Extremely Famous (30 page)

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Authors: Heather Leigh

BOOK: Extremely Famous
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Five years later.




I’m so ready to be home. After being gone the last two weeks to film on location in Hawaii, all I can think of is my family. Traffic from Logan is a bitch, as usual, so my agitation is increasing with each frustratingly slow mile.

I pull out my phone for the hundredth time since yesterday and look at the picture that Sydney sent
to me. God, they mean everything to me, my wife and kids. She took a photo of herself with the twins on her lap and all three of them are laughing.

I can tell that our son, Beck, is trying to get away from Sydney. He probably wants nothing to do with having his picture taken
, thinking a game of tag is a better idea. Our daughter Sage is doing what she always does, smiling and giggling and being the perfect kid, content to sit on Syd’s lap.

I touch the screen with my finger, eager to get home and see them. They change so much at this age, they’ll be three in just a few weeks. It seems as if every time I go away, something is different about them when I get back; they’re talking more, playing games, eating new foods. I hate being gone.

After we found out Syd was expecting, I cut back on any work that requires a lot of travel. Otherwise, they come with me on location. She still does some design work, but only locally and only small projects when I’m not filming.

We left New York and bought a house near my parents in Brookline just before the twins were born.
I didn’t want to worry about the paparazzi jumping on Sydney or the kids every time we left the brownstone. There’s no way I could stay calm if one of those assholes got anywhere near my children. Sydney just about had a nervous breakdown when she was pregnant and had to go out in public, she never would have been able to go out with the kids without freaking out.

“We’re here,” Bruce says as
he comes up to our gated drive, waving at Steve who is walking the perimeter.

“Thank God. It’s about time, I was going crazy back here.”

Bruce no sooner stops the limo and I’m flinging open the door, hurrying inside to see my family.

“Syd?” I call out as I open the front door.

“In here!”

I follow the sound of her voice and find them in the sunroom off of the kitchen.

“Daddy! Daddy!” Beck and Sage run over to get their hugs. This is the best part about being gone, whenever I get back the kids climb all over me.

“Hey guys! Did you miss me?” I grab a kid in each arm and lift them up as they squeal with joy.

“Yes Daddy!” Sage says as she gives me a big kiss. She’s so much like Syd, affectionate and loving, long dark hair and adorable little freckles.

“What about you buddy?” I ask my son.

“You were gone forever,” he pouts. Yep, just like me. He wants everything in its proper place, including me. He even looks exactly like me, green eyes and messy brown hair.

“I know buddy, I’m sorry. I’m home now for a while. Are we good?”

He thinks about it for a second and then nods. “Yeah, we’re good Daddy,” he says seriously.

“Awesome.” I put them both down and they run off to play.

“Hey you,” I say to my gorgeous wife, who’s been watching quietly from the other side of the room.

“I missed you,” she says as she walks over to me.

God, she’s so fucking beautiful. Even more now than when I met her six years ago. She’s finally been able to work through all of that horrible shit that happened to her as a kid, but there are still setbacks. She went through a pretty dark time right before the twins were born, afraid that they would end up having a childhood like hers. Afraid that a crazy fan would attack her and hurt or steal the babies.

I promised her that we wouldn’t let that happen, that
would never let that happen. It took leaving the city to get her to understand that our kids weren’t going to be exposed to all that shit. That I would make sure they were safe no matter what. Of course, having the SEALS in charge of our security helps quite a bit.

“Come here sexy
girl.” I reach out and pull her perfect body against mine. Two weeks without her and my dick twitches just from her leaning on me.

Fuck. I really hope the kids go to bed on time tonight.

“Mmmm, I can tell that you missed me,” she says in the raspy voice she gets when she’s thinking about sex. She rubs against me suggestively and I get hard in a half a second.

“Jesus Syd, you’re going to kill me. We s
till have,” I check my watch, “four hours until bedtime.”

“Plenty of time for you to think of all the ways you’re going to take me,” she whispers.

I groan and attack her mouth, running my tongue over the seam of her lips until she lets me in. Fuck, she tastes so good. I grip her tight ass and pull her closer, letting her feel how fucking hard she’s made me.

“Mommy, I’m hungry,” Sage says as she comes into the sunroom, completely killing my hard on.
I drop my head onto Sydney’s shoulder in frustration.

Reluctantly, I release Sydney. “I’ll get you something Sage, let’s go to the kitchen.” I reach down and she puts her little hand in mine.

“Wait for me, I’m hungry too Daddy!” Beck cries from the other room.

“We won’t start without you buddy, come on.”

Sydney scoops him up and puts him in his chair at the table while I lift Sage and set her next to him.

“I made roasted chicken and vegetables,” Sydney says
as she circles the table and pulls out some plates. “It’s in the oven, we were just waiting for you.”

She’s come a long way since burning spaghetti.

We sit down to dinner and the kids tell me about everything that happened over the last two weeks. My eyes find Syd across the table and she smiles.

I know.
I’m the luckiest fucking bastard in the entire world.





Once again, I have to thank
my husband, Brian, who gave up a lot of hot dinners so I could obsess over my books. He believed in me wholeheartedly, not thinking twice about my crazy plan to write a series of books, when I’d never written a thing before in my life. Not even a grocery list.

I also want to thank my friends
and family, especially my mom, who I finally allowed to read my book. I mean, how embarrassing is it to have your mom read sex scenes that you wrote? Thankfully, she loved it and tried to help me fix all of my “spelling errors” which turned out to be Drew speaking in his Boston accent!

Once again
, I have to thank my three awesome Betas; Heather DeLuca, Amy Woods, and Krystal Wiles-Austin. If I had to pick between you and the Sox winning the series again… well, I would choose the Sox, but I still love you guys!

Next, I have to thank the REVelers from the Georgia Romance Writers. Our critiquing sessions
, and the advice you gave me at our GRW meeting were invaluable to my work.

I want to thank the wonderful bloggers out there who have helped me more than they know. Milasy at The Rock Stars of Romance, Erin at MeReadALot, Jennifer at Love Between the Sheets, Shannon at Cocktails and Books, and last but in no way least, DK at Book Lovin’ Junkie. All of you took a chance on an unknown author and put my book out there for your readers to enjoy.

H. Leigh

About the Author


After growing up in New England, Heather Leigh currently lives just outside Atlanta, Georgia with her husband and two children. She enjoys traveling, anything made of chocolate (except white chocolate, which doesn’t count as actual chocolate), hanging with her French Bulldog and Pug, and of course, the Boston Red Sox.


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Famous Series

Book 1 - Relatively Famous

Book 2 - Absolutely Famous

Book 3 - Extremely Famous

Book 4 - Already Famous: coming soon


Sphere of Irony Series

Book 1 – Incite. Adam’s story: coming soon

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