Eye Candy (12 page)

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Authors: Frederick Germaine

BOOK: Eye Candy
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“Oh, Sebastian, that feels so good,” she moans out placing her remaining free leg on his other shoulder.

“Uh huh,” he added still pleasing her with his magic tongue.

After she was all worked up, he then took the top of his tongue and positioned it at the base of her vagina. He licked upwards being careful to move slowly and massage her pussy lips in the process. He ended up back on her clitoris nibbling it a bit this time. He repeated this process over, and over, and over again until her legs began to tremble like an earthquake on his shoulders.

“Shit!” she cried out with her head fully extended back. “I want you inside of me.”

“I thought you’d never ask.”

His tongue had been in overdrive and her wet pussy was spewing with juices he loved to taste. He finally came up for air and placed her legs off his shoulders but carefully arched on the table. Then he unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and a long hard thick dick fell out. She managed to gain some sort of composure now and turned her head forward to see what was in front of her. Just as she did, he maneuvered his arms up under her legs where the palm of his huge hands rested on top of her thighs. Suddenly, he inched her closer to him for greater leverage.

“Here it comes inside of you, baby,” he said while placing himself in her without using his hands.

“I thought it couldn’t be this good again,” she winched out.

Their two bodies stuck together like molasses and only spread apart long enough for him to thrust deeper. She caresses his strokes making sure she felt every inch of him. As she now moans in pleasure, he’s pleased she is being satisfied at the moment. She gets wetter and his dick even seems to get harder as the strokes turn into pounding. The sounds of their wet bodies clashing makes Sebastian turn up the heat even more. He finally gets there, but not before she does. Breathing as if they just ran a marathon, the two remained positioned on the edge of the table as if they were posing for a sculpture’s masterpiece. Neither one of them could say a word. There was just a calm, yet continuous, exhale from the two. While beneath them, the floor was still littered with the dinner décor.


“Mommy and daddy wake up!” screamed Brandon running into our bedroom as fast as he could. “It’s our birthday!”

By the time his feet reached the edge of our king-size bed, he took one giant leap as if he was a gymnast and flopped into our bed. Amazingly, he landed between Monica and I who were still trying to sleep.

“Brandon, what are you doing up so early?” asked Monica with her eyes still closed as she lay in the bed.

Still lying on my side with my back to her and Brandon, I reached over to the nightstand and picked up my cell phone. I was dreading to see what time it was.

“Monica, it’s only seven-thirty,” I said in a sleepy tone.

“Brandon, grown-ups are supposed to sleep in late on Saturday mornings,” she said finally opening her eyes and looking at her son.

“I know, mommy, but it’s our birthday.”

“Here I come, mommy!” yelled Braylon running down the hall and entering our bedroom now.

Just as his brother did a few moments before him, he gave his best impression of an acrobat and flipped into our bed landing next to his brother. Only this time, he raised his hands, laughed, and smiled as if we were judges at a contest.

“Happy birthday, boys,” said Monica rising up in the bed as she hugged the twins.

“Daddy, wake up,” said Brandon as he nudged my back.

“I’m up, I’m up,” I said rolling over and facing the trio. “You two birthday boys come over here and give your daddy a kiss.”

The twins did as they were told. First Brandon kissed me on the cheek and as always Braylon followed him.

“Where are our presents?” asked Brandon turning his attention back to his mother.

“Yeah, we want to open our gifts,” said his brother.

“Oh, no you two,” Monica said. “You’ll have to wait until this afternoon at your birthday party. All your friends are coming over with all kinds of gifts.”

“No, mommy, I can’t wait that long,” pouted Brandon as he folded his arms and frowned in his Spider Man pajamas.

As Brandon pleaded his case with Monica, I rose to my feet and walked to one of the three windows closest to our bed. The Saturday sun was barley trickling into the room and I figured I’d open the wooden blinds. Once I did, I noticed a white utility van parked next door in our neighbor’s driveway. The black lettering on the van read: Ace Security Systems. ‘No job is too big or too small’ was their motto written directly under the company’s name.

“Looks like Mrs. Chastain, our next door neighbor, is having some new work done to her security system,” I said wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

“I guess she feels you can never be too cautious,” Monica stated turning her attention away from the twins briefly.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

Ms. Chastain was in her mid-seventies and had been a widow for nearly ten years now. She was the first person to welcome us into the neighborhood when we purchased our house after the wedding. Her favorite pastime was baking and she revealed this to us by delivering a homemade red-velvet cake as a house warming gift. We had even invited her to the twins’ birthday party hoping she would bring over some sweet goodies. Ironically, her husband had retired from the now-defunct General Motors assembly plant before he died.

“So you two really want to open your gifts now?” Monica asked catering to the twins wishes.

“Yeah!” screamed both of them together at the top of their lungs.

“Okay, let’s go and see what’s in store for you two downstairs.”

Monica’s body emerged from beneath the covers as the excited twins’ feet hit the floor before hers did. Little did the twins know that downstairs there were two brand new shiny blue bicycles they so desperately wanted.

I worked late last night at the office making amendments for the revitalization project. After that, I drove to Toys R Us and picked up the assembled gifts. It was a hassle trying to fit both bikes into my Audi but somehow I managed. Fortunately for me, the twins were sound asleep when I made it home.

“Are you coming, Aaron?” Monica asked as I still stood by the window.

“You guys go ahead I’ll be down in a minute.”

“Come on, mommy, let’s go,” Brandon impatiently requested tugging on his mother’s arm.

“Okay, here I come,” she said as Braylon grabbed her other arm.

“So what time did you say the bounce house company is coming by to set up?” I asked Monica before they all headed out the room.

“Aaron, that was supposed to be a surprise!”

“Oops. Well, surprise boys.”

“We get to play on a bounce house at our party today, daddy?” asked Brandon.

“Yup that’s right,” I said. “It’s for both of you and all your friends who are coming over.”

“Honey, the bounce house company should arrive an hour before the party begins,” Monica said. “And my parents should be here well before then.”

“Okay. Now you better get going downstairs before those two yank your arms off.”

While Monica and the twins ran off downstairs, I moved to the bathroom where I slapped some cold water on my face then brushed my teeth. As I looked up from the bathroom sink into the mirror, I noticed a few strains of grey hair starting to show on the side of my head.

“You’re starting to get old, Aaron,” I said to myself in the mirror while chuckling. “I guess we all do sooner or later.”

Then I grabbed my wool robe, placed it on, and secured the belt around my waist. It was now time to head downstairs and watch my boys have some fun.

“Daddy, look I’m riding my bike,” Brandon said while zipping past me once I made it downstairs.

“Me too, see,” said his brother closely following behind him on his new bike.

The twins were riding their bikes in a circular motion in the area between the kitchen and living room. The training wheels on the bikes kept their balance while the hardwood floor gave them the traction to keep them moving.

“Hey, you two are going to destroy something in here,” I said watching them make circles around me. “How about we go outside in the driveway for a test drive?”

“Okay daddy,” announced Brandon while his brother continued to follow him on his bike.

“Don’t be too long,” said Monica while peaking her head from the kitchen looking at the three of us. “Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. And make sure they wear their helmets, Aaron.”

“Mommy, I don’t need to wear a helmet,” Brandon said pausing for a minute and folding his arms again as he did earlier in our bed. “I’m a big boy now.”

“Well, big boys still need to wear helmets too, Brandon,” I said while I went into the living room to retrieve the head gear.

I was able to pry both of them off their bikes long enough so I could carry both bikes out of the house. Once we were outside, I fitted both twins with their helmets and they quickly repositioned themselves on their bikes. This time they had more than enough room to ride.

“Now, stay in the driveway and don’t go out in the street,” I said firmly to both of them.

“Okay,” replied the two of them as they took off.

As I watched the twins continue to enjoy their bike ride, out strolls our next-door neighbor, Mrs. Chastain. She was already dressed for the day in aqua colored pants and a white blouse. Her hair, which was grey all over, was perfectly styled as always.

“Good morning, Aaron,” she said as she waved from her porch standing outside her front door. Her other hand was placed around a crystal coffee cup.

“Good morning to you, Mrs. Chastain,” I replied back feeling somewhat awkward as I stood in the driveway with my hands in my robe’s pocket.

“I see the twins are out enjoying their birthday gift,” she said then takes a sip of coffee from her cup. “Happy birthday, twins.”

“Hi Mrs. Chastain,” said the twins together without looking up.

“So, Aaron, is the twins’ birthday party still set for two o’clock today?”

“Yes ma’am. We look forward to seeing you there with some of your tasty desserts.”

“I’m in the kitchen now trying to decide what to bake and bring over.”

“Well, whatever you decide we know it’s going to be good,” I said. “So is everything alright with your security system this morning?”

“Oh yes, dear. I’m just having my security system upgraded a bit. You know how a little old woman like me can get spooked easily.”

“Don’t be Mrs. Chastain. You know Monica and I are always just a few feet away.”

“That’s mighty sweet of you, Aaron. Well, I think I hear the security guy calling for me. I’ll see you all later this afternoon.”

“See you soon, Mrs. Chastain.”

For a few more minutes, the surprised twins continued to enjoy their bikes. Once I got a whiff of Monica’s cooking penetrating the front door, I knew it was time to go. Only the twins were disappointed we had to go back inside.

Back inside the home we all sat down at the breakfast table. Monica’s cooking hit the spot for my growling stomach. The twins hardly touched their food overly excited about the day still to come. After breakfast, we all went back upstairs to get prepared for the long day ahead of us.

It was noon when Monica and I started hanging the twins’ birthday decorations. We were on the wooden deck which extended on the ground from our house in the back yard. Near us the twins were busy kicking their new soccer ball to each other in the freshly cut green lawn. They managed to convince their mother to allow them to open another one of their gifts before the party officially began. Suddenly, the front door bell rang which caused us to pause.

“Sounds like our first guest have arrived,” I said as I finished tying a ribbon to the end of a blue colored balloon.

“It’s probably my parents,” Monica replied back. “I’ll go get the door.”

“Oh no, sweetheart, you have been working way too hard already so far. Just stay put I’ll go get it.”

“Okay Aaron.”

Monica stayed behind completing the Happy Feet cartoon character theme that the twins so desperately wanted for their party. I dashed back inside the house, passing the living room and kitchen, and then finally made it to the front door. Just as Monica predicted, it was her parents standing there once I opened the door.

“Dr. Carmichael and Allison, we figured it was you two at the door. Come on in.”

“Hello there, Aaron,” said Allison walking into our home with her arms held outwards for a hug. “How have you been doing?”

“I’ve been good,” I said hugging her. “And how have you been?”

“Oh, you know me as good as I’ll ever be.”

After our brief embrace, Dr. Carmichael followed his wife into the house. He was carrying two medium sized boxes which were carefully gift wrapped but it didn’t prevent him from extending his right hand to me.

“Aaron, glad to finally see you again,” he said giving me a firm handshake. “How’s the revitalization project going?”

“It’s coming along very well.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“So how is everything over at Emory?” I asked him.

“It couldn’t be better,” he replied back quickly.

“Now, where are the birthday boys?” asked Allison as I closed the front door. “I couldn’t wait to get over here today and see their cute little faces.”

“They’re in the back yard playing with their new soccer ball,” I said. “Monica and I are just finishing up with the decorations. Come on in and follow me.”

After our brief exchange of greetings, my in-laws followed me to the rear of the house. They were excited to see the back yard where Monica and the twins were.

“Grandma and grandpa,” yelled the twins as they noticed the pair from the middle of the back yard.

Their grandmother was the first to meet them. She bent down on one knee and graciously opened her arms for the twins who hugged her without hesitation.

“Happy birthday, boys,” she said still embracing them.

“Are those our presents?” Brandon asked while pointing to the gifts his grandfather was carrying.

“Yes, they are,” replied Dr. Carmichael placing the gifts on a large table nearby on the wooden deck. The same table was reserved for the twins’ birthday gifts. “But you’ll have to wait until the party begins before you can open them. Now, come over here and give your grandpa a hug.”

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