Read Exquisite Betrayal Online

Authors: A.M. Hargrove

Tags: #contemporary romance, #new adult, #romance and betrayal

Exquisite Betrayal (12 page)

BOOK: Exquisite Betrayal
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My hand leaves him, then both hands
end up tangled in his hair. He frames my face and breaks off the
kiss. He brushes my hair off my cheek then says, “The night we came
back here from Vegas, I watched you sleep for a while. I had a hard
time leaving your side because I was so…” He stops and shakes his
head a couple of times. “I felt like such a shit for how things
turned out that day, and as I watched you sleep, I became
of you… your
loveliness and how utterly gorgeous you are. It was difficult to
leave your side.”

His voice gets so quiet I have to strain to
hear him. “Thing is… as I stood by you, I was ripped open when I
remembered our time in the shower. You asked why it troubled me so
much and it was…” he squeezes his eyes shut for a second, “it was
because of the way I hurt you… caused you pain. Every time I think
of how you were in pain, of the sound of you crying out, it

I have to stop him. “Hey. Ryland. S’okay.
I’m all good here. See? Look at me.” I smile softly at him and
stroke his cheek.

It’s not supposed to hurt like that,
Fallon. It’s supposed to make you feel like this… like it did when
you came.”

Then make it right this time, Ryland.
I need to feel you inside of me. Show me now.”

Reaching in his night stand, he pulls out a
condom and puts it on before he rolls to his side and lifts my leg,
spreading it wide. Then he moves between them, supporting his
weight on his elbows. His lips touch mine, but only for a moment
then his hand is moving on me, feeling me. “God, you feel so sweet,

I can feel his tip against me and then he’s
inching inside of me before moving back out. Back and forth, going
deeper each time, stretching me until I don’t think I can take any
more because I’m so full. He pulls out and then starts again. When
we’re finally hip to hip, he lifts one of my legs up, puts it
around him and then slides his hand beneath me.

His breath catches as he says,
is how it
should’ve been.” Then he starts rocking in and out, slowly, never
taking his eyes off mine.

My lungs empty of all air as I lose myself
in him. With absolute clarity, I know he’s right. Has been right
all along. It should’ve been like this the first time; all soft,
sexy, slow and pure.

It’s building inside of me, and he sees it.
How do I know this? Because he starts rotating his hips now and
putting the perfect amount of pressure on that sweet spot of mine.
The hand under me moves and grabs mine. He laces our fingers
together as he raises it above my head at the same time his mouth
drops to my breast again. He only licks me this time and then
stops. Then he surprises me.

He takes my other leg and wraps it around
his waist and then sits back. I feel an emptiness, a loss without
him in my arms, but it doesn’t last long. He takes my arms and
pulls me into his chest, positioning me against him. We’re face to
face again, me on his lap, and we resume our movement. He’s so deep
now. I want to scream with the intensity of it all.

Does this feel okay? I want you to
feel good, Fallon.”

My eyes are half closed when I manage a
smile. “Far more than okay, Ryland. It’s wonderful,” I finally gasp
out. I’m not sure how because I’m having trouble finding enough
oxygen here.

Somehow his hand is between us while his
thumb starts to circle my little pleasure button. In about ten
seconds, I’m coming all over the place, writhing on his lap and
maybe screaming. I’m not sure anymore. It’s a never-ending

Bloody hell, Fallon. That was sexy as
all fuck,” he says. I want to laugh. I’m giddy, but I’m so weak I
can’t do a thing. He’s still rocking into me until, all of a
sudden, he makes the most erotic sound imaginable and I feel him
throbbing inside of me. The expression on his face is so amatory, I
want to start all over again, simply so I can see him

Ryland, I think you just beat me in
the sexy department.”

Impossible.” His breathing is still

We’re sitting, facing each other with his
arms encircling me as he kisses me.

I have to tell him. “You were right. This
should’ve been our first time. It was beautiful.”

Yeah, it was. But sometimes, when you
go through the rough spots, the beauty shines through, and when it
does, it’s much more appreciated.”

I don’t know why I ask this, but I do. “Have
you ever been in love?”

He stiffens, but answers with a “Why do you

Curious, I guess.”

Yeah. You?”

Nope. Thought I was headed there, but
he turned out to be a class-A jerk-hole.”

For some reason, he must like that answer
because his mouth pounces on mine without hesitation. I give him
back everything he wants. It’s mouthwatering, heart pumping and
leaves us both panting.

He looks at me oddly, like he’s searching
for the right words, yet he ends up saying nothing at all. I feel
the same. I mean, what do you say when you’ve just had the most
amazing sex ever?

Well, me being me, says just that. “That was
the most amazing sex ever.”

He laughs. Really hard.

What was so funny about

Since the only other time you had
sex, I acted like an utter arse, I would hope it was the best you
ever had.” He nudges me with his nose.

He has me laughing at that. “So, think you
can top this?”

Those amazing emeralds squint at me. “Hmm.
I’ve always loved a challenge.”

He moves me aside and I groan. “Where are
you going?”

Laughing, he heads towards the bathroom.
“Don’t worry; I’ll only be a minute.” A moment later I hear the
commode flushing and he’s back. He reaches for my hand. “Come


I’m going to cook you dinner and
then, when we’re finished, I have a challenge to meet.”

We dress and go down to the kitchen to
prepare dinner.


I learn something about Ryland that night.
He loves to cook. I help him assemble seafood kabobs, which I love.
As a South Carolinian, I’m a born and bred seafood lover.

He has scallops, halibut chunks and
swordfish pieces, seasoned perfectly. He serves them with skewered
vegetables on a bed of rice pilaf. We sit down to a sunset over the
mountains, sipping a chilled glass of wine and eating our delicious
dinner. It couldn’t be any better.

After about the third bite, my appetite for
food shifts, and I’m thinking about Ryland’s mouth on me, instead
of on his fork as I watch it slide into his mouth. Now I’m

I don’t realize I’ve stopped eating until he
asks, “Is something wrong?”


You haven’t really touched your

A rock of desire has formed in my throat so
I bite my lips together and try to swallow it. I realize his plate
is empty, so I’ve been staring at him for quite some time. I shake
my head and lick my dry lips because all the moisture in my body
seems to have migrated south and landed between my thighs.

He sets his fork down and pins me with his
eyes. The lids are half closed and his lips are open slightly, just
enough to let his tongue peek out and dab at his lower one.

Fallon,” his voice is laden with
desire, “what are you thinking about over there?”

You.” I couldn’t get another word to
come out of my mouth right then.

What about me?”

Damn, I wish he hadn’t asked me that. “How
sexy you look.”

The corners of his mouth lift. “That so?
What would you like to do about it?”

Kiss you.”

That all?”


His hand locks on my wrist and then I’m
suddenly in his lap, an inch away from that scrumptious mouth of
his. I trace the outline of it with my fingers, but don’t get too
far before he grabs my hand and takes my index finger in his.
“Tease,” is all he says before he slides my finger into his mouth
and begins to suck on it, softly at first, but then hard. Sweet
heaven, I’m moaning all over the place.

Fallon, you didn’t think I would stop
at that, did you?”

Truth is, I can barely think at all right
now. His finger is sliding down my chest now, from my throat to the
button of my shorts. I’m on fire for him. My body sways towards
him, wanting more, but he doesn’t give in. He undoes my shorts and
slips his finger down the front until he finds exactly what he’s
looking for. He knows it because I’m one giant, moaning, squirming
ball of fire by now.

He slides his finger into me and says, “Ah,
Fallon, you’re drenched, love.” He starts to move in and out as my
hands grip his arms. Then he stops and I cry out in protest. I
watch as he takes his finger and slips it all the way into his
mouth before pulling it back out and licking his lips. “Mmmm, sweet
and salty.”

His hands grab my hips and I quickly find
myself on the edge of the table as he pushes the plates out of the

What are you doing?”

Having my dessert.” He flashes me a
wicked grin.

But the dishes.”

I don’t give a bloody damn about
them,” he says as he tugs my shorts off, tossing them aside and
then he spreads my legs wide.

His mouth finds me, ready and willing for
him, and the sight of him tasting my most intimate bits hypnotizes
me; I can’t pull my eyes away. My hands are in his hair as he moves
over and around me, his tongue and fingers working me to
perfection. I’m sure I sound like the coyotes in the hills back
home, but I don’t care. This man is amazing and I’ve never felt
anything like this. He’s working my body as it’s never been worked
before, and I can feel myself getting closer to a climax.

Suddenly, I’m there, crying out his name, my
body rigid with tension before it explodes and cascades around me.
I’m so sensitive now, however he doesn’t stop, even though I beg
him to. It’s almost painful, yet he’s relentless in his pursuit of
something; whatever it is, it’s pushing me over the edge again.
This time, it’s an endless cascade of spasms. It lasts for a very
long time, and when it finally passes, I fall back on the table,

I’m not on the table for long, though. He
pulls me up and strips off my shirt then begins a tongue journey
across my body, the likes of which I’ve never imagined. My skin is
fire and ice, heat and shivers.

He grabs a handful of ice from the pitcher
of water on the table, and I suck in my breath when it lands on my
stomach. Each cube ventures off in a different direction with the
guidance of his hand and tongue.

It’s when he moves between my legs with them
that I’m reborn. I burst into life again as heated desire engulfs
me. His tongue pushes a cube deep inside of me. The combination and
fire and frost makes me want to scream, yet I’m not given the
chance because I’m suddenly on my feet as he spins me around and
bends me over the table.

I can hear his zipper go down and his shirt
being whisked off then I feel his heated chest against me and his
hot breath against my ear. “Fuck it all, Fallon. You are way more
dangerous than I ever gave you credit for, love. We’re going to
fuck this way, it’s going to be rough and you’re gonna love it, I

I hear him putting on a condom and then I
can feel him pressing against my opening. At first, he inches
inside, but then, when he knows I’m ready for him, he thrusts all
the way in and, oh God, he feels so damn good that I cry out. “Ah,
I want more.”

He gives it to me. I can hear and feel him
slamming into me, and I’m loving every plunge, every bit of him.
He’s stretched my arms out and one hand is holding mine while the
other is wrapped around my waist, holding me tightly against

Are you good?” he wants to

Yeah, b-better than good.” I’m
moaning so much, it’s hard to answer.

The way he flexes his hips, pushing himself
in so deep that he reaches a point that feels so damn right to me.
Then he takes his hand and starts to move it over my clit, and
before long, I come again. Just like that. My little muscles inside
start to clench and squeeze him.

Ah, bloody hell, Fallon.” He makes
that throaty sound. I can feel him throbbing inside of

Ryland, I really want to kiss you now
and hold you.”

I got you, love. Give me a sec.” He’s
out of breath while I wait.

A minute, maybe two later, he pulls out and
I regret that. I whine over the emptiness I feel.

I know, babe, I feel it, too, but I
have to get this condom off before we make a mistake we both don’t

Um, Ryland, I’m on the pill, and
obviously, I’m safe since you’re the only one I’ve ever slept with.
I don’t know your past, but…”

Fallon, I haven’t been with anyone in
quite a while, but yeah, I’m safe, too. I’ve been tested and, well,
it’s a long story. Maybe later. Right now, I want this to be about

Yeah. Us.”

He takes the condom off, and puts it
somewhere, I guess. I’m still on my stomach on the table so I’m not
aware and I don’t really care. Then he lifts me up and walks me to
a lounge chair where he lies down and pulls me on top of him.

Yeah,” I say as I snuggle against
him. “Perfect.” Then I kiss him. “I feel like a noodle right

BOOK: Exquisite Betrayal
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