolt and switch off the main light. I reach behind my head and pull off my shirt, tossing it over the couch.

“Are you gonna take a shower before bed?”


I kick off my shoes then lean over and get the socks. I stalk her, my eyes telling her what’s on my mind. Night after night I sleep beside her, holding her, doing nothing more than kissing and heavy petting, only a few times even under her shirt. Tonight, I’m hanging my gentleman hat by the door and hoping for more. I take her hand and pull her into the bedroom, shutting the door behind me. She watches my every move as I put my phone on her dock, starting my “Hummingbird” playlist, then turn back to her.

Her pupils are dilated and I watch her tongue skim across her lip; she feels the shift in the air, her nipples already hard against her shirt. Her chest rises and falls urgently. “I’ve never,” she whispers.

“Me either.” I hold her gaze.

“No?” She doesn’t hide her surprise and maybe skepticism.

I shake my head no, unashamed.

“And you want me?” Her cheeks pink and she treats that lip to her tongue again.

This time I nod, moving closer to her. “I want you so bad, pretty girl. I want to love you,” I wrap my arms around her waist, “I want to take care of you. I want to hold you. I want to be with you every chance I get.” I capture her sigh in my mouth as I cover hers, moving my hands to her perky little ass and squeezing with a tortured groan. “You want me back?”

“Yes,” she rasps out, sliding her hands down my back, around to my abs, which contract beneath her light touch, and finally to the button of my jeans. She guides each button free then yanks them down past my knees, where I finish kicking them off. Backing away but a step, her eyes rake over me, now before her in just my boxer briefs, up, down, then up again. “You are so hot,” she moans, then slaps a hand over her mouth in embarrassment.

“Come ‘ere.” I hold my hand out and pull her flush against me. “Let me see you?” I ask, tipping up her face with one finger under her chin.

She nods, biting her lip, testing my patience.

“Arms up, gorgeous,” I breathe against her neck, her pulse point, running my fingertips up her limbs as she raises them. I pull her shirt over her head, kissing her chest, neck, and collarbone as I reach behind and unclasp her bra.

Her arms come down and she lets it fall to the floor while her sultry eyes stay on mine, blue on blue, Whit on Evan. Just us.

“You steal my breath away, pretty girl. I can’t stop looking at you.” I move and sit on the edge of her bed, pulling her between my legs. My hands run along her sides as I suckle her soft, flat stomach. “So soft, so sexy.”

My girl runs her fingers through my hair, whimpering as I kiss and lick every inch bared to me, taking my sweet time. Her body is more than beautiful, more than tiny and perfect; it’s miraculous, entrancing. I can’t decide if I want to see more yet. Have I done her heavy, rounded breasts justice? Does her navel know yet that I adore it? Her hips, her dips, is that hidden balloon, that balloon that I had put there, ready for me?

She thinks so, her fingers sneaking into her waistband and enticingly, agonizingly slow, pulling down her shorts. No panties. And no soft curls.

“Don’t you move,” I snarl manically. “Aw, babe,” I rub my eyes, just making sure, “Whitley, you’re gonna kill me.” I use one finger to reach out and touch, outlining first my balloon, then her bareness, her beauty.

I’ve seen girls naked, I’ve messed around with a few more than Laney, but I have never even come close to the likes of a naked Whitley Suzanne Thompson. Laney’s a gorgeous girl, her body a toned machine, and everything she showed me was respected and adored…and why I’m thinking about this right now I have no idea, but maybe it’s because Whitley before me is short circuiting my brain.

She’s so…delicate, so feminine, so not of this world. Seriously, her body is a temple; a smokin’, tight, untouched, dainty, bare temple. If I can only pick one body to look at the rest of my life, supermodels around the globe included, I pick the one standing right in front of me. She reaches up and lets her hair down, running her hands through it. I’m gonna come right here, I swear. She looks that good.

She climbs on my lap, straddling me, and pushes me back to lie flat on her bed. That strawberry scented hair of hers falls in my face as she lowers herself over me, kissing and running her tongue over my chest, my nipples, open mouth sucking my her tattoo. “I love your body, Evan.” She blows along the places her mouth left damp, “and this,” she runs a finger down the line of hair from my navel to where the head of my dick now sticks out of my briefs, “I love this.” Scooting, she makes room to peel my underwear off, doing illegal things to both thighs on her way back up.

“In my pants, wallet,” I pant, trying to calm myself as she hops off me to grab a condom or three. I’ve never wanted anyone more in my life, my head fells like it’s about to explode and we’ve barely started. I don’t want to quicknut and spoil our first time. Maybe I should say I have to go to the bathroom and knock one out first?

Or maybe I should share this, however it goes, with the woman who knows the man I am best. That’s right; as a man, the person I am today, Whitley knows me best. And just like I know anything happening with her will be perfect and just as it should be, I know she’ll feel the same.

Too late anyway, she’s crawling back up me, my cock actually twitching up off my stomach on its own. And now we’re draped together, nipple to nipple, stomachs quivering as one, and I can feel her moisture on me. There’s one other thing I’ve never done, and she’s the one. I flip her and chuckle when she squeals, then moan low and euphorically when my tongue, joined by one finger, first finds her. 

Her nails dig into my scalp. “Evan, I—”

“You what?” I ask against her.

“I’ve never!” she wails. “Never—”

I guess we’re gonna do a checklist as we go, which is fine by me. If you think it bothers me to get affirmation of everything that she’s chosen to give to only me—it doesn’t. The couple that learns together, stays together. Catchy, I like it.

Girls think guys want them to put out. They do, don’t get me wrong, but a girl who gives it only to you? Yours. Only. Ever…you will never compete with that, no matter what tricks you have up your sleeve, easy girls. Doesn’t matter who or what he is, the sole proprietorship thing is a universal turn-on.

“Me either, pretty girl. It’s okay,” I lay my left hand on her belly to ease her, “I got you, always got you.” I wait, rubbing her stomach, kissing the inside of her thigh. “Okay?”

“Okay,” she answers.

“Open up a little more, baby. That’s it,” I calm her as her knees fall further apart. When I feel her completely relax for me, I lay my mouth upon her once more.

Her hips bucking up wildly, almost startling me. “Ah, Evan!” she cries out. “I need.”

I don’t want to hold down her hips, but, well, I hold down her hips. “I know, baby, stay still for me and I’ll give it you.” I take one long, soothing lick. “Tell me, tongue or finger?”

I’m not too proud to stop and ask for directions. This sexy, thrashing dream come true is gonna come in my mouth, that’s all there is to it. And once I learn what she likes, she’ll never have to tell me again. I am a firm believer in dedication to practice, and pretty sure I’m already addicted to the taste of her.

“Both?” she asks in a shaky voice. “Finger in me…” she gasps as I slide one in, “a-and your tongue?”

Yes, ma’am.

I could do this all night. I’ve heard locker room talk, and I know there are some guys who hate this, refuse to do it—morons. I can’t help thrusting against the mattress in rhythm to my feast of her; it’s that damn enjoyable.

“Faster, and harder with your finger,” check, “and right,” she pulls my hair, forcing my head still as she shifts down, putting my mouth right where she wants it. “There! Right there, Ev, hard, on the very—ahhhhhh!” she screams.

Think I got it.

I dare not move my mouth to lap it up, but stay right where she put me, my chin drenched. My mouth just gave its first of many orgasms to this oral virgin. If possible, I just got harder, my ego bigger.

“You good?” I rumble, kissing up her sated body to her neck. I doubt she wants a kiss on the mouth right now so I stay with her neck.

“We’re staying in the same room at Parker’s right?’

“Yeah,” I chuckle. Addicted little vixen. Whatever will I do with her?

“Just making sure. Really hoping you form habits easily.”

“You’re gonna have to learn to be quieter, though.”

“Promise.” She lifts her head and kisses me square on the mouth. Her tongue seeks mine first and she goes harder, taking control, as if the taste of herself turns her on. “Where’s the—”

My hand pops up in a flash, condom in it.

She slinks down me, ripping open the package, then biting the end of her tongue in concentration as she carefully rolls it on me. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever watched, even with my eyes rolled back in my head.

“Will you hold me afterwards?” she murmurs.

I lift my head slightly and look straight into her eyes, blue on blue, so she’ll see how much I mean it. “All night, babe.”

“So you’ll be here in the morning when I wake up?” she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Yes. Whit, come here.” I hold out my arms, asking her to let me hold her now. “We don’t have to do this, pretty girl.” I kiss the top of her head and cradle her to my chest as she absently traces my tattoo. “We can wait, and nothing will change, I promise. And if we don’t wait, nothing will change, I promise that too.”

“I don’t want to be a tease, but I’m nervous. Sex changes people, and we’re perfect. And boys brag to their friends and that will hurt me. And—”

“Shhh, everything’s fine. Let me assure you now, when the time does comes, I won’t brag to my friends.” I can’t help my small snort. “I think maybe you’ve watched too much Greek, Whit, and by the way I hate that show so I’m happy to help you over that. You just stick with Duck Dynasty; pay attention to how they treat their women. I will never disrespect you, and you’re right, we are pretty prefect. So let’s wait until the time is perfect too, okay?”

“You’re sure?”

“Positive.” I kiss the end of her nose as she peers up at me through worried eyes. “Even if I wasn’t, wouldn’t matter, you’re the boss. Just like my mama and Dad; I may fight ya as we get older, but you’re always gonna have the final word.”

“And you’re not mad?”

“Go to sleep, woman, we’ve got a big day ahead of us. You want the music on or off?”

“On,” she answers sleepily.




Surely it can’t be morning already. The music is still playing and it feels like I just fell asleep with an aching, disappointed, not speaking to me dick. But in the dream I was having, my hummingbird’s sweet pink mouth was wrapped around me, her fingers tickling below, and he was just about to forgive me. Yeah, it felt almost that good, like that—



I lift the covers and look down. Not a dream. “Damn, babe,” I rumble, “what got into you?”

I watch, enjoying the show, while she ignores me, hollowing her cheeks in utter bliss, twirling her tongue right under the rim before pulling off.

“I’m ready,” she says in a deep, seductive voice as she rolls a new condom down me.

Like a moron, a brain dead glutton for punishment, I say, “Whit, I told you we could wait. What changed your mind?”

“You did. You talk in your sleep, did you know that?”


“You do. And if I ask you stuff, you answer.” She prowls up my body, kissing a trail. “I trust you, and I want you too. Now,” she adjusts, teasing her wetness along the length of me.

“Whitttt,” I drawl out, crazed and feigning.

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