Eye Candy (11 page)

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Authors: Frederick Germaine

BOOK: Eye Candy
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“You’re right, Shanna, this is a nice salon,” whispered Monica as they continued to walk.

“I told you, Monica. You have to learn to trust me sometimes.”

When the women arrived in the seating area they noticed how it was plush, decorated well, and were filled with women waiting for their stylist. Some of the women were flipping through magazines but there was one who was noticeably talking too loud on her cell phone. The pair spotted two empty seats on the oversized chocolate leather sofa in front of them. In addition, sitting on the sofa was a woman patiently waiting with a book in her hand.

“I’m going to grab a beverage at the refreshment bar before I take a seat,” said Monica pointing to the bar that was only a few feet away. “Do you want anything from there?”

“No thanks I’m fine. I’ll be sure to save you a seat on the sofa.”

“I’ll be over there soon.”

Shanna made her way over to the sofa where the woman was sitting on the end seat. She took the middle seat next to her.

“Hello,” said Shanna to the stranger.

“Hi,” replied the woman looking at Shanna briefly and then quickly focused her attention back to the book she was reading.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help but notice the illustration cover to the book in your hand. Is that an older title you’re reading?”

“Actually no,” answered the woman turning her attention back to Shanna. “It’s a fairly new book I think the author just used a retro look for the book cover.”

“Who’s the author?”

“He’s an up-and-coming author named Frederick Germaine. The book is called
Ladies’ Man.”

“Ladies’ Man!”
shouted Shanna. “I don’t think I’ll be recommending that title to my book club any time soon. The last thing we want to read is a book about a womanizing man.”

“It’s really pretty good so far,” said the woman continuing the dialogue. “The author depicts a male-perception storyline where the man’s heart is actually broken by his cheating girlfriend. That alone compels him to try his fate at being a ladies’ man.”

“Oh, well, that sounds interesting and different.”

By now, Monica joined the pair with her beverage in hand. She sat next to Shanna on the leather sofa. The other woman immersed herself back into the book she was reading.

“So what did you get to drink?” asked Shanna turning to her friend.

“A cappuccino,” replied Monica taking a sip from her cup.

Before the two could continue their conversation, up walks a man to the sofa. He stood at least six-four and weighed two hundred and thirty pounds. His biceps and chest protruded through the tight-fitting shirt he was wearing.

“Shanna, is that you again?” asked the tall well built man.

“Raphael!” shouted out Shanna as she stood up to greet him. “Yes, I decided to come back and this time I brought my friend.”

“Well, bless your heart, honey. Now give me a hug and a kiss because it’s so good to see you again.”

Shanna eagerly complied and gave Raphael a friendly hug. Then he turned his cheek to hers and gave her a kiss without actually kissing her. He repeated the process to her other cheek.

“And who is this cute little button with you?” he asked.

“Raphael, this is my good friend, Monica.”

Not knowing what to expect, Monica stood up, smiled bashfully, and extended her hand out to him.

“Oh girl, give me a hug and a kiss too,” he said in his friendly tone. “We’re all family up in here.”

The two hugged and Raphael kissed both sides of Monica’s cheek as he did with Shanna. After that, the two separated.

“You two can follow me back to my work area. There’s an extra chair for Monica to sit in while I begin on your hair first, Shanna.”

Both women followed Raphael as the rest of the women in the lounge area looked on. As the three walked through the salon, they passed an array of beautiful woman being given a distinctive look only Atlanta was known for. But no other stylish in the salon could compete with Raphael. Hands down he was the best.

“Well, here we are ladies,” said Raphael once they reached his work area.

He had three full-size salon chairs in his area with floor-to-ceiling mirrors in front of each. The area was spacious and neat. Behind each chair was a black opiate colored sink and a hair dryer. Shanna took a seat right next to where Raphael stood as Monica positioned herself in one of the remaining chairs.

“So what’s the occasion this time,” asked Raphael as he effortlessly combed his fingers through Shanna’s hair. “You have another hot date?”

“Hell no,” yelled Shanna looking frustrated.

“Shanna!” screamed Monica as her friend’s answer caught her off guard.

“I’m so sorry, Monica. But I’m so sick and tired of these men in Atlanta. All they want is sex, sex, and more sex.”

“Darling, I just love these sexy men in Atlanta,” responded Raphael in a flamboyant tone. “I don’t know what I’d do without them.”

“Very funny, Raphael,” said Shanna. “But that’s easy for you to say. Lately, my friend, I keep in the nightstand, has been my best comfort.”

“Oh, girl, I’m scared of you,” blurted out Raphael.

“Well, don’t be Raphael because there’s no shame in my game. It will have to suffice until I find Mr. Right.”

“So darling you want it the same way as last time?” asked Raphael as he placed a cape over Shanna’s body.

“I guess so Raphael. I really liked the new look you gave me.”

“How about if I jazz it up even a bit more and cut the ends then add some highlights?”

“I think I’ll like that even more.”

“Girl, after I finish with you, you’re going to look like a knockout.”

“Well, maybe somebody will notice at the party next Saturday,” Shanna said in an excited manner.

“What party?” asked Raphael.

“My husband and I are celebrating our twins’ birthday,” interjected Monica.

“Oh, how sweet, Monica,” said Raphael. “So how old will they be?”

“They are turning four,” she replied back.

“Yeah and Monica promised there would be a few eligible bachelors from her husband’s company at the party,” Shanna said with confidence.

“I promise those men are going to fight over you,” Raphael stated. “But first we need to get you under the sink for a wash.”




“Dammit this woman is going to kill me,” said Sebastian to himself as he looked at his watch. “It’s already nine-thirty and I was supposed to be at her house at eight.”

He exits the elevator on the floor of the high-rise where his date for the evening resides. Boastfully, he walks down the narrow hallway passing countless doors with a bouquet of fresh flowers in his hand. Managing to find a florist open this late on a Saturday night was no easy task, but easy enough for him. The flowers would surely comfort his date’s anger he assumed.

“I think this is it,” he speaks to himself again pausing in front of a door in the hallway. “I hate this high-rise, all the doors on every floor look alike and I always forget her suite number.”

Calmly, he takes a deep breath, gathers his composure, and then gently knocks on the door. After no answer, he repeats the process but this time knocking a little louder. Finally, on the other end of the door he hears the deadbolt turning and the door opens.

“Oh, I’m sorry I must have knocked on the wrong residence,” said Sebastian looking at the woman in front of him.

The woman had pried the door open just enough where he could get a glimpse of her. She was beautiful, dressed in a provocative red negligee showing a little bit of her goodies, and barefoot too.

“Well, maybe I can help you find her,” said the mysterious woman eyeballing him up and down. “What does she look like?”

“She’s about your height, physique, and very attractive just like you.”

“Sorry mister, I don’t recall anyone on this floor resembling my looks. You might want to try another floor.”

“That’s too bad, I kind of wish I was lost on purpose now.”

“Are you flirting with me, mister?”

“Only if it would get you to open the door a bit wider so I could get to know you better.”

“No, I don’t think so. Besides, my boyfriend who is real jealous is on his way over.”

Abruptly and rudely, the mysterious woman slams the door in front of Sebastian’s face before he could mutter another word out of his mouth. Dejected, he pauses while looking at the flowers he still held in his hand. Then he turns and walks away slowly. Suddenly, the door where the woman once stood opens up again.

“Sebastian, you better get in here,” she softly announces while peaking her head outside the door.

With his back towards the door and halfway down the hallway he cracks an enormous smile. Then he turns around keeping his smile and opens his arms up to the woman who just closed the door on him a few seconds ago.

“Baby, did you miss me?” he asked once he arrived back at the front of the door again.

The woman grabs him by the front of his shirt and yanks him into her residence. She instantly pushes him onto the wall and closes the front door.

“Did I?” she asked not letting him answer. Then she kisses him frantically on his lips and moves down to his neck while rubbing his muscular chest. “I hate it when you’re always late. What took you so long?”

“Just another mundane Saturday at the office trying to meet a deadline,” he replied. “Sorry, baby, I simply lost track of time. But look I brought these for you.”

He hands her the bouquet of flowers that are still grasped in his hand. Hopefully, they will make up for the lost time.

“They’re beautiful, Sebastian,” she said taking the flowers from his hand. Then she playfully strikes him on his shoulder with the same flowers. “I swear I’m going to kill you the next time you’re late. Dinner has been ready for almost two hours now.”

“I’m sorry, baby.”

“I forgive you this time. Now take a seat at the table while I put these flowers in some water.”

The round table was already set to display a romantic theme for the couple. A well pressed white linen tablecloth draped over the table all the way down to the floor. On top of the table, sat two slender candles displayed in a sterling finished holder. Next to the table was a bottle of wine being chilled in an elegant bucket.

“So what are we having for dinner?” he asked while taking a seat at the decked out table as instructed.

“T-bone steaks cooked medium rare just the way you liked them served with sauté onions on top. Plus, I made sweet potatoes, steamed broccoli, and a fresh chef salad with all the extras.”

“That sounds delicious but I wouldn’t mind tasting something else first.”

“Oh, no you don’t, Sebastian. You’re going to have to wait just like I had to wait on you.”

“Come on, baby, don’t keep me waiting. How about giving me a little appetizer before the main meal?”

“No. Besides, it took a lot of time and energy preparing this meal for us to enjoy.”

“Okay you win.”

While Sebastian patiently waits for his meal to arrive, his date for the evening meanders throughout the kitchen. She finally arrives placing the bouquet of flowers, in a vase halfway filled with water, at the center of the table. Afterwards, she returns to the kitchen then back to the table with their plates.

“Baby, this looks scrumptious,” said Sebastian looking down at his plate she places in front of him. “You cooked all this yourself?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Looks like all the effort you put into those cooking classes have paid off.”

“Well, don’t just sit there admiring it tell me how it tastes,” she said lighting the two candles and taking a seat across from him.

He unfolds his fork and knife from his linen napkin and cuts into the juicy steak but not before he tops it with Al Steak Sauce. After cutting a large portion, he places it into his mouth onions and all.

“Hmmm, baby that’s so good,” he said with his mouth half full of steak.

“I’m glad you like it,” she said beginning to carefully run the tines of her fork over her steam broccoli. “So how are things going at work?”

“Work is work.”

“What about the promotion you’ve been talking about?”

“I’ve been working very diligently lately. I think eventually my boss will see things my way.”

Sebastian rises from his seat and retrieves the chilled bottle of wine that waits nearby. He uncorks the bottle and fills his date’s wine glass half-full. Then he pours himself an equal amount and replaces the bottle back into the bucket.

“Let’s make a toast,” he summoned holding up his wine glass while standing.

His date eagerly jumps to her feet with wine glass in hand and joins him near his seat.

“So what are we toasting to, Sebastian?”

“We’re toasting to us, our future, and everything we worked so hard for.”

The two make their wine glasses meet which gave off a soft chime sound. Then it was bottoms up for him. He gently grabs her at the base of her neck and has a handful of her hair in the process.

“Be careful, Sebastian, I just left the hair salon earlier today.”

“Well, your hair is sure to get messed up now.”

Without haste, he blows the lit candles out which were slowly burning. In a violent manner he shoves everything off the table.

“Sebastian, what the hell are you doing?” she screams out.

“Sit on top of the table now!” he orders her.

“And what if I don’t?”

“Dammit, I said sit your sexy ass on top of the table.” “Oh, I just love it when you take the aggressive tone with me. It’s such a turn on.”

While she complied with his wishes, he took the glass from her hand and set it aside with his out the way. Quickly, he removed his shirt showing off his gridiron physique. She leaned back on her elbows giving herself support. Before he could say another word, she spread open her legs giving him what he was looking for since he came through the door.

“Yeah, that’s how I like you to spread those legs,” he said getting excited. “Now take a deep breath because I’m about to go down on you like a parachute.”

He teases her first by gently kissing only her bellybutton and rubs her clitoris with his thumb. Slowly, he inches closer to her hot spot with his tongue while she closes her eyes. As he finally allows his wet tongue to massage her clitoris, she places one of her legs on his shoulder.

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